Perry No. 5, "Center School"

Newspaper Articles in chronological date order

LeMars Sentinel, March 28, 1890


Mr. L.A. Kissinger's term of school has expired at No. 5 and he has
accepted the school tendered him by Esq. Elliot at district No. 2, Perry
township.  He is a scholar and a gentleman and gives general
satisfaction wherever employed.

LeMars Sentinel, November 12, 1929

A Parent Teachers' Association was organized in District No. 5, Perry
township, on Wednesday evening, November 6. Mrs. Fred Hammond, County
P.T.A. Chairman, gave a splendid talk on the work and value of P.T.A.
organizations. Officers elected were Mrs. J. Piersol, president; Mrs. Joseph
Vondrak, vice-president; Miss Minnie Petersen, secretary; Edward Vondrak,
treasurer. The organization will be known as the Perry Center Parent
Teachers' Association and will meet on the third Friday of each month. This
is the second district to a organize a P.T.A. in Perry township.

LeMars Daily Sentinel, April 10, 1931.

PERRY CENTER: A joint program and basket sociable will be given at the Perry Center school house Friday evening, April 10, by Miss Julia Strong and pupils of Perry Center school and Will Kreig and pupils of the Beaulieu school of Liberty township. An instrumental trio will play during the supper hour. Ladies please bring baskets.

LeMars Globe-Post, Dec. 19, 1938


Miss Anna Vondrak and pupils of Perry Center district No. 5 gave a
successful program and box social, Friday night Dec. 16. A very large crowd
attended and a total of $34.89 was taken in clear. The boxes sold high,
averaging $2. Tap dances were given by Betty Quintele, Delores Vondrak and
Corene McCord, all of Sioux City, with piano accompaniment by Betty
Griswell. Don McCord, KTRI cowboy singer, sang several numbers, all of where
were enjoyed by the crowd. Mrs. William Montagne of Perry township was
awarded the groceries and Carl Walker of Liberty township was awarded the
bushel of hybrid seed corn.

LeMars Globe-Post, January 8, 1953


Mrs. Viola Watje and pupils of school district No. 5 presented the Christmas program for the parents Monday evening of last week.

LeMars Globe-Post, May 14, 1953

PERRY CENTER: Miss Christine Petersen of LeMars visited the schools in districts No. 5 and 6 Friday. She has now completed a second visit to all Plymouth county schools.

LeMars Globe-Post, March 7, 1957

PERRY CENTER: School children observed Monday as a day of vacation as the teachers were at a meeting conducted at Central High in Sioux City, Iowa.



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