Palo Alto County Newspapers

Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Jan - June 1919

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan 1, 1919

Miss Conrad Passed Away
Succumed [sic] to pneumonia following influenza.

     Miss Clara Conrad died at the home of her parents near this city on Christmas day at 2 p.m., a victim of pneumonia, following influenza. Funeral services were held from the Lutheran church in this city at 2:30 on Friday, December 27 and the remains laid to rest in Crown Hill cemetery.
     Miss Clara Conrad was the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Conrad who reside on a farm about five miles east of this city. She was born in Butler county, Iowa, on December 31, 1894, and moved here with her parents when only a child. After finishing her education she remained at home until the past few years, when she was employed at Lost Island Lake during the summer months. She made friends readily and was generally well liked. She was a member of the Lutheran church receiving her confirmation in Green, Iowa. She leaves to mourn her loss besides her parents, three sisters, Plissia, Katherine, and Wilhelmenia and one brother, William. We extend sympathy to these bereaved relatives.


     District court will convene January 6th. The following is the list of the petit jurors for the term:
Geo. Schulenburg...West Bend
J.B. Downs...Emmetsburg
E.O. Matthiesen...Curlew
Henry Duus...Graettinger
Martin Knutson...Emmetsburg
Howard Reece...Mallard
R.L. Culver...Ayrshire
Fred Neet...Emmetsburg
Dan Ditch...West Bend
Charlie Gappa...Fenton
W.L. Olson...Ruthven Highland
Aug. Frink...Cylinder
John Uowers...Ayrshire
Matt Anderson...Ruthven
Ollie McCoy...Ayrshire
A. Fisher...Emmetsburg
John Rilly...West Bend
Henry Hintz...Cylinder
Geo. Bley...Fenton
Geo. Chaffee...Ruthven
Geo. Stigman...Fenton
H.W. Chrisman...West Bend
Pat Flaherty...Curlew
A.C. Christianson...Ruthven Highland
W.E. Morling...Emmetsburg
Pat O'Grady...Ayrshire
V.G. O'Grady...Emmetsburg
S.J. Jensvold...Cylinder
L. Meyers...Ruthven Highland
Lewis Logue...Ayrshire
John P. Peterson...Graettinger
Jas. Degnan...Curlew
D.N. Luse...Emmetsburg

     The following is a list of the grand jurors for the year 1919:
B.S. Benson...Emmetsburg
John Mersch...Rodman
A.K. Nelson...Cylinder
H.H. Cooke...Emmetsburg
Fred Wolfe...Graettinger
Frank Frey...Ayrshire
John H. Fisher...West Bend
J.H. Koon...Emmetsburg
W.H. Brown...Ruthven
James Hughlett...Graettinger
Theo. Johnson...Cylinder.


     Levi Diehl, who works for M.J. Conry in the elevator met with quite a serious accident this morning. He was making a fire in the office building and being in a hurry started it with kerosene, pouring it from the can into the stove. It seems as there was some live coals in the stove which formed a gas and the explosion followed. The oil can was blown to pieces in Mr. Diehl's hands which throwed [sic] the oil all over him. His clothing was in flames immediately. He ran out of the office and rolled on the ground, but would undoubtedly have been burned more severely had not Mr. Stevens, who lives on the Chicago farm been near to throw his coat over him and smother the fire.--Ayrshire Chronicle.


- Mrs. Edward Cruse came down from Terril Thursday to spend a few days with her parents.
- J. Lewis Johnson went to Atlantic Christmas morning to visit with his brother, Harry and other relatives.
- Mrs. Olaf A. Nelson went to Nevada Thursday to visit a few days with her sister, Miss Elizabeth Nelson.
- Sargeant Nels Nelson returned home Saturday. He has been discharged from the army.
- Miss Anna Rhinehart returned to New Castle, Nebraska, Friday morning after spending Christmas vacation with her parents of this city.
- Bernard Carrigan returned home Wednesday of last week, from Camp Shelby where he had been serving in the army.
- Miss Eva Kahley returned to her teaching duties at Red Cliff, Saturday after spending her Christmas vacation with her parents near this city.
- Miss Ethel Kahley went back to her school Saturday after spending her vacation with her parents near Ruthven.
- Donald Logan has been discharged from the army and returned to his home in this city Sunday.
- Miss Elsie Rhinehart returned to Ruthven Saturday to take up her school work. She had been to her home in Laurens during Christmas.
- Conrad Malendorp came to Ruthven Friday to visit at the Doerr home for a few days. He has been serving in the regular army and has recently been discharged.
- Francis Carrigan who has served four years in the U.S. marine corps at Quantico, Va., was discharged and came to Ruthven Wednesday. He will make his home with his parents near this city.
- John Neuman passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E.L. Bartholow at Ayrshire on Monday, December 16. The remains were laid to rest in Silver Lake cemetery.
- Miss Mae Moan was visiting her parents in Ruthven during her Christmas vacation. She is now employed in the state house at Des Moines.
- Miss Mary Currans came to this city Wednesday to spend her Christmas vacation with friends and relatives. Miss Currans is now employed in the Johnson Biscuit Company of Sioux City, Iowa.
- Miss Nell Folley came to Ruthven Wednesday of last week to visit with her parents and friends of this city. Miss Foley has been teaching swimming in Battle Creek, Michigan for the past three years.
- Mrs. Mary Ann Barber, mother of Wm. P. Barber, who formerly lived in this city, passed away December 19, at the home of Wm. P. in Spencer. She was in her ninety-first year. She leaves to mourn her loss a son, Wm. P. Barber of Spencer and three grandchildren, Harold Barber of Spencer, Mary Gordon of Indianapolis, and Beatrice Johnson of Cleveland.

