Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa

Wednesday, Jan 1, 1913

Mr and Mrs John P. BIGLEY were Ft. Dodge visitors Christmas. Mr. BIGLEY
arrived home Monday. Mrs. BIGLEY will remain for a short time.

The Rock Island company, after experimenting for three years with telephones
in many of their Iowa depots, has finally discarded the use of them.

The Algona Courier says: "Mr. WEBB who has clerked for James PATTERSON for
some time, will go to Emmetsburg where he will manage a grocery house."

There will be a basket sociable in the Barber school house in District No.
3, Great Oak township, next Friday evening. Miss Alberta BOUGH is the
teacher. All are invited.

Walter SPROUT and little son of Mercer, North Dakota, have been visiting for
several days with Mr. SPROUT's mother and sister in this city. They will
remain for a week or more.

Mrs. L. STUEHMER was called to Weiser, Idaho, last evening by a telegram
announcing the serious illness of her son-in-law,who lives at that place. He
has been quite low for several days.

Mr and Mrs. J.F. FRITCH of Anamosa were Emmetsburg visitors yesterday. They
were on their way to Estherville to spend the holidays with relatives. They
favored this office with a pleasant call. They formerly resided at Garner.

Captain W.H. INGHAM of Algona, and his daughter, Mrs. McCHESNEY of Iowa
City, will sail from New Orleans for Panama next Saturday to spend a few
days on the Isthmus. Mr. INGHAM is 85 years of age. He is father of Harvey
INGHAM of the Des Moines Register & Leader.

Ralph Horace FISH, aged 12, recently left the home of his sister, Mrs. J.B.
EDWARDS, who lives near Estherville, and cannot be found. His people
formerly lived near Dickens. He has resided with his sister for six years
his parents having died some time ago.

John DENNINGER, formerly of Osgood now of West Bend, has been awarded the
$50 cash prize for the best kept railroad section on this division of the
Rock Island road. H. MAUS of Rake and A.H. HEIDEN of Sibley also won the
divisions on which they are located. Roadmaster J. JULIN of Sibley receives
a $100 cash prize for hte best kept division on the system.

Martin KELLY who lives in this vicinity, went to Omaha, Nebraska, Friday

Mr. CURTIS, who had been visiting local friends, returned to St. Paul Monday

Robert McNALLY returned to Kentross, Iowa, Thursday, after a holiday visit
with local relatives.

While skating on Medium lake Monday, Sam BOIES, Jr., fell and broke his
collar bone. With such fine skating as there is on teh lake at the present
time it is pretty hard on a little fellow to be laid up for a couple of

George PRATER writes us from Faulkton, South Dakota, that he must have the
Democrat again. He likes South Dakota and reports that his family are all
well. He was section foreman on the Milwaukee road at this place for several

A machine resembling a typewriter, which will receive and transmit a message
over a wire at the same time is now in use. It is known as the Markrum
Printing Telegraph. One has just been placed in the Rock Island office at
Des Moines.It is certainly a novel machine.

L.T. CARTER informs us that he is meeting with gratifying success in the
sale of his skinning knife. There seems to be great demand for it. He has
already disposed of $500 worth at wholesale prices. He deals only with
retailers. L.STUEHMER is his partner in the manufacture and sale of the

It is a well established fact now that tuberculosis is preventable and that
it is inexcusable for a state to tolerate an appalling death toll from this
disease. It has also been ascertained that the same conditions which produce
tuberculosis are conductive to typhoid fever, pneumonia, and the whole foul
brood of social disorders. Bad housing, over worked and under aged men and
women, over crowding in insanitary tenements, children under fed and illy
clothed, unprotected city water supplies and insanitation in general, are
held responsible for many of the social ills from which so many suffer.

Ed KANE is home from S.D. visiting his parents. He has been absent for three

Mrs. Emma JEREMIAHSEN ws down from Rock Rapids during the holidays visiting
local relatives.

Mrs. Joseph BIGLEY came down from Graettinger Thursday to visit local
relatives and friends.

Mrs. Charles LAARGE and Miss Lizzie PETERSON of Fenton were married Tuesday
evening of last week.

Glenn BROWN and his sister, Miss Bernice, were over Sunday visitors at their
home at Parker, South Dakota.

There will be a New Year's dance at the Armory this evening. The Star
orchestra will play. All are invited.

S.D. BICKFORD is enjoying a visit since Saturday from his brother-in-law,
Albert RICHARDS of Herron, Minnesota.

Mr and Mrs. Geo DRAMAN and Mr and Mrs. N. SCHUMACHER of Ellington township
were Emmetsburg visitors Friday.

Wm. DOTY arrived home from Mason City Monday morning where he had been with
one of his little girls to consult a specialist.

Mr and Mrs. William WALTERS of Denver, Colorado, are guests at the home of
Mr and Mrs. W.H. GRACE. Mr WALTERS is a brother of Mrs. GRACE.

The fine weather is very unsatisfactory to the ice men. They are afraid it
will ruin their crop. Suitable weather for ice making will doubtless arrive
in due time.

The Estherville Democrat says:" Mr and Mrs. J.B. WILLIAMS of Emmetsburg and
Ralph HOLLAND of Essex, Iowa, were visitors at the L.G. THOMPSON home in
this city Friday.

Mrs. T. SULLIVAN returned from Ft. Dodge Friday afternoon weher she had been
attending the funeral of her nephew who was recently killed in a railroad
accident near Winnipeg. His neck, back and both legs were broken. He lived
for several hours after the accident.

Mrs. T.M. RYAN of Munder, Alberta, passed through Emmetsburg Tuesday
afternoon on her way to Graettinger to spend the holidays with her brother,
Rev. John KELLY. She was accompanied by her son. The weather in Alberta when
she left was about the same as in this part of Iowa.

Julius KUNZ of Wesley was very generous to the little people of his home
town Christmas day. He presented 170 of them who called at his office with a
sack each containing apples, oranges, candy, nuts and other good things to
eat. He is a real estate dealer. He has made a great many excellent sales
during the past year. It is needless to say that he is th most popular man
at Wesley.

Richard KINSLEY of Mason City spent Christmas with his brother Robert and
his sister, Mrs. LAWLESS of this place.

Mr and Mrs. A.E. JOHNSON of Swea City, Kossuth County, celebrated the 50th
anniversary of their marriage last week.

Miss Anna GOSSMAN returned to Rockwell City Monday afte a brief visit with
her mother and other relatives in Emmetsburg.

Mrs. J.B. PASSELL and little child of Osceola, Iowa, have been guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. GODDEN since Christmas.

Wm. MAHONEY returned from Minneapolis Monday morning. He went to meet his
children who were on the way from Seattle to Emmetsburg.

Harry PORTER of Ames spent several days during the past week with friends in
this city. He is taking a course in engineering at the Iowa State college.

Sister M. Patricia, O.S.F., of Wilmont, Minnesota, arrived in this city
Thursday evening. She will spend a few days visiting her sisters, Mrs. W.
MURPHY and Sister M. Benigna.

The Ft. Dodge packing house is now slaughtering 2,000 hogs daily. About 50
men are employed regularly. Iowa should have more packing houses. They would
pay better than sugar beet or canning factories.

Last week Judge QUARTON sold a pure bred Guernsey heifer and a pure bred
Guernsey bull to R.O. JACKSON of Glenwood, Iowa, for $450. He has of late
years given a great deal of attention to well bred cattle.

M.E. CONLON came up from Dubuque Christmas and enjoyed the day with his
parents. Mrs. CONLON came the day before. Mr. CONLON reports that the people
for whom he works have had a very successful year.

Mr and Mrs. T.A. BALDWIN enjoyed a visit during the holidays from Mr.
BALDWIN's cousins, Misses Jessie and Inez BALDWIN of Sioux City. They are
teaching in the schools at that place. Their home is at Edinborough,

(County Correspondence)
Miss Mayme LAWHEAD is spending her vacation in Wisconsin with her parents.

Frank MULRONEY of Canada arrived here Saturday. He will spend a couple of
months at his old home before returning.

The people of Mallard were pained Sunday to hear of the death of Mrs. Geo.

John and Mr. and Mrs. F. DOW of Waterloo are visiting at the parental home

Mr. and Mrs. LITEL of Superior are spending their vacation at the Archie

John JOHNSON and family spent Christmas at John RUPPERT's.

Mrs. JACKSON spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Charles KREIG.

Mrs. Charles STAFFORD has been on the sick list for the past few days.

Miss Elizabeth MUELLER spent Christmas at her home in Plover.

Mrs. DROWN and daughter of Curlew were in Mallard Monday.

Peter MULRONEY and family went to Emmetsburg Sunday.

Mr. PAUL of Minnesota is visiting the LODES families of this place.

Earl HAHN was a Rolfe visitor Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. GHERT visited their children in the country Monday.

Mrs. ANSINGER spent Christmas with her daughters in the country.

Walter FERGUSON and friend came up from Valley Junction to spend Christmas.

Ernie BRECKLER was an Ayrshire visitor the last of the week.

Mrs. MAHONEY and sons were Ayrshire visitors Tuesday evening.

Lew TROW and Jack BRECKLER were Rolfe visitors Sunday.

Winnie TRESSLER, who is taking osteopath treatment at Boone, is improving.
Her spine is affected.

Mrs. Geo. TRESSLER came home from Boone Thursday evening.

Dr. BEATTY was a caller at the WHITMER home Friday. Mr. McCREARY is
seriously ill.

A ten and one-half pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. MATTHIESEN
December 26.

J. CULLEN shipped hogs Saturday.

A farewell party was given in honor of Mrs. Will McBRIDE Saturday afternoon
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. WHITMER.

Mrs. Ora MORGAN is visiting her father here.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John CULLEN, December 30th.

The people of Curlew were shocked Sunday to hear of the death of Mrs. Geo
DOWNS of pneumonia.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. HUGHES, Mrs. R. M. BUTLER, and Mrs. A.H. GARD autoed to
Emmetsburg Saturday afternoon.

Dwight JONES returned to Luverne, North Dakota, Saturday, after spending
Christmas with his mother here.

Alex JOHNSON was an Emmetsburg visitor Monday.

Francis CULLEN and Gus TROY attended the play at Emmetsburg Thursday

Mrs. John WAGNER of Graettinger was an over Sunday visitor at the Joe
KLEIGLE home near Fairville.

A Few Items Taken from the Files of the Democrat of December 21, 1892
Mr. McCREARY of Curlew broke one of his legs a few days ago while operating
a hay press.

L.H. MAYNE will begin his duties as publisher of the Algona Republican
January 1.

K.A. ERSLAND has sold his farm in Vernon township. He talks of moving to

Do not forget the New Year's Ball at JOYCE's hall.

Miss Maggie DONOVAN returned from Minneapolis after an absence of three

Rev. H.J. BROWN, pastor of Free Baptist church at Spencer, is dead.

W.S. FROST will keep 60 cows on his farm in Vernon township next year.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward CAHILL Monday of last week.

C.D. PRICE of Ruthven and D.C. TIPP of Vernon townhip are at Humboldt
attending the Northern Iowa Horticultural convention.

Thomas CARMODY was over from Whittemore Sunday visiting friends.

Charles BAHLS of Independence township will have an auction sale December

Misses Grace GROUT and Celia ROCHE are assisting in Val WAGNER's store
during the holiday rush.

George KEINE, Whittemore's grain dealer, was in Emmetsburg Tuesday.

Mr. Sam DYER and Miss Mary B. EDWARDS were married at Ayrshire Thursday.

Mrs. Charles GALLIGER of Elma spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. M.
MORRISSEY, of this place.

M. GANNON of Keokuk is visiting his brother-in-law, John McCORMICK, of this

A Few Items Taken From the Files of the Democrat of December 28, 1892
Mr. and Mrs. J.J. SHAW and Mrs. H.W. KENT spent Christmas with relatives at
West Union.

Mrs. J.M. MAHAN is spending the holidays with relatives at Lawler.

Mrs. Alta TURNER is visiting relatives at Odebolt.

Miss Anna STONE is a holiday guest with relatives at Broadhead, Wisconsin.

Henry BECKMAN is spending the week at Garnavillo.

Will CONLON is home from Nora Springs for the holidays.

Dan KELLY and M.L. WEIBEL are home from Des Moines where they are attending

E.B. and Harlan SOPER are home from Cornell college for the holidays.

Miss Clara PEDDIE arrived home from Davenport a few days ago.

Miss Verne ROBBINS is home from Davenport for the holidays.

Miss Edith BURT arrived home from Cedar Rapids a few days ago to remain
until after New Year's. She is attending school at that place.

Charles MUELLER is at Faribault, Minnesota, spending the week with

Charles POTTS came home from Iowa Falls a few days ago to spend the holidays
with Emmetsburg relatives.

Mr. MANNING of Allamakee county is visiting his sister, Mrs. P. DUFFY, of
Great Oak.

Jake SKIELS will work the GILBERTSON farm near Graettinger next year.

John RYAN has been spending the past two weeks with his uncle at Marion,
South Dakota.

Art CROUCH is home from Lyons to remain during the holidays.

Mr. Carl PROUTY and Miss Emma DOUGHERTY were married at Hampton December 14.

Mrs. LANNAN of St. Paul is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J.M. MAHAN.

Mrs. N.L. COTTON of Whittemore died a few days ago.

