Palo Alto County Newspapers

Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Jan - July 1939

The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, January 4, 1939

Passed Away Monday Evening After Long 
Illness at Age of 85 Years.     Orville W. Goff, a resident of this vicinity for 66 years, passed away at his home in the north part of Ruthven at 8:15 Monday evening, following a long illness. He was 85 years of age.
     Funeral services will be held at the Methodist church in Ruthven on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock with the pastor, Rev. Belden Weikel, officiating. Burial will take place in Crown Hill cemetery. His widow and two sons, Emory and Paul, survive.
    An obituary will be published next week.
    The Lightle Funeral Home of Ruthven has charge of funeral arrangements. SENTENCED FOR STEALING FURS
    Eugene Schillinger, 17-year-old Emmetsburg youth was sentenced to the state reform school last week for breaking into an Emmetsburg store and stealing a number of skunk hides. He also took an undetermined amount of cash from the same place. Dickens Resident is Fined for Shooting Pheasants.
    Ray Hyde of Dickens was fined $200 at Spencer Sunday night on charges of taking pheasants in closed season, shooting without a license and carrying a loaded and assembled gun in his car. RUTHVEN AND VICINITY - Millard Hancher of Davenport, Ia., visited here over Christmas with his father, A.E. Hancher.
-  T.J. Brennan was absent from his duties at the postoffice last week on account of illness. Claude Nolan has been taking his place at the postoffice.
- Mr.and Mrs. Howard Minear returned to their home at Maxwell last Wednesday after a visit at the home of her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Bert Miller.
- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Olsen of near Graettinger visited at the home of Mrs. Helen Sporan last Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Olsen were married last month on the 21st.
- Mrs. Gust Linden left Tuesday for a weeks' visit with her daughter at Rochester, Minnesota.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Koppen from Buffalo Center visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. Rosa Hughes last Monday evening.
- Carl Scott of Dickens was arrested here last Saturday for disorderly conduct and sentenced to ten days in the county jail.
- Fred Goerner, new baker at Ruthven, has sold his bakery at Albert city and will move his family here at the close of the present school year.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Anderson went to Rochester, Minn., on Monday of last week and Mrs. Anderson underwent an operation for ulcer on Thursday morning. Letter to Mrs. Anderson should be addressed to her at Colonial hospital, 4th Floor, Room 4?1, Rochester, Minn. Mr. Anderson returned last Sunday evening.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Spaulding, Mrs. Melissa Spaulding, Mrs. Myrtle Spaulding and Mrs. E.J. Brown drove to Knierim, Iowa, last Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Thomas Wright who passed away on Christmas day. She was 80 years of age.
- Mrs. Ernest Bale returned on December 24th from a five-week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Dewey, at Los Angeles. Mrs. Bale says that the temperature was 92 degrees in Los Angeles one day while she was there and two earthquake shocks were recorded but they were so light that she did not know they took place until later. Mr .and Mrs. Dewey are now living at 314 South Olive St., New Maryron, Los Angeles, Cal.
- Frank Bestenlehner of Whittemore visited here at the Mrs. Josie Goff home on New Years day. His daughter was the bank bookkeeper who stopped the robbery of the Whittemore bank about three weeks ago. He says that she has received many cards, letters and boxes of candy from people in Iowa and other states who admire her for her courage in driving away an armed bandit. The bandit was captured across the Minnesota line a few days later and given a life term in prison. LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Appointment
No. 2712
Notice of the appointment of Executor,
State of Iowa, Palo Alto county, ss:
    Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as Executor of the Estate of Laura Moore, late of Palo Alto county, Iowa, deceased. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against said Estate will filre them will the Clerk of the District Court as provided by law, duly authenticated for allowance.
    L.R. Moore,
    Executor of said Estate,
    By Burt & Davidson, His Attorneys.
    Dated December 13th, 1938 The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, February 1, 1939
Mrs. John Dolan Funeral at Estherville Tuesday.
    Mrs. John Dolan, former resident of this vicinity who died at her home at Estherville last Saturday, was buried in Calvary cemetery on Tuesday of this week. She was about 50 years of age. Funeral services were held at Estherville.
    Mrs. Dolan and her husband moved away from Ruthven about ten years ago and Mr .Dolan passed away about six years ago. A son, Thomas, and a daughter, Mary, survive. Mrs. Dolan was a sister of Frank Murray of this vicinity. MRS. JOE FIESELER DIES THIS MORNING.
Passed Away This Wednesday Morning While Eating  Breakfast.
    Mrs. Joe Fieseler passed away at about 8 o'clock this Wednesday morning at the Emmetsburg hospital following a  brief illness with heart trouble and dropsy. Mrs. Fieseler was taken to the hospital yesterday forenoon and passed away while eating breakfast this morning.
    The Lightle Funeral Home of Ruthven will have charge of the funeral arrangements.
    An obituary will be published next week.
    Arrangements for the funeral had not been completed as we go to press. GAS STATION ROBBERS CAUGHT.
    William Raymond of Estherville and James Headley of Sherburn, Minnesota, were arrested last week for robbing gasoline stations. Raymond was given a prison sentence of 5 to 40 years and Headley drew a sentence of one to five years. Mrs. Myron Dewey Dies
Funeral Monday Afternoon.
    Mrs. Myron Dewey, former Ruthven resident, passed away at her home in Spencer last Friday evening.
    Funeral services were held at the home in Spencer last Monday afternoon with Rev. Schearse, Rev.Clarence Tompkins and Rev. J.R. Walker officiating.
    Mrs. Dewey is survived by two adopted children, Mrs. Genevieve Dewey-Benedict, living in Michigan, and Homer Dewey, living in California. Mr. Dewey died in June, 1937.
    Mr. and Mrs. Dewey moved away from Ruthven about 25 years ago.
    Among the pallbearers were J.H. Thatcher, C.W. Goff, Jim Mason and Ray E. Barringer of this vicinity.
    Burial took place in Crown Hill cemetery at Ruthven. Rolfe Resident is Charged in Pocahontas Man's Death.
    Trial date has been set for February 6 in district court at Pocahontas for George Spence of Rolfe, who pleaded not guilty to charges of manslaughter when arraigned in court here Friday before Judge Davidson of Emmetsburg after an indictment was returned against him Wednesday by the jury charging him with manslaughter.
    Manslaughter charges were placed against Spence by Pocahontas county authorities and he was bound over to the grand jury following the death of William Wiseman Jr., 26, of Pocahontas on December 26, 1938. Wiseman is said to have received a skull fracture in a quarrel with Spence early Friday morning, December 23, 1938, following a dance at Rolfe. RUTHVEN AND VICINITY - Mrs. Arthur Roberts of Royal visited here this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Prather.
- Mr and Mrs. Walter Kabrick of Spencer visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rice, last Sunday.
- Nick Geelan, Tom Geelan and Miss Rose Geelan were called to Illinois last week by the death of their brother-in-law.
- Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Birt and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jenkins of Sac City visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schnell last Sunday. Mrs. Birt and Mrs. Schnell are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins are former Ruthven residents. The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, February 8, 1939
A Former Resident Dies at Spencer This Morning.
    Mrs. Grace Adams of Spencer, daughter of Mrs. E.G. Cope of Ruthven, passed away at her home at Spencer this Wednesday morning. She was manager of the Iowa Coal Co. office at Spencer. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS OF THE LAST WEEK.
Condensed State and National News of Outstanding Events of Local Interest.