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan 8, 1919

Former Ruthven Boy Dies in Alberta, Canada

    Perry Albertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Albertson, formerly of Ruthven died at his home in Delroy, Alberta, Canada, on Christmas night. His death was caused by pneumonia, following influenza. Funeral services were held from his home on the Saturday following.
    Perry Albertson was born on a farm near Ruthven and resided here until he was nineteen years of age when he went with his parents to Canada. He remained on the farm with his father and was always strong and healthy until he was taken with influenza. His four brothers were all in the hospital, three of them at the same time that Perry was, but they all recovered. Besides his parents and four brothers in Canada, he is survived by his sister, Mrs. E.J. Hansen of Dickens, and his grandmother, Mrs. L. Bargstrom and his uncle, Oscar Bargstrom of this city.
    Mr. and Mrs. John A. Berg are the proud parents of a bouncing baby boy. The new son arrived Sunday, January 6, and tipped the scales at twelve pounds.

Ed Peterson came to Emmetsburg Wednesday from Camp Dodge. He had been at Camp Pike, being sent to Camp Dodge to be mustered out. Thursday morning he came to Ruthven to visit a few days with his parents.


- Carl Iverson returned home from Camp Pike Tuesday. He has just been discharged from the army.
- Miss Edith Reardon returned from Dickens Thursday after spending a few days with relatives there.
- Mabel Hansen went to Nevada Monday evening to visit with her sister Lily who is attending school there.
- Miss Anna Rhinehart returned home Saturday. Her school has been closed indefinitely on account of the "flu".
- Mrs. Chas. Hart and son Chauncey are two of Emmetsburg's "flu" victims. Mrs. Hart passed away Thursday morning and on the following day Chauncey followed her. The remains were taken to Gretna, Nebraska for burial. 

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan 15, 1919

Local Man Claims Emmetsburg Bride.
    As we go to press we learn of the marriage of Mr. Daniel Green of Ruthven and Miss Florence Fallow of Emmetsburg which took place at the Assumption Church in Emmetsburg, this (Wednesday) morning at 7 o'clock a.m. Very Rev. P.F. Farrelley performed the ceremony. Miss Mary Quigley of Emmetsburg was bridesmaid and Joe Green of this city was groomsman. After the ceremony an excellent wedding breakfast was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.V. Nolan after which the young couple left for the Twin Cities for a week or ten days visit. They will come to Ruthven about the first of the month and will commence housekeeping on the Green farm in Highland township. May the best of everything be theirs.


- Miss Bernice Modisette who is now teaching at Clear Lake spent Saturday and Sunday with her Ruthven friends.
- Wayne Toland went to Kansas City Monday morning to resume his school work. He is taking up mechanical engineering.
- Mrs. C.S. Cook and Jim went to Chamberlain, South Dakota Monday morning to attend the funeral of Mrs. Cook's brother.
- Wade DeMill and Mr. Whiting have taken possession of a restaurant in Mallard. It formerly was run by Mr. Neely. Mrs. DeMill and Minnie Albright are assisting with the restaurant work.
- Raymond Redden who has been working in a railroad shop at Aberdeen came to Ruthven Monday morning to spend a couple of weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Redden.
- The many friends of Mrs. Gus Peterson will be surprised to learn of her death, which occurred the Sunday before Xmas. She was taken with the "flu" and afterwards turned into pneumonia which caused her death.