Charles R MEYERS of Denison has bought the Mason City Express Republican.

Mrs. Martin WINTERS of North Washington is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Nicholas ADAMS.

Michael BOLAND of Ackley succeeds Dennis FLYNN as section foreman on the
Milwaukee road.

Mr. DOCHER, a man who represented himself as a priest at LeMars a short time
ago, has been sent to the penitentiary for three years for obtaining money
under false pretenses.

A boy is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John HICKEY.

Dr. KENEFICK has established a Keeley institute at Algona.

Frank McCORMICK is home from LaPorte visiting his parents.

Curtis ARMSTRONG is home from school visiting his parents.

Mr. MOLLISON has just completed a large barn on his farm in Emmet county.

Mr. John HANSON and Miss Sine NIELSON were married in this city December 23.

Mr. Rufus WAGGONER and Miss Clara DREW were married in this city December

Mr. and Mrs. J.P. KIRBY of Estherville spent Christmas with relatives of
this city.

J.L. MARTIN was up from Mallard Christmas day visiting relatives.

Dr. R.C. MOLLISON has opened an office in this city.

After January 15 the firm of SMITH & BENDA will be known as SMITH, BENDA &

M.F. KERWICK has presented his little daughter Nellie with a new piano.

Our friend, Patrick KEENAN, remembered us Christmas day by sending a draft
for his subscription for the coming year. he is now located at Albert Lea,

Miss Maggie McEVOY of Bloomington, Wisconsin, was the guest of E.P. McEVOY
and family Christmas.

The silver in a dollar is now worth 64.49 cents.

Last evening George HOYT received a telegram announcing the death of his
mother at Jackson, South Dakota.

The directors of the new creamery at Crippen are Archie BRYCE, J.B. FIFE,
John BRENNAN, Michael JOYNT, Patrick JOYNT, Daniel MURPHY and John KING.
Business will soon be commenced.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 1913

Dennis KIRBY came home from Aberdeen, South Dakota, Thursday evening to see
his father who has been very ill. His brother, W.V. also came from
Valentine, Nebraska.

David WILSON writes us from Henry, South Dakota, to change Hayti, that
state. He resided in this city 27 years ago. He was in the employ of the
late T.J. DUFFY.

John P. BIGLEY resigned from his position in A.J. WOLFGANG's drug store. He
has not yet made any arrangements for the future, although he will not be
likely to remain in Emmetsburg.

Miss Mary FORD, daughter of Mayor FORD, of Ft. Dodge, was a guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John P. BIGLEY of Emmetsburg a couple of days during
the past week. She is a niece of Mrs. BIGLEY.

In remitting for the Democrat, Frank BERNDORFNER of Salem, Oregon says: "We
are having fine weather in this state. At present writing everything is
green. We can not get along without the Democrat. We find it very newsy."

The Fort Dodge Daily Messenger had a dandy new Goss printing press. It is
one of the finest in Iowa. The Messenger is an excellent newspaper. We
congratulate Brother ROBERTS on his prosperity and enterprise.

Robert BUCHAN, formerly of this place, has bought the Swedish Lutheran
parsonage at Spencer. he paid $2,100 for it. he will take possession March
1. It will make him a comfortable home. Mr. BUCHAN travels for the Raleigh
Remedy company.

The Rock Island company has discharged a large number of its employes who
were in the habit of boozing. Heavy drinkers should not be allowed to run
trains. Their heads should be clear when property and lives are entrusted to
their care.

Miss Margaret RYAN arrived home from Peoria, Illinois, Tuesday evening of
last week. Although the early part of the winter has been mild in Illinois,
there is, she says, a great deal of sickness in Peoria. Dr. HESSION has been
quite ill for ten days and his youngest child has also been sick for some

Mr. COLLINS of Dell Rapids was a guest at the home of Daniel BURNS and P.F.
McMAHON Wednesday and Thursday. He reports that very little land can be had
near Dell Rapids at the present time for less than $100 per acre.
However,there were not, during the fall months, so many transfers in that
locality as there were in northwest Iowa.

Mr. HUGHES of Ruthven and E.B. STILLMAN of this place who have been home
from Iowa City for the holidays, are both studying law at that institution.
They have been putting in hard work for several years and will soon be ready
to engage in the regular practice.

O.P. DOYLE left Saturday morning for St. Paul. He will visit relatives in
that city for a few days, after which he will take his departure for Hamar,
Saskatchewan. One of his uncles is in business at Hamar. Mr. DOYLE intends
investing in land in that locality. There are, we understand, a few good
homesteads left in that part of Canada.

Thursday evening we enjoyed a pleasant call from John DOWNS of LaCross,
Wisconsin. He came to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Geo W.
DOWNS. He has resided at LaCrosse for thirty years. He is in the employ of
the Milwaukee railway company. He is also a member of the city council. He
visited this county a number of years ago.

Thursday we enjoyed a pleasant call from Harry ECKERT, traveling solicitor
for the Rockford, Illinois Daily Gazette. He resided in this county several
years ago. He has been visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs Geo ECKERT, who live
near Mallard. While here he attended the funeral of Mrs. Geo. W. DOWNS. He
has been an intimate friend of Mr. DOWNS for many years.

VAUGHN & DAILY closed a deal last week for the purchase of the Gowans brick
block. They gave $8,500 for the property. They will occupy the rear end of
the building and will use the window facing the north for displaying their
goods. Mr. GOWANS will use the front of the building. The property is well
located. Messrs. VAUGHN & DAILY feel that they have made a good investment.

B.A. MORMON is suffering from a lame arm. A short time ago, while cutting
wood, he accidentally let some of the water out of the elbow joint. He hopes
the injury will not prove serious. Mr. MORMON spent the fall months tiling
for JACKSON & MOSHER in the vicinity of Ringstead. He usually employes a
force of from three to four men. He reports that he has had a very
successful season.

Steve OLSEN intends moving to Beresford, South Dakota, in March. He bought a
quarter section farm near that place some time ago, paying $125 per acre for
it. He disposed of his place in the northeast part of this county to A.J.
BURT early last summer. He thinks he sold it too cheap, but there was not
much of a stir in real estate when he made the deal. Farm lands are pretty
high in the vicinity of Breresford [spelled differently from first spelling]
but the soil is very rich and the country properous.

F.W. JONES, who has served as sheriff of Dickinson county for thirteen
years, has retired and will commence a term of two years as state
representative. He made a very capable sheriff.

The Iowa legislature will convene next Monday. Representative KULP will
doubtless insist on the privilege of proving that he is not dead. We shall
not blame him. We have always found him a rather lively political corpse.
For Sale: a good Western Cottage organ. Would sell same at reasonable
figure. Enquire at this office or of Mrs. Mary MULRONEY of Nevada township.
For Sale: -Eleven choice calves. Enquire of W.A. DOTY, Emmetsburg.
Bourbon Red Toms for sale. Enquire of W.J. DUNIGAN, Emmetsburg, Iowa.
Harness Repaired and Oiled.
At McCARTY & RICHARD's, Emmetsburg.
House for Sale
Fair size house. 2 lots, good barn. Well situated. Enquire of Wm. RUEHLE.
For Sale.
I have a few Chester White boars for sale. Call on or write Dan VEDDER,
Emmetsburg, R. 4.
Whole dressed hogs........11c
Less quantity...................12c
Beef quarters..................10c
Farm for Rent-A good quarter section farm in High Lake township, Emmet
county. Enquire at this office or of Tom J. WHITE, Whittemore, Iowa.
Poland China Boar Pigs
Big boned, big litter kind; best of breeding; will weigh 200 lbs and
upwards; will caate and ship at $25.00 each.-James WELCH, Halfa, Emmet
County, Iowa.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa
27 Jan 1913

M.L. BRADY was a business visitor at Spencer Wednesday.

Edwin ANDERSON of Ruthven spent Thursday in Emmetsburg.

Master LeGrand COONAN has been quite ill during the past week.

Miss Mary MAHAN went to Graettinger Friday evening to visit friends for a
few days.

Charles PRINGLE of Vernon township has been quarantined for small pox during
the past week.

W.J. O'BRIEN and Thomas CARMODY of Whittemore were Emmetsburg visitors

An anniversary mass for the late Very Rev. J.J. SMITH was celebrated at
Assumption church this morning.

J.A. SPIES of Graettinger returned from St. Louis Wednesday where he has
been looking after a business interest.

Lawn LEONARD will work the JOHNSON 265 acre farm in Nevada township.

The W.F.M.S. of the M.E. church will meet at the home of Mrs. JOHNSON
Friday, January 31. All are invited.

Mr. RILEY of Amboy, Minnesota, visited his sister, Mrs. Thomas O'CONNOR of
this place several days during the past week.

The Catholic Ladies' Aid society of the Graettinger Catholic church will
meet at the home of Mrs. BOSOLD, Thursday, January 30.

Joseph WOLLNER will have an auction February 26. He is preparing to move to
Oregon. His add will appear in a future issue of this paper.

Mr. and Mrs. M.M. MAHER of Ruthven came over from Ruthven Wednesday to
attend the funeral of Claudie MURPHY, who was a niece of Mrs. MAHER.

Mrs. L.P. DUHN has been quite ill during the past ten days. Mr DUHN was also
quite sick for some time but is, we are pleased to report, much better.

ZAHRNDT, JOYNT & Co., have their new implement building pretty well under
headway. It will be large and roomy. It is situated back of their [???]

Daniel WESTERGARD of Graettinger was an Emmetsburg visitor Wednesday. he and
his brother Hans were among the pioneers of the northwest part of the

Mrs. Daniel MURPHY and daughter, Eva, of Emmetsburg township, returned from
Chicago a few days ago where they had been visiting relatives for about
three weeks.

Matt DONOVAN was a Sheldon visitor Thursday.

Leland COONAN, who has been very ill, is much better.

The M. & St. L people are making extensive improvements in their yard at

Miss Margaret GUERDET of Graettinger spent hte last of the week with
Emmetsburg friends.

John JONES, John COALBURN and John THOMPSON of Ayrshire were visitors in
Emmetsburg Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNALLY of Ayrshire were called to this city Thursday
by the death of Claudie MURPHY.

A.W. PEARSON, Ole OSKVIG, Geo. CHRISTOPHER, and Theodore REINDERS were among
the Mallard visitors to Emmetsburg Saturday.

Special meetings were held in the M.E. church at Ruthven every evening
during the past week. Rev. W.O. TOMPKINS had charge of them.

P.R. WELLS has the contract for the construction of the new K.P. building at
Mason City. It will be three stories high. It will be a fine building.

Henry EISLER was up from West Bend Wednesday evening. He owns the old H.H.
JACOBS farm He bought it a number of years ago for $28 per acre.

Oscar NORLAND recently returned from Story county where he had been visiting
friends for some time. He reports that there is more snow in that locality
than in this county.

Thomas WELLS of Mason City was in Emmetsburg visiting friends and attending
the entertainment at The Iowa Thursday. He played in the STAR orchestra
during the evening.

A. TREADGOLD was up from Eagle Grove the last of the week greeting old
friends. He wants all the late local news from Emmetsburg, so he came in and
subscribed for the Demcrat.

James AYLWARD has a contract for four miles of tiling on Drainage Ditch No.
48 in Ellington township. He is using tile ranging in size from 8 to 30
inches. He has a force of fourteen men.

The News says that Mr. and Mrs. C.J. McKITTRICK are again comfortably
located at Spencer. They were in Oregon or Washington for several years.
They were residents of Emmetsburg twenty years ago.

We understand that there are a number of cases of smallpox in Vernon
township. Mr. PRINGLE and one or two other parties are quarantined. The
disease is of a very mild form.

L. REIHSEN has rented the store room in the W.I. BRANAGAN brick building in
which the Democrat office is located. He will put in a fine new outfit and
will have one of the best meat markets in northern Iowa. He will take
possession in early March.

S.J. QUAM of Cylinder, who was in Emmetsburg Saturday evening informs us
that he has been a widower since last July. Mrs. QUAM went to Minnesota at
that time to visit a daughter and has since been absent. However, she will
be home in a few days.

One of the most disappointed men in Emmet county last Thursday evening was
George LORIMER, who was quarantined for smallpox and was not able to attend
the Robert Burns program, which was rendered in this city. He is one of the
most enthusiastic as well as one of the most deserving Scotch men in
northern Iowa. The citizens of Emmetsburg are always glad to welcome him on
such occasions.

Mr. BUSH, who has been living on the old John DOOLEY farm south of town,
will move onto the D.J. PARTELLO place in Nevada township. Mr. REESE, who
has occupied the PARTELLO place, will become a resident of Minnesota, having
bought a farm in that state some time ago. J.P. CARNEY will move onto the
DOOLEY farm to be vacated by Mr. BUSH. He purchased the place last fall. It
will make him a convenient, suitable home.

W.H. BERKLER informs us that he and John SCOTT have formed a partnership and
that they will conduct a fine garage on Main street during the coming
season. Messrs. SOPER, SAUNDERS, and LINDERMAN have agreed to put them up a
fine cement garage building. It will be 48x20 feet and will be one story
high. A heating plant will be placed in the basement. There will be three
large rooms. The one in the rear will be used for repair work, the central
one for the use of livery autos and the front for displaying new autos. They
have the agency for the Ford, Marion and one or two other good machines. Teh
yare making calculations for a prosperous season's business.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan 15, 1913

Friday Mr and Mrs W.J. TYSON received word that a son was born to Mr and Mrs
Paul CASE a few days ago. This is good news to their many local friends.
They reside at some point in California.

