Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, Dec 6, 1905

Charles Terwilliger, of Portland, Oregon, is the guest of his nephew, Recorder F.H. Wells. He is on his way to Chicago to visit his three sisters, who reside in that vicinity. He has been living in Portland for three years where he has been clerking in a grocery store. He likes the country and the climate. He says Mrs. Terwilliger would not care to live in Iowa again. One of his sons lives at Hankinson, North Dakota. Mr. Terwilliger found deep snow in North Dakota while on his trip. At one point the thermometer registered 23 below zero. There is good sleighing northwest of St. Paul and there is considerable snow in southern Minnesota.

Their Daughter Laid to Rest

The funeral of Miss Irene Mihlfread, of Mallard, mention of whose death was made in our last issue, was held at that place Wednesday. The services were conducted at the Catholic church by Father Roesler. The burial was in the parochial cemetery. There was a large attendance at the funeral. The deceased had not been in good health for several months. She was a bright, lovable, dutiful girl and was the ideal of her parents, whose hearts are much saddened by her taking off at such an early age in life. Mr. and Mrs. Mihlfread have the sympathy of their many friends throughout the county in their sorrow. The deceased was 14 years old last March.

Rev. P.M. Dobberstein's Father Dead

The Democrat regrets to learn of the death of Mr. F. Dobberstein of West Bend, father of Rev. P.M. Dobberstein, of West Bend, which occurred last Wednesday. The funeral was held Saturday. The deceased was 83 years of age. Father Dobberstein's parents came from Germany in 1899 and subsequently made their home with him. His mother is still living. He spared no effort to make them happy in their declining years. The deceased was a most exemplary character and a devout Catholic. He lived to a ripe old age. Father Dobberstein has the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in his sorrow.


Frank Nolan, Mrs. Alex Cullen's brother, went to Peterson Monday. He had been visiting in this locality for several days.

Yesterday it was reported that Charles McCormick's brick store building at West Bend was destroyed by fire. The report was an exaggeration. The building was but slightly damaged.


- Mrs. Amos Kennedy, of Kenmare, North Dakota, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ulrich Truog, of Mallard, this week.

- Miss Gertrude Robins left for Woonsocket, South Dakota, Friday. She will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. E.B. Soper, Jr.

- Charles Duhigg, of Ayrshire, was in Emmetsburg Friday. He thinks that the real estate situation is improving some. He has still quite a large number of farms.

- John O'Neill, of Waterloo, spend Thanksgiving with Emmetsburg friends. He is a fireman on the Illinois Central road and runs from Waterloo to Freeport, Illinois. His parents live at Lawler.

Married at West Bend Wednesday

At Sts. Peter and Paul church last Wednesday morning Mr. Otto H. W. Strucker was joined in the holy bonds of wedlock to Miss Mary Hippert, Rev. Father Dobberstein officiating. The groom is the son of Herman Strucker, formerly in business here but now living in Washington. He is an industrious and prosperous young farmer and is highly respected by all who know him. The bride is the daughter of J. Hippert and said by those who know her to be a bright and winsome young lady. The Journal joins with their many friends in wishing them a happy voyage over the sea of matrimony.

Robins- Cameron.

At the house of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Cameron, November 29, 1905, took place the marriage of their daughter, Miss Lodema, to Mr. John W. Robins, Rev. E.L. Stevens officiating.

The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. D.W. Cameron and has grown to womanhood in this city. She is one of our popular teachers. The groom has been a resident of Graettinger for several years. He has been assistant in J.H. Gammon's lumber yard. The happy pair will go to housekeeping in his residence on the east side.

The Times extends congratulations.

---Graettinger Times.


Trades for North Dakota Land

P.J. Claer and P.F. McGuire returned Tuesday morning from Grand Forks, N.D., where they had gone to close a deal for land in exchange for Mr. McGuire's hotel property at Alton. Contracts were signed whereby Mr. McGuire takes an equity in a 480 acre farm in exchange for the property. -- Ayrshire Chronicle.


- D.M. Wynia has rented the C.L. McFarland farm north of town. He is considered a good farmer.

- Thos. Shea went to Des Moines Wednesday, some say, to see his best girl, We can't say, but we think he also had professional business. He returned home Monday.

- The Elk picture, which was on exhibition in J.T. Stemets' drug store, has become the property of Miss Blanche Black. The postal regulations will not permit us to give particulars.

- Hugh Bennett says he has decided that football as now played is too rough, but it took $300 in cash, and some experience in a hospital to convince him.

- Mrs. Margaret O'Connor, of Sioux City, mother of Father O'Connor, left all her property for charitable purposes. The diocesan orphanage will get $2,000 of it.