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan 22, 1919


    Miss Martina McNary and Mr. Merle Messer were quietly married at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McNary, on January 8th, at noon. This was a surprise to her many friends and so thorough were her intentions concealed that not even her relatives suspected she was planning such an act.
    Miss McNary is a graduate of the Ruthven high school and later graduated from Morningside College. Since leaving college she has taught at Dolliver, and at Huntley, Minnesota, where she was principal of the Consolidated school, and teacher of Domestic Science.
    Mr. Messer is a prosperous young farmer of that vicinity. They will make their home on his farm near Huntley.
    Miss McNary carries to her home the best wishes of a host of friends. 
    Rev. Wilkinson performed the ceremony that united the estimable young couple.


- Mrs. Edwin Nelson went to Waukon Monday evening to visit a few days with friends and relatives of that city.
- Dr. Baldwin returned from Algona Friday morning after performing an operation on Peter Hansen. We do not know the particulars.
- A triple wedding was celebrated at Jefferson, Iowa, on January 16, when two soldier sons and a daughter of Mrs. Louis Kerber and their sweethearts were all united in marriage by one ceremony.
- Miss Margarete Grady went to Sioux Falls, S.D., Monday to spend a few days visiting with relatives.
- Louis Kresensky went to Algona Saturday to spend the week end with his parents.
- Mrs. Dale Brott returned to her home in Estherville Monday morning after an over Sunday visit with her mother, Mrs. Clark.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook who live north of town went to Sioux City Saturday to spend a few days with Mr. Cook's father.
- Leo Grady returned to Conrad, Montana Monday morning. He has been in our city visiting with friends and relatives for the last week or ten days.
- Mrs. T.M. Hanna was called to Presho, South Dakota Monday on account of the illness of Roy Hanna and family who are having a siege of the flu.
- Theopide Pauqette, a man who was born in a log cabin on the Big Sioux near Sioux City in '61, died last week without knowing that the world was any larger than from river to Sioux City and back. He confined his travels and wanderings to this limited district.
- Adolph Lesor went to Flanamore, Wisconsin Friday evening. He went to visit his parents who live in that city.
- Sgt. Oliver G. Lee returned home Thursday. He had been stationed at Camp Pike and was sent to Camp Dodge to receive his honorable discharge. It is needless to ask "Twisy" how he feels as he looks mighty fine.
- Oliver Iverson came up from Camp Dodge Thursday to spend his few days' furlough with his parents here. He returned Tuesday morning and does not expect to get back to Ruthven again until the middle of the summer, when he will receive his discharge.
- Miss Graham has resigned from the Ruthven school. She went to her home in Clarksville Saturday evening, and from there will go to Washington where she has taken up a government position. Her many Ruthven friends wish her the best of success in her new place.

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, February 12, 1919


    Eagle Bend, Minn., News - Wm. Henry Barringer passed away at his home in this city on Thursday night, January 30, after a short illness of kidney trouble. He was born in Sauk county, Wis., on May 27, 1854, and moved to Ruthven, Iowa, at the age of 25. The following year he was married to Miss Flora E. Ryder. He was nearly 65 years of age at the time of his death and besides four sisters and three brothers leaves to mourn his death a wife and seven children. The children are Osa of Rock Creek, Minn; Mrs. Paul Jones of Mason City, Iowa; Mrs. Culver of Dickens, Iowa; Mrs. W.J. Slitter Orlo, Jay and Cleo, who live in this city and vicinity, were all with him at the time of his death. Mr. Barringer has always enjoyed fairly good health until a few weeks prior to his death. 
    The Barringer family moved to this county some nine years ago, coming from Ruthven, Iowa. They have made their home in this village the greater part of the time and the community extends sincere sympathy to the bereaved family.
    The funeral occurred at the residence on Saturday afternoon, the services being conducted by Rev. Allen of the M.E. church. The remains were laid in the I.O.O.F. cemetery.


    At the parsonage of the M.E. church, at Spencer, Iowa, Feb. 8th, occurred the marriage of Miss Iona Whitford and Mr. Harley Brady, both of Terril, Iowa. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Whitford of Terril, a graduate of high school. She also completed a course in the State Normal school at Cedar Falls, Ia., and has since been a very successful teacher in the public schools of Clay and Palo Alto counties. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Brady, north of Ruthven. After a high school course he engaged in Agricultural work and is one of Palo Alto's most enterprising young farmers. The many  friends of these young people in Ruthven and vicinity where they are well known extend hearty congratulations.
    Mr. and Mrs. Brady will reside on a farm ten miles north of Ruthven.

    Mr. S.T. Sampson and Miss Myrtle Fitzgerald were married on Monday of this week. We understand they will start housekeeping on the Hesvik place east of town. Particulars next week.

    Mrs. Mary Johnson passed away at her home in the north west part of town last Sunday afternoon about 4 o'clock. Funeral services will be held today, Wednesday, at 1:30 p.m. from the Lutheran church.

