Palo Alto County Schools

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa

Palo Alto Tribune; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, June 7, 1905

Class of 1905

The commencement exercises of the class of 1905 of the public schools will be held at the high school assembly hall next Friday evening. The following are the members of the graduating class: Michael A. Brennan, Blanche Baldwin, Edna Godden, Blanche Horton, Harry M. Horton, Herbert W. Illingworth, Maude M. Johnson, Helen V. Ketchen, Grace V. Wilcox, George P. Williams.


-- S. C. Peterson, who has made his home with L. C. Christenson for the last year, left for Denmark, where he will make his future home.
-- Mrs. O. Christopherson is enjoying a visit from her uncle and a, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Aurora, Illinois.

-- an eight pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Vaughan Sunday morning 
-- Mrs. M. E. Shadbolt, of Sheboygan, is here for an extended visit with her son, H. C. Shadbolt.
-- Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Smith, of Iowa Falls, who had been visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. J. Black for the week returned home Monday.
-- Miss Marjorie McCormick is home from Hull where she has finished a very successful year as supervisor of music and penmanship in the public schools.
-- Mrs. P. F. Littleton came over from Cylinder Saturday morning and spent the day with her sister, Mrs. Cahill. She left in the evening for Graettinger to spend Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bradley.
-- W. E. Stein received a telegram Monday morning announcing the death of his brother-in-law, Rob Johnson, of Sioux City. Mr. Johnson was a traveling man and well-known to many Emmetsburg people. Mr. Stein left Monday evening to attend the funeral.
-- John Moan was down from Graettinger visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. D. McCarty, several days last week.
-- Miss Josie McEvoy went to Osgood Friday evening for a few days visit with her sister, Mrs. M. R. Bradley.
-- Mrs. Conway, who had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. King, for the past week returned to Osgood Thursday.
-- O. T. Nichols, of Clarion, arrived here Friday evening for a few days visit with his brother-in-law, L. W. Head.
-- John Kingdon, of Mallard, was here Friday on his return from Evansville, Wisconsin, where he had been to attend the funeral of an uncle.
-- Mrs. William Peck, who had been visiting her father, John Thompson, of Nevada township, returned to her home at Montgomery Friday evening.
-- Mrs. Straw, of Estherville, was here between trains Monday visiting her cousin, Mrs. Jackson. She was returning from Cylinder after a week's visit with Mrs. Jess Russel.
-- Mrs. Carl Retsloff, of Winnebago City, is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Rand Moore.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh went to Sioux City Thursday for a weeks visit at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Maggie Brodogan.
-- Mrs. Baty Bradfield, of Clearlake, spent Wednesday here with her sister-in-law, Miss Cora Bradfield. She left that evening for Clarion, where she will visit for some time.
-- Mrs. James P. White, accompanied by her grandson, James White Fay, came up from Mallard Thursday and visited her daughter, Mrs. P. V. Nolan until Tuesday morning when she went to Hosmer, S. D., for a lengthy visit with her daughter, Mrs. George Herley. James will remain here for some time.
-- Colonel and Mrs. E. S. Ormsby were called to Dubuque to see the latter's sister, Mrs. J. A. McGonagle, who is seriously ill in the hospital. She has typhoid fever and recovery is considered doubtful. Mrs. McGonagle has many friends here who will regret to hear of her illness. LATER: Mrs. McGonagle died yesterday. We will give the particulars next week.
-- Reverend Lambley, who has been in Montréal, Canada, for the past week is expected home Saturday. His youngest sister was married there recently and Mr. Lambley went to perform the ceremony. 

Thomas C. Walsh Dead

Thomas C. Welsh, of Nevada township, died in St. Joseph's Hospital at Sioux City Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. He went there is several weeks ago to take treatment hoping that he might regain his health and an operation was performed a few days ago from which he did not recover.

About eight years ago he was kicked on the head by a horse and though he rallied from injury he never fully recovered from the effects, his left arm and shoulder have since been paralyzed.

The deceased is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Welch, of Nevada township. He was born in this county and here grew to manhood. He was about 24 years of age and an exemplary young man. He finished the course of study in the public schools, was bright and intelligent but the deformity which was caused by the injury of many years ago made it hard for him to follow any particular line of work. His death is felt keenly by his parents, brothers and sisters who have the sincere sympathy of the community. The remains were brought here from Sioux City Monday evening and taken to his parents home. From there they were taken to Assumption Church Tuesday morning where the funeral services were held and the body laid to rest in St. John's cemetery.

[Walsh, Welsh and Welch as spelled in the original]

Bleckwein -- Epple

Last Thursday afternoon at four o'clock at the home of the groom in Fairfield Township occurred the marriage of Mr. Theodore Bleckwein and Miss Sophia Epple. Reverend Georgia performed the ceremony. The groom is one of the widely known and substantial farmers of the county. He is a thrifty and prosperous farmer who has resided in Fairfield township for years and commands the esteem and respect of all know him. The bride came from Germany a little over a year ago and has since made her home with the Bleckwein family. She is a cousin of Mr. Bleckwein's first wife. Those who know her speak well of her and say that she will make a worthy helpmate for the one that has chosen to make her his wife. The Tribune which is Mr. and Mrs. Bleckwein a long and happy married life.

The Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, June 7, 1905

-- Miss Emeline Adams, mother of auditor Al Adams, died at Humboldt Friday at the age of 85. She was among the pioneers of Humboldt county. Bro. Adams has our sincere sympathy in the loss he has sustained.
-- Soren C. Peterson, of lost Island township, left for Denmark Saturday, where he intends making his future home. He resided in this county for 10 or 12 years. He is unmarried. We told him that he would be back in a few years but he says he is going for good. Few people who have lived for any length of time in the United States are satisfied to remain permanently in Europe.
-- James Judd died at the home of F. S. Adams near Ruthven, Wednesday morning. He arrived from Chicago the day previous and seemed in good health. He retired at the usual hour and was found dead in bed the following morning. He formerly worked in the neighborhood of Ruthven.
-- A. few days ago the 15 months old child of John Norman, of Palmer, Pocahontas county, fell into a tub of hot water and was so badly scalded that it died in a few hours after the accident occurred.