- Joe Ferrin , a farmer living near Washta, was killed west of Cherokee last Friday when his automobile skidded and overturned on the highway.
- The first "blood test" case in Emmet county was made last Friday in an intoxication charge against Wilbert Hartsworn of Wallingford who was arrested while driving an automobile while under the influence of liquor. The test showed that there was sufficient alcohol in his system for intoxication.
- Michael Dailey, pioneer farmer and former director of an Ayrshire bank, died at his home at Ayrshire last Thursday at the age of 68 years. Get Hard Labor Sentence for Attacking Policeman.
    Guy Eaton and Tom Jackman of Emmetsburg were each sentenced to 30 days in jail at hard labor for attacking an officer early last Sunday morning. About 1:30 that morning, Policeman Edward Kiehl arrested both parties and John Schupfer on charges of intoxication and as the officer was placing them in jail, they attacked him.  Sheriff Montgomery was called and the two officials quickly subdued the three.
- Charles Sartorius, manager of the theatre at Hartley, dropped dead in his automobile while driving to Ocheydan last Thursday. EARLY MERCHANT AT RUTHVEN DIES
P.V. Nolan, Who Had Store at Ruthven in Early Days Died at Emmetsburg.
    P.V. Nolan , a Ruthven business man of more than half a century ago, died at Emmetsburg last Saturday and his funeral services were held there on Tuesday of this week. The deceased and his cousin, P.J. Nolan, bought the Charles Hastings general store on the corner where Berg & Brennan store was located. He had been there but a short time until he was elected sheriff of Palo Alto county, a position he held for 4 years and then returned to Ruthven. Later he was elected county auditor and served two terms. P.V. Nolan sold his interest in the local store to his cousin and partner, P.J. Nolan, who sold out to J.E. Mulroney & Co. i n1892. The deceased later owned a hardware store at Emmetsburg. He was a cousin of the late James F. Nolan, a pioneer hardware dealer in Ruthven. Farmer Near Emmetsburg Injured Fatally in Wreck.
    Martin Enger, bachelor farmer living near Emmetsburg, died Monday evening from injuries received at about 7:30 that evening when his automobile overturned on the highway four miles south of Emmetsburg. ice on the road is blamed for the accident. Enger was 66 uears of age. INTERESTING NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS.
 Items of General Interest Taken from Our Exchanges of the Past Week. - William Shepherd, town clerk at Postville, Iowa, died Monday at the age of 86 years. He held the record in Iowa length of service in a town clerk office.
- Robert E. Alder of Waterloo was instantly killed by the explosion of an acetylene welding tank last Saturday. RUTHVEN AND VICINITY. - A.L. Steidl, brother of V.M. Steidl of this city, died recently at Lang, Sask., Canada, at the age of 71 years. He was a banker at that place.
- Miss Leona Wendt came from Redwood Falls, Minn. for a visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. O.A. Olson and family.
- Those from out-of-town who attended the funeral of D.W. Prather last Sunday are: Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Roberts, Mr .and Mrs. R.K. Blazer, Mr. and Mrs. O. Reid, and Mr.and Mrs. T. Lilland of Estherville; Mr.and Mrs. Dale Pitcher, Miss Anna Pitcher, Mrs. Art Anderson, Mrs. Christine Roberts and Mr .and Mrs. Earl Roberts of Spencer; Mr and Mrs. Marvin Schenatzki and Mrs. Maude Beck of Storm Lake; Mr and Mrs. W.E. Miller, Mr and Mrs. Joe First, Mrs. Erma Moorhead and Mr. and Mrs. Chas Howard of Runnells; Mrs. Emma Williams and son, Fred, Mrs. Bertha Rice, Mrs. Ida Curry and Mrs. V.T. McCall of Des Moines. The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, February15, 1939
Miss Edith Bowles Married at Local Church Sunday.
    Miss Edith F. Bowles, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Ed Bowles, was united in marriage to Carl G. Anderson of Estherville at the Methodist church in Ruthven last Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Rev. Belden Weikel performed the ceremony in the presence of relatives of the contracting parties. They were attended by Mr and Mrs. Arthur Bowles of Spencer.
    The bride wore a dress of blue velvet and carried a bouquet of pink roses.
    The bride is a graduate of the Ruthven high school and Highland Park college in Des Moines. For the last eight years she has been office assistant at the Farm Bureau office in Emmetsburg. She is one of the most popular young ladies of this vicinity.
    Mr. Anderson owns a shoe store at Estherville and is a successful business man.
    A wedding dinner was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bowles immediately after the ceremony and the newlyweds left for Chicago, Ill., on a wedding trip. They will be at home to their friends at Estherville after March 1st. FREED IN MANSLAUGHTER CASE
    George Spence of Rolfe was free under parole from an 8-year prison sentence last week on a manslaughter charge. Spence was charged with the death of William Wiseman at Pocahontas on December 26. Wiseman died in a fight at a public dance. - Leta Woods, 13-year-old Red Oak, Iowa, girl was killed last Saturday when a sled she was using for coasting down hill, struck another sled. Hold Tom DeBolt Funeral at Spencer Wednesday.
    Thomas J. DeBolt was born at Guttenberg, Iowa, Dec. 1, 1866, and passed away February 6, 1939, at the age of 72 years, 2  months and 4 days. He moved with his parents to West Bend in 1880, and on April 20, 1892, he was united in marriage to Cora Ellen Cook. Two children were born to this union.
    Mr. and Mrs. DeBolt lived at Ayrshire until 1909, when they moved to a farm northwest of Ruthven, and on the southwest side of Trumbull lake. Here the deceased lived for the remainder of his life.
    Mr. DeBolt was a member of the Lake Center school board for fifteen years and was a township trustee for a number of years.
    He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Joseph Sanders of Fort Dodge and Mrs. Paul Pierson of Dickens; three grandsons, Joseph Sanders and Robert and Donald Pierson; two sisters, Mrs. B.A. Morey of West Bend and Mrs. E.D. Treat of Ayrshire; and four brothers, Marion and Lester of Rodman, Phillip of Whitelaw, Canada, and Aris of St. Peter, Minnesota.
    Funeral services were held at Spencer last Wednesday afternoon with Rev. Belden Weikel of the Ruthven Methodist church officiating. Burial took place at Spencer.
    The pallbearers were Orrie Olson, Harry Madsen, Harold Roland, John Metcalf, James Mitts, and O.J. Endicott. Items of General Interest Taken from Our Exchanges of the Past Week.
    - A number of cases of smallpox were reported at Whittemore.
    - E.C. Lowman of Curlew died last Thursday in Oklahoma. He went there a few weeks ago for his health.
    - Jacob A. Winders, 65, retired Emmetsburg merchant, died last Friday. He came to Emmetsburg from Illinois in 1912.
    - Bernard Meling, 78, farmer living near Fenton, died last Sunday. AYRSHIRE BOY DIES IN AUTO ACCIDENT
Kenneth Johnson Killed in Emmetsburg Early This Wednesday Morning.
    Kenneth Johnson of Ayrshire was killed and Leslie Christianson of Curlew was badly injured in an automobile accident in Emmetsburg at about 2:30 this Wednesday morning. 
    The youths were driving a Chevrolet car, and it is believed that the windshield had  become badly frosted and they ran into a curb at the side of the street, and lost control of their car. It turned over and was wrecked. - Postmaster reappointments announced by Representative Harrington of Iowa included: Linn Grove, Violet Shirk; Storm Lake, Vane E. Herbert; Washta, Jack G. Chapman; Peter???, Simon Wareham; Terril, Clara C. Lockmer; George, M.C. Ea?or; Soldier, J.R. Dickinson; Sheldon. W.J. Hollander; Sanborn, Justin Foley; Wall Lake, Walter Ward; Ireton, John Moller; Anthon, T.R. O'Donnell, Danbury, E.R. Pattern; Mev????, Mattie M. Bridges. RUTHVEN AND VICINITY - Lyle Nolan has returned home from the Spencer hospital where he underwent an appendix operation.
- Mrs. Margaret Fenner returned to her home at Cedar Falls yesterday morning after a week's visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Bragg.
- Mr. and Mrs. Myron Alderson were called to Lexington, Missouri, last Wednesday by the death of a brother-in-law, John Lukenhill, whose funeral was held Friday. Mr. Lukenhill was helping the firemen fight a bad fire which destroyed a large business house. A brick wall gave way and he was crushed under it, killing him instantly. He was the father of Miss Mary Lillian Lukenhill, who visited in Ruthven last summer. Mr. and Mrs. Alderson returned home Sunday.
- A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Luverne Peterson last Friday, February 10th.
- Relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Brady on Wednesday of last week to help them celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary.