Charles ELLIOTT is the new editor of the Carroll Times. He succeeds C.H.
REESE, who has gone to York, Nebraska, to take charge of a paper. The former
editor, W.H. WAHL, has been temporarily in charge of the paper.

Wm. J STEINER of the Mallard Independent was a pleasant caller Saturday. As
usual, he was full of business. He reports that the people of Mallard are
according him generous patronage. He is an upright, deserving young man.

John HENNINGS, who lives three miles east of Mallard, will have a public
sale tomorrow. Mr. HENNINGS has a good list of property.

The ladies of the Congregational church will serve a Scotch supper in their
church parlors Thursday, January 23rd. The supper begins at 5:30 and will
consist of roast beef and brown gravy, baked mutton, cranberry mold, mixed
pickles, mashed rutabagas, baked beans, mashed potatoes, white bread,
currant loaf, soda scones, oat meal bannocks and cheese, Scotch short bread,
light and dark cake, tea and coffee. Everybody please come. Price, 35 cents.

Mr and Mrs Patrick JOYNT moved to this city about ten days ago and are now
comfortably located in one of the McLAUGHLIN residences, which they bought
during the fall. It is situated south of the residence occupied by Mr and
Mrs AGNEW. Mr. and Mrs. JOYNT were pioneers in Emmetsburg township and they
well deserve a rest from many years of hard and patient toil. The Democrat
wishes them many years of health and happiness as residents of Emmetsburg.

Mrs. Paul SCHENDEL was called to Wilmot, South Dakota, Friday by the serious
illness of her mother, Mrs. HOYER.

Capt. and Mrs E SOPER left Saturday evening for Tampa, Florida, to spend the
winter. They will also spend some time at Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Miss Lucile LAMBE of Graettinger returned to Dubuque last Thursday to resume
her studies at Mt St Joseph Academy.

R.H. MILLER and A.E. FRINK of the Cylinder neighborhood were business
visitors in Emmetsburg Monday. Both were pleasant callers at the Democrat

Mr .TISHENBANNER, the well known good road booster, has been appointed
postmaster of Gilmore City. He seems to know something about politics as
well as good roads.

The Democrat is pleased to learn that George E LONG, editor of the Manson
Journal, who recently underwent a surgical operation for cancer, is doing
nicely and that his chances for recovery are considered reasonably hopeful.

Two brothers of young BURKE, who was killed near Graettinger last week,
arrived Monday morning to take their mother's remains home with them. The
funeral will be held at St. Mary's, Kansas. The news of the accident must
have been a rather sudden blow to the brothers and other members of the

The annual meeting of the shareholders of the American Savings bank of
Graettinger was held January 7, 1913. The directors elected for the ensuing
Fred SPIES, C.C. LARSON and J.B. LAMBE. It was decided to increase the
capital stock to $20,000.

Mr. B.A. FUNK, son of Hon. A.B. FUNK, of Spirit Lake was married a few days
ago to Miss Gertrude JENKS, daughter of a Presbyterian minister of Omaha,
Nebraska. Mr FUNK has for some time been assistant cashier of the Spirit
Lake National bank, but he has given up the position and will leave in a
short time for western Canada to take charge of his father's large real
estate interests.

The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Emmetsburg Creamery company
will be held at teh office of Secretary L. STUEHMER in this city January 20.

I.T. CARTER returned from Clinton, Iowa, the first of the week. He visited
Lyons and Fulton, Illinois, while away. He is selling a large number of his
skinning knives.

Geo. BEATTY, who lives on one of A.W. WAGNER's farms, will have a sale next
Tuesday, January 21. He lives four miles north of Emmetsburg on the east
side of Medium Lake.

An excellent cut of Mr CARROLL, formerly of Curlew now of Marshall,
Minnesota, appeared in Sunday's Register and Leader. Mr CARROLL has for sale
about 10,000 acres of choice land in the vicinity of Marshall and he is
doing a fine business. The Democrat is pleased to learn of his prosperity.

Wednesday evening the Spencer basket ball five defeated the Company K team
at the Armory by a score of 22 to 21. Teh game was a fast and interesting
one. The members of the Company K club apparently did not make a very good
showing until the close of the contest. With only ten minutes left to play,
Spencer was leading by a score of 22 to 5, but the local players gingered up
and almost overcame the visitors' lead. The members of the Spencer quintette
were gentlemanly fellows and play good basketball. BROWN and FOY played
forwards for the Emmetsburg team, with KETCHEN and NOLAN at center and BEEBE
and DENEEN as guards.

Lloyd REFSELL arrived in Des Moines Monday from New London, Ohio, where he
had been visiting friends for two weeks. There has been considerable snow in
Ohio during the present winter. Mr REFSELL spent a couple of days at
Cleveland. He says it has become a very large and decidedly prosperous city.
Many of its leading business houses are as good as can be found in Chicago.
The new Statler hotel can not be surpassed by any house west of New York.
Mr. REFSELL visited his brother at Grinell for a day before coming to Des
Moines. He has been promised a good position in the lower house of the
legislature and will doubtless remain there until the close of the session.
Dr. KULP has been quite successful in securing positions for our Palo Alto

Friday L. REIHSEN received a telegram from Mr. HALBACH of Milwaukee stating
that his white Plymouth Rock cockerels and hens had won most of the better
class of prizes at the International Poultry show at Springfield, Illinois.
Mr. HALBACH is a wholesome hardware merchant at Milwaukee. He owns a small
poultry farm near that place. Mr. REIHSEN bought his eggs of Mr HALBACH when
he first commenced to raise white Plymouth Rocks. Over 255 birds were
exhibited in the several classes at the Springfield show.

Father NUGENT of Des Moines left for Europe Sunday evening in company with
his brother, Attorney NUGENT, and Father ROMANELLI. They will remain abroad
for several months.

Jacob HENG, who has been visiting relatives in Fairfield township since
Christmas, will leave Friday for Barnesville, Minnesota. He and his brother
John own a big farm seven miles from that place. They had good crops this
year. Land sells in that locality for $35 to $50 per acre.

Mr and Mrs M.L. BROWN will leave for Los Angeles, California, to-morrow
where they will remain until May. Mrs. H.C. SHADBOLT will accompany them as
far as Deming, New Mexico, where she will spend several months with Mrs
JACOBS. The Democrat hopes they all have a pleasant trip.

Mrs. John McCORMICK, Sr. is still very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
J.D. HIGGINS of Great Oak. No hopes are entertained for her recovery.

Mr James Blaine McALLISTER and Miss Manda A KERBER

Mr James Blaine McALLISTER and Miss Manda A KERBER were united in marriage
at the Congregational parsonage in this city last Wednesday evening at four
o'clock, Rev. J.E. BRERTON officiating. They were unattended. They left on
the evening passenger for Sherlock and Waverly where they spent a few days
visiting relatives and friends. They arrived home Monday evening.
The bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs John KERBER, who live a short distance
east of this city. She is a young lady whose pleasing personality and many
excellent qualities of mind and heart have endeared her to those who know
her. All will, we are confident, be delighted to learn that she is able to
remain permanently in our community. The groom is a son of Mrs and Mrs E.R.
McALLISTER, who are among the well known and worthy pioneer residents of our
locality. He is a young man of decision, industry, and true worth and will
no doubt, in due time, win his way to the front. Mr and Mrs McALLISTER will
commence housekeeping on one of the A.W. WAGNER farms in Great Oak township.
The Democrat wishes them the many and substantial blessings they so well


Thore Johnson has been quite ill for several days. He recently received a
stroke of paralysis.

Alex Strucken, a Laurens jeweler, recently skipped out, leaving a number of
creditors to mourn his departure.

Sylvester Hand, who was home visiting his parents during the holidays,
recently returned to Atchison, Kansas where he is attending college. He went
by the way of Carroll where he visited a couple of fellow students.

L.E. Conway came dow nfrom north Vernon Thursday in his auto to attend the
annual meeting of the County Mutual Insurance company. He reports that he
has traveled 5,000 miles in his machine since buying it and that his bill
for repairs is less than $4.

At the annual meeting of the Depew Creamery company held a few days ago,
Ludwig Johnson was chosen president, P.C. Duer secretary and James Tod
treasurer. The company did a $36,000 business during the past year. This is
a creditable showing for a country creamery.

Ed F. McGorrisk has purchased the Arnolds Park general store. It was the
property of Ray Butler.

Mayor D.W. Carmeron of Graettinger was looking after business interests in
Emmetsburg Saturday.

Mrs. Edward Burke, mother of Harry Burke, has gone to Chicago to visit her
daughter, Mrs. John Ryan.

Mrs. J.B. Passell returned to Osceola, Iowa, last week. She was a holiday
visitor at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs J.H. Godden

Mr and Mrs. O.J. Johnson left last week for their old home at Mt. Horeb,
Wisconsin. They will visit in that locality for a couple of months.

Mrs. J.T. Mulroney of Nevada township will move into the E.G. Kelly
residence two blocks west of the Joyce corner about February 1. She bought
the property during the fall. It will make her a fine new home.

Mrs. Monroe Johnson went ot Spencer Friday morning to visit her mother.

Miss Fae Squires of Rolfe has accepted a position in the West Bend public

Mrs. Charles Jones of Sanborn dropped dead Tuesday evening of last week
while going to church to attend a revival meeting.

Mrs. Nellie Wiebel of Rolfe, who was seriously injured in an auto accident
several weeks ago, has been taken to a Des Moines hospital for treatment.
Her husband was killed in the accident.

The Algona papers report that County Attorney Van Ness fell on the sidewalk
a few nights ago while returning home and broke his right wrist. He must
have been out late with the boys.

Frank Warnke was quite ill for some time with pneumonia, but we are glad to
report that he was more than able to hold his own during the severe attack.
Mr. Warnke is one of the hardiest and most rugged men in Emmetsburg.

Mrs. Patrick O'Connor arrived from Wibeaux, Montana, Thursday evening to
spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. F.E. Hand and other local relatives.

J.C. Kirkman of DDayton, Webster county, drank a quantity of hair tonic
Thursday as a substitute for booze and died a few hours later. He was a
barber. It seems he was using tonic for liquor for some time but on Thursday
he took an unusually large dose of it.

John Brennan of Nevada and Edward Fitzpatrick of this locality arrived home
from Greene county Thursday evening where they had been visiting relatives
and friends for several weeks. They were at Jefferson, Churdan and other
points. They report that there was very little snow in Green county until
ten days ago. Mr. Brennan says that his cousins, Daniel and Aquinas Mugan,
brothers of M.A. Mugan, of Emmetsburg, are building one of the finest homes
in Jefferson.
For Sale. A good Western Cottage Organ. Would sell same at a reasonable
figure. Enquire at the office or of Mrs. Mary Mulroney of Nevada township.

Burbon Red Toms for sale. Enquire of W.J. Dunigan, Emmetsburg, Iowa.

For Sale
I have a few Chester White boars for sale. Call on or write Dan Vedder,
Emmetsburg, R.4.

Farm for Rent- A good quarter section farm in High Lake township, Emmet
county. Enquire at this office of Tom J. White, Whittemore, Iowa.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Feb 5, 1913

Mr. McRAE of Rolfe was looking after business interests in this city

P. EATON is spending a couple of weeks at Hot Springs, Arkansas. He left for
that place Monday.

Mrs. Frank MEADE and Miss Mary were called to Sanborn Monday by the
dangerous illness of Mrs. James MORAN.

Mr. PFIEFFER, who had been visiting his daughter, Mrs. H.W. BEEBE, for a
short time, returned to Waterloo Friday.

William CONNOR of Morris, Illinois, has been looking after real estate
interests in this county during the past week.

Earl RICHMOND, formerly of Rolfe, has signed a contract to pitch for New
Orleans base ball team next summer.

Lyle SCOTT was home from Indianapolis several days recently. We understand
that he returned the first of the week.

Mr and Mrs E.P. BRAGG were at Iowa City last week where the latter underwent
a surgical operation on one of her eyes.

James KEELER and a Mr. HENRY went to Cedarkey, Florida, the first of the
week. Mr. KEELER owns a farm in that vicinity.

Alvin JOHNSON, who has been living on the Dan KELLY place, has moved onto
the old Thomas MILLER farm in Great Oak township.

Marriage licenses have been issued to Harry V. CALDWELL and J. Leona BALE
and Claus T. HEREIM and Nettie SEVDY. All reside at Ruthven.

Mr and Mrs O.L. BECK were down from Estherville several days last week. Mr.
BECK's mother, Mrs. Mary BECK, was quite ill for several days.

Eugene HARRISON and Nick MART of the Cylinder neighborhood recently spent a
few days in Chicago taking in the sights. Both had an enjoyable time.

Mrs. LINK, who was recently married in this city, left for Bloomington,
Illinois, Wednesday evening. She will join her husband at that place.

A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs P.J. O'CONNOR of Wibeau, Montana,
Wednesday morning. Mrs. O'CONNOR is at the home of Mr and Mrs T.J. MILLER of
Great Oak. She has been visiting in this locality for several weeks. The
many friends of Mr and Mrs O'CONNOR extend hearty congratulations.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wed., Feb 12, 1913

J.J. STUCK of Sioux Falls has leased the Howard hotel at Sheldon.