-- this week Albert, son of J. F. Keller, will graduate in the law department of George Washington university.
-- Mrs. Kliebenstein returned to Walters, Minnesota, last week. She had been visiting her mother, Mrs. Black, and other relatives in this city.
-- about $70 was realized from the dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jackman Tuesday evening of last week. There was a large attendance at all present had a good time.
-- L. J. O'Meara, of Minneapolis, was an over Sunday visitor with his mother and sister of this city.
-- Mrs. Karen Peterson, of Badger, suicided Wednesday by hanging herself to a bedpost. She was old and demented.
-- Theodore Murphy returned to Dubuque Saturday morning. He works in the Milwaukee shops at that place. He had been home visiting relatives.
-- E. J. McEvoy went to Gilmore Monday to take charge of his brother's hardware store for a week or 10 days. The latter will visit his parents in this city.
-- Mrs. M. P. Shadbolt, of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, is visiting her son, H. C. Schadbolt, of this city. Though quite advanced in years, she looks hearty and seems to enjoy life.
-- Monday P.R. Wells commenced excavating for the foundation for St. Thomas Church.
-- Miss Josie McEvoy was a Sunday visitor at Graettinger with her sister, Mrs. Michael Bradley.
-- George Hinkley left for Fulda, Minnesota, Monday evening where he will work in his father's store.
-- O. T. Nichols came up from Clarion Friday for a visit with his sister, Mrs. L. W. Head, of Vernon township.
-- Miss Gertrude Robins came home from Woonsocket, South Dakota, Monday evening, where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Soper.

Palo Alto Tribune; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Iowa, Wednesday, June 14, 1905

Where the Teachers Go

The public schools closed Friday in the teachers and pupils are at liberty to enjoy it few months rest from their school responsibilities. Many of the teachers will spend their summer vacations here at their homes others will enjoy their recreation elsewhere. H. E. Hulser went to Sioux City Saturday morning and from there he will go to his home in Lake City where he will rest for a few weeks and then he will go to Chicago University to take up the study of law. Miss Dorathy Fluke will spend her vacation at her home and her men, Minnesota, next year she will teach in the Iowa Falls school. Miss Kittie Mulroney is now at her home in Nevada township but expects to leave in a week or so for California where she will spend the summer. Miss Davis will enjoy her rest at her home in Sioux City and will return in the fall to resume her duties here. Miss Rundall has gone to her home at Rodman, we are informed that she will teach in the high school next year at Ames. Miss Anna Grady went to Ruthven Friday evening and will rest for your time and visit her parents. Later she may go to Dakota for a visit. Miss Johnson has gone to her home in Curlew. Prof. Meredith and the Misses Duffy, Dealey, Kelly, Wilcox, Patton, Hayman, Willock, Taylor will remain in Emmetsburg so far as we are able to learn. Professor Meredith will work in the institute later in the summer.

Heard on the Streets
-- Mrs. W. S. Sloan and daughter Clara, of Rodman, left Monday for Blaine, Washington, to spend the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Bert Fergeson.
-- Little John Kibby, who is making his home with his aunt, Mrs. Peter Mulroney, of Mallard, fell from the fence Wednesday and broke his arm in two places.
-- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burkett and little daughter Violet were over from Ruthven Monday to attend the wedding of the latter's sister, Mrs. M. Conlon.
-- a new son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dwight McCarty Wednesday. Congratulations are in order and we heartily extend ours
-- Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Christina Hendricksen and Mr. O. C. Oleson
-- the marriage of William Donahue, of Fenton, and Miss Bridget Cullen, of this city has been announced.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCormick drove to West Bend Monday to visit the former's sister, Mrs. Stone, for a few days. They will then go to Livermore and come home by the way of Algona. They contemplate going to California in the near future to make their home.

All over the County

West Bend
-- May Scapp went to Montana Monday to spend her vacation with her parents there. She was accompanied by her grandmother, Mrs. Walker.
-- Mrs. Collins went to Parker, S. D., Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Wertz of that place.
-- Bernedine Reily of Livermore is the guest of her cousin, Stella Maybread.


Whose picture is seen above has lived nearly a century and is perhaps the oldest woman in this county. Until the past few months she has enjoyed perfect health. Though the physical infirmities of old age are noticeable her mind is perfectly clear and she can converse as intelligently as when she was young. Since the death of her husband which occurred 19 years ago the 18th of this month she has made her home with her children. She had 15 children, eight of whom are living. She has 68 living grandchildren and 51 living great-grandchildren. Though she is no longer burdened with worldly cares, she still feels a keen interest in the welfare of her children. Her life work has been well done, her maternal duties have been cheerfully performed, and her responsibilities bravely borne. She is a charitable woman, a most worthy Christian and enjoys the highest esteem of all who know her.

Mrs. Henry Sundermeyer Dead

Mrs. Henry Sundermeyer died at her home in Independence township at 4: 30 Wednesday, June 7, at the age of 61 years. The cause that led to her death was tuberculosis and chronic Bright’s disease from which she has been ailing for a long time. The funeral was held Friday and the remains interred in the Fairville Cemetery.

The deceased whose maiden name was Augsta Kempe was born in Marg, Germany, in 1844 and came to America with her parents went two years of age. Her parents were among the pioneers of Dubuque county. On June 20th, 1865, she was united in marriage to Henry Sundermeyer. To this union ten children were born, six boys, Henry, W. C., C. E., Fred, Emil, and Theodore and four girls, Mary, Christina, Lena and Dorata.

In 1863 they came to this county and settled in Independence township where the family still resides. In October, 1895, the oldest daughter, Christina, died and on October 27 of the following year Mr. Sundermeyer passed away. W. C. was married some years ago and is living at Rake, Iowa, and Mary was married about three years ago to Reverend C. L. Randall and is living at Bryan, Ohio.