The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, February22, 1939
Passed Away Tuesday Morning at Her Home Following Long Illness
    Mrs. F.H. Garnett, a resident of this vicinity for 22 years, died at her home on the northeast side of Lost Island lake on Tuesday morning of this week following an illness of about a year and a half.
    Funeral services will be held at the Lightle Funeral home in Ruthven at 2 o'clock this Thursday afternoon with Rev. Belden Weikel, pastor of the local Methodist church, officiating. Burial will take place in Crown Hill cemetery. An obituary will be published next week. INTERESTING NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS - Roman Mikes of West Bend has been hired as manager of the Whittemore municipal light plant.
- Emanuel Jacobson of Garner, has been sentenced to two years in federal prison on charges of stealing from the mails.
- John Schupfer, living near Emmetsburg, was fined $5 and costs on an intoxication charge and $15 and costs for resisting an officer.
- Robert Bell of Spencer was fined $100 and costs at Spirit Lake last Saturday for forcing a Spirit Lake party to drive him from Orleans to Spirit Lake at the point of a gun.
- Richard Molenaar and Oscar Pierce of Rock Rapids, were each fined $100 and costs for the illegal possession of pheasants.
- George Herpst of Sioux Rapids and Carter Brick of Gillet Grove were sentenced to prison last week for attempting to rob a drug store at Havelock. Herpst drew five years and Brick one year.
- H.N. Scholtes, former resident of Estherville, Ia., was killed when a train was derailed. He was the engineer.
- Harry P. Kiefer, a transient giving Dayton, Ohio, as his home, was sentenced to 30 days in jail at Spencer last week on shoplifting charges.
- Harold Culver of Emmetsburg was fined $100 and costs for driving an automobile without a license and for failing to report an accident. MRS. FORBES IS BURIED TODAY.
    Mrs. Hannah Forbes, former resident of Walnut township, passed away at her home at Pocahontas last Monday and funeral services were held at the Lutheran church in Walnut township cemetery. The deceased has a number of relatives in this vicinity and many friends in Walnut township where she lived until about eighteen years when she and her family moved to Pocahontas. - Harry Goodner, negro held in the county jail at Keokuk, Ia., on eight charges of forgery, was shot and killed by a policeman early Monday morning when he broke jail. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS OF THE PAST WEEK. - Roy Baker of Oskaloosa, Iowa, was killed last Thursday night by a hit-and-run driver who left his victim lying all night in the snow within a block of his home.
- A 34-year-old Waterloo, Ia., woman, Mrs. Munston Pond, died Sunday from the effects of fumes from a gas stove. AGED MAN WON'T BE ROBBED
    Clem Henke, aged resident of Akron, Iowa, who will be 100 years old on March 3, routed three bandits with a shovel, when they tried to rob him in his home Sunday night. The bandits entered the home and had lined up the aged man and his daughter when a hired hand appeared and in the disturbance Henke grabbed a shovel and attacked a bandit. The hired hand secured a gun and several shots were fired, but the bandits escaped. FATALITY IN TRAILER BLAZE.
    Virginia Woods, 3 years old, was fatally burned in a house trailer fire at Manson, yesterday. She was sleeping in a trailer when an over-heated stove set it on fire and the girl received burns that caused her death a few hours later. AUTO ACCIDENT TAKES BAKER.
    Walter Bauman, owner of a bakery at Cherokee, was killed in an automobile accident near Gladbrook last Thursday. He and his wife had completed plans for a visit with relatives in Germany this spring and were scheduled to leave March 17th. LINEMAN KILLED ON REA LINE
    G.C. Kilborn, 39, lineman for the REA, was instantly killed on Tuesday of this week when he came in contact with a high voltage wire while at work near Rockwell City.

- Mrs. John Davidson was called to Osage last week by the death of a sister.
- Mrs. Tom DeBolt has purchased the Rupert Miller house in Dickens and is moving there this week.
- Mabel Rohlf of Des Moines visited here a few days last week at the home of her brother, E.J. Brown.
- The pupils and teacher, Miss Rose Antoine of Highland No. 6 school, gave a farewell party for Eugene Jackson on Valentine day. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are moving to Hutchinson, Minn.
- Franklin Hastings is now stationed at Fort Sam Huston, Texas. He is with the 1st Batallion of the 15th Field Artillery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Radke of Houston, Minn., drove here from Rochester, Minn., last Sunday to bring her parents, Mr .and Mrs. J.R. King, who have been at Rochester the past two weeks.
- Miss Beulah Rierson and Miss Verna Rierson visited with their sister, Mrs. Neal Lighter at Dickens last Sunday.

The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, March 1 , 1939
Rodman Woman is Fined $5 on Charge of Assault.
    Mrs. Kathryn Fields of Rodman was fined $5 and costs in justice of peace court at Emmetsburg last Saturday when she pleaded guilty of assault of Mrs. O.I. Salisbury, also of Rodman. The charges were filed as an outgrowth of an alleged assault in a restaurant operated at Rodman by Mrs. Fields. Mrs. Salisbury claims she was injured when Mrs. Fields attacked her. AN AYRSHIRE RESIDENT DIES.
    Thomas E. Wood, resident of Ayrshire, died suddenly at his home in Ayrshire, yesterday at the age of 61 years. Funeral services will likely be held Friday, but up to this Wednesday noon no arrangements had been announced. The Lightle Funeral Home of Ruthven will have charge of the funeral. INTERESTING NEWS IN NEARBY TOWNS - Wilke Kiner, employed on the Illinois Central railroad at Cherokee, was instantly killed last Thursday, when he was caught between two cars. 49 DAIRY FARMERS RECEIVE AWARDS
Certificates Given By the Ames College for Cream Scoring 93 Per Cent or Over.     Forty-nine farmers living around Ruthven have been awarded certificates by the Iowa state college for producing high quality cream scoring 93 per cent or better for 1938. The cream was scored on the basis of flavor, acidity, richness, body and cleanliness.
    Those who received certificates from Ruthven were:
    Clint Burdick, E.J. Brown, Lester Sampson, H.S. Eaton, Bert Aldrich, G. Thim, W.H. Fieseler, Andrew Hanson, John Olson, Kjellberg & Bargstrum, F.S. Hill, Rustan Brothers, M. Newgard, E.R. Wilcox, Nick Geelan, Axel Anderson, Ernest Nelson, Emil Hanson, Harold Lowman, Henry Olson, P.C. Hermansen, Louis Nelson, Nelson & Kjellberg, Clarence Christensen, Hadley Mills, Merle McGranahan, K.H. Sorensen, John C. Hanson, P.G. Hansen, C.E. Hansen, A.S. Hanson, Howard Eaton, Elmer Rosacker, Geelan & Anderson, W.F. Miller, George Bigger, Fred Schnell, Howard Hansen, B.H. Overocker, Will Hollowell, R.E. Carter, L.S. Prentice, Fred Potee, Beulah Winn.
    Tests were made without warning or special notice ten times during the past year by extension specialists. LOCAL NEWS
- Miss Mary Geelan, daughter of Nick Geelan, underwent an operation for appendicitis at a Spencer hospital last evening.
- Carroll Shartle arrived here from Washington, D.C.  last Sunday for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Shartle. He left by train last night for his home in Washington, D.C. RUTHVEN AND VICINITY
- E.F. Gates and family have moved into the Josie Goff house.
- Frank Geelan is here from California for a visit with relatives.
- Several from this vicinity attended the funeral of Mrs. Dan O'Neal at Graettinger last Saturday afternoon.
- Mrs. John Davidson left last Sunday for Rochester, Minn.. to see Mr. Davidson who is in a hospital there.
- A farewell party was held at the Art Duhn home in Graettinger last Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Joe Jackson.
- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Simington and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Simington visited at Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Prew's to see their new daughter, Barbara K., who weighs 4 3/4 pounds. She has two sisters, LaVone Rae and Sally Ann.
- T.J. Brennan has been ill at his home this week and unable to work at the postoffice.
- Mrs. Hilda Cruse of Terril visited here with her mother, Mrs. Christina Peterson, yesterday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Hanson went to Earlham last Saturday to attend a musical operetta by their son, Erling.
- Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Modisett of Cedar Falls, visited at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Rosacker, last Friday.
- Miss Margaret Brennan arrived here today from Madison, Wisconsin, for a visit with her father, T.J. Brennan, who is quite ill.
- A farewell party was held at the Joe Nyborg home on Friday evening in honor of Joe Jackson and family who are moving to Minnesota. Games were played and a lunch served. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were presented with a purse of money.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fordyce of Emmetsburg gave a surprise farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jackson last Sunday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gile, Mr .and Mrs. Bill Galager, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Joyce, all of Emmetsburg. Gus Kriens, of Spencer. Mr and Mrs. Jackson were presented with an electric table lamp. WEST LOST ISLAND.
- Miss Doris Neet, teacher in Dist. 4 of Lost Island, visited over the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neet, near Graettinger. This is the last week she will be able to meet with her parents in their old home, as they moved Tuesday to a farm near Worthington, Minn.
- A community party was held Friday evening at the Joe Nyborg home honoring her brother, Joe Jackson and family in a farewell, as they move soon to a farm in Minnesota. A fine time was had singing old songs by those attending. A lunch was served at midnight. NOTICE OF PROOF OF WILL.
No. 2743.
State of Iowa, Palo Alto County, ss:
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that an instrument in writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament and Codicil of Henri M. Brown, deceased, was this day produced, opened and read by the undersigned and that I have fixed Tuesday, the 28th day of March, 1939, as the day for hearing proof in relation thereto.
Witness my official signature, with Seal of said Court, hereto affixed, this 24th day of February, 1939.
(Seal) E.M. Thompson,
    Clerk of District Court.
(Published March 1, 8 and 15)

