Palo Alto County Newspapers

West Bend Journal
February 20, 1936
- From West Bend Journal, March 9, 2006

A Real Valentine! A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Noah Anliker on Valentine's Day, February 14th and has been named Paul Franklin Anliker. Off for Catalina Islands! Gene Ford of West Bend left Chicago the first of the week with the hurling and catching staff of the Chicago Cubs for Catalina Islands where they will begin their spring training. Jim Fair phoned this office from Laurens the first of the week and told us to let his patrons know that there would be no movies Saturday and Sunday of this week on account of fuel shortage and blocked roads. Mr. Carl Elsenbast, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Elsenbast of Graettinger and Miss Veronica Weinholzer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Weinholzer of Pequot, Minnesota, formerly of Mallard, were united in marriage at the Catholic Church in Brainerd, Minnesota, Wednesday morning February 12th. H.F. Hilborn, depot agent at Rodman, left for Wheaton, Illinois Sunday night to attend the funeral of his son, Arthur and wife who were killed when their car was struck by an interurban train. Blinding snow doubtless made visibility poor and they did not see the train coming. Miss Alberta Kemna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kemna of here and Mr. Matt Mersch, the second son of Mr.and Mrs. John Mersch of Eagle Grove were united in marriage at St. Peter an Paul's Catholic Church, with Father P.M. Dobberstein performing the ceremony. Last year Matt worked for Matt Schmalen and is an industrious, frugal young man. They will live on a farm near Renwick after March 14th. A former West Bend man Mr. Jim McGinty of Zwingle had to have his leg amputated above the knee, because it wasn't healing properly. As I have decided to quit farming and move to town, I will sell the following described property at public auction on the old H. Bell farm located 1 mile north and 1 1/2 miles east of West Bend on February 27th. Listed is 7 head of horses, 14 head of cattle, farm machinery and some household. Ben Gerber, Owner. Gilbert Hargreaves will have a public sale on the D.J. Habeger farm located 2 1/2 miles south and 2 miles east of West Bend, February 27th. 8 horses, 14 cattle, and 50 hogs, general line of farm machinery in excellent condition. Ernest Habeger returned Tuesday from a two weeks' visit with relatives and friends in Chicago. He drove a car back as far as Bode where he was forced to leave it. He reports that there is not as much snow in Chicago as there is here. February 27, 1936
- From West Bend Journal, March 16, 2006
Ben Gerber is having a hard time selecting a suitable date for his public sale February 12th, had to be cancelled, February 27th the same, so he has now settled on March 2nd. Maybe the weather will cooperate!The annual stockholders meeting of the Farmers Creamery Company was held in the Legion Hall Friday afternoon. Chas Thatcher acted as chairman of the meeting and reported that 375,896 pounds of butter was manufactured during 1935. an average price of 32 cents per pound was paid for butterfat, 4 1/2 cents higher than the 1934 average. Total sales of butter, cream, milk, buttermilk and cheese amounted to $113,307.49. A total of $99,399.70 was paid to the patrons for milk and cream.Rev. H.J. Noeding of Lansing, Iowa who was given a call to be pastor of the West Bend and Rodman Presbyterian churches has accepted and is expected to arrive the middle of March.Rodman couple married for 60 years. Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Barber of Rodman were receiving congratulations of their many friends and relatives Sunday, Feb. 2nd in honor of their sixtieth wedding anniversary. About 45 years ago they settled on a farm about four miles of Whittemore, coming here from Illinois. In 1916 they moved to Rodman to enjoy a well earned rest. They are each 81 years of age and in extraordinary good health. They raised seven children, 5 boys and 2 girls, all of whom are living.John Kohler and daughter, Mrs. Della Falb, moved into the Eli Schneider cottage Tuesday. They have rented their house to Harvey Jacobs, who expects to get moved this week. Mr. Larson, the new telephone manager, has rented the Louie Schafer house to be vacated by the Jacobs family.March 5, 1936
- From West Bend Journal, March 23, 2006
The home declamatory contest of the West Bend High School was held in the school auditorium Wednesday evening. Ronald Collins won first in the oratorical class and Harold Schurg, second. Mariam Banwart, first in the dramatic class with Betty Wirtz second. Margaret Dunn got first in the humorous class and Doris West, second.Undertaker Jerry Schutter was called to Rodman Tuesday to take care of the remains of William Fenn, who passed away Monday night. Mr. Fenn was about 70 years of age. The funeral will be in the Rodman church Friday afternoon with Rev. McNary of West Bend officiating. Once again the Rodman school bell is ringing again after a month's recess on account of shortage of coal and bad storms and impassable roads. Rodman was still blocked from the outside world Monday except via Rock Island. All the roads were completely blocked but we are in hopes they will soon be opened. The Misses Grace and Mae Sloan and Margaret Nessen of West Bend hiked up the track Sunday and visited at the Fred Wirtz home, returning on November 20 (train) in the evening.Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Worster and children will soon move to their new home near Grand Junction, Iowa. The Worster family will be missed in the Ottosen community.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White and Mr. and Mrs. Giles Gist and son moved into the tenant house on the George Jacobs farm this week. Mr. Gist will work for Mr. Jacobs.There is much rejoicing in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bruellman all on account of a daughter being born to them on Thursday, March 5. This is their first girl.Byron Rolfson, son of Mr .and Mrs. Ed Rolfson of Graettinger, is able to be about again after suffering a severe attack of snow blindness. He is employed at Jensen and Bolstad store at West Bend and three or four weeks ago, when he became afflicted with the ailment, he returned to Graettinger. He is able to go about without bandages over his eyes now, although he is still suffering from the effects of the ailment.March 19, 1936
- From West Bend Journal, April 6, 2006
Hamburger Shop Has a Bad Fire: About 3 o'clock Saturday morning, Louie Schafer was awakened in his hamburger shop by sharp noises like the exploding of pop bottles and he then discovered that the building was on fire. His telephone was near the bed so he informed central. The firemen soon had the fire under control. It is thought that it was started by mice igniting some matches, as the fire seemed to originate where matches were kept. Joe Anliker's garage adjoins the building on the north and if the fire had gained headway through the roof of the hamburger shop, it is no telling where it would have stopped. E.A. Frieden owns the building. Both he and Mrs. Schafer have insurance but it will not cover the losses.An eleven pound son was born to Attorney and Mrs. Fay Mel Neal of West Bend on Wednesday, March 18. They have named him James Douglas.Mrs. August (Becka) Scheppmann passed away on March 6th at her home in Lakefield, Minnesota. Her husband died in 1932. They had ten children: August, William, Edward and Louis of Kkabena, Bertha (Mrs. Henry Sauder), Frieda (Mrs. Louis Schafer) and Henry all of West  Bend, Minnie Manis of Indiana, Lydia Schroth of Chicago.The Jack Graham family are now all residents of Rodman. They moved into the Hanson house Monday.C.J. Cullen of Whittemore was appointed deputy sheriff last week to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Casey Loss, who is a democratic candidate for sheriff in Kossuth County.Ed Stattelman has moved on the place formerly occupied by Harold Anderegg, who moved to a place six miles from Rockford. Henry Fehr moved to the former Lafe Hinton farm, vacated by Mr. Stattelman, Mr. Fehr purchased this farm.Frank Kilbourne is moving into the former Henderson cottage near the school house today. He now owns this place.March 26, 1936
- From West Bend Journal, April 13, 2006
Alvin Maberry, son of Mr .and Mrs. O.H. Maberry of West Bend, has accepted a position as Religious Education Director at the First Methodist Church in West Palm Beach, Florida, and will go there immediately after graduating from Morningside College on the 2d of June. His work will include the music of the church including a large choir, the Young People's work and the recreational work.Mrs. A.C. (Anna Golda Haberger) Gingerich passed away Friday of last week at Worthington, Minnesota. They were married at December 30, 1914 and lived near West Bend for two years before moving to Worthington. They were parents of eleven children, nine of whom are living: Lester, Edith, Clyde, Delores, Everett, Eugene, Mildred, Shirley Ann and Joan Marilyn. Five brothers and sisters survive: Bertha Wehrspann, Dorothy Engrebritson, Lillian Ellingson, Miriam, Esther, Fred, Abraham, Edward, Herman and Ernest Haberger.A.B. Carter of here, Randall Hoffman, Lawrence Brennan, Martin Simonson and D.W. Joynt will go to Ames Friday to attend a school relative to how the new Corn-Hog program will be conducted. They expect to be gone several days. Next Wednesday a township meeting will be held in the public school and every farmer in the township should plan to attend.Billy Goldtrap informs us that he moved his family to Emmetsburg the first of the week. A.B. Carter has rented the farm he was on and has hired C. Becke to work for him for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Becke have moved onto the place.April 2, 1936
- From West Bend Journal, April 20, 2006
Claus Loof called to a Higher Position in Banking. It was in October, 1933, when notice was served by the majority owners of the Iowa State Bank that the bank would either have to be sold or liquidated within two weeks. Here was an emergency not easily met. It was again recalled what happened in 1925 when banking facilities were destroyed in West Bend and business was taken to neighboring towns with the resulting disastrous financial loss. West Bend must have a bank. It took all possible sacrifice and financial backing to finally reshape the more than $35,000 banking structure into a new organization. Mr. Claus Loof was chosen as cashier with our genial V.H. Reid as assistant cashier and Bertha Bakken bookkeeper and W.H. Daubendiek, president and A.J. Jensen vice-president. Now in 1936 Mr. Loof announced that he has sold his interests in the Iowa State Bank to J.J. Jaeger of Des Moines. Mr. Jaeger is 40 years old, married and has two children. 

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