Hugh MEADE was home from Lansing a couple of days during the past week. He
is employed in a marble factory at that place.

Robert CARNEY of Great Oak township will have a sale Thursday, February 20.

L. REIHSEN arrived home from Mitchell, South Dakota, Wednesday, where he had
been on a business trip. One of his brothers owns a meat market at that

Mrs. BENJAMIN, who had been spending some time with Mrs. Mae BENJAMIN of
this place, went to Algona a short time ago where she intends to spend the

Mrs. J.F. SMITH, who lives in the vicinity of Rodman, was in Emmetsburg
Wednesday. She has been taking the Democrat for more than 20 years. She is
one of our promptest subscribers.

Mrs. SATTER of Elsworth, Iowa, has been visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs.
George HARRISON, for some time. Mrs. HARRISON has been quite ill. She is, we
are pleased to report, much better.

John McNALLY, who was stricken with paralysis a short time ago, is up and
able to be about again, although he has not made his appearance on our
streets. His many friends will be pleased to learn of his recovery.

L. POLAMEETER, the Rock Island agent at Estherville, has been transferred to
Luverne, Minnesota. This can not be considered a promotion. We have not
learned the name of the gentleman who is to succeed him.

The Vindicator and Republican says that J.A. JOHNSON of Graettinger has
bought the produce business of the Estherville Produce company. He will take
possession about March 1. He will add to the business a line of farm

Ed ARNET was down from Graettinger Wednesday. He is engaged in buying
horses. He reports that it is much harder now to sell heavy horses in the
eastern markets than it was during the latter part of the fall. Farmers find
fodder plentiful and are building their horses for higher profits.

Miss Celia GUERDET was quite ill several days last week.

Miss Genevieve DALY of this place was the guest of Estherville friends one
day last week.

Mr. Andrew ANDERSON and Miss Dagmar JEPSON were married at Ringsted a few
days ago.

P.G. PAULSON was down from Estherville Wednesday attending the FAIN-DICKEY
Duroc sale.

Miss Mildred McNALLY was on the sick list several days last week but is, we
are glad to say, much better.

Mr and Mrs. Olai MONSON arrived home from Bode a few days ago where they had
been visiting friends for a short time.

Miss Mattie KRUEL of Laurens has accepted a position in the schools of
Mystic, Iowa. It is located in the southern part of the state.

We notice that W.E. CROWDER of Laurens, formerly of this place, is now
selling land in southeastern Oregon. He considers opportunities in that part
of Oregon very promising.

Robert CARNEY has bought of E.A. MORLING the northwest quarter of section 24
in Ellington township and also a 40 acre tract adjoining it. There are no
improvements on the place. He traded an 80 acre tract in Great Oak township
in part payment. he does not intend moving onto the place this year.

Ringsted has a strong commercial club. J.S. PETERSON, formerly of this
place, is president. He is a hustler. He will do his best to make it an
acitve, useful organization.

Capt. and Mrs. E.B. SOPER, who have been at Hot Springs, Arkansas, for some
time, will leave this week for Florida where they intend spending the
remainder of the winter.

Saturday H.H. ENGER brought three hogs to town and took home $100.77. The
farmer who has hogs or cattle this winter can afford to hold up his head
when he meets his neighbors.

Mart WHALEN writes Estherville friends from California that he is, as usual,
wearing his fur coat and fur cap this winter. He was very prudent in
bringing them to the coast with him.

The fine set of improvements on E.B. SOPER's farm southeast of town are
nearing completion. Mr. FREDERICK has been working on them all winter. Mr.
LAMBERTSON of Wright county will live on the place next year.

E.H. SOPER was a Chicago visitor the last of the week.

Mr and Mrs. Will NELLIE of Lone Rock mourn the loss of their infant

Mrs. C.T. DWARUD of Nevada township, who has been very ill for several
weeks, is improving some. Dr. HENNESSY has her case.

John WEGENER of Fairfield township has bought a fine electric light plant
for his elegant new residence. He made the purchase at Fenton.

Fred ALLUM of Kansas City is visiting his mother and other local relatives.
Monday he presented his mother with a fine Victoria.

Mr and Mrs. Wm. MARTIN, Dennis MARTIN, and Mrs. Thomas SHEA of Ayrshire were
Emmetsburg visitors Sunday. They came over by auto.

A large number of our citizens went to Graettinger Sunday to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Martin LAUGHLIN.

A band of boy scouts has been organized at Ruthven. The present membership
is twenty. Supt. KIRKPATRICK is at the head of the organization.

Dr. Bert and Miss Gertie JOYNT, who had been visiting their parents in this
vicinity for several days, returned to Des Moines Friday. Both are engaged
in Mercy hospital at that place.

Thomas KIRBY, who was quite sick for seven weeks, was able to come down town
last Saturday for the first time since he was taken ill. All of our citizens
were glad to see him about as usual. We understand the members of the Free
>From Care Club are to hold a swell social gathering one of these days for
his special benefit.

M.F. COONAN has one of the best bred young colts in the United States. It
was born a few nights ago. It was sired by Thornway, having a record of 2:05
and 1-4. The dam, Silver Wedding, which is equally as well bred as the sire.
The Democrat hopes that the colt will develop into a speedy trotter.

One evening the first of the week Mr and Mrs. Thomas McBRIDE gave a social
party to a number of their neighbors and friends. A few hours of social
recreation were enjoyed, after which delicious refreshments were served. The
gathering will be recalled with pleasure by the several who were in

Mr and Mr Geo. PUGSLEY of Fern Valley township were in Emmetsburg Saturday.
Mrs. PUGSLEY informs our reporter that a Mr. HINTS from Luverne will move
onto the farm south of the PUGSLEY home. Fremont OSTRANDER has rented the
Horace BOIES farm. Mr. BOIES has, we understand, placed his Palo Alto County
land on the market.

Mrs. L.P. JOHNSON and her daughter, Mrs. Emma JEREMIAHSEN, left for Madison,
Wisconsin, Saturday evening. They will visit relatives in that vicinity for
a couple of weeks. Mrs. JOHNSON has three sisters living there. She resided
near Madison before coming to this county. This will be her first visit to
her old home since leaving 45 years ago. The Democrat hopes she will have an
enjoyable time.

Dr. and Mrs. Robert JOYNT of LeMars spent the last of the week with the
Doctor's parents in Emmetsburg township. They were just returning from the
Twin Cities where they had been on their wedding trip. An account of their
marriage appears elsewhere in the Democrat. The Doctor's many friends and
relatives in this locality extend hearty congratulations to him and his
bonny bride and wish them health and happiness.

Mr and Mrs John McNAMARA were called to St. Paul last week by the death of
Mr McNAMARA's father. He was quite advanced in years. Mr. McNAMARA has the
sympathy of our many citizens in his bereavement.

Mrs. P.H. STEDMAN left for Cedar Rapids Thursday to visit her daughter, Mrs.
George WILLIAMS and family. A few days before one of the little children of
Mrs. WILLIAMS was taken ill quite suddenly. Mr. WILLIAMS started to get a
doctor and slipped on the front steps, breaking one of his wrists. The
injury is a painful one and will lay him up for some time.

Charles BELL of McPherson county, South Dakota, was greeting Emmetsburg
friends the first of the week. He had shipped a car load of horses of his
own raising to West Bend, where he sold them, and was on his way home. He
owns a large horse ranch in McPherson county. His friends say he is getting
rich, but he is very modest when talking with newspaper reporters on the

Dennis KIRBY arrived home from Aberdeen the last of the week to remain for a
short time. Work is at present rather light in railroad circles at that
place. He will return as soon as business picks up. He reports that S.H.
LYNCH has a splendid clothing business at Aberdeen. The Milwaukee company is
double tracking from Aberdeen to the Twin Cities. The work will be completed
within a short time. A double track will be built from Aberdeen to Mowbridge
during the coming season.

Peter HART, who was the Milwaukee agent in this city about thirty years ago,
has been made general manager of the entire system east of the Missouri
river. He has been superintendant of the Pacific division since the
extension of the road to the coast. His many old friends in this locality
will be pleased to learn more of his promotion. The Milwaukee company needs
a capable, general manager. The public has for a long time had reason to
complain of its service. The Democrat hopes Mr. HART will make it one of the
great systems of the United States.

Antone KAJEWSKI was in from Fairfield township Saturday. Mr. KAJEWSKI is the
owner of one of the best half section farms in our county. He came to this
country from Poland in 1881. He and Gregor GAPPA made the trip from the old
country together. He informs us that he could not speak the English language
when he arrived. He was brought as far west as Canton through a mistake on
the part of the conductor. He worked by the month for several years after
coming to this country. He finally saved up enough to make a small payment
on an eighty acre farm. He prospered and has since bought three additional
eighties. Men of Mr. KAJEWSKI's industry, economy and pluck have made the
great west what it is at the present time.

Thomas CONLON of Estherville was an Emmetsburg visitor Monday. He went from
here to Spencer. He is soliciting for calendars for the Vindicator and
Republican company.

W.L. LINDERMAN offers special prizes to boys and girls for the poorest
samples of corn that can be shown at the Farmer's Institute. See premium
list published elsewhere in this issue.

Mrs. Frank SATTER of Elsworth recently spent a few days with her parents, Mr
and Mrs George HARRISON, of this city. Her husband is editor of the news at

Conductor W.A. O'NEILL of this division, who was very badly injured near
Iowa Falls in July or August, is able to be about on crutches. He was
confined to his room in a hospital at Cedar Rapids for several months.

Mrs. W.H. COONAN writes home from Waterloo that Miss Opal PENDER, who has
been very ill with typhoid fever, is some better, though she may not yet be
out of danger.

E.J. ERICKSON of Bode was in Emmetsburg between trains last Saturday. He was
returning home from Decorah where he had been to visit his son, who is a
student at Luther college. While in Emmetsburg he was the guest of Mr and

John TEMPE, son-in-law of Thomas O'CONNOR, is very ill with typhoid fever in
a hospital at Quincy, Illinois. He has been in very serious condition. He
was some better the first of the week, although he is not yet out of danger.
Mrs. O'CONNOR has been at Quincy during the past ten days.

Miss Luella JOHNSON, formerly of this city, who is spending the winter at
Pasadena, California, in remitting for the Democrat, says: "I have found
this an ideal climate for winter. They say the summers are even more
delightful." We publish this statement for the benefit of our readers as
have been giving California a black eye as a winter resort.

In remitting for the Democrat, P.F. DAWSON, of Waurika, Oklahoma, says: "We
are having a rather cold winter in this locality, but our old residents say
this is a sure sign of a good crop next year. Our town has just raised a
bonus of $20,000 and has secured five miles of right-of-way for another
railroad through our town. It will be built from Waurika and then on south
to Wichita Falls or smoe neighboring point. The division will still be at
this place. This looks good for the future of our town."

Miss Celia GUERDET was quite ill several days last week.

Attorney E.A. MORLING arrived home from Washington, D.C. a few days ago. He
was arguing the case of McLAUGHLIN Brothers vs. HALLOWELL in the U.S.
Supreme court. He visited the House and Senate while in Washington but did
not have the pleasure of meeting President Taft, as he had to give close
attention to his case. He enjoyed his visit very much.

Rev. Frank E. HENRY, pastor of the Congregational church of Sibley, Iowa, is
to exchange pulpits with Rev. J.E. BRERTON of this city next Sunday. Mr.
HENRY is an Emmetsburg boy, having received his preliminary education in our
public schools, and has many acquaintances and friends here who will be glad
of an opportunity to hear him. He will preach at 10:30 a.m. and at 7:30 p.m.
He will deliver a sermon-lecture on Abraham Lincoln. The nearness of the
date to the anniversary of Lincoln's birth suggests the appropriateness of
the sermon-lecture.

Dr. BROWNELL of Spirit Lake is spending the winter in Texas.

Mr and Mrs. John KERBER recently enjoyed a visit from their son who lives in
Alberta. He was here but a short time.

J.F. HOGAN and son, T.F. HOGAN of Curlew were Emmetsburg visitors Friday.
The latter will move to Warren, Minnesota, in March. He will live on a farm
near that place.

Mrs. J.J. HIGGINS of Great Oak township underwent an operation in the
hospital at Rochester, Minnesota, last Wednesday. She is getting along
nicely. Drs. MAYO have hopes for her early recovery. Mrs. HIGGINS is still
at Rochester.

"The Wolf", a story dealing with the picturesque and wild Hudson Bay
country, was first produced in New York at the Lyric Theatre, where it
remained for six months. "The Wolf" then moved to Chicago where it played
for four months more. Manager LAUGHLIN of The Iowa announces it for
Wednesday, February 19, with the same big production and an excellent cast.

W.J. RHODDA was up from Havelock yesterday. He came by auto. He had an
accident and had to wait for a few hours for repairs to come from Algona.
Mr. RHODDA was a resident of this locality about fifteen years ago. He was
the Democratic nominee for recorder of Pocahontas county last fall,but was
defeated by a small majority. His many local friends were glad to meet him

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Mar 5, 1913


Mr. W.E. Stoebe and Miss Lena Weisbrod of the Fenton neighborhood were
married last Thursday.

The Democrat regrets to learn that Dr. Beatty of Mallard has been quite ill.
He is, we are glad to report, improving.