The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, March 8, 1939
Names of Families Who Change Locations This Month; Few Move Away.     March movers in this vicinity are as follows:
    August Ricke has moved to the farm vacated by Knut Knutson.
    John Olson has moved to the farm vacated by C.H. Ruehle.
    O.B. Carpenter has moved to the farm vacated by C.G. Umbrell.
    W. Lawler has moved to the farm vacated by Fred Lahoff.
    Donald Enderson has moved to the farm vacated by W.F. Miller.
    Lewis Whitford has moved to the farm vacated by Axel Anderson.
    Ernest Peterson has moved onto his farm 5 miles west of Graettinger.
    Victor Rosewall has moved onto his farm northeast of town.
    W.F. Miller has moved to the Reely farm.
    The L.J. Dennis family has moved out of this community.
    Knut Knutson has moved to the farm vacated by Gus Hanson.
    Axel Anderson has moved to what is known as the Pierson farm.
    Peter Ricke has moved to the farm where Jess Capener lives.
    C.H. Ruehle has moved to the Golden farm.
    Oren Simington and family have moved to Lake Park, Minnesota.
    C.G. Umbrell has moved to the farm vacated by Chas. Winn.
    Mr. and Mrs. C. Reynolds have moved to Ruthven.
    Ben Schade has moved to Mallard.
    C.H. Weiss has moved to the Mrs. John Anderson farm.
    Gale Watkins has moved to the M.M. Monk farm.
    Leonard Pilquist has moved to what is known as the Monk farm.
    Fred Lahoff has moved to Webb.
    Harold Hynes has moved onto the R.L. Hynes farm.
    Lawrence Feldman has moved to a farm near Terril.
    Clarence Thu has moved on the  farm vacated by Oscar Johnson.
    Oscar Johnson has moved to the Graettinger vicinity.
    Chas. Jungman and Thos. Schuller changed farms on Route 1 this spring.
    R.E. Rouse has moved to the farm vacated by Clarence Christianson.
    Clarence Christianson has moved to the Estherville vicinity.
    Mr. and Mrs. Gus Feldman have moved to their new home at Terril.
    Chas. Winn has moved to Myron Needham farm.
    Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Smith have moved away from Ruthven. Brief News Items of the Past Week.
- Jim Gamble of Pocahontas was arrested at Spencer last week on charges of defacing a $1 bill and attempting to pass it as a $5 bill. Boy is Accidentally Shot Through Leg With Rifle.
    Norman Nelson, 9-year-old son of Mr .and Mrs. Nels H. Nelson, was shot through both legs with a .22 caliber rifle while playing with a group of other boys at the Glendon Roland home about a half mile west of Ruthven last Friday afternoon. The bullet passed through his right leg and lodged in his left leg. He was taken to a hospital at Spencer and according to reports yesterday, he is recovering without any ill effects.
    In company with his older brother, Arthur, the two boys had gone to the Glendon Roland home to spend the afternoon. Arthur took a .22 caliber bolt-action single shot rifle with him.
    The gun happened to fall on the ground at the Roland place and Arthur decided to clean the mud out of the barrel. As he raised the bolt handle on the rifle to remove the cartridge in the arm, the gun was accidentally discharged and the bullet struck Norman, who was standing nearby.
    The boys had been given a half holiday on their school records and they decided to spend the afternoon with Donald Roland, who also had a half holiday. LIST NEW TELEPHONE PATRONS:
    Here is a list of the new telephone patrons of the local telephone exchanges. Clip out these listings and paste them in your telephone directory and keep it up-to-date:
Hynes, Harold...AA-3
Umbrell, Claude...Z-11
Rouse, Robert...Ash-9
Colburn, Rollin...31
Henningsen, E.A....41
Johnson, Enoch...W-16
Goddard, Ray...Market-10
Hagedon, Orville...3
Nelson, Ernest...12
Brown Implement Co...122
- Arlene Feaney, 5-year-old Humboldt girl, received a fractured skull last Monday when she was struck by an automobile while crossing a street.

- A new log house has been built on the Harley Brady farm northeast of town.
- Mr. and Mrs. Merle Clark of Laurens will be employed at the Lawrence Feldman home this spring.
- Bert King of Curlew was arrested in Ruthven last Saturday night for creating a disturbance on our streets and was fined $5 and costs by Mayor Rosacker.
- Miss Inez Cornwall visited with her brother at Bridgewater, South Dakota, last week.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones of Dickens visited their daughter, Mrs. Marlyn Monselle, and family, this Wednesday.
- Theo. Hermansen is building a tenant house on his farm. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilcox will live there. The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, March 15 , 1939