The other children remained on the farm with their mother until the time of her death. Mrs. Sundermeyer was an excellent woman, kind hearted and generous, ever ready to lend a helping hand to a neighbor or friend. The hospitality of her home was well known to all who ever had occasion to call there. She was a true Christian, a loving wife and devoted mother and she will be sadly missed by the children who survive her. She has two sisters living in Dubuque, Mrs. Carl Gremmels and Mrs. F. Hennings who with her husband came to attend the funeral. The Tribune extends sincere sympathy to the afflicted children and sisters.

Benjamin D. Franklin Dead

After a lengthy illness of nearly 2 years duration Benjamin D. Franklin died at the home of his parents at Ayrshire Wednesday evening at seven o'clock. For the past two months Mr. Franklin has been confined to his bed and no hopes were entertained for his recovery. The deceased is the brother of Corridon Franklin, of this city, and Mrs. George Kinne.

He was born in Iowa County, Wisconsin, April 18, 1858. He came to Iowa in 1885, and lived here continuously until four years ago when he went to Washington, remaining there until last October when he returned to Ayrshire.

The funeral services were held Friday at 1:30 p.m. at the M. E. Church at Ayrshire and under the auspices of the Odd Fellows lodge. The Tribune extends sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives.

Mrs. Lew Clark Dies Suddenly

The many friends of Mrs. Lew Clark were shocked and surprised on Monday morning by the news of her death. She had been sick little more than a week with inflammatory rheumatism but had improved so much that on Sunday morning all danger was thought to be past. On Sunday afternoon she became rapidly worse and death came early Monday morning, June 5, as a result of complications of heart trouble. -- Ruthven Free Press

Ole Williamson

A prominent citizen and one of the wealthiest farmers of the county was united in marriage to Miss Amelia Olina O. Hansen at the home of the bride's parents in Highland township on the evening of June 5. The groom has resided in Silver Lake township for many years and is well-known throughout the county. He was candidate for auditor on the Democratic ticket in 1900.

He is a heavy land owner and one of the well-to-do farmers of the county. Mr. Williamson is a man of 60 years of age and has selected for his wife a handsome, winsome young lady of 22 years. The bride was raised in Highland township and has spent the greater part of her life on the farm with her parents. She is a dutiful daughter and an estimable young lady. May happiness reign supreme in the Williamson home. May Providence bestow fullest blessings upon the fair bride and gallant groom.

Val Fisk Weds

On Wednesday evening of last week Mr. Val Fisk, of Curlew was united in marriage to Miss Bernice Avery at the home of the bride's parents in Fremont, Michigan. A few weeks ago Mr. Fisk left from Curlew for Chicago, as his friends thought., but he journeyed on to Michigan and there wedded the fair young bride and surprised the Curlew people when he returned last evening bringing his wife with him. During his absence there was a meeting of the stockholders of the Curlew savings bank and the groom was selected cashier which duties he will assume at once. He is a young man of unusual business ability, his gentlemanly and courteous in his manner and makes friends readily. He worked in the Farmer's Savings bank here for several years and was a decided favorite with the customers of the bank. 

The bride is the daughter of A. A. Avery, former proprietor of the Waverly Hotel here and is well-known in this community. She is a refined and prepossessing young lady and will grace the home of a young man who has won her. The Tribune is one among a large circle of friends who bespeaks a life of sunshine and prosperity for Mr. and Mrs. Fisk.

Conlon -- Kiley

Monday morning at eight o'clock at Assumption church in this city Mr. Michael E. Conlon and Miss Jennie Agnes Kiley were united in marriage. Reverend J. J. Smith performed the ceremony. Miss Francis Burkett of Ruthven was bridesmaid and Frank Brady was best man. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal couple and a number of the immediate relatives retired to the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conlon, where an elaborate wedding breakfast was served. The family enjoyed the day together and a bounteous repast was served at noon and again in the evening. The newly wedded pair will remain here until Saturday when they will go to Chicago on a wedding trip. When they return they will begin housekeeping in the McCoy residence in the Fourth ward. The bride was a resident of Emmetsburg for a period of two years but left here last March with her parents and located at Scotland, S. D.. She is an amiable and winsome young lady, very attractive in appearance, and will do her part to make home happy. The groom was born and raised in this county and is so well and favorably known that no comment is necessary. He is exemplary in his habits, is honest and industrious, and will make his mark in the world. May pleasure, happiness and prosperity be their lot as they journey through life.

Hastings -- Steece

Reverend Whitfield, of Ruthven, performed the ceremony by which Mr. J. F. Hasting and Miss Fannie Steece were made husband and wife, at Ruthven Sunday evening, June 11. This couple has a large circle of friends and acquaintances who are sincere in extending good wishes to the bride and groom.

Plans a Trip to Wales

P. E. Jones is planning a trip to Wales in the fall to visit his old home and his aged parents who reside there. It has been 18 years since Mr. Jones left his native land and he has not seen as parents since that time. His father is 87 and his mother 86 years of age. Plans are being made so that Mr. Jones can remain several months at his old home. The trip will be a very delightful one for him.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, June 14, 1905

-- D. G. Loughran, of St. Paul, arrived in this city Wednesday to visit his daughter, Mrs. O.P. Doyle.