Mr. Sullivan, who resided in the vicinity of Mallard, recently died at
Foley, Minnesota. He was the father of Mrs. A.H. Steil of Mallard.

Anton Berkeland of Fenton is home from Highland Park, having finished a
course in engineering at that institution. We glean from the Fenton

The West Bend Journal reports that John Wickman recently sold his farm near
Bancroft and has rented a place near Rodman. He is moving onto it this week.

Mrs. J.A. Mormon recently enjoyed a visit from her father, Mr. Hawk, who
lives in Wisconsin. He left a short time ago for Charles Mix county, South

E.J. Scott has rented the P.C. Neary store building. It will make him a fine
room. The location is choice. Mr. Reihsen will soon move out of the

Charles Albee, who lives six miles north of Sumner, was in Emmetsburg
Thursday evening. he was on his way to West Bend where he resided a number
of years ago. He says that real estate values are about the same in Bremer
county as they are in this locality.

P.E.C. Lally of Denison, wlll known to many of our local citizens, was taken
to Rochester, Minnesota, a few days ago where he will undergo an operation.
It is claimed that he has cancer of the intestines. He is said to be very
much discouraged.

W.H. Coakley moved on to his father's farm in Great Oak township last week.

P.H. Donlon was at Graettinger Wednesday to see his brother Peter, who was
on the sick list for several days.

William Conlon and his partner, Mr. Olson, have sold their store at Terril
to C.J. Applequist of Dunnel, Minnesota. Mr. Conlon is postmaster at that

H.S. Mosher of Walnut, Iowa, was in Emmetsburg several days during the past
week looking after real estate interests. He returned home Wednesday

Nels Simonson was at Bode the last of the week conducting Mr. Beebe's sale
of clothing at that place. He is very capable for this line of work. He had
good success at Bode.

Clarence Hayes of Nevada township bought two fine Shorthorns at the Shaffer
sale held at Estherville a short time ago. Mr. Hayes is a very successful
cattle breeder and spend considerable money in keeping up his herd.

John Spilles was up from Fern Valley township Tuesday evening of last week.
He is one of the prosperous farmers of our county. He owns 240 acres of
choice, well improved land and the best part of it is he does not owe a cent
on it.

Edward McNally reports that he has handled 132 abstracts since January 1.
Some of them, of course, were for parties who wished to make loans, but most
of them were for transfers of real estate. Other officers have doubtless
done a large business. This has been a good year for the abstracter.

H.R. Hanson has moved onto the O.H. Rindy farm in Independence township. The
owner of the place does not live in this county.

John Scott has rented the Daily building east of the McCarty & Reichard
harness building for a garage. He was unable to secure a large building.
Emmetsburg needs a nice large auto garage. Who will build it?

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Connor arrived home from Quincy, Illinois, Wednesday
morning. They brought with them Mrs. Timpe's only child. Mrs. Timpe will
remain at Quincy for a short time to look after business matters, after
which she will come to Emmetsburg to spend a few months with her parents.
Mr. O'Connor reports that he did not see any snow at Quincy or for some
distance this side of it.

Mrs. Martha P. Reese and her mother, Mrs. Dora L. Haugstuen, of Graettinger,
were in Emmetsburg Saturday. Mrs. Haugstuen will sell her home at that place
at public auction March 15. She will soon accompany Mrs. Reese to her home
at Los Angeles, California. The latter has lived at that place for several
years. She likes the climate. Mrs. Haugstuen has been suffering from
rheumatism and she hopes the change will benefit her. Mrs. Reese reports
that residence lots adjacent to her home in Los Angeles, which could be had
for $35 six years ago, are now bringing $2,000.

Ed Schmidt came down from Graettinger Saturday to remain for a few days. He
has been under Dr. O'Brien's care for some time. He is, we are pleased to
report, getting along nicely. His father, Peter P. Schmidt, left for Amery,
Wisconsin, Friday evening. He bought a farm at that place during the fall.
Mrs.Schmidt and the children will leave for their new home this week. Mr.
and Mrs. Schmidt lived in this city for some time but later moved to
Graettinger. They are among the most deserving and respected people of our
county and all who know them will, we are sure, regret to learn that they
have gone to Wisconsin to reside. The Democrat hopes they will prosper in
that state and enjoy their new surroundings.

W.H. WALSH was a passenger to Britt Monday morning.

J.B. MARTIN of West Bend was in Emmetsburg Thursday.

Attorney E.A. MORLING attended court at Algona Monday.

Father CARROLL of Ayrshire spent Wednesday at Fort Dodge.

Attorney A.J. BURT spent Monday at Algona attending court.

George CUNNINGHAM of West Bend is moving to Swift Current, Canada.

Ray McNALLY was up from Garner Saturday evening and spent Sunday at home.

Joseph SMITH of Great Oak township has of late been quite ill, but is much

Miss Anna JOYNT left for Sioux City Monday where she will remain for three

Sam SKOW of Emmetsburg township bought a Ford auto of John SCOTT a few days

A.B. CARTER was looking after business interests at West Bend several days
during the past week.

The postoffice statistics show that the American people pay $2.60 per capita
every year for postage.

The ceiling of the A.J. WOLFGANG store room will be raised two feet and the
store will be otherwise improved.

Madam SCHUMANN-HEINK will give a concert at Fort Dodge this evening. Tickets
are on sale for $1, $1.50 and $2.00

The Chronicle says that Mr. and Mrs. P.E. MALIA of Ayrshire were at Ft.
Dodge Thursday attending the auto show.

Mr and Mrs Ludwig ANDERSON of the Ringsted neighborhood have gone to
Denmark. They will be absent until September.

The Ayrshire Chronicle reports that E.E. WILSON has bought a farm near
Calgary, Alberta and will move to that place this month.

Miss Loretta McNALLY was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.N. PHILLIPS
of West Bend several days during the past week.

Miss Ruth MAGUIRE of Ayrshire was able to return to St. Mary's Academy
Monday after an absence of nine weeks. She was ill part of the time.

Earl SCHMITT of Whittemore, who was shot and badly injured late in the fall,
died a few days ago. He had submitted to three operations.

J.S. ROBINSON came up from West Bend Saturday evening to try the Emmesburg
brand of March weather. He pronounced it the real thing.

H.H. COOK came up from Des Moines Saturday evening and remained over Sunday
with his family. He looks as though the politicians have not been misusing

Miss Agnes MAGUIRE of Ayrshire was an Emmetsburg visitor Sunday. She will
leave for Cedar Rapids Friday to take a course in one of the business
colleges at that place.

Attorney Mack GROVES, J.W. MORSE and C.W. CRIM of Estherville came to
Emmetsburg Sunday evening and tookthe east bound passenger train to Algona
Monday morning to attend court.

L.T. JACKSON was a passenger to Algona Monday morning.

T.J. McCAFFREY of West Bend was in Emmetsburg Friday evening.

How hard is it for a man to remember what his wife tells him to bring home.

Bro. FINNEL of the Algona Courier was an Emmetsburg visitor Sunday evening.

Fred AUSTIN has rented the W.J.O'BRIEN residence near James MURRAY's.

Miss Alice McGOVERN of Whittemore spent Sunday with Emmetburg relatives and

Miss Margaret EAGAN of Ayrshire spent Sunday with her brother, , Wm. F.
EAGAN of this city.

We had our coldest January in many years in 1912, our warmest in 1891, our
wettest in 1890, our driest in 1889.

W.W. FROST is putting up a fine barn on his farm near Cylinder. It is 30x50
feet. J.J. McDONALD has the contract.

Mrs and Mrs. Wm McNALLY have moved from the P.V. NOLAN residence into the
John HUGHES' residence west of James MURRAY's.

L.T. JACKSON of Toulon, Illinois, was an Emmetsburg visitor the last of the
week. He has large real estate interests in this locality.

Ira D. STONE, one of the old residents of West Bend township, passed away
last Thursday. He has been quite ill for some time.

John DENINGER of West Bend was an Emmetsburg visitor Sunday afternoon. He is
the Rock Island section foreman at that place.

Mrs. Harry CAMPBELL of Charles City is a guest at the home of Major and Mrs.
S.W. SMITH of this place. She is a sister-in-law of C.E. CAMPBELL.

M.GEELAN was over from Ruthven yesterday. He is a man who never has to be
dunned for an account. If all men were as prompt as he is, collectors would
have to retire from business. His is standing his years well.

J.J. McDONALD has the contract for building a fine new residence on the
Henry HORNER farm near Cylinder. The place was formerly owned by Alex
PEDDIE. The old home was burned down during the winter. The new residence
will be 28x30 feet with 18 foot posts.

We are glad to report that Mrs. W. B FREEMAN who has been very ill for
several weeks is improving.

Miss Kathryn SULLIVAN of Graettinger visited Emmetsburg relatives and
friends the last of the week.

John HERBERGER will succeed John GRAETTINGER as manager of the St. John
Grain company at Graettinger.

Miss Margaret WESTPHAL of Graettinger went to Mason City Monday evening to
visit his sister, Mrs. Lena EVERS.

Mrs. John BOWMAN who lives between Whittemore and West Bend, is building a
fine new residence. She put up a large barn last season.

Dr. SMYLIE of Algona, Rev. C.B. MITCHELL of Goldfield, and Rev. WORDLE of
Cylinder were guests of Rev. Herbert CLEGG Wednesday.

Mr and Mrs. M. JOYNT are visiting their son Dr. JOYNT of LeMars. They will
also spend a few days with their other son, Dr. JOYNT of Marcus.

Mr and Mrs Charles MEYERS of Remsen, Iowa, came to Emmetsburg the first of
the week to visit the former's mother, who was quite ill.

Preston FAHNESTOCK of Graettinger left for Chicago Saturday evening to see
his wife, who underwent a surgical operation in a hospital at that place.

Mr and Mrs. M. AYLWARD intend moving next week into the residence in the
southeast part of town which they purchased from L.E. MURPHY last fall.

R.H. GIFFORD is enjoying a visit from his daughter, Mrs. John McBRIDE of
Pilot Mound, Iowa. She is on her way to Wolsey, South Dakota, where she will
make her future home.

Barney O'NEILL, the noted Idaho banker, who was sent to the penitentiary a
few years ago for defrauding the patrons of the institution, was a resident
of Sibley a few years ago.

Marshal BRENNAN requests that parties who know of street lights being out
report same to him. Quite often a light will be out in some part of town and
it is difficult for him to locate it promptly.

E.K. HILL recently moved from Dayton, Illinois, to this city. James
COLLISON, Wm. BUCKLEY and Wm. WAGNER of Dayton assisted him in moving and
are visiting for a short time at his home.

E.J. FOY informs us that there was not a single death in Emmetsburg or
within ten miles of it during the month of February. This is the best
showing that has been made in this community in ten years.

Mr. and Mrs. J.J. HIGGINS of Great Oak township arrived home from Rochester,
Minnesota, Saturday evening. Mrs. HIGGINS, who underwent a surgical
operation at that place some time ago, is we are pleased to note, getting
along nicely.

Mr and Mrs John SULLIVAN and family of Belmond moved to this city last week
and are comfortably situated in the old Charles FLYNN residence in the
Fourth ward. They have located in our midst in order that their children may
have an opportunity to attend St. Mary's.

D.W. MUGAN of Jefferson, Greene county, arrived in this city Friday evening
for a few days's visit with his brother, M.A. MUGAN, and other relatives in
this vicinity. Mr. MUGAN recently built a very fine home at Jefferson. He
has been the democratic chairman of Greene county for many years

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
19 March 1913

St. Patrick's Day Fittingly Observed.
High Mass at Assumption Church, Ladies Serve Meals and "Handy Andy" Rendered
at The Iowa in the Afternoon and Evening.

Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather the St. Patrick's day
exercises, which were held in this city on Saturday instead of Monday, were
fairly well attended and they were very creditable. At ten o'clock a number
of the Ancient Order of Hibernians walked to Assumption church where they
attended high mass. At the close Very Rev. P.F. FARRELLY preached one of the
most instructive and scholarly St. Patrick's day sermons ever heard in this
part of Iowa. In his opinion, St. Patrick should be ranked with the greatest
of Christ's apostles. No one in the history of Christianity had done more to
spread the light of faith and no one had labored with more lasting benefits
to religion and to humanity. The name of Ireland's greatest saint is revered
throughout the civilized world. He was a close relative of St. Martin of
Tours, one of the pious and learned men of the fourth century. At the age of
16 he was sold as a slave. He spend six years in captivity, during which
time he herded sheep in Ireland. While in servitude he learned much about
the beliefs and the customs of the pagan Druids and he also became familiar
with the Celtic language. He finally escaped from Ireland. He spent several
years in the school of the celebrated Germain and he also studied for some
time in the institution of southern France. Palladius visited Ireland before
St. Patrick, but his mission was not successful. Finally Patrick was
consecrated a bishop and Pope Celestine commissioned him to convert Ireland
to christianity. He spent 60 years in the island, often undergoing great
hardship, but in most cases he was kindly received and his conversions were
surprisingly numerous. He built churches and schools and encouraged Christian
progress in all parts of the country. He had great faith in the power of
prayer. He often prayed one hundred times each night and as often during the
day. God bestowed special spiritual blessings on him and granted him the
power to perform miracles. St. Patrick prayed and fasted for forty days on
Croagh Patrick and fervently asked God to give to the Irish people the grace
to persevere in their devotion to their religion. During his life he
consecrated 850 bishops. Two hundred years later Ireland became known
throughout western Europe as the "Land of Saints and Scholars". The
successful efforts of the Irish missionaries in assisting in the conversion
of parts of Germany, France and northern Italy are now acknowledged by all
impartial students of continental history. Father FARRELLY referred briefly
to the centuries of persecution which the Irish people had undergone because
of their loyalty to their religion and he appealed to his listeners to
cherish fondly their faith which had been preserved for them amid such
trials and sacrifices. It is needless to day that the sermon made a profound
impression on all who heard it.
At noon and in the evening elegant meals were served in the basement of St.
Thomas church by the Assumption ladies. The ladies were liberally patronized
considering the day and they had an abundance of choice victuals for all who
called. They also conducted a bazaar during the afternoon. The net receipts
were $166 for the dinner and $80 for the bazaar.