 Sentence of Butter Thief is Upheld by State Court   
    The Iowa supreme court has affirmed a 10-year sentence in Fort Madison penitentiary imposed on Harvey Mighell, 36, of Holstein, Ia., in connection with a robbery of a Kimballton, Ia., creamery in 1936.
    Mighell was sentenced in Audubon county district court last May.
    He was accused of being a member of a "butter theft" ring alleged to have stolen $17,000 worth of butter from 21 Iowa creameries in 1936.
    Mighell was the fifth man convicted in connection with the thefts. He also served part of a 10-year term in Anamosa reformatory for robbing a store in Buena Vista county in 1931. DESCENDANT OF ALDENS DIES
    Mrs. George Carson, 83 years of age, member of the D.A.R. and said to be a descendant of John and Priscilla Alden who came over in the Mayflower, died at her home in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Tuesday of this week. INTERESTING NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS
- Mrs. Ed S. Reese died suddenly in a beauty shop at Estherville last Friday.
- William Blanchard, who has been employed on a farm near Emmetsburg died last week without leaving any information about his home or his relatives.
- Hans Westergard of Graettinger died on Monday of this week and the funeral was there this Wednesday afternoon. RUTHVEN AND VICINITY
- The silver wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Carl John Carlson will be observed next Sunday in the Lost Island neighborhood.
- A representative for the government was in Ruthven last week to see that folks around here were living up to the socialism security law.
- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Brand are the parents of a baby boy born on Wednesday, March 1st. He has been given the name Gerald Francis.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schroeder and family were dinner guests at the home of her parents, Mr .and Mrs. W.A. Thayer, in Emmetsburg on Sunday of last week.
- Mr. and Mrs. O.F. Spies and children visited Mrs. Spies' father, O.B. Anderson, at the P.J. Duus home in Graettinger last Sunday. Mr. Anderson has been quite ill.
- Harness, harness repairing, harness oiling, tires, batteries, oils, electric light globes, washing machines, and light hardware at the Gamble Store Agency. Ellis Amick, owner. adv.
- Plans are being made for observing a 60th wedding anniversary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Christianson on Thursday afternoon of next week. The celebration will take the form of an open house for their friends and relatives.
- Sparks from a chimney started a fire on the roof of the N.C. Bale residence last Thursday noon. A stranger passing by saw the fire and gave the alarm and the fire department put the blaze out. A hole about four feet wide and fourteen feet in length was burned in the roof and some damage was done to the interior of the house by the water needed to extinguish the fire. The loss was covered by insurance.   The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, March 22 , 1939
Miss Fern Olson Married at Ames Last Saturday
    A pretty wedding took place at the Methodist church at Ames last Saturday afternoon, March 18th, at 3 o'clock when Miss Fern Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orrie Olson of this vicinity, became the bride of Tyler Woodward of Ames.
    The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Barlow, and Dick Cambell of Emmetsburg played the wedding march. The couple was attended by Miss Verna Olson, sister of the bride, and Maurice Foster, a friend of the groom.
    The bride wore a gown of blue taffeta and carried a bouquet of yellow roses. The maid of honor wore yellow with a corsage of pink roses.
    A luncheon was served at the parsonage immediately after the ceremony, and then the newlyweds left on a wedding trip. They will make their home at Ames, where Mr. Woodward is assistant secretary of theY.M.C.A. at the Ames college.
    Mr. and Mrs. Woodward are both graduates of the Iowa State college at Ames, and they have many friends in this vicinity and at Ames who wish them much success and happiness. NEW TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS.
Ole Anderson...177
Roy LeClair...R-4 - Clyde Aldrich was taken ill from over-exertion in attempting to start an automobile one day last week. Former Resident's Funeral Held at Estherville Sunday.
    Grace Lydia Brown, daughter of Willis and Ellen Brown, was born in the Big Creek Valley, near Sparta, Monroe County, Wisconsin, and died March 16, 1939, at her home at Estherville, Iowa. The family came to Iowa in the spring of 1898 and lived on the Dewey farm north of Ruthven for four years. In the spring of 1902 the family moved to a farm near Terril and returned to Wisconsin in 1903. The deceased came to Iowa again in 1905 and lived with her sister, Mrs. Mabel Rohlf at Estherville until her marriage to Harry A. Littell on June 26, 1907.
    Mr. and Mrs. Littell resided at Estherville for a time and then lived in various towns over the state where Mr. Littell was employed as station agent. They returned to Estherville in 1930.
    She is survived by her husband, one son, Everitt M., of Dows and one daughter, Mrs. Evelyn R. Brandt of Estherville, her aged father, Willis F. Brown of Estherville, one sister, Mrs. Mabel Rohlf of Des Moines, four brothers, Ervin J. Brown of Ruthven, Thomas and Ray Brown of Estherville, and Merritt Brown of Minneapolis, Minn., also two grandchildren, Sandra Kay Littell and Dennis Lee Brandt.
    The deceased was converted in her young womanhood and was a member of the Methodist church at Estherville. She was also a member of the Rebecca lodge. She was a faithful loving wife and mother and a loyal friend. She loved life and fellowship with others, and her friends were numbered by her acquaintances.
    Funeral services were held on Sunday, March 19th, Rev. Arthur Bottom of Wesley, a brother-in-law of Mr. Littell, read the service at the home, including the 23rd Psalm. Rev. F.M. Ortmyer delivered the funeral sermon at the Methodist church at Estherville, using as his text: "How precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. A mixed quartette sang three songs, "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere," "We are Going Down the Valley One by One" and "The City Four Square." Her lodge sisters rendered a beautiful service.
 In the darkness of the night, 
Her spirit took its flight:
Weary moral, sleep and rest;
All earthly cares for thee are o'er
Until we meet with the blest
On that bright and shining shore.
    Burial took place in Oak Hill cemetery at Estherville. Pallbearers were: Roy Bassett, Clarence Kurtz, Frank Ellwaner, W. Dickinson, Loyal Mason and Gilbert Amdahl. Emmetsburg Boy Injured in an Unusual Accident.
    An unusual accident happened on a farm near Emmetsburg this week when Howard Stillman, farm youth, was wounded while attempting to butcher a cow. He was holding it by a rope so his brother, Charles, might shoot the animal. The cow moved and the brother missed the animal. The bullet struck Howard in the lower part of the abdomen. RUTHVEN AND VICINITY - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Monk, former residents of the Elk Lake district, but now living at Emmetsburg, are the parents of a new son.
- Mrs. Foster Reed entertained a number of ladies at her home last Tuesday at a pre-nuptial shower in honor of her niece, Mrs. Tyler Woodward, of Ames.
- August Cleslie returned home from the Rochester, Minn. hospital last Thursday night. He was accompanied by his niece, Mrs. Harvey Brown and Mrs. D. Barringer.
- Rev. E.L. McEvoy called on John Currans at the Worthington, Minn., sanatorium one day last week. Mr. Currans expects to remain at this sanatorium for some time.
- Mr. and  Mrs. Ervin Brown were called to Estherville Thursday by the death of Mr. Brown's sister, Mrs. Harry Littell, who passed away early that morning. She had been ill for three years with heart trouble.
- About twenty-five people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reardon last Sunday to remind them that it was their 25th wedding anniversary. The ladies brought well filled baskets and a fine dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Reardon were presented with a purse of silver.
- Those from Ruthven who attended the funeral of Mrs. Harry Littell at Estherville Sunday afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Brown, Mrs. L.A. Ryder, Mrs. Annie Barringer, Miss Hazel Barringer, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Larsen, Misses Margaret and Wilma Spaulding, John Hansen, and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Way.
- Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Berndt and son, Forest, of Rockport, Mo., were over night visitors Wednesday with Mrs. Berndt's aunt, Mrs. E.J. Brown. They were enroute to visit their daughter, Mrs. Jay Ganz, at Alma, Wisconsin. They also called on her brother, Ernest Spaulding, last Thursday. Her mother, Mrs. Melissa Spaulding accompanied them to Wisconsin.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gustin, Chester King, and Archie Gustin of Dickens, Mrs. Carr and daughter, Marion, of Cherokee, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walters of Storm Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Radke of Houston, Minn., Miss Virginia King of Ames, Mr .and Mrs. Byron Lathrop of Plover, Mr. and Mrs. M.T. Bragg of Lake Park and Mr. and Mrs. P.G. Powers of Spencer attended the funeral of J.R. King here, last Sunday. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE
    Notice is hereby given, That by virtue of a Special Execution directed to me from the Clerk of the District Court of Palo Alto County, Iowa, in a cause in which Earl M. Pender is plaintiff and Chas. I. Jones, Administrator of the Estate of F.E. Jones, deceased;  Mrs. Frank DeMouth; Frank DeMouth; Earl Jones; Mrs. Earl Jones; Chas. L. Jones; Mrs. Chas. L. Jones; E.C. Jones; Mrs. E.C. Jones; General Motors Acceptance Corporation; Palo Alto County, Iowa; are defendants wherein decree of foreclosure was rendered in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendants and wherein judgment was rendered in favor of said plaintiff and against the real estate described below, on the 7th day of March, 1939, for the sum of $1,118.06 Dollars debt, and costs taxed at $80.93 Dollars and accruing costs, I have levied upon the following real estate as the property of said defendants, to-wit:
    Lot Eight (8) of Block One Hundred Fifteen (115), Corbin & Lawler's Plat of Emmetsburg, Iowa, and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in hand on the 17th day of April, A.D., 1939, in front of the door of the Court House in Emmetsburg, Iowa, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. of said day, sale to commence at the hour of 10:00 a.m. of said day, or sufficient thereof to satisfy said debt with interest and costs.
    Dated, Emmetsburg, Iowa, March 17th, 1939.
    R.F. Montgomery,
    Sheriff of Palo Alto County, Iowa.
    (Published March 22 & 29).