    The old baker north of the Milwaukee tracks reopened today under the managership of Mrs. C.L. Simmons, who is employed by C.A. Taylor of Emmetsburg. Mr. Taylor has a first class bakery in Emmetsburg and will supply his bakery here from his Emmetsburg bakery. We are glad to again see a bakery in Ruthven. See Mr. Taylor's ad in  this issue for particulars.

Two Local Boys in Honored Detachment.

    The Second Engineers, in which Ernest L. Bale and Irvan Gaard of this city are serving, have been cited for bravery and have  been decorated with the Croix de Guere. It is also important that this is the only company of engineers in the A.E.F. to receive this coveted honor. In speaking of their bravery and dauntless courage the Stars and Stripes of January 3, has the following to say:
    "Vierzy had finally been captured, but all the ground traversed by the attack was covered with wounded and no further progress could me made that night. The American troops, such of them as remained, dug themselves in, and the next morning the 2nd Engineers followed the Engineers' prerogative of digging all day, advanced through the remnants of the 9th Infantry and the 6th Marines, through those of the 23rd Infantry and at 7 o'clock drove forward again more than five kilometers to Tigny, where on the edge of Bois d'Hartennes and less than a kilometer west of the Soissons-Chateau-Thierry highway, the depleted American units were brought to a stop, but entrenched themselves, and aided by the men of the macine [sic] gun battilion [sic], held every inch of their gain."

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, February 19, 1919

Married in Spencer

    Monday afternoon of last week at one o'clock at the Christian church parsonage, in Spencer, Miss Myrtle Fitzgerald and Sirrine T. Sampson, both of this city, were united in marriage, Rev. W.F. Hurst performing the ceremony that united them as man and wife. The bride and groom are splendid young people and their friends bespeak for  them a happy and prosperous future.
    The groom but recently returned from seven months service overseas where he did his full duty for home and country. Mr. and Mrs. Sampson left for a short wedding trip into northern Minnesota after which they will go to housekeeping in this city. The Free Press joins the friends of this young couple in wishing them joy and happiness.

    Last week we briefly mentioned the death of Maria Nelson Johnson, who passed away at her home in this city on Sunday, February 9th, at 4:25 p.m. at the age of sixty years. Funeral services were held at 1:30 Wednesday from the Lutheran church and the remains laid to rest in Crown Hill cemetery.
    The deceased was born in Sweden on February 17, 1858. On April 4th, 1879, she was united in marriage to Andrew Johnson, to which union three children were born - John E. Johnson of Shelby, Mont., Mrs. Roy Frad of Dickens, and Mrs. Nels Nelson of Ruthven. Besides these children she leaves to mourn her loss six grandchildren and two sisters in this country and one sister and three brothers in Sweden. Mrs. O.B. Nelson, and Mrs. Ole Johnson, two of her sisters were in attendance at the funeral.

    Fred Dodge is in receipt of a very interesting pamphlet sent to him by his son, Sgt. Raymond Dodge, Battery D, of the seventeenth field artillery. It contains a detailed account of every movement made by this battery from the time they landed in France until the signing of the armistice, with day, date and hour of every happening. The Croix de Guerre was awarded to this battery by the French on December 30. The battery took an active part in the engagements of Verdun; Chateau Thierry, Soissons, Saint Mihiel, Champagne, Argonne and Mense and are now part of the army of occupation.

Mrs. Mary Leonard of Ayrshire Dead
    Mrs. Mary Leonard died at her home at Ayrshire last Wednesday. She was ill for more than a year. The funeral was held on Friday. Services were conducted at the Catholic church, Father Lynch officiating. The burial was in the parochial cemetery. Definite particulars have not been learned. Mrs. Leonard is survived by two sons and two daughters. The sons are Edward Myles, who owns a restaurant at Ayrshire and Frank Myles, who conducts a meat market. The daughters are Mrs. W.H. Martin of Ayrshire and Mrs. Jesse Dyer of Spencer. A sister, Mrs. John Anglum, also lives at Ayrshire. The sympathy of a wide circle of friends is extended to the surviving members in their sorrow. -- Democrat.

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, March 26, 1919

Interesting items concerning local soldiers.

