Linda's ancestors settled in Elgin Twp, SENEY, Plym County, late 1800s

Linda's Activities:


IAGenWeb State Coordinator 2023-2024

IAGenWeb Assistant State Coordinator, 2022-2023

IAGenWeb Acting State Coordinator, Jan. 2012-June 2012

IAGenWeb State Coordinator, 2010-2011

IAGenWeb Assistant State Coordinator, 2009-2010

IAGenWeb Special Project Editor for Iowa Old Press

Iowa in WWII - Special Project Coordinator

Kossuth County IAGenWeb CC

Plymouth County IAGenWeb CC

Monona County IAGenWeb CC

Sioux County IAGenWeb CC


Check out the What's New Page Plymouth County

Meet Mary Holub, Plymouth County's Assistant Coordinator (click on above link to view Mary's page)

Linda Ziemann, 2023-2024 IAGenWeb State Coordinator 

 Linda Ziemann, 2024 - 

SDGenWeb State Coordinator

NDGenWeb State Coordinator



Linda and her husband, Richard, live just north of Ft. Worth, Texas. They have three children and seven darling grandchildren. Lin retired from the telephone company workforce in October 2004, and now enjoys the extra time for Grandchildren and Genealogy. "With God being first, the Grandkids and Genealogy round out the 3 BIG G's in my life!" (Quote from Lin)

Lin joined the IAGenWeb project in August 2003, becoming CC (County Coordinator) of Plymouth County, Iowa, her home county. She is also the CC for two other NW Iowa counties, Monona and Sioux Counties. In all three of these NW Iowa counties, she has been building relationships with local genealogy enthusiast folks. Mary Holub, of LeMars, Plymouth County, has joined the effort and is now the Plymouth Co. Assistant County Coordinator. "Thanks, Mary, for all your support and help!! I am proud to have Mary as the Plymouth ACC." (quote from Lin)

Lin is also one of the coordinators for the IowaOldPress Special Project with IAGenWeb, being involved with this since its inception. Linda Ziemann became the IAGenWeb State Coordinator for the year beginning July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011. In January 2012, she became the Acting SC once again (due to medical leave of the SC at that time.) Lin acted as State Coordinator IAGenWeb from January-June 2012.

On December 7, 2012, another IAGenWeb Special Project site was launched with Linda as the coordinator for Iowa in WWII.

During several of Linda's research trips to Iowa, she has been guest speaker at different genealogy society meetings.

Family History has been Lin's hobby since adulthood. In 2000 she began a long and successful journey in locating her Mother's birth parents. Her Mother was placed in her adoptive home at the age of three weeks. Today Linda is still doing genealogy research and preserves it for her children and grandchildren. Lin has a home office where she pours over family history files--also doing research for others, helping them break down some of their brick walls. 

Linda Ewin Ziemann authored the Plymouth County Pictorial History book published by Arcadia Publishing Co., Chicago, IL. Linda enjoyed the hard work and great fun seeking photographs and putting together the county history in photos!

You are invited to help with ancestor stories, photos, contributions for consideration on the Plymouth Co. IAGenWeb site. Plymouth Co. has had some wonderful submissions from its county researchers. Please note the LIST OF HONOR -- highlighting contributor names-- on this county's What's New Page. Without researcher involvement, Linda Z. & Mary H. could not get the Plymouth County job accomplished! Thanks again.

Email Linda Ziemann

Email Mary Holub

You are encouraged to lend support to Friends of IAGenWeb, which enriches the IAGenWeb Project making it possible to provide internet web space and excellent tools for free genealogical research in every county of Iowa. Our Iowa ancestors would be happy and proud if they could know today about all the work being done to preserve family history on the Iowa 99 county websites and the IAGenWeb Special Project sites.

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