Kahley Not a Philanthropist

F. W. Kahley asks the Chronicle to request the party or parties who have been helping themselves to milk from his cellar to return the cans in order that he may be able to keep them stocked up on milk in the future. He says the only thing left is barrels and he does not wish to inconvenience his unsolicited customers by putting the milk in anything not loose on both ends. -- -- Ayrshire Chronicle

Mrs. Clark Dies Suddenly

The many friends of Mrs. Lew Clark were shocked and surprised on Monday morning by the news of her death. She had been sick for a little more than a week with inflammatory rheumatism, and had improved so much that on Sunday morning all danger was thought to be passed. On Sunday afternoon she became rapidly worse and death came early Monday morning, June 5, as a result of complications of heart trouble. -- -- Ruthven Free Press

Former Dows Editor To Hang

Ed Bailey, formerly editor of the Dows Advocate and well-known in that town, must hang by the neck until dead. Bailey killed a non-union bank driver in Kansas City in March, 1904. He was tried in the District Court of Kansas City last summer, found guilty and sentenced to be hanged, and now the Supreme Court of Missouri has just affirmed his sentence and set the date of his execution for July 13 next. Bailey's home was at LaPorte city, Iowa, where his aged father still resides. From there he came to Dows, where he was engaged in the newspaper business for several years. -- -- Clarion Clipper

Old but Not Cold

Mr. Busa is 80 years of age, old enough to know that it is not well for man to be alone, and acting on that conviction he wooed and won a lady 76 years of age, who lived near LuVerne. We presume the license was obtained in Humboldt county, as no record of the event is found in Kossuth’s books. Mr. Busa tells a friend that he was sitting alone and she was sitting alone and they concluded to sit together. He wanted company, and he wanted care and there was also another reason that prompted him to wed. He said his divorced wife told him he could not get another wife, and he wanted to show her that she was mistaken. -- -- Algona Courier

Married Sunday Evening

Mr. Joseph F. Hastings and Miss Fannie Steece were married at Ruthven Sunday evening, June 11, Reverend Whitfield officiating. The bride is the sister of Mrs. G. W. McDonald. She and Mr. Hastings have for some time as clerks in the employ of Mr. Donald who keeps a large general store. Both are most worthy young people and have a large circle of friends at Ruthven. They will, of course, make their future home at that place. The Democrat extend hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hastings.

-- Mrs. Edward Burke, of Fern Valley, has been called to Streator, Illinois, to see a sister who is very ill.
-- Mrs. William Peck, of Montgomery, Iowa, recently visited her father, J. C. Thompson, of Nevada Township, and other relatives in that neighborhood.
-- Miss Ruth Bachman, of Estherville, has graduated in music at the Buena Vista College. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bachman.
-- Guy, son of J. M. Farley, recently graduated as a dentist and has opened an office at Whittemore.
-- a new boy is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Sturtevant, of Grand Forks, North Dakota.
-- Sixty-three medical students will graduate at the Iowa State University this year. Among them are George L. Atkins, of Spirit Lake, and Martin P. Joynt, of Emmetsburg.
-- Mr. Lewis, of Troy, New York, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Doyle, of Vernon township.
-- the members of the St. Mary Academy class of 1905 are Misses Ellen Flynn, Kitty Wells, Vera Rutledge, Anna McNally, Lizzie Duffy, Nellie Hanifan, and Mary Laughlin.
-- the drawing on the $5 gold piece and barrel of flour for the benefit of St. Mary Academy took place Monday. James McCoy won the barrel of flour and Myron Edwards secured the five dollar gold piece.
-- John Maguire and daughter, of Ayrshire, were Emmetsburg visitors Tuesday. Mr. Maguire recently traded property for the James Maroshek residence in the Third ward. It is for rent.
-- Miss Mary Crowley has been hired to teach the primary department in the Ayrshire schools. She is well qualified for this line of work and will please the Ayrshire people.
-- Mrs. J. S. Gibson will leave for Scotland next Tuesday. It is impossible for her to secure a steamer to Liverpool, so she will have to take one to Glasgow. There are a great many people traveling abroad this year.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, June 21, 1905

Scallon -- Joyce

Mr. Hubert Scallon, of Ackley, and Miss Mamie Joyce, of Fort Dodge, were married at the latter may place yesterday. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Matt Joyce, formerly of this city. She will be remembered by many of our citizens.

J. S. Martin Sells Out

S. D. Bickford has traded his Minnesota land for J. S. Martin's stock of general merchandise at Ayrshire. He is now closing out the stock. Val Wagner is assisting him.

-- --
S. P. Fitzgerald, P. H. Donlon, Daniel Doyle, Clement McNally, R. J. Dooley, Miss Mamie O'Connor, Mrs. P.V. Nolan, and John Bough attended the Iowa Catholic Total Abstinence convention at Cedar Falls last week. It was a large enthusiastic convention. All report having a good time.

-- Mrs. A. H. Knudtsen has been enjoying a visit for several days from her aunt, Mrs. Crane, of Charles City.
-- Mrs. Cahill went to Graettinger Saturday morning to attend the golden wedding of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bradley.
-- Mrs. Tyson recently returned from Chief River Falls, Minnesota, where she had been for some time visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hoag
-- Miss Lil Patton left for Fort Dodge Thursday to attend the marriage of her cousin, Miss Mamie Joyce. From there she will go to Chicago to spend her vacation with her sisters, Miss Nellie Patton and Mrs. W. D. Ferguson.
-- Harold, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Barringer, has gone to Denver, Colorado to see his sister, Mrs. Hymer. The latter was thrown from a buggy some time ago and injured.


Got into a Whirlpool

Wednesday night of last week, Reese Lewis, the 18-year-old son of Tom Lewis, who lives 1 1/2 miles northeast of Linn Grove, was drowned while in bathing with other boys about 2 miles west of Linn Grove. He got into a whirlpool and strangled before rescue was possible. -- -- Rolf Reveille

Mike Waldron Goes to Curlew

Mike Waldron has closed a deal for the barbershop at Curlew and expects to take possession next week. Mr. Waldron is a first-class workman and the Chronicle wishes him success in his new location. His barber chairs and tools here were purchased by Dan Donovan, who will consolidate the two shops. Mr. Waldron will operate a pool hall in connection with the barbershop at Curlew. -- -- Ayrshire Chronicle

A Spry Old Chap

John Haines, of Garfield Township, was in Algona Tuesday and incidentally remarked that he was 81 years of age and that he was farming 80 acres all by himself, and that he has corn nearly knee high. He planted it about the first of May and it came right along. Mr. Haines came to this county 35 years ago and for many years was a champion wrestler. In fact there are not many who could take a fall out of him today. -- -- Algona Courier

Mrs. James Gavan Dead

The week ending today has been an unusual one for the passing of pioneers. The deaths of three others are chronicled elsewhere in the Democrat. Friday morning the name of Mrs. James Gavan, of Highland township, was added to those of the silent city of the dead. She had been in poor health for some time. All that sympathetic and loving hands could suggest and provide was sought and secured to restore her physical vitality, but that was beyond relief. The end came tranquilly and without pain.

