Whiting WWII Service
December 7, 1941 -- September 2, 1945
Search on this website for these Roll of Honor Servicemen individual pages. See the link below:
Serviceman Surname Index link
* indicates killed in action
Robert Allen | ![]() |
Charles Anderson | ![]() |
Donnie E. Anderson | ![]() |
George Babb | Bruce Mercer |
Robert Babb | * George Mercer |
* Samuel Babb | Jimmy Mercer |
Donald Baker | Mervin B. Mercer |
Elmer O. Baker | Robert Mercer |
Robert E. Bearce | Charles E. Merritt |
Robert H. Behrens | Harvey Merritt |
Parl Benner, Jr. | Leslie Miller |
Vearl J. Blackwell | Rex Moad |
Vernon Bliven | Donald Moon |
Alden Howard Blount | Marjorie Moon |
Viven E. Blount | Roland Moss |
Joe Boston | Thomas Munson |
Ned Boston | Clayton Myers |
* C. Elwood Bowers | Dean Neffenegger |
Royal Bowers | Clifford Nelson |
Rex Boyles | Francis Nelson |
Robert Boyles | Gerald Nelson |
A. Maurice Brenden | Roger Nolan |
Arnold Brenden | Ronald J. Oldis |
Dean Brooks | Annette Olson |
Benjamin Brown | Donald K. Olson |
David Carlson | K. Lavail Olson |
George Carlson | Raymond Olson |
Iver Carlson | Benton Parks |
Jack Carlson | Paul W. Patterson |
L. Wayne Casperson | Glen Percival |
Glenn E. Chandler | Herbert W. Pike |
Walter Chesterman | Frederick W. Ping |
William J. Clark | Edward Pokorny |
Earl Cochran | Dale Polly |
Ira L. Cochran, Jr. | Robert L. Polly |
Harold C. Conway | Willis R. Polly |
Bradd B. Coons | Earline Porter |
Mac Coons | Harold Pratt |
Wilson Crawford | Robert E. Pratt |
George R. Croker | Allan F. Richards |
Robert C. Croker | Charles H. Richards |
Leonard Crossley | Carl Richardson |
* Rex Crowell | Walter Roberts |
Murray V. Cummings | Albert C. Rodman |
Leo J. Cutler | George W. Ross |
Leroy B. Cutler | Dare Rowe |
Clarence Dahl | Robert D. Rowe |
Don W. Dahl | Lavern Rowland |
Gordon Dahl | Frank Schmitz, Jr. |
Fred J. Daniels, Jr. | Lloyd Schurdevin |
Arthur A. Dean | John Scott |
Dallas Deen | John Seward |
Denman F. Dean | Steven Seward |
Delbert E. DeLashmutt | Betty Sisson |
Glen E. Dittman | Ben Skidmore, Jr. |
Willard Durr | Shirley T. Skidmore |
Bert T. Earlanson | Morse Smith |
Jules C. Fegenbush | William Smith |
Lloyd Fiscus | Wade Smothers |
Wilmert J. Fletcher | Robert L. Sorenson |
Wade Foster | Roy Sorenson |
Donald French | W. Hal Speers |
Lloyd E. French | Donald M. Stauch |
Charles Funkhouser | Martin O. Stauch |
Neal Funkhouser | Omar A. Stauch |
Marian Gibler | Walter Swesey |
Donald Gibson | Merritt C. Swim |
Raymond M. Gloyer | Harold Sydow |
Vernon H. Gloyer | Leo Terrill |
Armand W. Gulick | George B. Till |
William Gulick | George W. Tippens, Jr. |
Carl E. Gustafson | Orville Towne |
Marvin Gustafson | Dwight D. Utterback |
Leo Hall | Wayne Utterback |
H. Milo Hall | Milton VandeStowe |
Calvin Harding | Richard Van Tassel |
R. Burnell Heath | Bernell A. Waugh |
Paul Hightree | Donald L. Waugh |
Delbert Hileman | Harold J. Westergaard |
Leland Hileman | Dick Whiting |
Lloyd Hileman | Mack Whiting |
Lester Hilton | Myrick Whiting |
Max Hirschman | Quinton Wicksell |
Howard Holloway | Guy Wiley |
Raymond L. Holloway | E. Beth Williams |
Charles E. Holmes | Johnnie Williams |
Jules D. Holmes | Warren Williams |
* Royce Holmes | Cleo Woodrich |
Carl E. Hopkins | Frank Kadlub |
D. Wesley Hopkins | Louise Smith |
Justin E. Hopkins | William G. Butters |
Lenora Hopkins Ellis | James L. "Bud" Harvey |
Robert Huff | William E. Martin |
Milton W. Hughes | Floyd G. Martin |
Franklin Hunting | Gene E. Martin |
Loren Hutcheson | Jack E. Martin |
Carl Hutcheson | Charles R. "Dick" Martin |
Fred Jary | William D. Mortensen |
Joe Jary | Leslie G. George |
Arbie Johnson | John L. Garred, Sr. |
Clarence Johnson | Lloyd N. Larsen |
V. Oscar Jones | Ardell L. Persinger |
George Karch | Arvin L. Clinkenbeard |
Richard J. Karr | Leon E. Henkel |
Billy King | Daniel G. Anders |
Eunice Koenig | La Verne J. Simpson |
Cleo Kratz | John Hurlo |
Rex Kratz | Eldon V. Paulsen |
Darrel Kron | Donald G. Miller |
Harold Kyvig | L. "Dick" Miller |
Lawrence LaBrune | Marion G. Chapman |
Donald Langren | John W. Conway |
Edwin F. Langren | William Thomas Monk Sr. |
Hans Larson | Walter D. Burgess |
Marvin O. Larson | Vernon LaBrune |
Mary Jane Larson | Russell E. Stauffer |
George Lawson | Homer Eldon Dale |
Ardell E. Lee | Phillip Hall |
Kermit Lee | George Smith |
Leonard Lind | Stanley L. Slocum |
Donald Long | J. Marvin Jones |
Howard G. Mackey | G. Robert Lott |
Earl M. Mander | Dayle Ellis |
Ervin Mander | Cecil Mercer |
James Mander | G. Leroy Baker |
* Loren Mander | Rex A. Persinger |
Elvin B. Matthews | Lyle E. Mock |
Basil McCandless | Delbert W. Bowers |
Gail McCandless | Gordon L. Heath |
Vern McCandless | R. Dale Jackson |
William McCandless | Robert W. Johnson |
Arthur Mercer | Merle W. West |