"Handy Andy" at The Iowa.
In the afternoon the Irish comedy, "Handy Andy," was presented at The Iowa
by home talent. There was a large house during the afternoon and in the
evening every seat was taken. T.J. COONAN played the character of "Squire
Egan." His appearance and his voice made him a favorite with the audience.
He was as good as a professional. C.J. McNALLY as "Mr Murphy", W.P. KERWICK
as "Mr. Furlong," and Jas. W. NEARY as "Edward O'Connor" more than sustained
the characters they impersonated. Better selections could not have been made
for the cast. "Dick Dawson" found a realistic representation in P.J. WALSH
and M. MILLER, as "Squire O'Grady," made things warm enough for "Mr.
Furlong" to suit the most critical audience. Carl BERGER's part was not
difficult, but he did exceedingly well. As "Oonah Rooney" Miss Mary O'BRIEN
proved herself the winsome, happy, cheerful Irish girl it became her to
represent, while Miss Vera RUTLEDGE appeared in the difficult, pathetic part
of "Mad Nance." He interpretation of her lines were decidedly realistic As
"Fanny Dawson", Miss Julia DRUMMY did all that the exacting impersonation
required. She proved herself a sweet, talented singer, rendering most
creditably "There in Only One Ireland" and responding to a hearty encore
with " When I Dream of Old Erin." Miss Rose CARMODY sang "Isle of Dreams"
and "The Days of the Kerry Dance." She has real ability as a vocalist. Both
selections were highly pleasing to the large  audience.
The Gaelic visitors, Michael GRAHAM and John RYAN of Chicago, showed the
cleverness and the skill of their race in dancing reels, jigs, honrpipes,
the "Blackbird," "Humors of Bandon," and "Connaughtman's Rambles". There are
perhaps no better dancers in the United States. They are young gentlemen and
they make friends whenever they come to Emmetsburg. They added much to the
pleasing and entertaining features of the evening's exercises. The writer
has never seen better work on the stage by amateurs. They have reason to
feel proud of their efforts. The afternoon receipts were $78 and the
evening's $267, making a total of $345.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Mar 19, 1913

O.L. BECK Promoted.
O.L. BECK, who was the Rock Island agent at this place for a number of
years, has been promoted from traveling auditor to a position in the
auditor's office at the headquarters in Chicago. He will move his family to
that city. He is a brother of Curt and Art BECK of this city. He is a very
capable railroad man. His many Emmetsburg friends will be pleased to learn
of his success.

Mrs. C.R. VANGORDEN spent Sunday at Des Moines.

B PRATT was a passenger to Grinnell Monday evening.

P.E. JONES was a business visitor at the Twin Cities the first of the week.

Supt. Margaret RYAN was at Ayrshire the last of the week visiting schools.

W.E.G. Saunders and son George were passengers to Des Moines Monday evening.

Miss Claudie LAUGHLIN will leave for Cedar Falls today to take a short
course in the Iowa State Teachers' College.

Miss Mildred DALY will leave for Cedar Falls today to resume her studies at
the Iowa State Teachers' College. She was home for a short vacation.

Arthur ANDERSON went to Jewell Junction Monday morning to attend the funeral
of his aunt, Mrs. STOCKDALE, who was killed in the wreck on the Union
Pacific near Gothenberg, Nebraska on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph WOLLNER and family and one of Mr .WOLLNER's nieces left
for Portland, Oregon, Monday where they will make their future home. They
lived in this locality for many years, during which time they made many warm
friends. They are upright and most deserving people and will soon be
recognized for their worth in any community in which they decide to locate.
The best wishes of all our citizens will accompany them to their new home.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
26 March 1913

A.B. CARTER has moved into the J.C. BENNETT residence a short distance from
the home of H.H. COOK.

J.B. SMITH, a real estate dealer of Lake City, was looking after business
interests in Emmetsburg Monday evening.

Dr. BOWES of Livermore was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday evening. He came
to buy a piece of land but it did not suit him.

The Burt Monitor claims there are 35 cases of small pox at Algona, but the
local newspapers do not appear to know anything about them.

A new boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MULRONEY of this city
last Wednesday. Their many friends extend congratulations.

B.W. DEVINE, who spent Sunday with his brother-in-law, Anton KAJEWSKI, of
Fairfield township, returned home Monday evening.

By January 1 there will be one automobile in use in the United States for
every 75 people. Machines will soon have to come down in price.

The W.A. of Trinity church will meet at the home of Mrs. ILLINGWORTH Friday
afternoon, March 28, at three o'clock. All are cordially invited.

A new boy recently arrived at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Dennis CARROLL, Jr.,
of Emmetsburg township. Their many friends are pleased to learn of the good

James WASHINGTON of Ruthven was in Emmetsburg Monday. He recently returned
from Omaha where he had been attending a business college for several

Edward and Herbert TAYLOR arrived from Lena, Wisconsin, a few days ago to
work on the Boyd section farm southwest of this place. Mr. HOLDER has charge
of the place.

Wednesday we enjoyed a call from Jens MADSEN who recently came from Illinois
and moved onto the Frank SPRAGUE farm near Cylinder. Mr. SPRAGUE lives at
Joliet, Illinois.

We notice again that W.J. O'BRIEN has again been elected president of the
school board at Whittemore. Emmetsburg gentlemen are very prominent and
influential in the business and official affairs of our sister town.

Quite a number of the Knights of Columbus had arranged to go to Ruthven
Monday morning to attend the funeral of John DAILY but they had to abandon
their trip on account of  the lateness of the morning train from the east.

About fifty of our citizens went to Spencer Friday evening to attrend the
district oratorial contest. They were, of course, greatly interested in the
success of Miss Mary ARMSTRONG and it is needless to say that they were
disappointed when she was not even given second place by the judges.

J.S. ROBINSON of West Bend was looking after real estate interests in
Emmetsburg Monday.

Samuel WATSON, one of the pioneer residents of Storm Lake, died a few days
ago at the age of 90.

Peter JENSEN, son of J.C. JENSEN of Lost Island township, died few days ago
of pneumonia. He was 23 years of age.

Do not forget Miss Nellie A. DUGAN's public sale Thursday, April 3. See her
ad in this week's Democrat.

We notice by the Rolfe papers that Anthony FINN is planning on returning to
that place. He has been living in Gilmore for some time.

Mrs. KELLY, mother of Mrs. T.B. WALSH and Mrs. T.J. McGOEY, who was very ill
at Ayrshire for some time, is able to be about again.

Miss Mabel SIMONSON arrived home from Evanston, Illinois, last Saturday
where she had been attending school. She will remain for some time.

Marshal BRENNAN says that when a newly married man commences running around
at night it is not long before he exceeds the speed limit.

Mrs. THOMPSON, wife of Tony THOMPSON, the wrestler, has been very ill in the
hospital at Milford for some time. She is, however, improving.

John DORWEILER has completed a new barn on his farm east of West Bend. His
old barn was destroyed by fire some time ago. We glean from the Journal.

Philip BOUGH of this city will hold a public sale of horses and mules at the
Rock Island livery barn next Saturday.

The Mail says that Rev. Father SWEENEY of this city visited his parents at
Sheldon last week. He was on his way to Sioux City to attned the Holy week

Mrs. H.C. SHADBOLT recently returned from New Mexico where she had been
spending some time. She is, it is needless to say, glad to be back in
Emmetsburg again.

James J. REGAN, national president of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, who
delivered an address in Emmetsburg a couple of years ago, is now editor of
the Irish Standard of Minneapolis.

Miss Louis MONTGOMERY, daughter of P. MONTGOMERY, of Graettinger, returned
to Cedar Falls Sunday evening. She had been spending her Easter vacation at
home. She is a student at the Iowa State Teachers' college.

The ladies of the second ward will hold a market at the drug store of M.L.
BRADY next Saturday afternoon. The proceeds will go towards paying for the
water works improvement in the local cemeteries.

Mrs. and Mrs. J.J. NEWMAN who came to Emmetsburg a week ago to attend the
funeral of P. DUGAN, returned to Spring Valley, Illinois, last evening. Mrs.
NEWMAN is a sister of Mr. DUGAN and the only surviving member of the family.
Mr. NEWMAN is the Northwestern station agent, and yard master at Spring
Valley, a place of 8,000. He has been engaged in railroading since 1879. He
has been at Spring Valley for twenty years.

Mrs. Elmer STEIL returned from West Bend Monday. She had been spending
Easter with her parents at that place.

Miss Edna GUSLAND has been at Dickens for some time taking care of Mack
BRUCE, who has been very will with pneumonia.

Miss Claus NEVE of Gilmore, Pocahontas county, sold 2,120 dozen eggs during
the past year. She received $339.09 for them.

Joseph, son of Patrick BANNON, who lives near Hoprig, had one of his legs
broken a few days ago while unloading a gasoline engine.

Miss Nora KNUDTSON, who has been attending a school at Northfield,
Minnesota, returned to Ruthven a few days ago to visit relatives.

Harry GODDEN was looking after some business matters at Mason City last
week. He now has charge of his father's business at Estherville.

East-bound travelers on the Milwaukee road say the snow is very deep in the
region of the Black Hills. In some places there are drifts 40 feet high.

Mrs. P.J. NALLY spent Thursday and Friday at Mallard. While there she was a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. CARMICHAEL. Her daughter Miss Mayme NALLY, teaches in
the Mallard schools.

In our account of the death of Patrick DUGAN last week the date of his birth
should have been August 12, 1868. he was born at Braidwood, Illinois, The
other dates and facts are substantially reported.

P.J. NALLY informs us that his father died in Ireland February 27. His
mother died just two weeks before. He and his sister, Mrs. P.J. COLLINS of
this city, have the sympathy of our many citizens in their bereavement.

Mrs. and Mrs. M.W. JOYNT of West Bend spent Sunday with relatives and
friends in this city.

Mrs. and Mrs. John ELLIS spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. BROWN of

Mrs. GRIZELLE, a sister of Mrs. W.E. LOSEY, returned to Rock Rapids Friday.
She had been visiting this city for a short time.

Mrs. and Mrs. W.E.G. SAUNDERS was called to Toronto, Canada Friday by the
illness of one of their sons who is atending school at that place.

Ed KANE and Ed BOUGH left for Bullock, South Dakota, last evening. They will
go by way of Aberdeen and Bowman, North Dakota. Both own homesteads near

J.G. SPRINGSTEEN, of Arnolds Park, who committed rape on the person of Ora
LONGHARD some time ago, has been convicted and sent to the penitentiary. The
girl was only fourteen years of age.

G.L. TREMAIN has retired as president of the People's Bank of Humboldt. He
was a pioneer in the business. He is succeeded by F.A. AYERS.  W.W. STEARNS,
who has been cashier, also retires.

Mrs. and Mrs. Mike BURNS of Sanborn have just returned from California where
they spent the winter. Mr. BURNS is one of the oldest conductors on the
Milwaukee line. He runs west from Sanborn.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
April 2, 1913

Charles DUHIGG was an Ayrshire visitor Friday

W.J. O'NEILL was a Des Moines visitor the first of the week.

John F. TOD of Independence township was an Emmetsburg visitor Monday.

D.G. McCARTY was a professional visitor at Des Moines the first of the week.

Miss Grace CREIGHTON of Whittemore spent Sunday with Emmetsburg friends.

Wm. MONCRIEF went to Mason City Monday where he will work in a barber shop.

Miss Bess KETCHEN spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Ethel RICHARDSON of

Clem ROACHE was down from Rock Rapids Wednesday visiting local relatives and

Mrs. Earl BROWN arrived home the last of the week after and extended trip
through the west.

Miss Fern and Mr. Lee JACOBS of West Bend were guests of Miss Grace WOLFGANG

Edwin ANDERSON of Ruthven was looking after business interests in Emmetsburg
Monday morning.

Mr. KENEFICK of Belmond was the guest of John L. SULLIVAN of Emmetsburg over

J.D. HIGGINS arrived home from Colfax last week. We are glad to learn that
he is getting along nicely.

Miss Josie PATTON was home from Boone visiting her sister, Mrs. E.J.
HIGGINS, during her spring vacation.

Miss Josie DEALY arrived from Perry the last of the week to spend her brief
vacation with her parents in this city.

Mr. O'HORA of Spring Green, Wisconsin, visited over Sunday with his friend,
Miss Margaret RYAN, of this city.

Miss Sarah CROWLEY has been quite ill during the past week. Miss Mary
O'BRIEN is teaching in her place at the East Side School.