The funeral took place Sunday forenoon. Though there was another funeral but a short distance away, there was a long procession of teams. The services were held in the Ruthven Catholic Church. They were conducted by Father McCafferay, who fasted until noon, that he might celebrate Mass for the good woman whom he had known for so long and so favorably. He spoke briefly but most eulogisticallly of her life and character, closing with impressive remarks concerning the teachings of the church on the purposes and responsibilities of human existence. The interment was in the parochial cemetery just east of Ruthven. The pallbearers were M. Fleming, D. Foley, Jeremiah Green, D. Shea, P. Geelan, and M. Geelan.

Winnie Raddigan, was born at Tuam, in the County of Mayo, Ireland, February 2, 1830. She came to America and settled at Pottsville, Pennsylvania, April 19, 1867. She moved to Fort Dodge, Iowa, April 17, 1869. She became the wife of James Gavan October 23, 1870. Mr. and Mrs. Gavan came to Palo Alto County October 17, 1872, and located on a homestead in Highland township where they subsequently resided. Mr. Gavan and the only son, David, of Dinuba, California, survive her. Mr. and Mrs. Gavan had no other children. Six of her sisters and one brother are dead. P. R. Raddigan is the only living member of her family of two brothers and seven sisters.

The deceased knew well the duties of her humble station in life and she fulfilled them cheerfully and well. She was ever active and busy, doing all that mortal could for the comfort and happiness of those about her, thus performing the important responsibilities of the faithful wife and loving mother. She was a woman of deep religious fervor. Her actions were ever in harmony with her profession. No worthy person ever appealed to her in vain for encouragement or assistance for her heart was as tender and as generous as her zeal for works of mercy was genuine. The pious, exemplary life she led will long be remembered by people who knew her as a friend and neighbor as well as by those who regarded her as the hope and solace of a peaceful, happy household. The sympathy of all is extended to the husband, son and other relatives of the deceased.

Another Pioneer Passes Away

Sunday afternoon Mr. Lawrence Burns, who was a resident of this county for 39 years, passed away at his farm home near the Burns bridge southwest of the city. He had been ill for some time, though he was about quite often and seemed fairly hopeful of recovery. Not long since the writer met him in the post office and he said that he was feeling much encouraged. However, of late, his decline was rapid and during the past week his death was daily expected. The end finally came and an honest, sturdy old gentleman was called to his eternal reward.

The funeral took place yesterday. There were at least 128 teams in the procession, though some claim to have counted more. The services were held in Assumption Church. Very Reverend J.J. Smith officiated. The remains were laid to rest in the Catholic Cemetery south of town.

Mr. Burns was born in the County of Kilkenny, Ireland, January 2, 1830. When 20 years old he sought the New World for a home and a livelihood. These were denied him and his fellow countrymen in the land of their birth. He followed railroading in Grant county, Wisconsin, for some time and later tried his hand at steam boating on the old Ohio and Mississippi rivers. In 1860 he was married at Davenport to Elizabeth Hoben. They came to Palo Alto county in 1866 and located on a homestead where the family still reside. Mrs. Burns survives her lamented husband. There are three sons and two daughters. The sons are John, Thomas, and James. The daughters are Miss Mary and Mrs. M. Daily.

Larry Burns, as he was commonly known, was one of the numerous and rugged pioneers who did so much to develop and build up our county. He was a splendid farmer. He was prudent, energetic and thrifty, for nearly 40 years he toiled zealously, faithfully for himself and family and for the good of the community in which he lived. He was a god-fearing, peace-loving, law-abiding citizen. He was plain, upright, unassuming and temperate. His example was ever worthy of imitation. He enjoyed the goodwill of all because he deserved it. The great procession that followed his remains to their final resting place showed plainly the respect entertained for him by those who knew him as a neighbor and friend. The writer extends his heartfelt sympathy to the surviving members of the family.

-- a new girl is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brumm
-- a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bickford Monday morning. Now let real estate competitors beware.
-- the entire township of Seneca, Kossuth county, is under a sort of quarantine on account of smallpox. The schools are closed, public meetings are forbidden and there is talk of closing the creamery.
-- Miss Mary Burns, of Keokuk, arrived in this city Monday evening. She came to attend the funeral of her uncle, Lawrence Burns.
-- Misses Gladys, Mildred, and George Vedder, of Laurens, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Williams, of Emmetsburg.

-- --
Those who will graduate at the Whittemore Catholic school Friday evening are Misses Margaret Flood, Alice McGovern, and Leona Holdridge and John Walsh. Miss Holdridge will graduate in music only.

John Ditch’s House Burned

Thursday night about eleven o'clock the home of John Ditch in Ellington township was destroyed by fire. Mr. Ruppert went by the place a short time before the blaze started, but did not see any sign of fire. When he reached home he saw the house in flames. The building was a total loss. How much of the furniture was saved we have not learned. Mr. Ditch carried a policy on his house in the County Mutual.

Kelly -- Turner

Elsewhere in this issue our Graettinger correspondent reports the marriage of Mr. Joseph M. Kelley and Miss Katharine Turner, which was solemnized at the Catholic Church in Graettinger Tuesday morning. Mr. George Bradley was best man and Miss Lizzie Turner was bridesmaid. At the conclusion of the nuptial ceremony, the details of which are mentioned by our correspondent, the bride and groom were tendered a reception at the home of Father Kelly. Besides the clergymen named, who were in attendance, among the many guests were Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Brown, Mr. Berger, Miss Walsh, and Miss McDonnell of this city, Mrs. and Miss Turner, of Cedar Rapids, and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. White, of Estherville. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly left last evening for the Twin Cities where they will remain for some time, after which they will visit relatives and friends at other points. They will be "at home" at Ayrshire after August 1.