The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, April 12, 1939
BRIEF NEWS ITEMS OF THE PAST WEEK. - John Brook of Rock Valley was killed Saturday afternoon when a cornstalk cutter he was operating passed over him.
- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Martin of Sioux City, celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary last Sunday,  the first time since it has fallen on Easter since they were married at Walker, Iowa, on Easter Sunday, April 9, 1882. BAKERY IS CLOSED
    The Ruthven bakery closed last week after being in operation since last December. Fred Goerner, who had charge of the place, left for his former home at Albert City. For a time, he seemed to have a thriving business here. FINED $600 ON LIQUOR CHARGES
     Harry Zahren, living near Spirit Lake, was fined $600 and costs for having alcohol and whiskey in his possession illegally. LARSON AND COOK GARAGE IS SOLD
    S.A. Hovey and M.L. Myers have purchased the Larson & Cook garage in Ruthven and took possession this Wednesday morning. The new firm will handle automobile repairs and accessories, oils, gasoline and do car washing and greasing.
    The new proprietors will also sell Plymouth automobiles. INTERESTING NEWS IN NEARBY  TOWNS - Milton Sanders of Milford, Ia., has signed as a pitcher for a Joplin, Mo., baseball team.
- Norman Norland, superintendent of the Laurens high school for twelve years, has resigned to take up other work.
- Louis Peterson, telegraph operator at the Rock Island railroad station at Emmetsburg since 1910, retired last Saturday after 51 years service with the Rock Island railroad.
- Marlys Hoobler, 9-year-old daughter of Glenn Hoobler of Emmetsburg, was struck by an automobile last Wednesday while crossing a street. She suffered a broken leg.
- A moving picture theatre will open at Ayrshire this month.
- William Blom has been appointed marshal at Graettinger to succeed William Sparks.
- John P. Ryan, 63, oldest son of Edward Ryan, Emmetsburg's only remaining Civil war veteran, died suddenly recently in Utah where he was a freight train conductor. WEST LOST ISLAND - Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Sherman of Lake Center left for their new home Monday. They moved to St. Ansgar, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Dirkson, of Spencer are the new owners of the service station at Lake Center. RUTHVEN AND VICINITY - City water and sewer connections have been put in at the R.H. Hynes residence.
- Mrs. Leo Cox of Des Moines visited here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Reed, last week.
- Miss Beatrice Ruthven, who is teaching at Virginia, Minn., visited at her home here the latter part of last week.
- A miscellaneous shower was held at the Willard Reed home last Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Russell Reed, a bride of this month. A lunch was served and Mrs. Reed received a number of nice gifts.
- Alfred Rasmussen, local attorney, moved to Spencer last week and has rented an office in the Hurd real estate building. This location will offer him a larger field for legal work.
- The Lightle ambulance was called to Sioux City last week to take Miss Darlene Cottington to her home at Ayrshire. Miss Cottington, who is a student at Morningside college, recently underwent an operation for appendicitis.
- Mrs. L.A. Ryder and her daughter, Mrs. Emory Goff, entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. Wink and sons of Dolliver, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Christoffer and Mrs. Christoffer, Sr., at an Easter Sunday dinner.
- Mr. and Mrs. John H. Green, of Sheldon, will celebrate their 54th wedding anniversary on April 16th. The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, May 24, 1939
    Mrs. N.C. Bale passed away at her home in Ruthven on Friday morning, May 19, 1939, at 8:45. About nine weeks ago Mrs. Bale became ill with influenza and about two weeks later she had the misfortune to fall and break her hip and was taken to the Emmetsburg hospital where she remained for five weeks. Then she was brought to her home here where she remained for her last two weeks.
    Funeral services were held at her home at 1:30 Sunday afternoon and at the Methodist church at 2 o'clock with Rev. Belden Weikel officiating. 
    A quartette composed of Mrs. H.K. Drennen, Mrs. George Stahly, J.H. Thatcher and Harry Nelson, with Mrs. A.L. Bragg at the piano, sang "The City Four Square," "The Old Rugged Cross," and "Under His Wings."
    Interment was in Crown Hill cemetery, with the Lightle Funeral Home of Ruthven in charge.
    Six grandchildren, Clyde Bale, Kenneth Barringer, Wallace Caldwell, Hugh Bale, Donald Logan and Halsey Bale, were the pallbearers. Ellouise Miles Dies May 16 After Illness of 8 Years.
    Ellouise Miles, youngest daughter of Charles and Kate Hauerfield Miles, was born on a farm near Ruthven, Iowa, May 16, 1911, and died at Iowa City, Iowa, May 16, 1939, on her 28th birthday. On this anniversary many of her friends remembered her with cards which she did not live to receive.
    Her early life was spent in or near Ruthven, until at the age of 8 years, she moved with her parents to Lake City. She attended the Lake City high school and graduated as an honor student with the class of 1929. A short time later she was stricken with the illness which finally resulted in her death. All who came in contact with her remarked on the patience and cheerfulness with which she bore her suffering for nearly eight years. She never gave up hope and whenever able, she spent much of her time in making gifts for her family and her friends. She had been in better health than usual before entering the hospital, which was an attempt to improve her condition, and she seemed to be making satisfactory progress until about an hour before her death when she suddenly took a turn for the worst.
    She is survived by her parents, five sisters, Violette and Iva of Lake City, Mrs. Lewis Grover of Collette Grove, Mrs. Walter Smith of Bancroft and Mrs. Merton Thompson of Ruthven; and three brothers, Peter H. of Albert Lea, Minn., Samuel C., of Yetter, and Charles, Jr. of Henell, North Dakota. O.W. Cope Found Dead In His Home at Clear Lake.
    O.W. Cope, brother of E.G. Cope of this city, was found dead in his home at Clear Lake last Friday morning. He was 82 years of age and lived alone.
    Funeral services were held at Clear Lake last Saturday.
    The deceased spent eight months in Ruthven in 1918 and also spent the winter of 1931-32 here. TWO MEN ENTER PRIESTHOOD
    Two Palo Alto county young men were ordained into the Catholic priesthood last Sunday.
    Harry Dailey, son of Mrs. Michael Dailey of Ayrshire will celebrate his first mass in Sacred Heart church at Ayrshire this week. Thomas Lawless of Emmetsburg will celebrate his first mass in the Assumption church at Emmetsburg. C.B. Bergeson Gets Work as Station Agent at St. Olaf.
    C.B. Bergeson, who has been assistant at the Milwaukee depot in Ruthven, has accepted a position as station agent at St. Olaf, near McGregor, in Clayton county, and will move there with his family as soon as a relief man can be located for the local depot. Mr. and Mrs. Bergeson have made many friends here who regret to see them leave our community. Dickens School Graduates Class of Eight Thursday.
    A class of eight graduated from the Dickens high school last Thursday evening with the commencement exercises being held at the high school auditorium.
    The graduates are: Fred Hargrave, Kathryn Ellison, Barbara Jones, Fred Van Hoven, Dorothy Williams, Helen Johnson, Arlene Melins and Albert C. O'Clair. Ruthven and Vicinity. - Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick Rierson have purchased the Eshelman residence and will move here next week.
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kelly of Chicago, Ill, visited here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rice, over the week-end.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bradley and grandchildren, Charles and Betty Monk, of near Emmetsburg, were dinner guests at the E.G. Cope home last Sunday.
- Mrs. Anna Carver arrived here today from Montana for a visit at the home of her son, J.G. Carver and with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Barringer.
- Bert Goff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goff, has joined the U.S. army and will be stationed at Rantoul, Illinois for nine months to study to be a mechanic in the aviation department.
- Misses Ruth Currans, Rosemary McDevitt and Kathleen Hanna visited at Worthington, Minn. with John Currans last Sunday.
- Lorine, Vergene and Evon Rosewall, three pupils at the school in District No. 2, won honors during the past school year for being neither absent nor tardy during the fall, winter and spring terms. Miss Bernice Altwegg teaches this school.
- Relatives from out-of-town who attended the funeral of T.M. Hanna at the Methodist church here last Thursday were: Arthur Jones from Chilicothe, Ohio; O.C. Hanna and daughter of St. Joseph, Missouri; Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Hanna of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma; Mr .and Mrs. Elting Hanna of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Mrs. Walter Dixon of Tulsa, Oklahoma; Mr and Mrs. Richard Dubois, of Plover. The following were among her friends from out-of-town who attended the funeral: James Alt, of Des Moines; Mrs. James Hargrave; Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Scott and family of Dickens; Mr and Mrs. Guy Monselle of Lake Okoboji; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Broadie of Spirit Lake; and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Broadie of Estherville.

The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, June 7, 1939

Passed Away Last Thursday at Age of 83 Years;
Came Here in 1873.

    Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Goff, former Ruthven resident, were held at the Methodist church at Dickens last Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. Ellison officiating. Mrs. Harold Toland sang "Mother's Dear Hands," and a men's quartette sang two favorite songs of the deceased. Rev. Ellison of Dickens was assisted by Rev. Weikel of the Methodist church at Ruthven. Mrs. Goff was laid to rest in the Dickens cemetery on the 60th anniversary of her wedding day.
    The pallbearers were three nephews and three grandsons: Barrison Goff, Paul Goff, Emory Goff, Verle Goff, and Maxon and Eldon Gadsby. These nephews and grandsons were pallbearers at the funeral of Mr. Goff almost ten years ago.
    Mary Melissia Brayton, youngest daughter of Permelia Spencer Brayton, was born in Green county, Wisconsin, December 9, 1855, and passed away at her home in Dickens on Thursday, June 1, 1939, at the age of 83 years, 5 months and 22 days. She was a member of a family of nine children, all of whom have passed away, except one brother, John Brayton.
    When she was 12 years of age, she moved with her family to Clear Lake, Iowa, where she grew to womanhood.
    On June 4, 1873, she was united in marriage to Dwight Alvin Goff and they came on a covered wagon to Mr. Goff's homestead 2 miles north and 2 1/2 miles east of Ruthven. Here they made their home for 31 years and in the spring of 1904 they moved to their place a half mile north of Ruthven, and in 1908 they moved to Dickens. Mr. Goff passed away on December 20, 1929. Four children were born to this union.
    Mrs. Goff willingly and cheerfully assumed all the duties and responsibilities of early pioneer life in this section of the state where she lived for 66 years. Her home was always a community social center where neighbors and friends found a warm welcome. She was a member of the Methodist church and took an active part in the Ladies' Aid and missionary work.
    The deceased is survived by one son, Wilmer C. Goff, of Ruthven, and one daughter, Mrs .Ethel Gadsby, of Dickens. One son, LeGrand Goff, passed away on February 1, 1930, and another son, Joseph Elmer, died in 1876. She is also survived by her youngest brother, John Brayton, of Waucoma, Iowa, four grandchildren, nine great grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.
    Among the relatives and close friends from a distance who attended the funeral at Dickens last Sunday afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. John Brayton of Waukoma, Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Leonard of Ventura, Mr .and Mrs .Alex Anderson from Britt, Mrs. Alden Thompson and son of Britt, Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Fassett and Mr. and Mrs. Olin Watt of Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Myers of Milford, and Mr. and Mrs. George Hargrave of Webster City.