- Clarence Darland has been missing since Sunday. He was at the restaurant after supper, but has not been seen since. His wife and relatives are greatly worried as to his whereabouts.

- John Drummy has purchased the old Charles Hardie residence property south of J.G. McNamara's half block. The consideration was $915. It is worth more money. Mr. Drummy has moved into it.

- Mrs. Cullen, of Graettinger, was in this city yesterday. Her sons are enjoying a much better patronage in the mercantile business at that place than they anticipated and of course they feel greatly encouraged. They are competent, deserving young men.

- Miss Agnes Jackman went to Waterloo Wednesday to visit her brothers Patrick and Michael.

- Mrs. M. Joynt went to Jesup, Buchanan county, Wednesday to visit her son, Dr. Joynt, who is practicing at that place.

Will Travel with Harold Nelson Co.

Next week E.J. Higgins, Jr., will leave for Winnepeg where he will commence a season's engagement with the Harold Nelson theatrical company which is under the management of C.P. Walker. The company will spend the early part of the season in Wisconsin and Michigan and will present "Prince Otto", "Hamlet", "Faust", and "Quovadis". Mr. Higgins usually takes the character of an elderly gentleman. He has several years' experience as an actor and is decidedly bright and clever. The Democrat hopes the company will visit Emmetsburg before the close of the season.

Fined for Cruelty to Animals.

A few days ago Will Salisbury, of Cylinder, hired a team at Wm. Hefly's barn to drive to Rodman. It seems he drove to Pocahontas county and brought the horses home in very bad condition. One was foundered and the other was badly used up. He had driven them too hard and failed to take proper care of them after they became heated. Mr. Hefley had him arrested and brought before Justice S.R. Steadman, who fined him $50 and costs for cruelty to animals. This ought to be a warning to others who will abuse dumb brutes.



Mrs. Geo. Oleson entertained the Ladies' club Saturday afternoon. Each lady was given a doll to dress. Mrs. Dowd won the prize for having the best dressed doll. Light refreshments were served and a royal good time was had by all.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Letson Friday.


Misses Josie Lugent and Perle Heath left Saturday evening for Livermore where they will both teach during the winter term.

A destructive fire took place here Monday morning in R.B. Girton's general store doing a big damage to his mercantile stock.

Bernard Dobberstein, of Omaha, was here to attend the funeral of his father, who was buried Saturday.

Mr and Mrs. James Flood are the proud parents of a baby girl.


Miss Nellie Easton's school opened Monday in the Kerchner district.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, Dec 13, 1905


William McWilliams Sentenced to Death for the Murder of His Wife and Five Children on a Farm Near Independence. 

     William McWilliams, who pleaded guilty to the murder of his wife and five children two weeks ago, was sentenced to death last week at Independence. 
     McWilliams' crime was one of the most shocking in the criminal history of the state. He dashed out the brains of his wife and the babe in her arms with a hammer and called his other children to him one by one, murdering them in the same manner. The only reason he has given is "that they were better off out of the way". 
     In pronouncing the sentence, Judge Platt broke down and wept. 

Acquitted of Murder.

     Fred Comstock, tried on a manslaughter charge for the killing of Alexander Clark, an aged Clinton fisherman, was acquitted by the jury. Comstock, it was alleged, struck and killed Alexander Clark, an aged Clintonite, in a saloon in the lower part of the city, last September, the two have quarreled. The counsel for the defense endeavored to show that the blow was struck in self-defense, after Comstock had been attacked by Clark. The state tried to convince the jury that the blow was unprovoked, and that Comstock was guilty of murdering the aged man, who was his longtime friend. 

Child Scalded to Death.

     The little three-year-old daughter of Frank Wolf, living five miles east of Charles City on the Bassett road, was scalded to death.  Mrs. Wolf had gone to the door for a moment's conversation with her brother-in-law and in some manner the little tot passed her mother and stumbled over a pail of hot water prepared for scrubbing. After falling into the water she threw herself backward and the hot water poured over her. She died a few hours later. 


W.T. Kane of Estherville, visited his sister, Mrs. M.N. Nolan, of this city Saturday evening. 

F.L. Thompson, who has been keeping the St. Nicholas hotel at Whittemore, will move to St. Paul.

Art Keller is now at Breckenridge, Minnesota, where he has secured a position as operator on the Great Northern road. 

Mr. Wolfgang has been assisting one of the druggists of Whitemore since Wednesday. He will remain until after the holidays. 

A.C. Sands was up from Mallard Wednesday. He reports that the new telephone company of that place has now free service with six or seven exchanges at neighboring towns. 

Miss Morling went to Ruthven Friday morning to see her sister, Mrs. E.A. Dewey, who was reported quite ill. 


Near By News.

Chloroformed and Robbed. 

