KINGSLEY BIBLE CHURCH IS MOVED FROM STANTON TOWNSHIP Providing a new church home for a historic Plymouth County building took a lot of effort and created a lot of interest Tuesday and Wednesday. The Kingsley Bible Church’s new building was purchased at auction last fall. It arrived Wednesday at Kingsley from rural Merrill about a 19-mile haul. The Kingsley Bible congregation was organized two years ago. It has been paying rent for the use of another church. The Stanton EUB church was organized before the turn of the century, but the present church was built in 1928 and an educational wing was added in 1955. The dwindling congregation closed its doors last year. One reason was EUB church merger with the United Methodist church and members had their choice of United Methodist churches in Merrill and LeMars. Contractor for moving the church was Berghorst & Sons of Hull. The structure towered 30 feet above its rigging and extended 6 feet over the edge of roads on either side. The Kingsley church members bought the building at auction last Sept. 23. They had only $675 for the bidding and that’s what they paid for it. CHURCH EXPRESS ROLLS 19 MILES, OVER BRIDGES AND UNDER WIRES The landmark Stanton Evangelical United Brethren church rolled along 19 miles Tuesday and Wednesday to its new home in Kingsley. Destined to become the Kingsley Bible Church, the building moved south from section 19 in Stanton Township (3 miles east and 2 miles south of Merrill) along the Hinton blacktop. Then the route was east to county road L-14 for the trip south to Kingsley. These views were just three-quarters of mile north of Kingsley on the Golden Pheasant blacktop shortly after 2 p.m. Wednesday. The problems at hand were a bridge and the Sioux City to Waterloo IPS 161,000 volt transmission line. IPS crews first attempted to raise the three power lines through the use of a boom truck, but then sent linemen up the poles. Using special equipment, the linemen boosted the wires high enough for the “Jesus Express” to head over the final hill to Kingsley. ~Source: The LeMars Sentinel, unknown date of publication 1973 ~Submitted by Linda Ziemann, articles and photos found in my Grandmother's scrapbooks, LeMars, Iowa.