     Sgt. Charles Walters received his discharge and arrived in this city from Camp Dodge Saturday evening. He is hale and hearty and looks none the worse for having served eighteen months in the army. He will go to Fort Dodge some time this week, where his old position awaits him, but he will not take up his duties until about April 1st.
     Mrs. Slagel received word the first of the week that her brother Charles had been granted his discharge and had arrived at  his home in Emmetsburg. Charles has been a member of the Signal Corps for the past year and has had some great experiences in the front lines and up above them in observation balloons. The Signal Corps played no small part in this war and their duties were something even more hazardous than those of the men who went over the top. [Note: Mrs. Slagel/Slagle's brother referred to here was Charles Alfred Joynt].
     Wesley Hunt, who lived in Ruthven some years ago, stopped off here Monday for a few hours visit with old friends. He had just recently been discharged from the army and was on his way to his home at Spencer. He saw several months of active service in France as a member of the ?st division artillery corps.
     Mrs. M.J. Burton received a telegram from her son Will, the last of the week, stating that he had that day arrived in Camp Mills from overseas, and expected to be in Camp Dodge in about ten days. Will was in the Tank Corps and took part in practically all of the big offensive moves that took place in the last six months of the war. We venture to say that he is glad to be back in the U.S.A.
     Otto Madsen is in this city attending the funeral of his mother. He was called to her bedside at Nevada but failed to arrive there in time to see her alive. He is in the U.S. Cavalry, a member of the Troop H, stationed at Ft. Bliss, Texas.
     Mrs. Mary Barlow received a letter from her grandson, Gwynne Richards the first of the week. Gwynne is still stationed at Indianapolis but expects to be moved soon. He has no idea as to when he will be discharged but is quite anxious to return to a civilian life.
     A letter from Art King to his mother states that he has recently returned to his company from a furlough which he spent visiting interesting parts of Italy. He expects another furlough shortly and is planning on a trip to England.
     It is rumored that a large number of troops of the 30th division has landed in New York. There are several Ruthven boys in this division and if the rumor is well founded we will probably see them in Ruthven in a few weeks. They are Oscar Newgard, R.L. Logan and Cleve Cain.

     A new bakery has been opened in the building four doors  north of the Hastings store. The new bakery will bake every day and will always have fresh stock of everything carried by an up-to-date bakery. The proprietor, R.W. Ayers is a baker of many years experience and we feel sure that he will give good service.

     At the Methodist parsonage in Spencer, on Wednesday, March 19, occurred the marriage of Miss Lena Whitford and Mr. Wm. Hildreth, both of Terril. The young couple were accompanied by a brother and sister of Miss Whitford. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Whitford, who formerly lived a few miles north of Ruthven. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hildreth of Terril. The young couple will make their home on a farm near Terril.

Passed Away at Hospital in Nevada.
     We regret to report the death of Mrs. O. Madsen which occurred at the sanitarium in Nevada, Iowa, on Friday, March 21, 1919, at seven o'clock p.m. The remains were brought to her home near Ruthven on Sunday, March 23, and funeral services were held on Tuesday at one o'clock from the house and at two o'clock from the Seventh Day Adventist church.
     Miss Aurora Lindholm was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, on March 9, 1868. She grew to young womanhood here and in February, 1891, was united in marriage to Mr. O. Madsen. To this union five children were born.
     Hertha, David, Otto, Hilda and Lydia. They came to America with their family in 1909, and came directly to Ruthven where they have lived ever since. All of the children have remained at home with the exception of Otto, who joined the U.S. army about two years ago, serving in the cavalry. Mrs. Madsen was a faithful member of the Adventist church, a true friend and a kind and helping neighbor. She will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends.

Wm. Doerr came up from Des Moines Friday evening and returned Monday morning. He has finished his pharmacy course at Highland Park College and has passed the state board. He has accepted a position in the Highland Park Drug Store.

Personal Paragraphs

- Mrs. Walter Palmer left Monday for Britt after a visit in this city at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ole Olson.
- George Kiley returned Tuesday to his home at Sioux City after an extended visit near this city at the home of his sister, Mrs. C. Parker.
- Mrs. Isaac Nyborg went to Cylinder Friday for a visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Bert Salven. She returned home Monday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith returned Friday to their home in Spencer after a visit at the home of Earl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Smith.
- Mrs. A.C. Christianson went to Dickens Wednesday for a few days visit with her sister, Mrs. G.W. Caldwell.
- Adolph Lesser returned Saturday from Fennimore, Wisconsin, where he had been attending the funeral of his father.
- Miss Ruth Bugh returned to her home at Cherokee Friday after a ten day visit here at the home of her sister, Mrs. H.J. Bauer.

- Mr. and Mrs. Halver Rierson have moved up to Carl Knutson's to make their home with them.
- A new baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rierson on Friday. All doing nicely.