Both are splendid young people and are widely known. The groom, who is the brother of Father Kelly, has for several years been in charge of the First National Bank of Ayrshire. He has made many friends for that well-known institution and has discharged his duties carefully and faithfully. Previous to that time he was a trusted employee of the Palo Alto County Bank, of this city. Mr. Kelly is a most exemplary young man and is genial, courteous and at all times considerate for the rights and interests of others. The bride is a handsome, accomplished, and most deserving young lady. She has for many years resided at Graettinger where she has made numerous warm and loyal friends. She is in every sense a suitable companion for him who has won her heart and hand. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations to the newly wedded pair and trust that life's brightest sunshine may beam along their hymenial pathway.


-- Mrs. Jess Russell and Sun have gone to Elkader, Iowa, where she will visit relatives for a couple of weeks.
-- Dwight Jones left Monday morning for Portland, Iowa. He will have charge of that station for the Milwaukee.
-- Miss Eunice Moore and little niece, Edna Dickason, left Tuesday morning for South Dakota, where they will spend the summer with Mrs. William Moore.

-- Mr. and Mrs. George Ivery have been the proud parents of a pair of girls since Saturday morning.
-- Mrs. E. J. Easton and children left Saturday for a visit with her parents at Blue Earth, Minnesota.

-- Miss Sevold, of Story county, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Axelton
-- John Amundson, of Swan Lake, died at his home near that place Sunday morning. He is an uncle of A C. Johnson, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson attended the funeral held Wednesday. The deceased lived in that vicinity for 40 years.

Golden Wedding

One of the most pleasant events of the year took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bradley Saturday. It was the meeting of many friends and relatives from far and near in honor of the 50th anniversary of the marriage of this venerable couple. A large number from Vernon and Emmetsburg were on hand to extend congratulations to spend the day pleasantly.

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley were married at Watertown, Wisconsin. For the past 30 years they have lived in Palo Alto county. They suffered all the hardships experienced by pioneers. They are among our very best people and have reared a family of which they may justly feel proud. Of their 11 children, nine were present – B,J., M. R., and E. J., of Vernon; George, of Graettinger; Mrs. Edward Cahill, of Emmetsburg; Mrs. P. F. Littleton, Cylinder; Mrs. J. P. Mahan and Mrs. J. H. Brennan, of Graettinger; and Mrs. Curran of Ruthven. The worthy couple were the recipients of many nice presents, including two easy chairs and a lawn chair. The presentation was made by C. S. Wells, after which Father Kelly read a poem entitled, "Fifty Years Ago," composed by Mrs. Z. F. Dickinson, of Osgood. After this light refreshments were served.

The following is the poem composed by Mrs. Dickinson:

Fifty Years Ago.
Our hearts are light with joy tonight,
Our feelings all aglow,
From memories height, we view the light
Of 50 years ago.
Our hearts and hands united then
‘Midst friends of long ago,
That golden hour comes back again
From 50 years ago.
We praise our Heavenly Father's name,
Whose love has blessed us so,
With peace and joy in heart and home
Since 50 years ago.
We’ll never forget with thankful song,
To praise him as we go,
The coming years we journey on,
As 50 years ago.
The song is bright with love divine
And brighter yet will grow,
Till heaven's own light the love outshines
Of 50 years ago.

Palo Alto Tribune; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, June 21, 1905


Johnson -- Ruppert

At seven o'clock this morning at Mallard occurred the marriage of Mr. John W. Johnson and Miss Susie A. Ruppert. The bride was attended by Miss Margaret Freeze and the groom by his brother, A. D. Johnson. Reverend F. X. Roessler performed the ceremony, immediately after which the bridal party and a few immediate relatives retired to the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. John Heideman, where a sumptuous wedding feast was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson left on the morning train for Minneapolis, where they will spend a week or 10 days and on their return to Mallard will begin housekeeping at once.

The groom is assistant cashier of the Mallard Savings bank and is a wide awake, shrewd and energetic businessman. His habits are exemplary, he is courteous and gentlemanly in his dealings and has every prospect of a bright future.

The bride was a teacher in the county for five years and for the past three years had charge of the primary department of the Mallard schools. She ranked among the very best in her profession in the county, and never failed to lend her best efforts toward enhancing the cause of education. She is a bright and talented young lady, is prepossessing in her manner and is a very handsome young lady. There is no indication of a cloud to bar the happiness of the newly wedded couple. They're both deserving of the best of all that is good and the Tribune wishes them their full share of happiness and prosperity.

Oleson -- Hendrickson

At 1030 o'clock this morning, at the St. Paul Lutheran Church in Walnut township, Mr. O. C. Oleson and Miss Christena Hendrickson, both of Emmetsburg township were united in marriage, Reverend Croagh officiating. After the ceremony the bridal couple and a large number of their friends retired to the home of the bride's parents where an elaborate wedding dinner was served. About 200 were in attendance and the gifts were many and beautiful. The newly wedded couple will live on the O’Neal farm in Walnut township and begin housekeeping at once.

The groom is the son of Lars Oleson and is a fine young man. He is honest, industrious and prosperous, and will not fail to do his part toward providing a happy and comfortable home.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. I Hendrickson and comes from one of the best homes in the county. She is a young lady possessed of superior qualities of womanhood, has a kind and lovable disposition and will make a very worthy wife. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Oleson and wish them abundant success and happiness.