Mrs. Dowing, of Britt, was chloroformed at $40 was stolen from the house while she was alone and her daughter was attending lodge. She was found in an unconscious condition upon her daughter's return but was revived. There is no clue to the daring robber. Mrs. Dowing had fallen asleep and knew nother of the chloroforming or robbery. - Clarion Clipper.

Had to Take His Leg Off.

John Rhoda, on account of his leg being broken, by falling off a horse, an account of which appeared in last week's News, was on Saturday taken to a hospital in Dubuque where the broken limb was amputated a few inches below the knee. He is reported to have stood the operation and it is thought he will be out again in a reasonable time.  It was at first thought that an amputation might be avoided, but the bones were so badly shattered and crushed the the limb could not be saved. It was a cruel blow to the young man. - Spencer News. 



- Dr. T.A. O'Brien was over from Emmetsburg Saturday morning to see Francis Littleton, who is very sick with typhoid fever. 

- Harry Wright is very sick with inflammatory rheumatism. 

- Mrs. Griswold, of Garner, arrived Monday evening for a few days' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Rev. Anderson. 


- Cullen Bros. purchased the corner lot and building, formerly belonging to the Graettinger Savings Bank. T.S. Becker purchased the safe and the other fixtures of the institution have become the property of the First National Bank. Cullen Bros. will erect a store building on the property next spring. 

- J.P. Jensen is visiting a sister at Blair, Nebraska, this week. 

- A farewell reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Gammon in honor of H.B. Ganfield, who leaves this week ot make his future home in Minnesota. 

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, Dec 20, 1905


Duels Forbidden in Iowa

     Duels are forbidden in Iowa, declared the supreme court last week in affirming the conviction of Fenton Whitnah of Page county for killing Charles Middaugh. The two men quarrelled while drunk and agreed to fight it out with their fists. With a party of friends they repaired to the edge of town and engaged in a duel, first with fists and then with knives. Middaugh was killed by a blow on the jugular vein. Whitnah must serve ten years in prison.

Goes to Prison For Life

     Matthew Baldes, convicted of beating his wife to death, was sentenced to prison for life. Baldes' crime was committed Oct. 5, on his farm near Hawarden, Ia. Sentencing was pronounced by Judge Hutchinson.


Jack Stafford of Mallard, visited his uncle, Wm. Hefley, during this past week.

Supt. Anna Odland returned from Milford Thursday where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Heldridge.

Mr. and Mrs. Hough and Mrs. E. A. Morling and family went to Ruthven Thursday evening to attend the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Tripp.

Mrs. D.L. G. Barker of Chanute, Kansas, is visiting her brother, J.H. Godden, of this city. Her husband is extensively interested in the oil business in Kansas.

The boys attending the high school have organized a gymnasium club. They have chosen Dwight McCarty manager. They will have their quarters in the Marks building.

Wendel Smith went to Mason City Saturday evening to accept a position as mail clerk on the Milwaukee road. His run will be from Mason City to Mitchell, South Dakota.


Jumped and Broke His Neck

Hugh McDonald, an uncle of Sheriff McDonald, of Kossuth county, was found dead along the Northwestern tracks north of Burt Friday morning. His neck was broken. He had been at Fenton and was going home to Burt. It is thought that he forgot to get off the train when it stopped and that he jumped with the sad consequence stated. The train passed over the line at 8 o'clock Thursday evening. Mr. McDonald was one of the pioneers of Kossuth county and had many friends.

A Former Graettinger Pastor

Rev. Engholm left Thursday for Scranton and Monday for Sioux City. Rev. Engholm is president of this district of the Danish-Lutheran church and his district is composed of Iowa and South Dakota. He is an able man for the position and is meeting with good success. - Rolfe Reveille.

Fell with Scissors in Hand.

A distressing accident befell Gertrude, the little daughter of Paul Fiebig, a few days ago, when she fell down a flight of stairs with a pair of open scissors in her hand. It is miraculous that her eyes were not cut out, as she struck the landing she turned her had to one side and the two points of the scissors deeply penetrated her left cheek inflicting two painful wounds. - Sheldon Mail.

Hagerty - Higley

Today at high noon, at the home of the parts of the bride-to-be, Mrs. and Mrs. John Higley, will occur the marriage of Mr. Lester J. Hagerty and Miss Blanche B. Higley, both of this city.  The ceremony will be performed by Rev. D.G. Moyer, pastor of the M.E. Church. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties will be in attendance. Saturday the happy couple will leave on a trip and will visit various points. On their return they will commence housekeeping in Mr. McDonnell's residence on the postoffice block.  Miss Higley is a member of one of the widely known and most respected families of our community. Her personality and accomplishments are such as to merit and retain the high regard of those who know her. Mr. Hagerty has been in the employ of the Superior Lumber company of this city, for some time. He is courteous and capable and in every way worthy of the excellent young lady whom he has chosen to accompany him on life's pathway. He has made many friends since coming to Emmetsburg, all of whom, we are sure, will join the Democrat in wishing him and his bonny bride health, wealth and happiness.

