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NARA Microfilm Rental Program & Interlibrary Loan Program

NARA Microfilm Rental Program
  1. Most orders are mailed out the same day they are received. If the roll you request cannot be mailed within 10 days of our receiving your order, we will notify you of the date we expect to fill your order. You'll never have to wait more than 60 days.

  2. Rental fees are based on volume discounts.

    1-4 rolls $3.25 each
    5-9 rolls $2.75 each
    10 or more $2.25 each

    Please add $3.00 for postage and handling costs.
  3. You can use the film for a full 30 days, and then return it by mail. You may keep the film longer by notifying us and paying an additional $3 a roll for each additional 30-day period

  4. Users will be charged a $12 replacement fee for lost or damaged film.

Microfilm Rental "Start-up Kit"

New members purchasing the "Start Up Kit" for $25 receive everything needed to begin genealogical research:
Print out Order Form and mail to:

National Archives
Census Microfilm Rental Program
P.O. Box 30
9050 Junction Drive
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701-0030

Buying the Microfilm

Microfilm copies of census records are also available for purchase. The schedules are on 35mm microfilm; the Soundex is on 16mm. Schedules for an entire county or enumeration district may be on one or more rolls of microfilm.

All microfilm publications of National Archives records are for sale. You can buy either individual rolls or a complete set (all rolls). The prices as of August 1, 1990, for silver-halide positive film copies are $23 a roll for domestic orders and $30 for foreign orders. Shipping is included in these prices. These prices are subject to change without advance notice. Checks and money orders should be made payable to the "National Archives Trust Fund (NEDC)." VISA and MasterCard are also accepted. Credit card orders must include the expiration date and the cardholder's signature. Do NOT send cash. Federal, state, and local government agencies only may purchase microfilm on an accounts-receivable basis, but they must submit a signed purchase order within 10 working days of placing an order. U.S. Treasury regulations require a minimum amount of $25 for foreign checks.

To order microfilm, call 1-800-788-6282, or write to:
National Archives Trust Fund
P.O. Box 100793
Atlanta, GA 30384
When ordering microfilm, please state the microfilm publication number; if you are not buying a complete set, also state the specific roll numbers.

Check your order immediately upon receipt for errors, completeness, or damage in shipping. You must notify Publications Distribution (address below) of any problems within 60 days. Do not return microfilm orders without written permission from Publications Distribution.

For more information on how to order or for help identifying which rolls of a publication you may wish to purchase, please contact:
Publications Distribution (NECD)
National Archives Rm. G9
Seventh and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(telephone 202-501-5235; fax 202-501-6175)
Include in your inquiry the census year, the state, and the county or enumeration district.

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Interlibrary Loan

National Archives and Records Administration