-- James McLeod arrived here last week from Edinburg, Scotland and will make his future home in this city. He is an uncle of Mrs. V. Clarke.
-- Miss Lizzie Collins came down from Graettinger Monday evening to meet her nephew, Frank Collins from Mason City who is to visit her at Graettinger.
-- Ernest Freeman, Freeman Starr, Robert Joynt and Earle Brown are home from Iowa city where they have been attending the State University during the year. Mr. Freeman has been studying law, Mr. Starr medicine, Mr. Joynt has been taking a dental course and Mr. Brown a collegiate course. Martin Joynt has completed his course in medicine and begun practicing at Jessup, Iowa
-- Mrs. Ann Mugan, who came up from Jefferson to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. James Brennan, returned home Tuesday.

Palo Alto Tribune; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, June 28, 1905

Reverend John W. Walker Dead

A career of 45 years in the ministry of the Methodist church, during which many important posts were filled and much work done for the advancement of Christianity, was closed yesterday afternoon, when death called the Reverend John W. Walker, DD.

His death occurred at the family home at 330 o'clock and his passing was as peaceful as the life he had lived. For four days he had been unconscious, and his life quietly ebbed until the end became almost unknown to the watchers.

John W. Walker was a native of Canada, and was born near Toronto. He was 62 years of age. His early years were spent in Canadian schools, and at the age of 17 he was licensed as an exhorter in the primitive Methodist Church of Canada. At 18 he was made a local preacher of this denomination.

In 1871 he came to the United States, and at once affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal Church, became a member of the New Hampshire Conference, and entered the New Hampshire Conference seminary as a student, graduating from that institution in 1879.

He then entered the Boston University school of theology, where he graduated in 1876 with the degree of Doctor of Divinity. During these years of student life he continued his preaching, at points near the schools attended; and after finishing his theological course he held some of the most important charges of the New Hampshire conference until 1882.

He then removed to Iowa and became a member of the Northwestern Iowa conference. His first charge was Clear Lake, where he was stationed two years, and he was then made presiding elder of the Fort Dodge District, which position he held for six years. This was considerably in the nature of pioneer work as the state at that time was rapidly developing. During these years Dr. Walker more than doubled the number of charges in his district and brought about great development of the church interests.

His last charge was Morningside Church, Sioux City, the church for the Methodist College neighborhood. Here the disease which finally caused his death, paralysis, first affected him and he was finally forced to abandon active work. In the hope of benefiting his health he removed to Los Angeles a year ago, and since that time the family has been located at No. 1089 W. 36th St.

Dr. Walker at once became a member of the University Methodist Church, and although incapacitated from any active work, he attended the church services regularly until two weeks ago. He has been confined to his bed only a little over a week, but he realized that his end was near, and faced it with perfect confidence.

Dr. Walker was married in 1876 to Emma B. Kelley, at Franklin Falls, New Hampshire. The widow and two children survive him. Mrs. D. H. Trimble, wife of the Methodist minister is at Marathon, Iowa, and Ernest Walker, who is with his mother in this city. He also leaves a sister, Mrs. Olin J. Kelly, of Franklin Falls, N.H.

-- -- Los Angeles Daily Times


Miss Margaret O'Connor and Mr. Eugene McCarty Married Today at Graettinger

At the Immaculate Conception Church at Graettinger at nine o'clock this morning took place the marriage of Miss Margaret O'Connor and Eugene McCarty. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Kelly and witnessed by a large number of friends and relatives. A wedding breakfast was served to the bridal party and a few of the immediate relatives at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor.

The newly wedded couple will make their home on the groom's farm in Emmet county and will begin housekeeping at once.

The groom has been a resident of Emmet county for many years and is a worthy and popular young man and a thrifty and well-to-do farmer.

The bride is a very popular young lady, is affable and worthy and no one holds a more favorite place in the estimation of the people of Graettinger vicinity then she.

The Tribune extends congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. McCarty and wishes them many pleasures and successes as they journey on life's way.

O'Brien -- Jackson

Monday morning at eight o'clock in Assumption Church in this city occurred the marriage of Miss Mary O'Brien of Great Oak township and Mr. Ray Jackson of this city. After the ceremony the bridal couple retired to the home of the bride's parents where a wedding breakfast was served to them and a few of the immediate relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will begin housekeeping in this city in a week or so.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Brien of Great Oak township. She is well known and is a popular young lady among her acquaintances. She will make a suitable companion for the groom and will prove herself a worthy helpmate.

The groom is a resident of the city and is at present employed in the McMahon barbershop. He is a young man of good habits and will not fail to do his part and prove himself worthy of the young lady of his choice.

We extend a hearty congratulations and wish Mr. and Mrs. Jackson a happy and successful journey through life.

Anderson -- Carter

At the M. E. Parsonage in this city, last Wednesday afternoon, Reverend S. R. Beatty pronounced the words that made Emil E. Anderson, of Lyle, Minnesota, and Miss Etta Carter, of West Bend, man and wife. The couple will make their home in Lyle, Minnesota. The groom was buttermaker at Rodman a few years ago and is an energetic, thrifty and honest young man. The bride is the daughter of A.B. Carter, of West Bend. She has been a teacher in this county for the past three years. She is an intelligent and refined young lady and is deservedly popular among her acquaintances. May happiness and prosperity be theirs.

Bannon -- Molloy

Monday morning at eight o'clock in the Catholic Church in Ayrshire Miss Agnes Bannon and Mr. Michael Malloy were united in marriage. Rev. Carroll performed the ceremony. The couple are by no means strangers to our readers. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cris Bannon and has resided in Great Oak all her life. She is bright and prepossessing, has an amiable and gentle manner and is a very handsome young lady. The groom is an energetic young man and an upright citizen. They will doubtless make their home in this city. May success and happiness crown their married life.

Cullen -- Donohue

Miss Bridget Cullen of this city and Mr. William Donohue of Fenton were united in marriage at the Assumption Church this morning at 10 o'clock. The wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's mother after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Donahue will reside on their farm in Independence township and, we understand, will begin housekeeping there at once.

The bridal couple have been residents of this county for many years and are well known to most of our readers. May happiness and prosperity be theirs.