"Doc" Baird Fined $300 and Costs.

Court adjourned Friday after a brief though somewhat interesting session. The case of the State vs John Hallowell, for assaulting Miss Inez Odland, resulted in a conviction.  The jury was out all night. The defendant was fined $25 and costs.  Considering that Hallowell was not a very bright fellow and that the alleged offense was, so far as the testimony showed, in no sense serious, the complaining witnesses would have shown prudence had they not brought the matter into court. The damage case growing out of the affair has been continued until the next term.

"Doc" Baird plead guilty to the charge of selling intoxicating liquors at Ruthven and was fined $300 and costs.

Andrew Larsen is Dead

Andrew Larson, of Silver Lake township, who was brought to Chicago a week ago Sunday evening for a surgical operation, died last Wednesday. He did not have sufficient strength to stand the severe ordeal. His remains were brought home Friday. The funeral took place at Ayrshire Sunday. The services were held at the M.E. church at that place. MR. Larson came to this county from Norway several years ago. He leaves a wife and one child. They have the sympathy of all in their great loss.

Hastings - McGamble

Mr. Charles A. Hastings and Miss Grace McGamble were married at Ayrshire Sunday, December 17, the M.E. pastor of that place officiating. Mr. Hastings is one of the substantial farmers of that locality. The bride has resided in that neighborhood but a short time. The Democrat wishes congratulations.


- Dennis Kirby will be home from Montana Saturday to spend the holidays with his parents and other relatives.

- Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCormick intend leaving for California immediately after the holidays, where they will spend the winter. MR. McCormick finds it necessary to take this trip in order to escape the severity of Iowa's wintry weather.

- Robert Wilson, of Carnavaron, Iowa, was in town yesterday attending the funeral of his brother-in-law, James Adamson.

- Mr. Delbert W. Craig and Miss Floerline Brown were married in this city Monday evening by Mayor Stuehmer. The bride is from Shelbine, Missouri. The groom is an Ottosen young man. They will live at Ottosen.

- We notice that Ackley Hubbard, president of the Citizens' bank at Spencer and his daughter, who has been cashier  of the institution, are soon to move to Sioux City. Mr. Hubbard will become vice-president of the First National bank, of that place and secretary of a large trust company. He has been at Spencer for 34 years. He was a candidate for state senator in this district once or twice.

- N.A. Steil has sold his saloon business and fixtures in this city to Wm. Claussing, of Ruthven, who took possession Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Steil will move to Ft. Dodge where Mr. Steil will follow carpentering. He worked at his trade several years before locating in this city. The best wishes of all accompany Mr. and Mrs. Steil to their new home.

James Adamson is Dead

     Mr. James Adamson, who had been janitor of the High School building for several years, died at his home in this city early Monday morning after an illness of only three or four days. He was taken with typhoid pneumonia, and his lungs were not strong enough to enable him to overcome the attack. His rather unexpected death is a sever shock to his family and friends. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The services were conducted at the Congregational church by the pastor, Rev M. Lambley. The interment was in Evergreen cemetery.
     The deceased was born in Egelston, Scotland, June 18, 1862. He grew to manhood in his native country. Sixteen years ago he came to the United States. In June, 1895, he was married to Miss Jessie Wilson, who, with five small children, survives him.
     Mr. Adamson was a frugal, high minded, conscientious man and he was a most provident and devoted husband and father. He was an exemplary Scotch gentleman and was in every sense a worthy citizen.  He was genial, large hearted, and neighborly and, during his residence in Emmetsburg, made numerous friends. The wife and children have the sympathy of alo in the great loss they have sustained.

They Once Resided at West Bend.

Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Lacy, of Algona, celebrated the golden anniversary of their marriage a few evenings ago. They were the residents of West Bend in 1883. They have lived in Algona since 1887. Mr. and Mrs. Lacey were for some time residents of Helena, Montana, Mrs. Lacy having been the second white woman to locate there.



- A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Truesdell Thursday. All concerned are doing nicely.
- Mrs. J.E. Lockwood is enjoying a visit from her father, Mr. Getman, of Sioux City.


- Miss Maude Butcher, formerly of Curlew, and MR. DeWolf, of Rolfe, were married at the latter named place today.


- Mr. and Mrs. Moore, of Algona, visited their daughter, Mrs. Harry Peck, Sunday.
- Miss Della Nolan is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Kongsbeck. 

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