Rudolph Christianson Weds Miss Center of Estherville.
    Rudolph Christianson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Christianson of Lost Island township, and Miss Magda Center, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Center of Estherville, were united in marriage at the Lutheran church at Estherville last Sunday afternoon, June 4th, with Rev. Mathre officiating. The single ring ceremony was [?]. The interior of the church was beautifully decorated with peonies, an in pink and white.
    The bride was attended by Miss Maxine Rhodes and Alton Simonson was best man to the bridegroom. Avonell Simonson and Marilyn Christianson were the flower girls.
    A reception was given at the church immediately after the ceremony and was attended by a large number of relatives and friends of the contracting parties.
    Mr. Christianson is a graduate of the Ruthven high school and a young man who is popular in the Lost Island vicinity, and well liked by all who know him. The bride is a graduate of the Estherville high school and the Estherville Junior college, and taught school at Wallingford last year.
    The newlyweds will make their home at the Charles Christianson farm in Lost Island township. Their many friends wish them much success and happiness.

Condensed State Items.
- Mrs. Honor Allen of Waterloo, Ia., who would have been 102 years old last Friday, died on Thursday of last week
- Virgil Fisher and Richard Fisher, two brothers, were drowned in the Des Moines river near Boone last Monday evening.
- Ortlynn Wittrock, 13-year-old Rock Rapids boy, was instantly killed on Sunday afternoon when he rode his bicycle onto a highway. An automobile driven by a farm hand, struck him.

Algona Youth Shot Sunday Trying to Rob Pool Hall
    Vernon Winter, 18-year-old Algona youth, was shot in the left side in an attempt to rob a pool hall at Titonka last Saturday night. His brother, Ben, who was with him, was captured.
    The town marshal at Titonka saw someone moving about in the darkness in the pool hall and began investigating. Young Winter ran from the building. The marshal commanded him to halt and then fired two shots in the air. Failing to stop him, the marshal fired two shots at the fleeing youth and one bullet hit him.

    115 boys and girls of the rural school of Palo Alto county received 8th grade diplomas at a county graduation program held at Emmetsburg on Monday evening of this week.
    Eighth grade graduates in the western part of Palo Alto county were as follows:
    Highland township - William Boyd, Dorothea French, Darrel Hume, Madine McKinney, Oscar Norblad, Donald Peglow, Robert Tornow, Harold Wichman.
    Lost Island township - Ralph Frederick, Raymond Duhn, Betty Hermansen, Margaret Hermansen, Iva Nelson, Vance Knutsen, Lowell Nyberg, Doris Peterson, Leroy Rasmussen, Harris Rogeness, Lillian Vollmert, Orville Westfall.
    Booth township - Kathleen Boles, Deryll Broderson, Don Brown, Eileen Dahlberg, Lois Dahlberg, Patricia Ford, Ardys Foster, Russel Fuchs, Maxine Gillman, Leah Lane, Kenneth Rubel, Jean Tinius, Lloyd Triggs.

    An account of the wedding of Miss Carrie Nelson and Carroll Ross was received too late for publication this week. It will be given in next week's issue. They will live at Nevada, Iowa, where Mr. Ross is a photographer.

    Austin R. Gardner of Algona, was electrocuted on a farm near that place on Tuesday night of last week. He was attempting to remove a cow that had been electrocuted by a line wire that had fallen down because of a broken insulator. He had apparently touched the wire and was killed instantly. A farm had found his body.


- R.G. Baker of Estherville was sentenced to ten years in prison last week on charges of breaking and entering a store at Spirit Lake.
- W.O. Johnson, a traveling salesman for the Atwood Coffee Co. of Minneapolis, Minn., was found dead in his room at a hotel in West Bend last Thursday morning.
- Dewey L. Groves, stockbuyer at Spencer, was fined $250 and costs last week on charges of operating an automobile while intoxicated. His driver's license was revoked for a year. He had recently bought a new car for a trip east.
- Mrs. Isa Lauman graduated from the Buena Vista college at Storm Lake last week and her daughter graduated from the Sioux Rapids high school. Mrs. Lauman will teach at Washta next year.

Murder Sioux Rapids Man Near Phoenix, Arizona
    Laurence Stennerson of Sioux Rapids, Ia., was found dead on the outskirts of Phoenix, Arizona, last Saturday. It is thought that he was murdered by highwaymen late last Friday night. His body is scheduled to arrive at Sioux Rapids this Wednesday. Stennerson and a brother had been working at Phoenix.

Lost Eye in Fishing Accident
    Thomas Andrews of Fort Dodge lost his right eye in a fishing accident at Lost Island lake one day last week. In company with a man from Pocahontas, he was fishing along the lake shore and a sinker on a fish line that was being used by the Pocahontas party, struck him in the eye.

Langdon Youth is Injured Fatally Beneath Tractor
    Jack Youdes, 22, was fatally injured last Thursday afternoon when he was pulled beneath the wheels of a tractor on his father's farm near Langdon.
    The young man had been plowing and when he did not return home, a search was started by members of his family. He was found so badly hurt that he could not move and died a few hours later. He had reached down to turn off the machine and his clothing caught in a pulley and he was pulled beneath a rear wheel.


- Miss Georgia LeClair left last Sunday for Storm Lake to attend summer school at Buena Vista college.
- Mrs. Grant Rice went to Triumph, Minnesota, last week to attend the high school graduation of a grandson.
- Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Moore of Ames arrived here last Sunday for a visit at the home of his uncle, L.R. Moore.
- O.S. Lee, who suffered a slight stroke about a month ago, is slowly improving and is still confined to his apartments over the Lee cafe.
- Mrs. William Booth of Bremerton, Washington, has spent the last six weeks here with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nelson.
- Mrs. Anna Denham of Little Rock, Arkansas, is visiting here this month with her mother, Mrs. Kate Fitzgerald and her brothers, Francis and Gerald.
- Mrs .D.W. Prather is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Walter Pitcher, at Emmetsburg this week.
- A new 26 x 28 foot house is being built on the Iver Oppedal farm east of Mud Lake. The building will be a story and a half high.
- Miss Iona Organbright, who had been teaching at Swea City, visited her parents here last week and then left for Fairmont, Minn., where she has employment.
- Franklin Hastings, who is with an artillery division at Fort Sam, in Houston, Texas, arrived here last Sunday for a visit with his mother, Mrs. J.F. Hastings. The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, June 21, 1939
Wedding with Participants All Having the Same Name
    Recently, Miss Vivian Kelly of Ayrshire was married to Clayton Kelly of Rockwell City, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Kelly of Carroll. The bridesmaid was Miss Maurine Kelly of Ayrshire, sister of the bride, and Robert Kelly of Des Moines, brother of the bridegroom was best man.
    The marriage was performed by Rev. John Kelly of Denver, Colorado, a brother of the bride and Rev. John J. Kelly of Graettinger read the nuptial mass. A reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Kelly, parents of the bride. INTERESTING NEWS IN NEARBY TOWNS
- Chris Hanson of Goldfield was killed in an automobile accident last Sunday.
- Fred Van Briesen, manager of the airport at Sheldon, was badly injured Monday when an airplane he was piloting, crashed to the ground near Sheldon.
- William Shoemaker of Arnolds Park was seriously burned when he fell into a barrel of tar that was being made for repair work.
- Raymond W. Ash and Miss Irene Shaffer of Ayrshire were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Shaffer, at Ayrshire last Thursday. Francis Gleason Married at Sheridan, Wyoming
    Miss Janet Mary McClusky and John Francis Gleason were united in marriage at 7 o'clock rites Wednesday evening in the Holy Name church in Sheridan, Wyoming. Before the service Tom Coyne, accompanied by Mrs. F.C. Heldt, sang "O Promise Me" and "My Task."
    The bride was attired in navy blue with full skirt and pink lace trim. Her accessories were white. She wore a pearl brooch and a corsage of white daisies and forget-me-nots.
    Miss Mary Bumbaca, bridesmaid, wore a silk print with raspberry background and a corsage of daisies and lillies-of-the-valley. Albert Scherry was the best man.
    After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Gleason were honored at a wedding breakfast given by Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Milligan in Sheridan.
    The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McClusky of Buffalo and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Gleason of Ruthven, Iowa. After a short honeymoon the couple will be at home at the Shaeffer apartments.-- Sheridan Press. RUTHVEN AND VICINITY -Miss Jeane Hayden of Estherville visited here with her sister, Mrs. Paul Barnett, last Sunday.
- Darlene Needham returned last Sunday from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Rodger Brott, at Spirit Lake.
- A baby girl was born on June 12th to Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Smith, who are now living at Elk City, Oklahoma. She received the name Carol Jean.
- James Egan of St. Francis, Kansas, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Myrtle Egan, and his granddaughter, Corrine Miller, visited at the home of his nephew, Con Nolan, on Tuesday.
- Mr. and Mrs. N.D. Daniels accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Betsy Daniels, and sister, Mrs. Blum, both of Terril, attended a Daniels family reunion at Crawford park in Fort Dodge last week. 88 relatives attended.
- Miss Ruth Currans and Rosemary McDevitt visited with their brother and uncle, John Currans, at a Worthington, Minn. sanatorium last Sunday. The occasion was John Curran's birthday and a number of Ruthven friends had remembered him with birthday cards.
- Bob Hughes and family of Royal visited here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hughes, last Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bussell of Bird Island, Minn., visited Saturday and Sunday with his brother, Dewey Bussell and family.
- Mrs. Fred Brown and twin daughters of Fort Dodge visited here the latter part of the week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hanna and other relatives.
- Mrs. Srailey and Mrs. Croft from Florida, have been visiting here this week with their brother, Dr. H.M. Huston. They are on their way to San Francisco, California, to attend the world's fair.
- Mrs. Jode Bauencamper returned to Waukon, Sunday evening. Her daughter, Wanda, will remain for a visit at the Ralph Cook home.

