Elgin No. 4

Newspaper Articles in chronological date order

LeMars Sentinel, May 22, 1917

ELGIN: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. Eva Frolky closed a successful term of school district No. 4 Friday.

Mrs. Eva Frolky and pupils of district No. 4 were visitors at the Struble
school Wednesday afternoon.

LeMars Globe-Post
September 8, 1927

ELGIN: (Special Correspondence)

Miss Evelyn Hoyting is teaching in district No. 4.   

LeMars Globe-Post, May 16, 1935

ELGIN and GRANT:  (By Special Correspondent)
The men on the school board of Elgin No. 4 made an improvement on the school grounds by planting a number of trees and flowers.

Miss Eileen Lenihan of Elgin No. 4 closed school Friday with a most successful and pleasant term and ending with a large picnic for the children, friends and parents.  Those who attended were:  Mrs. D. Lenihan, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Null and daughters, Alberta, Gracie, and Jeane, Mrs. Andrew Ahlers, Jim, Johnnie and Julia Buckle, Mary Ahlers, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Behiem, Ed Hopper, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Alberts, Bobbie Wellong, Betty Reints, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wilde and daughter Opal, Miss Katherine Buckle, of Yankton, S.D., Mrs. Mynard Dobbert, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dobbert, Mr. and Mrs. John Ahlfs, Clinton Bunt and George Nussbaum, Miss Lenihan and the six pupils acting as hostesses.  Miss Lenihan is again hired for the coming year.

LeMars Globe-Post
December 22, 1941

SENEY:  (By Special Correspondent)
The Christmas program given in the community hall Tuesday evening by the teacher, Miss Martha Janssen and pupils of the rural school Dist. No. 4 was largely attended.  Lunch was served at the close of the program.





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