Celebrate Wedding Anniversary

Alex Pertl and wife celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary last evening at their residence in the northeast part of town. The members of the Eastern Star were present besides a host of other friends and relatives. The Advance extends congratulations and hope that they may enjoy many more years of health, happiness and prosperity. -- -- West Bend Advance


Kills Insulter Of Wife

John Hemmerslie, a Des Moines streetcar conductor, stabbed and killed William Estil because of an insulting remark made by Estil to Hemmerslie’s wife. The killing occurred on a crowded street. Hemmerslie would not submit to arrest and was beaten into insensibility. Estil’s lung was penetrated by a knife blade, and he died shortly after reaching the hospital.

Chicken Scratch Kills Woman

The slight scratch made by a small chicken which she was petting caused the death of Mrs. Lettie Clark in Des Moines. The scratch was received several days ago and was not given much attention. The wound became infected and before many days had passed tetanus set in.

A Dramatic Suicide

John Benedict of Winterset, an 18-year-old boy, shot himself. Ethel Lorimer, a girl to whom he had been attentive, refused his proposals of marriage. He walked out in front of her house, placed a revolver to his head and pulled the trigger.

Within Our Borders
-- Peter Mihm, a pioneer resident of Dubuque, is dead at the age of 78 years
-- Don and Leigh Hollingsworth, aged 10 and 15, of Albia, were drowned at Ottumwa.
-- Fay Fowler, 11 years old, was drowned while trying to rescue his brother at Muscatine.
-- William Clark, aged 82, a pioneer resident, was thrown from a carriage in a runaway at Dubuque and instantly killed.
-- in a desperate attempt to save his small brother's life Fay Fowler, aged 11, jumped into the river at Muscatine and lost his life in the effort. Rescuers pulled the smaller boy out in time to save his life.
-- Alexander Alexander and Arthur Bingham, both of Chicago, went to sleep on the tracks near Marion and were run down by a Milwaukee work train. Alexander was instantly killed and Bingham died a few hours later.
-- Roy Gabriel, aged 13, an inmate of the Davenport orphan home, whose mother is at Eldora, was drowned in Duck Creek while swimming.
-- Mrs. Lavina Deal, a pioneer resident, is dead at Des Moines, at the age of 81 years.
-- Mrs. Jeremiah Scott, a pioneer resident, is dead at her home in Waterloo, at the age of 74 years.
-- Edward Keas, a pioneer resident of Dubuque, is dead at his home in that city, at the age of 74 years.
-- Mrs. Emeline Adams, mother of editor Al Adams, and a pioneer of Humboldt, is dead at her home in that city, at the age of 85
-- Lillian L. Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jones of Norwoodville choked to death at the family home from spasms induced by whooping cough.
-- funeral services over the remains of Mable Wood of Adel, 17 years old, were abruptly stopped by the sheriff and coroner, who demanded a postmortem inquiry. After four hours of investigation the interment was made and Edward Bishop, the girl's uncle, was arrested. The stomach of the girl has been submitted to chemists. Miss Wood was a sweetheart of Bishop, and, it is said, was the cause of domestic troubles which a few weeks ago caused a divorce in the Bishop family. The girl was exceptionally handsome. When Bishop was arrested his former wife hurried to his assistance, retaining legal counsel for him.

Mrs. Nora Sandvig

Mrs. Nora Sandvig, daughter of John Nolan, of Ruthven, died at her home at that place Wednesday morning at 1:30 o'clock. About a year ago she contracted tuberculosis. In February she was taken to New Mexico and Colorado in hopes that the change of climate might be helpful to her but it was of no avail and she returned in March. For a time after her return she felt better but the improvement was only temporary and soon she began to fail again. During her absence her only child a little son nine months old was taken sick and died. The sorrow brought about on the death of her baby was hard for Mrs. Sandvig to bear in her weak physical condition. Since that time she has gradually grown weaker until Wednesday morning when death relieved her from her long illness.

The funeral services were held at the M. E. Church at Ruthven Thursday afternoon at two o'clock and were conducted by Reverend Whitfield.

The interment was made in the Ruthven Cemetery and the high esteem in which the deceased was held by the community was evidenced by the large procession of teams that followed her remains to its final resting place.

Miss Nora Nolan was born in Beadle county, North Dakota, July 11, 1884. When but three years of age she came to this county with her parents who located in Highland township. She received her education in the Ruthven schools and for several years engaged in teaching. She was an intelligent and clever young lady and made an excellent teacher. On March 25, 1893, she was united in marriage to Mr. Gehard Sandvig and they settled on their farm a short distance east of Ruthven. Here they remained until Mrs. Sandvig's health failed. Mrs. Sandvig was truly a noble young woman. She was a true Christian lady, was kind and charitable to her associates, a loving and devoted wife and mother and a dutiful daughter. She had a cheerful disposition and possessed the rare faculty of making those about her happy by her presence. Her death is a hard blow to her husband, parents, sister and brother, and will be keenly felt by a large circle of friends, to all of whom The Tribune extends sincere sympathy.

-- Miss Mary Fleming, of Highland township, is visiting her cousin, Miss Cotter at Fort Dodge.
-- a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bickford Monday, June 19. We extend congratulations.
-- Miss Anna Ryan left Wednesday for an extended visit with her brothers at Spokane, Washington. Miss Ryan has not been well and went west hoping to improve her health. She will return home by the way of Portland.
-- Mrs. Richard Donovan of Milwaukee, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Con Leonard of Graettinger, for a week, returned home Monday. Mrs. Leonard accompanied her as far as Emmetsburg.
-- Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Richardson and children arrived here Saturday evening from Anaconda, Montana, and expect to spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Richardson of Fairfield township. It has been five years since they visited Palo Alto county.
-- Mrs. John McDonald entertained a party of friends at her home one evening the first of the week in honor of her cousin, Miss Galligher who is here from Thiedo visiting area delicate refreshments were served and the evening was enjoyed by all.

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