William WEDOO was a Garner visitor last week. Two of his daughters are
engaged in business at that place and are doing well.

Miss Margaret FLOOD has been teaching in the vicinity of Sanborn during the
past couple of weeks. One of her sisters lives at Sanborn.

Mr nad Mrs. J.H. HINKLEY have returned from California and are now visiting
at the home of their daughter, Mrs. MOORE, of Kansas City.

John METZ was down from Minneapolis the last of the week visiting his
parents and numerous local friends. He returned Sunday evening.

F.F. FAVILLE, the U.S. attorney for this district, si now delivering a
lecture on "The Under Man". He is well read and quite fluent.

Mrs. CANFIELD of Schenectady, New York, has been visiting during the past
week with her parents, Mr and Mrs George DRYBREAD, of this place.

Miss C.M. JOHNSON was at Graettinger Saturday looking after her studio at
that place. She makes regular trips to Graettinger and Ruthven.

Miss Lucille SCHENDEL has been on the sick list for a couple of weeks.

W.E.G. SAUNDERS and E.A. MORLING were Ft. Dodge visitors Saturday.

Henry SHERLOCK has been home from Omaha for several days visiting his

Charles GUSLAND is doing some improving in his residence property in the
First ward.

Eddie FOY, the well known comedian, will appear at Mason City next Saturday.

Mr and Mrs. J.E. GIFFORD left for Belmond Monday where they will make their
future home.

Superintendent CHANDLER has been re-elected for the coming year by the
school board of West Bend.

Mrs. P.R. WELLS came up from Mason City Friday to attend the funeral of Miss
Lottie WALSH.

Mrs. George BLECKENHORN of Sioux City arrived Monday for a visit with her
sister, Mrs. R.E. RITTS.

Lewis PETERSON of Lost Island township is arranging to enlarge his residence
during the coming season.

Arnold BRUNNER, who is employed at the Emmetsburg postoffice, visited
friends in Whittemore over Sunday.

A son was born to Dr. and Mrs. STARR of Mason City Monday. Their Emmetsburg
friends extend congratulations.

Mrs. DUHIGG, Sr., went to Ayrshire Friday to see Mr and Mrs. K.J. McELROY's
little daughter, who has been quite ill.

Miss Rose MILLER, daughter of Axel MILLER, returned to Mt Vernon college
Monday. She had been home for the Easter vacation.

Mrs. T.W. BRADLEY and her daughter, Mrs. HIGLEY, of Mason City were called
to Emmetsburg Friday evening by the death of Miss Lottie WALSH.

Miss Kate MORRIS of Algona has gone to Floodwood, Minnesota, where she will
make her future home.

W.F. BOBLIT was a Chicago visitor last week.

Father KELLY was down from Graettinger Monday

Lance BECK spent Sunday with relatives at Estherville

Supt. Angus McDONALD will remain at Spirit Lake another year.

Miss Eva HARRISON visited friends at Graettinger over Sunday.

Mrs. E.A. MORLING and little son were Ruthven visitors last week.

William MONCRIEF and Thomas JENNINGS went to LeMars Thursday.

Mrs. T. STODDARD of Livermore visited Emmetsburg friends last week.

M.H. PETERSON of Ringsted has gone to Waterloo to take a course in a
business college.

Miss Genevieve DAILY was a guest of Whittemore friends several days during
the last week.

Mrs. Emmet MOORE of High Lake was a guest of Mrs. M.F. COONAN Thursday and

There are still quite a number of cases of small pox at Algona. They are,
however, of a mild form.

Mrs. W.J. O'BRIEN and daughter of Whittemore came to Emmetsburg Saturday to
attend the funeral of Miss Lottie WALSH.

Mr and Mrs. Elmer ASHBURN and children have moved to Ruthven. They will
reside at that place during the coming year.

The Free Press says taht Cleborn BARRINGER of Inverness, Montana, has been
visiting friends at Ruthven during the past ten days.

Mrs. T. SULLIVAN and niece, Miss Catherine ROWAN, came down from Graettinger
Saturday evening for a few days's vist with Emmetsburg relatives and

Mr and Mrs. T.E. MANNING, who had been living southeast of Emmetsburg for
several years have moved onto one of the CROWLEY farms northwest of this

Mr. Harry SAMPSON and Miss Edna RUSTAN were married at Ruthven last
Wednesday. They will make their future home on a farm near that place. The
Democrat extends congratulations.

Mrs. James SCOTT left for Sterling, Illinois, Friday evening. She was called
there by the death of her father. She has the sympathy of her many
Emmetsburg friends in her bereavement.

The Rolfe Reveille says that Mr and Mrs Art BROWN of Curlew visited
relatives in the vicinity of Rolfe last week. From there they left for First
View, Colorado, where one of their sons resides.

Miss Clara ERICKSON of Eagle Grove has been visiting Mrs. A.T. HORAN for
several days. She taught in the Davenport schools last year. She is at
present principal of the Eagle Grove schools.

John McNAMARA and James MULRONEY were passengers to Creston, Iowa, Monday.

Patrick WEIR and son Will of Whittemore were Emmetsburg visitors Tuesday.

Wm. DONOVAN left for Minneapolis yesterday. He intends going from that place
to Montana.

Simon HENRY of Whittemore was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday. He was
attending Phil BOUGH's horse sale.

Misses Margaret Ann and Agnes WALSH came from Austin, Minnesota, Friday to
attend the funeral of Miss Lottie WALSH.

The Iowa Realty company has sold the Charles FLYNN residence property
occupied by C.F. MORAN to B.F. SCHROEDER.

Filo POARCH spent Sunday with friends at Bancroft. He found the town all
wrought up over the contest to divide Kossuth county.

John S. GIBSON is moving his engines and other goods into the W.H. COONAN
building on south Broadway, which he rented some time ago.

Mr and Mrs John McNAMARA arrived home from the Twin Cities Saturday evening.
Mr. McNAMARA, who was in a hospital for some time, si feeling quite hearty

Mr and Mrs John MAGUIRE, Mr. and Mrs M.L. MAGUIRE, Miss MAGUIRE, Mrs. M.P.
CARRIGAN, Mrs. Peter WALDRON and Miss Marie COLE came from Ayrshire Friday
to attend the funeral of Miss Lottie WALSH.

A Humboldt Man Suicides
A few days ago T.E. JAMISON of Humboldt went to Fort Dodge and returned on
the midnight train. After reaching home he went to his barn and fired two
bullets through his head. He was found the following morning but lived but a
short time. He intended to kill himself.

R.F. MINER Leaves Emmetsburg
R.F. MINER and family moved to Blairstown, Iowa, Saturday where they will
make their future home. Mr. MINER had been conducting a livery and feed barn
in this city for a couple of years. He and his family will be missed by
those who have known them during their residence in Emmetsburg.

Will Improve Their Home
Mr and Mrs. W.E. JACKMAN will enlarge their home and equip it with modern
conveniences. They have an excellent farm and a fine location. They can well
afford one of the finest homes in the county and they are to be commended
for deciding to have it.

Kitchen girl wanted at Waverly hotel for second work.

The Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, IA
9 Apr 1913

J.A. SPIES was down from Graettinger last Thursday.
Father CARROLL of Ayrshire spent Thursday in Emmetsburg.
Alex RUTHVEN of Ruthven spent Thursday in Emmetsburg.
William RUTHVEN has reshingled his residence and has otherwise improved it.
Earl BROWN has ordered a new hog house built on his place on which Mr. KELSH
Barny FARRELL recently returned from Chicago where he had been with a car of
Miss Ida SORENSON recently arrived in this city to visite her parents and
other relatives.
Mayor CAMERON of Graettinger spent Thursday in this city. He was serving as
a witness in court.
W.DITCH of Richmond, Virginia, recently spent a short time at West Bend. He
was called there by the illness of his mother.
Harold O'BRIEN and Francis FLEMING of Whittemore were Emmetsburg visitors
Friday evening. They came to attend the hop at the armory.
Mrs. J.F. ROWE has rented a residence near the Lutheran church. It has been
occupied by Dr. ASHLEY and family. She sold her home in the northeast part
of town some time ago.
Mrs. NELSON, mother of Nels NELSON, has been quite ill during the past week.
She is somewhat advanced in years. Her many friends hope soon to hear of an
improvement in her condition.
Father COSTELLO, accompanied by Father NOLAN of Eagle Grove, were Emmetsburg
visitors Wednesday. They had been up in Vernon township looking for ducks
but they could not find any.
Miss Laura ILLINGSWORTH was quite ill several days last week.
W.J. TYSON was a business visitor at West Bend Wednesday.
Deputy Sheriff McNALLY was a West Bend visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. PIERSON of Graettinger was an Emmetsburg visitor Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HAHN of Mallard were Fort Dodge visitors last week.
L.D. SMITH is enlarging his residence. He resides in the second ward.
Miss C.M. JOHNSON recently enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Miss DARG of
The people of Hampton are arranging for 42 blocks of paving during the
coming year.
Miss Nora DUNIGAN, who was home spending her spring vacation, retured to
Ames last week.
Mrs. Pearl BURREL recently returned to Sheldon after a visit with her
mother, Jesse CHURCH.
Miss Ella DOOLEY of Fonda arrived a few days ago to see her brother, J.J.
DOOLEY, who has been very ill for some time.
Miss Elizabeth EAGAN of Ayrshire spent Saturday and Sunday with her cousins,
Misses Alice and Nellie O'BRIEN of this city.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John MURPHY of Sioux City a few days ago.
Mrs. MURPHY will be remembered as Miss Rose CORCORAN.
The Whittemore Champion says that L.H. WEGENER of Fairfield township arrived
home from Milwaukee Wednesday evening where he had been marketing five cars
of livestock.
Mrs. Bert LARMER, who had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C.
JENSWOLD of Depew, recently left for her home at Galata, Montana.
Howard HUGHES arrived from Amery, Wisconsin, a few days ago. He will assist
his brother, Bert in the drug store during the coming season.
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. STEBBINS are enjoying a visit from their daughter, Mrs.
Hattie BAIRD, of Des Moines. She is accompanied by her little girl.
Supt. J.R. McCOMB was at Des Moines the last of the week.
Sheldon defeated Hawarden in a debating contest a few nights ago.
Ben GAYLORD and his sister, Miss Dot, were passengers to Mt. Vernon, Iowa,
The Graettinger Times reports that Lars RASMASSEN was very ill last week.
His local friends hope he is better.
Mrs. Lewis PETERSEN and her daughter, Miss Myrtle, and son, Wallace went to
Clark Grove, Minnesota, Friday morning to visit friends.
W.H. SULLIVAN, who lives some distance northwest of this city, went to
Clinton Tuesday of last week. He will visit relatives at that place for a
short time.
Tom J. WHITE was over from Whittemore Thursday. He went from her to High
Lake to look after the cropping of his farm, which he bought last fall. He
visited Estherville, Wallingford and Graettinger on his way home. He took in
the big railroad booster meeting at Emmetsburg Friday evening.
Frank GOTCH downed another foreigner on the mat at Kansas City a few
evenings ago. It took him 23 minutes to win both falls. During the time he
was in action he secured $652 per minute, besides his interest in the moving
pictures. This means another Humboldt county quarter section for the Iowa
Thomas RYAN and Sarsfield DENEEN left for Chicago Tuesday evening of last
week. They will spend a few months in the wholesale house of Carson, Pirie,
Scott & Co. after which they intend to go on the road as traveling salesmen
for the firm. Both are bright, energetic, deserving young men. The Democrat
has every confidence that they will make good.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 16 Apr 1913

Most of the small pox patients at Algona have recovered.

M.C. LARSON of Graettinger was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday.

Miss Nina STONE was a passenger to Estherville Friday afternoon.

It will be unlawful for you to hunt or fish from April 15 to May 15, so be

Charles NOLAN was at Graettinger Saturday attending the funeral of Peter

P. ROGERS has been doing some inproving on his residence property in the
First ward.

John FRITZ of Gowrie was an Emmetsburg visitor Wednesday morning. He
formerly resided in the vicinity of Rodman.

Mr and Mrs J.D. McCARTY went to Graettinger Friday evening. They attended
the funeral of Peter DONLON at that place Saturday.

Mrs. CLARK, wife of Editor U.S. CLARK, of Pocahontas, has been taken to a
hospital at Des Moines where she will undergo an operation for the removal
of gall stones.

James HOGAN of Hobart, Oklahoma, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. James
HICKEY, during the past few days. He frequently visited this county about
fifty years ago. He is at present engaged in the hotel business at Hobart.

Harry BURKE went to Marion, Iowa Wednesday.

John DRUMMY was on the sick list several days during the past week.

Mrs. Joseph CLENNON of West Bend visited her parents and other local
relatives in this locality last week.

G.B. HOON of Nevada township shipped a car of cattle and a car of hogs to
the Chicago market a few days ago.

J.D. WHITE of West Bend was recently taken to Iowa City whre he will undergo
an operation for appendicitis.

The school board at Iowa Falls re-elected Superintendent BROWN a few days
ago at a salary of $1800 per year.

Mr and Mrs SLAGLE of Ruthven were called to Emmetsburg Tuesday evening of
last week by the death of their nephew, Martin JOYNT.

Miss Anna JOYNT came home from Sioux City Tuesday of last week to attend the
funeral of her little nephew, Martin JOYNT. She reports that L.J. MURPHY's
sons are engaged in business at Sioux City and are doing well.

