Worth County IAGenWeb

Civil War Veterans who served from Worth County and
Worth County Civil War Casualities

Civil War Veterans who served from Worth County, Iowa

Sources: History of Mitchell and Worth Counties, Iowa, vol.1, p.364-367, Report of the Adjutant General and Acting Quartermaster General of the State of Iowa, 1864-1865, Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion, v.3, p.494, v.4, p.1264, v.5, p.41 & 112, Minnesota in the Civil War and Indian Wars 1861-1865, p.233, Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers War of the Rebellion, vol.1, p.828

Abbey, Alonzo C. Co. B, 7th IA Cavalry
Abbey, Villeroy Co. M, 4th IA Cavalry
Anderson, Arne Co. F, 7th IA Cavalry
Anderson, Tollef Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Aslakson, Torger Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Beadle, John Q. Co. C, 12 U.S. Regular Inf.
Beeber, Augustus Co. A, 21st IA Infantry
Berge, Ole T. Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Bigelow, Doctor C. Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Bigelow, Frank C. Co. C, 12 U.S. Regular Inf.
Bloker, Benjamin Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Bolton, Isaac M. Co. A, 21st IA Infantry
Buergo, Ole T. Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Butler, Guy R. 10th KS Infantry
Carr, Anthony Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Caswell, Warren Co. B, 7th IA Infantry
Christopherson, Fingal Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Clark, Henry H. Co. B, 7th IA Infantry
Cope, Peter Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Cravath, James P. Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Crosier, John Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Crum, Benjamin F. Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Crum, Peter Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Dahl, Iver G. Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Dahl, John 15th IA Infantry
Enos, John G. Co. G, 7th IA Cavalry
Fisher, William E. Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Franklin, Asa Co. A, 26th IA Infantry
Frink, Alonzo Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Gallup, William N. Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Greeley, Otis Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Greeley, Solomon Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Gulbrandson, Chris Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Harrington, William Co. A, 21st IA Infantry
Heiny, Ignatius Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Heiny, John Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Helgeson Nils Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Helgeson, Gulbrand Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Herrington, B. H. Co. A, 21st IA Infantry
Hill, Amos Co. C, 12 U.S. Regular Inf.
Hinman, Hoel L. Co. C, 12 U.S. Regular Inf.
Hundeby, G. Knudtson 3rd IA Battery
Hundeby, Theodore K. Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Ingebretson, Halvor Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Johnson, John Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Johnson, Knudt W. Co. B, 7th IA Infantry
Johnson, Perry M. Co. A, 21st IA Infantry
Johnson, Sever M. Co. G, 7th IA Cavalry
Judd, Franklin Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Knudson, Theodore Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Lane, Chauncey S. Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Lee, Terre A. Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Levanway, Sylvester Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Lowthian, Nicholas 5th MN Infantry
Mason, Columbus Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Matson, William Co. A, 21st IA Infantry
Morris, Orren F. Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Oleson, Austin Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Oleson, Herbrand Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Olson, Kittel Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Paine, Francis C. Co. A, 21st IA Infantry
Paulson, Paul M. Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Pederson, Axel Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Perkins, Myron S. Co. G, 7th IA Cavalry
Perkins, Ora 4th MN Infantry
Perkins, Perry J. 4th MN Infantry
Pickell, Samuel B. Co. A, 21st IA Infantry
Pickell, William H. Co. A, 21st IA Infantry
Place, Lester Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Platt, Charles A. Co. M, 7th IA Cavalry
Platt, Henry H. Co. M, 7th IA Cavalry
Platt, William Co. G, 7th IA Cavalry
Price, James Co. M, 7th IA Cavalry
Randall, James Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Rendall, John Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Rhodes, William Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Sahd, James S. Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Severson, Johannes Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Severson, John 15th IA Infantry
Sorenson, Soren Co. K, 15th WI Infantry
Stevens, Edwin Co. G, 7th IA Cavalry
Stewart, Anson M. Co. B, 7th IA Infantry
Sumner, Jabez Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Swain, Charles B. Co. F, 4th MN Infantry
Swanger, George W. Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Templeton, Francis Co. A, 21st IA Infantry
Towne, Albert L. Co. B, 32nd IA Infantry
Towne, John Co. A, 21st IA Infantry
Wadsworth, Benjamin K. Co. C, 12 U.S. Regular Inf.
Wadsworth, Dwight A. Co. M, 7th IA Cavalry
Wright, Chester Co. M, 7th IA Cavalry

Worth County Civil War Casualties

Source: History of Mitchell & Worth Counties, Iowa, 1918, vol.1, p.366

(1). Torger Aslakson, died in the general hospital at Nashville, Tenn., Nov 11, 1862.
(2). Ole T. Berge, died while in service; place and date not known.
(3). Anthony Carr, died on the steamer “D.W. January” Jan 5, 1865.
(4). Peter Cope, died of tuberculosis Dec 12, 1864.
(5). John Crozier, died of wounds July 18, 1864 at Cairo, IL.; wounded at Pleasant Hill, LA, Apr 9, 1864.
(6). John Heiny, died at Vicksburg, Miss. June 14, 1864.
(7). Gulbrand Helgeson, died at Island No.10, April 30, 1862.
(8). John Johnson, killed at New Hope Church, May 29, 1864.
(9). Lieutenant Chauncey S. Lane, died Dec 15, 1862 at New Madrid, Missouri.
(10). Terre Lee, died while in service; place and date not known.
(11). Sylvester Levanway, died of pneumonia Mar 9, 1864 at Vicksburg, Miss.
(12). Columbus Mason, died Jan 20, 1863 at Fort Pillow, Tennessee.
(13). Paul M. Paulson, died in prison at Richmond, VA, in March 1864.
(14). Axel Pederson, taken prisoner at the battle of Chickamauga, died in prison Jan 1864.
(15). Lester Place, wounded and captured at Pleasant Hill, LA.: died in captivity at Tyler, TX, Oct 23, 1864.
(16). James Randall died July 23, 1864 at Memphis, Tennessee
(17). Jabez Sumner, killed by guerrillas on the Mississippi River, Feb 13, 1865.
(18). G. W. Swanger, died at Mount City, IL., June 22, 1864.
(19). B. K. Wadsworth, reported killed, but time and place unknown.

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