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, June 18, 1919

     The following obituary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barringer of Sparta, Wis. was taken from the Sparta Tribune. 
     Frank Arthur Barringer, son of Charles and Clara Thomas Barringer, was born at Reedsburg, Wis., June ?2, 1881. His mother passed away when he was eight years old after which he made his home with his grandparents, going to Iowa until he came to Sparta in 1905. Here he met and married Miss Elsie Tucker, daughter of Joshua and Alice Tucker of Big Creek.
     After their marriage they went in the fall of 1906 to Ruso, N.D., where they engaged in farming for two years, when they came back to Sparta and in 1911 they took the management of the State School Farm, which position he successfully held until he resigned to take a position as foreman with the Miami Conservancy at Dayton, O., in November, 1918. He was successfully fulfilling his duties in this capacity when taken with influenza followed by labor pneumonia, which resulted in his death May 24, 1919. His wife and two children joined him at Dayton the day before he was taken ill. She helped nurse him and contracted the same disease and in spite of all that loving care and medical science could do, she went to be with him in the Great Beyond, where sorrow and death do not enter, on June 1, 1919.
     Two children, Ralph aged ten and Alice aged seven survive also her mother and three brothers, Mrs. Alice Tucker, Lyndon and Ira Tucker of Big Creek, and Vernon H. Tucker of Dayton, Ohio, also many other relatives. Frank is survived by his father Chas. Barringer of Ruso, N.D., also a sister, Mrs. L. Caller of Ruso, and the following half brothers and sister, Dewain, of Ruthven, Ia., Mrs. H. Brown, Estherville, Ia., Paul, in the army of occupation, Burdell of Sheldon, N.D., Arthur, of Vella, N.D., Olive, Venie, George and Hazel of Ruso, N.D.
     The remains were laid to rest in one grave amid a profusion of beautiful flowers, tributes of the esteem in which these young people were held by all who knew them.
     They were of a happy disposition and honest in all their dealings and are mourned by a large number of friends here and elsewhere.
     Those in attendance at the Barringer funeral from a distance were: Cas. Barringer, Ruso, N.D.; Mrs. H. Brown, Estherville, Ia.; Dewain Barringer, Ruthven, Ia; Willis Brown, Estherville, Ia.; Merritt Brown, Estherville, Ia.; C. Nelson, Tomah; Mrs. N. Petterson, Tomah; Mrs. C. Hertz, Deer Lodge, Mont; Mr. and Mrs. Vernin Tucker, Dayton, Ohio; Victor McIntyre, Dayton, Ohio.

Will Go To Sweden
     Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson and children left Thursday evening for New York City from which place they expect to sail for Sweden, where they will make an extended visit with their parents. Mr. Nelson has not seen his parents in fifteen years, and Mrs. Nelson has not seen hers for seventeen years, so the reunion will be a happy one.

- L.L. Harrington of North English was sentenced to seven years at hard labor for forgery.
- Mrs. B.F. Jackson of Manson was fatally burned when she accidentally set fire to her clothes. No one knows just how the accident happened.
- Nelson & McCausland of Atlantic bought a 400-acre farm of Hans Frederickson of Audubon county for $100,000.
- Ruth Bethke, although only 15 years old graduated from the high school course at the Sacred Heart academy at Greene. She also finished a special course in music.
- O. Kindenon was fatally burned with gasoline at Washington. A stove in a van exploded and Kindenon pushed his wife off to save her, but was unable to escape himself.
- James Whiteford of Volga City is planting 110 acres of potatoes in Fayette and Clayton counties. This is perhaps the biggest planting of tubers ever put in in that part of the state.
- Joseph Johnson, nearly blind, pleaded guilty in federal court at Sioux City to selling liquor to an Indian, but was freed by Judge H.E. Rex, and the showing that Johnson's sight was such that he could not see the whiskey was being given to an Indian, and further that the liquor had been procured from a third party on the plea that the Indian needed it for the influenza.
- Frank Zmolok of Traer, a native of Bohemia, who came to America before the beginning of the world war, but whose family still remain in the native country, this week purchased a bill of groceries from one of the Traer dealers and started the same on its way to the family in Bohemia. The shipment consists of five pairs of shoes, a quantity of flour, sugar, coffee and rice. Transportation charges will amount to nearly twice the purchase price of the flour and sugar.
- Because Mrs. Emma Fahrenkrugh of Gladbrook was shown to have been too busy washing her two pet poodles to do the family washing, Ernest G. Fahrenkrug was granted a decree of divorce at the May term of the Tama county district court.