George BARFOOT recently sold his business at Ayrshire to George EDWARDS. Mr.
BARFOOT was for many years one of the leading business men of that place and
he has become very prosperous. The Democrat hopes he will remain in our
county. We wish Mr. EDWARDS success in his new undertaking.

Wendell SMITH recently visited friends at Spirit Lake.

C.J. BERGER went to Colfax a few days ago to remain for a short time.

Roy HERSOM of Havelock fell a few days ago and broke one of his knee caps.

Wilbur GOFF of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor Tuesday of last week.

H.H. FISH has secured fine new opera chairs for his electric theater room.

Miss Elizabeth COLLINS of Graettinger was a west bound passenger Wednesday

Mr and Mrs John McNARY of Ruthven celebrated the 46th anniversary of their
marriage April 4.

Attorney E.A. MORLING was at New Hampton Friday taking depositions in an
important lawsuit.

Wm. MALLOY arrived home from Rochester, Minnesota, last Saturday. He seems
to be improving steadily.

Albert MITCHELL, a real estate dealer of Corwith, was looking after business
interest in Emmetsburg Wednesday.

Mrs. Chas. TOLLIFSON came from Estherville Tuesday of last week to attend
the funeral of her brother-in-law, H.T. ALLEN.

The A.L. DENNIS quarter section farm in Lake township, just west of Lost
Island, was sold to Arthur JOHNSON of Paxton, Illinois, a few days ago for
$111 per acre.

W.A. IRELAND of Rolfe [Pocahontas Co, IA] received a draft from the Canadian
government a few days ago as a bounty for defending that county during the
Fenian raid soon after the close of our Civil War.

Mrs. H.H. FISH was quite ill several days last week.

Miss Jennie KELLY spent a few days last week with Mason City friends.

Ed ANDERSON of Ruthven was a business visitor in the city Wednesday.

W.D. DONOVAN recently returned from Minneapolis where he had been looking
after business matters.

F. FICKEL was over from Spencer Wednesday attending the funeral of his old
friend and neighbor, H.T. ALLEN.

Albert JENNETT is building a new house on the old M.M. MAHER farm west of
Emmetsburg, which he bought a short time ago.

Mr. and Mrs. B.H. BENSON, who live in the First ward, enjoyed a visit last
week from Mr and Mrs. D. DYVIG of Humboldt.

Mrs. Daniel KANE has been very ill during the past week at the home of her
son, W.T. KANE, of Estherville. She is quite advanced in years.

Attorney W.C. THEILE of Bakersfield, California, is visiting local relatives
and friends. His mother has been quite ill for some time and he was called
here to see her.

Mrs. J.J. WATSON is enjoying a visit from her mother and sister, Mrs. and
Miss RICE, who live near Boston. They are on their way home from California
where they spent the winter.

Herman MARKS was at Estherville Thursday looking after business interests
and boosting for the interurban railroad. He owns a good music store at that
place and is doing an excellent business.

Wanted-Somebody to put in 60 acres of flax on shares. Phone O-4.
W.S. PARNHAM, Emmetsburg, Ia.

100 Head of Cattle Wanted
To pasture. Plenty of water and shade. Phone 37. Box 353, Emmetsburg.

House for Sale
Fair size house. 2 lots, good barn. Well situated. Enquire of Wm. RUEHLE.

White Wyandotte eggs for sale for setting purposes. All are high scores.
Enquire of J.R. McCOMB, Emmetsburg, Iowa.

Farm for Rent- I have a farm for rent in Minnesota. A snap for the right
party. Enquire of Dr. H.A. POWERS, Emmetsburg.

Farm for Sale-Good, Partly cultivated, half section, 2 1/2 miles east of
Francis, Saskatchewan, Canada. Write to W.H. AMES, Sherbrooke, Quebec.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto Co, IA
23 Apr 1913

James HOGAN on His Visit to Emmetsburg in 1861

James HOGAN, who recently visited his sister, Mrs. James HICKEY, of Vernon
township, gave our reporters a very interesting account a few days ago of
his first trip to this county in March, 1861. Mr. and Mrs. HICKEY formerly
resided in Philadelphia. Soon after they moved west he decided he would come
and visit them. Speaking of the affair he said:
"When Mr. and Mrs. HICKEY came to Iowa they located in this county, settling
on the west bank of the river about three miles southwest of the present
town of Emmetsburg. They kept a postoffice at their home for a number of
years. The nearest town to them was Fort Dodge. They had to haul their
provisions from Iowa City. There were, I think, about ten families in the
county at that time. I remember all of the names very well, but it would
take too much space to list them. That was in March, 1861."
"But now let me tell you of my experience. My parents remained at
Philadelphia after Mr. and Mrs. HICKEY came to Iowa. I remember they used to
receive letters from my sister, postmarked Fort Dodge, Webster county, Iowa.
I was then a boy of twelve years of age. I thought Iowa was the jumping off
place out west. one day I made up my mind that I would go and see my sister.
The only address I had was Fort Dodge, Webster county, Iowa. I tied up my
shirt in a little package, bought a few ginger cakes, tied them in a
handkerchief and started out on my long journey. I had about 40 or 50 cents
in my pocket. Some time later I was found in a railway box car by the
brakemen. They took me to the caboose and cared for me. When I reached
Pittsburg they sent me free from there to Chicago. There the agent put me in
charge of the conductor of a train on the C.D. railroad. I had no difficulty
in reaching Dubuque where the conductor brought me to one of hte best hotels
and paid my bill. He told the conductor who was coming west on the Illinois
Central to bring me as far as Farley, which, if I remember correctly, is
about sixty miles this side of Dubuque. The Illinois Central conductor paid
my hotel expenses and my fare on the old Concord coach to Fort Dodge. I soon
found myself in a very wild country compared to Philadelphia, but when I
reached Fort Dodge I discovered that I had not yet arrived at the end of my
journey. The people of that place told me that Mr. and Mrs. HICKEY lived
fifty or sixty miles up the Des Moines river, Keiron MULRONEY was at that
time carrying the mail from Fort Dodge to the Irish settlement in this
locality. He also made one trip a week to Spirit Lake. I got a chance to
ride with Mrs. MARTIN and her sister, who were going to Spirit Lake to
settle some business for the estate of her husband who was killed by the
Indians a short time before. There were two teams and wagons in our party.
The wagon in the lead broke down and left Mrs. MARTIN, her sister, and two
children and myself to come on. It was snowing at the time and we cound not
see the road. We got lost and were very much alarmed when James HICKEY and
some of his neighbors came out with lanterns and found us along the river.
They took us into camp. That night there was a party at the home of Jack
MULRONEY. When we got htere we found them all having a good time. There was
a warm fire and many of the people there were dancing. There was plenty of
fine victuals on the table. Of course I need not say that I was a hungry boy
and enjoyed a good meal.
"The next morning mr. HICKEY, who was my brother-in-law, drove in front of
the house wit ha yoke of oxen, the first I had ever seen. We got into the
wagon and started for home.
"During the summer Mr. HICKEY and Andy HOOD surveyed five townships on the
west side of the river. I was the kid who drove the oxen. I hauled stakes
for the surveyors. After this work was done I did not remain very long in
this locality. I wanted to go back home again so my sister gave me five
twenty dollar gold pieces adn I started back for Philadelphia. John F.
DUNCOMBE was on his way to Fort Dodge from Spirit Lake. He took me with him.
>From Ft. Dodge I started for Des Moines. I was placed in charge of another
lawyer from Des Moines. I took the steamer, Iowa Falls, the last steam boat
that went down the Des Moines River. It was bound for Keokuk. From that
place I went to New Orleans.
"To make a long story short, I have traveled from British America to the
Gulf of Mexico and from Maine to the Rocky Mountains. I have been on all the
navigable streams that flow into the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and on all
of the great lakes except Superior. I have been on the Chesapeake and
Delaware bays, the Pamico and Albemarie sound of North Carolina, in the
Dismal Swamp of Virginia, on the James, Potomac, Roanoke, Rappahannock
rivers and in various other places. I started out young and have had quite
an experience as a traveler. I am at present living at Hobart, Oklahoma,
where I conduct a Eurpoean hotel. It is needless to say that I am enoying my
visit to Emmetsburg. I have met a number of the early settlers who were here
in 1861 and 1862, and have spent a great many pleasant hours talking about
old times."

Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto County, Iowa
30 Apr 1913
John NEARY was up from Fort Dodge over Sunday.
Harlan SOPER was a Chicago visitor the last of the week.
Miss Mabel GRANGER visited Estherville friends over Sunday.
W.J. TYSON was a passenger to Goldfield Monday morning.
W.E.G. SAUNDERS was on the sick list a couple of days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C.C. EGAN and family spent Sunday with friends at Ayrshire.
Nels SKOW has bought the E.S. GEORGE residence property at Graettinger.
Hereafter a bounty of $20 per head will be paid for old wolves and $5 per
head for cubs.
Tomorrow will be Ascension Thursday. It is always observed as a holy day of
obligation among Catholics.
Miss Grace WOLFGANG spent Wednesday and Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
TRIPP of Graettinger.
The annual convention of the Knights of Columbus of Iowa will be held at
Mason City May 13 and 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DOYLE of Great Oak Township have moved onto the C.P.
STILLMAN farm north of Emmetsburg.
John BIGLEY, who has been spending some time visiting his parents at
Graettinger, was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday.
Miss Kittie BOICE, formerly of Emmetsburg, has secured a position with the
Northwestern Telephone Company of Minneapolis.
The Times says that A.J. SPIES has sold his block south of the school house
at Graettinger to Peter KNUDTSON. The consideration was $1,300.
John HIGLEY is making a number of improvements in his residence. He proposes
to have all the modern conveniences. He is entitled to them.
Miss Agnes JOYNT recently returned to Davenport. She will complete her
course for a trained nurse in five months. She is in Mercy Hospital.
The W.A. of Trinity church will meet at the home of Mrs. Earl BROWN this
afternoon. The program will begin at three o'clock. Refreshments will be
served at four. All are cordially invited.
Mrs. O.L. BECK, who had been visiting Emmetsburg relatives and friends for
some time, spent the last of the week at Estherville. She left for Chicago
last evening where she will make her future home.

D.P. MURPHY was a business visitor at Des Moines a few days ago.
Father McNERNEY visited Father DOBBERSTEIN of West Bend Monday.
J.J. WATSON made hsi usual business trip to Peoria the first of the week.
Ray McNALLY was up from Garner Sunday evening. He remained over Monday.
SCOTT & BERKLER report the sale of Ford autos to Leo MULRONEY and Ernie
State Game Warden HINSHAW of Spirit Lake was in Emmetsburg yesterday.
Vincent KELLY of Dolliver spent Sunday with his mother and sister of this
A marriage license has been issued to Anton C. GERGER and Miss Sylvia
HAGEDON of Ruthven.
Attorney Walt MILLER and T.J. McCAFFERY of West Bend were Emmetsburg
visitors Monday evening.
Russell HAGERMAN, who is employed in Mr. KNOBLAUCH's store, was a Des Moines
visitor the last of the week.
Mrs. SAUNDERS is still at Toronto. Her son Gordon is recovering very fast.
He is still confined to his bed.
Miss Mary MULRONEY left Saturday for New York where she will visit her
sister, Mrs. P.J. DEVLIN, until August.
W.I. NOLAN, who lectured in Emmetsburg a couple of years ago, is one of the
leading members of the Minnesota legislature.
Miss RILEY, superintendent of Clay county, and her niece, Miss LIVINGSTON,
visited Mr. and Mrs. E.J. HIGGINS, of this place Monday evening.
Local friends of P.C. LALLY of Denison will be pleased to learn he is
improving. He arrived home from the Rochester hospital some time ago.
Miss Eval LODES of Mallard was an Emmetsburg visitor yesterday.
Miss Josie PATTON has been re-elected principal of the ward schools at
Frank LODES of Mallard will move to California. He has a sale ad elsewhere
in this issue.

Mrs. GAMMON was a passenger to Estherville Saturday.
Mrs. SMITH was here from Superior Saturday attending a Royal Neighbor
Esther OSHER and sister Ruthe were at Estherville Saturday.
John SULLIVAN and wife were up from Emmetsburg Saturday.
Lible O'ROURKE was at Estherville Saturday between trains.
Mrs. Wm. BLOM was over from Ayrshire Sunday visiting her parents.
Mrs. Tom McDONALD returned home from Armstrong Saturday where she had been
visiting her daughters.
Gertrude MONTGOMERY and Miss CRAFT were passengers to Estherville Saturday.
Kate BARNHART returned home from Emmetsburg Saturday.
L.E. CRIM was at Estherville Monday.
Walter PETERSON was an Estherville visitor Monday.
Dr. ANDERSON was down from Estherville Sunday on professional business.
Chris LARSON came Monday for a visit at the parental home.
W.S. PARNHAM was visiting friends here Sunday.
Mr. OMONDSON of Story City has been the past week visiting relatives here.
John FAGAN was over from Ayrshire Monday.

Few Changes in Teaching Force
All of the high school, grade and primary teachers in the Emmetsburg schools
have been re-elected for the coming year except Miss FLOOD, who resigned.
Miss Jennie KELLY will succeed her.

Mrs. E.J. HIGGINS spent Sunday with friends at Des Moines. She also visited
her sister Miss Josie PATTON at Boone while away

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