The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, July 12, 1939

No. 2783
State of Iowa, Palo Alto county, ss:
To all whom it may concern:
    Notice is hereby given that an instrument in writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of August Clesle, deceased, was this day produced, opened and read by the undersigned, and that I have fixed Tuesday, the 1st day of August, 1939, as the day for hearing proof in relation thereto.
    Witness my official signature, with Seal of said Court, hereto affixed, this 30th day of June, 1939.
            E.M. Thompson
            Clerk District Court.
(Published July 5, 12 & 19)

- William Barrett of Hinton, Iowa, has been awarded $85 by the American Humane association for a humane rat and gopher trap.
- John Davidson, 13-year-old Davenport, Iowa, boy was electrocuted last Friday while sitting on a steam radiator and handling a small electric drill.
- Lynn Adcock of Moville, Iowa, an employee of the Iowa Public Service company, was electrocuted last Thursday when he came in contact with a live electric wire that had been blown down by a storm.
- H.K. Hanna of Moville, Iowa, was fined $15 and costs at Sioux City last Monday for turning in a false fire alarm. A stranger asked him about a place to mail a letter, and as a joke, Hanna told the stranger to put it in a fire alarm box.

Wedding of Irma Zielstra at Local Methodist Church
    Miss Irma Mae Zielstra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Zielstra of Ruthven, and H.A. Starkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Starkey of Beloit, Kansas, were united in marriage at the Methodist church in Ruthven last Sunday afternoon. Rev. Belden Wiekel read the double ring ceremony.
    Miss Marie Zielstra, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and Al Steen was best man.
    The bride wore white organdie with finger-tip veil fastened at each side by pink rose buds.
    Mrs. Swan sang "At Dawning," accompanied at the piano by her sister, Miss Lois Madsen. Miss Madsen also played the wedding march.
    The bride is a graduate of the Lake Center high school and the Iowa Beauty school and for the last two years has been employed at a beauty shop in Sioux City.
    Mr. Starkey graduated from a high school at Beloit, Kansas, and is now connected with the National Cash Register company in Sioux City.
    A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, Mr .and Mrs. J.G. Zielstra, and then the newlyweds left on a wedding trip. They will live in Sioux City.
    About fifty relatives and friends attended the wedding at the church.

- A Sioux City, Ia., typewriter repair man, Lamar Slagle, 23, died of complications resulting from an operation to remove an open safety pin he swallowed upon lighting a cigarette.

Seth Hovey Buys Interest of M.L. Myers in Local Garage This Wednesday.
    A deal was closed today, whereby Seth Hovey becomes the sole owner of the Hovey & Myers garage in Ruthven, buying out the interests of M. L. Myers in the business. The retiring member of the firm has not announced any plans for the future.

- Russell Elwood of Red Oak, Iowa, was arrested at Storm Lake one day last week and fined $50 and costs for using 27 fish poles.
- Mrs. Lewis Gunn of Emmetsburg died at Emmetsburg on Tuesday of last week at the age of 48 years.
- Owen Henkle, negro bootblack, who has been working at Spirit Lake, was sentenced to ten years in prison last week for breaking and entering a store.
- George Anderson of Estherville, Ia., has been bound over to the September term of district court at Lakefield, Minnesota, on a forgery charge.
- Frank Dorweiler, a pioneer of this county, passed away at his home northwest of West Bend Friday morning. Several weeks ago he suffered a stroke of paralysis that resulted in his death.
- Farrel Potter, 13-year-old Laurens boy, stole an automobile at that place last Friday night and wrecked it in making a get-away. He was captured and sentenced to the boys' reform school at Eldora.
- Frank S. Lovrien of Humboldt, a former member of the Iowa legislature, died last Sunday following an operation.
- Mrs. Jake Falb, well known West Bend resident, died suddenly at her home at that place Wednesday afternoon. Her death occurred shortly after she had completed a telephone call.

 - W. Strong, formerly of Spirit Lake, started work last week as carrier on a star mail route between Estherville and Lacota, serving the towns of Gruver, Maple Hill, Armstrong, Swea City, Gerled and Lacota.

Ruthven and Vicinity

- Mrs. Anna Eaton of Denver, Colo., has been visiting here with relatives last week and this week.
- Mrs. Ruth Barber of Spencer visited here with her mother, Mrs. Maude Jeffries, last Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Will Peterson and their two children spent the Fourth at  the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Anderson from Graettinger came here last Sunday to help their daughter, Mrs. Carl Hanna, celebrate her birthday.
- Berl Goff, who is with the U.S. air force division in Illinois, visited here with his parents, Mr .and Mrs. Paul Goff, two days last week.
- Mr .and Mrs. J.H. Currans visited her father, Thomas Grave, at St. James, Minn.,  last Sunday.
- Mrs. D.W. Prather returned yesterday from Royal where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roberts, and family.
- Mr. and Mrs. L.W. McMullen and son of Fargo, North Dakota, visited here last week at the home of her brother, R.A. Gleason and family.
- Walter Henderson, who owned a bakery in Ruthven for a number of years, has purchased a bakery at Lake Park and took possession last Saturday. He has been working in a bakery at Britt.
- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Linden entertained the following guests, Sunday, in honor of the baptism of their son, John Eugene, at a picnic dinner at the state park: Mr .and Mrs. John Klevas and sons, Arthur and Leonard, Ole Klevas and Annie Klevas and Ole Nelson, all from Humboldt, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Mooney and Sam and Ellen Mooney of Mason City, Mrs. Ida Salberg of Hanley Falls, Minn, Mrs. Jane Anderson and daughter, Ruth, of Emmetsburg, and Rev. and Mrs. T.G. Wicks and son, Junior, and Mr. and Mrs. Gust Linden, of Ruthven.
- Claude Nolan started work in a state institution at Oakdale on Tuesday of this week.
- Miss Mary Youngdale of Pomeroy is visiting this week with her aunt, Miss Mary Iverson.
- Miss Maxine Iverson and Miss Lorraine Amtsbauer of St. Paul, Minn. are visiting this week at the home of their aunt, Miss Mary Iverson.
- The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Linden was baptized at the morning services at the Zion Lutheran church last Sunday, with Rev. T. G. Wicks officiating. He received the name, John Eugene.

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