Miss Florence Sandvig Becomes the Bride of Mr. Reginald Knutson
     Mr. Reginald Knutson, son of Mr. and Mrs. P.S. Knutson of Fallow and Miss Florence Sandvig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Sandvig of southwest of Graettinger, were united in marriage at the Norwegian Lutheran church in Lost Island township Wednesday afternoon, June 4, at three o'clock. Rev. S.O. Rande of Graettinger officiated at the ceremony. Miss Adaline Sandvig, sister of the bride, and Miss Laura Bakke of Rolland, Iowa, were bridesmaids and Mr. Leon Knutson, brother of the groom, and Mr. Hamlin Sandvig acted as best men. After the ceremony a four-course wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were in attendance. The happy couple left Thursday morning for Minneapolis and St. Paul where they will spend their honeymoon. They will be at home to their many friends in a short time.
     The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sandvig. She grew to young womanhood in this locality. She is a young lady of most charming personality and pleasing disposition. She has a host of friends who highly esteem her for her many qualities of true womanhood. The groom is one of the progressive, popular and deserving young men of this locality. He and his father have been engaged in the mercantile business at Fallow and have enjoyed a substantial patronage. During the war he served with the colors and was ordered to France with an artillery regiment just before the signing of the armistice. He is clever, capable and industrious and we predict for him a career of honorable success. The Times extends hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Knutson and we wish them all the joy and pleasures of a long and happy wedded career.-- Emmetsburg Democrat.

- A number of friends were invited to a dance at the William Nisson home Saturday evening to celebrate Carl Nissen's return from over seas.
- Mrs. Nellie Chatfield returned from a visit with relatives and friends at Kankakee, Illinois. She said it rained almost all the time she was there.
- Mrs. William Barber returned to Spencer after a visit at the home of her son Mr. Austin Chatfield.
- An air plane passed over in this neighborhood Sunday evening. It was quite a curiosity to many of us.
- Miss Waldron is holding examinations at her school this week. The children are anxious to pass their grade to a higher one. School closes June 27th.

- Good crowds have been the order of the day, notwithstanding the repeated and persistent rains that have made it a trial for the park management.
- The lovers of dancing have certainly had their hearts desire satisfied in the excellent quality of the orchestras that have been furnishing music in the Park Pavilion recently, as the very best talent that money can buy have dispensed a quality of music that is a pleasure to hear.
- The Greens, who have been in charge of the Hotel Barringer, since spring, have returned to their home at Havelock and Joe Willis, of Ruthven, and wife are in charge of the table-de-hotel and are setting a table that is tempting to see and better to eat. Mrs. Willis has a reputation as an excellent cook and parties visiting the park will find the hotel accommodations all that could be expected and prices reasonable.
- Fred Mortensen and wife have moved into their summer cottage and are enjoying the cool, invigorating breezes of the Lake and the mellowing influences of the Park.
- Andy Christenson is the chief of police at the park and under his guidance a degree of order is maintained that is very creditable and we notice the "boozers" are given the "once over" in a way that they know means business.

- Mrs. Hartwell of Atlanta, Georgia, was in this city Monday on her way to Ayrshire to visit relatives.
- Fred Brown and family of Earlham, Iowa, arrived in this city the last of the week for a visit at the home of his sister, Mrs. W.J. Willis.
- Miss Dorothy Schroyer of West Union was in this city last week visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. C.E. Powers.
- Lenorn Aldrich returned last week from a visit with his mother at Carlisle, his sister accompanied him and will spend the summer here.
- Mr. and Mrs. John Skelton visited at E.J. Brown Friday with the latters nephew and niece Lenorn and Miss Lucille Aldrich.
- Mrs. Anna Tripp went to Comfrew Minn., Friday for a ten day visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Guy Fisk.
- Mr. John D. Higgins and Miss Agnes Farrell of Ayrshire were married at the Sacred Heart church in that city on Tuesday of last week.
- Mrs. F.P. Caldwell left Tuesday morning for Denver, Colorado, where she will spend a month visiting at the home of her mother. She was accompanied by her son Richard.
- Lloyd Wigdahl arrived home from France on Wednesday of last week. He was a member of the 357th Infantry of the Nintieth Division. He went across in June of last year landing there July 1st.
- Gay Larson, a member of the 358th Inf., which recently returned from France, arrived home Sunday. This infantry was in France nearly a year and were in the front lines for several months.
- Lawrence Anderson has received his discharge from the army and arrived home Monday. He was a member of the 358th Inf., was in France nearly a year and saw several months of active service.
- Gwynne Richards arrived in this city Monday morning from Indianapolis to visit his grandmother, Mrs. Barlow. He has not yet received his discharge and must return to his military duty in ten days.
- Coming to the Ayrshire Opera House: Saturday, June 21, Dustin Farnum in "Captain Courtesy". Admission 11 and 22 cents, including war tax.    adv.
- "L:ittle Women" Sunday, June 22 at the Ayrshire Opera House.     adv.

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, June 25, 1919

- Mr and Mrs. S.E. Wirtz are the parents of twin babies born June 17th.
- Mrs. Kate Walsh sold her 240 acre farm for $210 an acre.

     Tuesday morning the word was passed around Ruthven that one of the Donaldson boys of Milford would land here in his airplane some time during the forenoon for the purpose of carrying passengers who cared to have a ride in the air. The plane arrived about twelve-thirty and after circling around a few times landed in the Myron Dewey pasture about a mile north of town. The Donaldson's did not do a thriving business, chiefly owing to the fact that everyone was eating dinner when they arrived and they did not allow those who cared to ride time enough to get out there, as they only stayed thirty minutes. Wade Harris and Roy Monk, however, were there on time and each enjoyed a five minute ride. They say that the sensation is great and each of them though they had their money's worth. The plane left here about one o'clock for Emmetsburg where they expected to spend the afternoon carrying passengers.

     Cream checks issued at the Ruthven creamery are gradually increasing. Here are the ten highest issued for the month of May:
Geo. M. Prichard...$198.59
Olof Nelson...187.18
John Holmgren...187.52
Radph E. Smith...185.12
A.E. Vanderhoff...176.70
Elnar Muhrbeck...174.78
Louis Nelson...1??.54
Martin C. Hanson...157.04
Hermanson Bros...153.22
Ole Nelson...147.53

     As we go to press we learn of the marriage of Mr. Wm. Wendt and Miss Lena Hansen which occurred Sunday. We were unable to get the particulars of this event for this week's issue, but will do so for our next issue.

- An operation for tonsils was fatal to Byron Vincent, 25 years old, prominent farmer of Shenandoah.
- Clifton and Rollins Olson of McGregor, aged respectively 29 and 22 years of age, purchased an airplane for passenger service and will carry passengers within the state of Iowa.
- After searching twenty years for his daughter whom he had never seen, E.G. McNeal of Des Moines, State head of Belgian relief ?????, found her by accident in an Omaha hotel, where she served him his supper.

- A baby daughter came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fisk of Comfrey, Minn., on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Fisk is a daughter of Mrs. Anna Tripp,  who is visiting here at the present time.
- Art Berg and A.B. Anderson went to Ft. Dodge Thursday to dive back the Berg car which had been taken there to be overhauled. They encountered bad roads, however, and were compelled to leave the car at Laurens and return by train.
- Ed Wilson and son came up from Royal Sunday and visited at the Guy Monsell and C.J. Tripp homes. Mrs. Wilson has been visiting here for some time. The Wilson family will move to Spencer soon where Mr. Wilson will take charge of the drug store which he recently purchased.
- About forty of the young folks of Lost Island gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Rierson on Tuesday evening of last week. The gathering was in honor of Halvor and Syvert Rierson who returned from France a short time ago. The young folks spent a very pleasant evening.
- George Fabric came up from Cedar Falls Saturday for a few days' visit at the C.J. Tripp home. He was one of the old settlers of this vicinity. He left here fourteen years ago. He owned a farm a few miles south of town on the county line and shortly after he left here he sold it at what was then considered a very fair price, receiving $65 per acre for it. The land is now worth at least three times that amount.
- An excellent chicken dinner was arranged at the Courtright home Sunday to do honor to the birthday of Mr. Guy Courtright. The dining room was beautifully decorated with red, white and blue flowers, and Old Glory was prominently displayed. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Courtright, Mr and Mrs. Geo. Prichard and daughter Martha, Mr. and Mrs. Will Capener and Chris Jensen.
- Mr. Lewis Hawkins, twenty years ago a resident of Ruthven, is here visiting old friends. He left here twenty-one years ago, enlisted in the army during the Spanish-American war. He served several years in the Phillipine Islands. He afterwards joined the coast artillery and remained in that service until our troops went to France. He went across with one of the first contingents and saw twenty-one months of active service in the heavy artillery in France. He has received his discharge and retires from the army a First Sergeant.

NOTICE - For all kinds of sewing call on Mrs. Geo. Roland.

- Mrs. Guy Courtright and Mrs. O.T. Goff visited at Emmetsburg several days last week at the home of their brother, Mr. Wm. Thayer.
- Clem Redden came down from Spirit Lake Saturday for a few days' visit at the home of his father, John Redden in this city.
- Mrs. Dave Joynt came over from Emmetsburg Saturday and spent the day visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Slagle.
- R.W. Ayers has installed some excellent new fixtures in his bakery. He is enjoying an excellent business in Ruthven and is entitled to it.
- Mike Carrigan returned Monday morning from a land seeking trip in Dakota and Minnesota. He traveled all over South Dakota and parts of Minnesota and finally purchased a small farm at Pipestone, Minn. It is a 43 acre farm with excellent improvements, located only one and one-half miles from the center of the city. He will not move until fall.

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