Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
February 1905

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, February 1, 1905

Mrs. Edward Murphy is Dead

     Mrs. Edward Murphy died quite unexpectedly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Donahue, of Emmetsburg township, Saturday evening , at 6:30. She was 72 years of age. The funeral was held Tuesday. The usual services were conducted at Assumption church and the interment was in St. John's cemetery. There was a large procession.
     The deceased was born in the county of Galway, Ireland in 1833. Her maiden name was Mary Joynt. She was a sister of Patrick, John and Michael Joynt, and Mrs. David Higgins, of this place. She came to America in 1853. She lived at Binghampton, New York, one year. In 1854 she went to Pittsburg, Penn. July 15, 1861, she was united in marriage to Michael Nestor. In 1856 they moved to Dyersville, where they resided until 1869. In the spring of 1869 Mr. Nestor came to Palo Alto county and took up a homestead in Emmetsburg township, three miles west of this city. April 28, of the same year, while hunting at Virgin lake, in the western part of the county, he was drowned by the capsizing of the boat which he was rowing. The following September the wife and five children came from Dyersville and settled on the homestead, where she continued to reside until her death. May 21, 1872, she was united in marriage to Edward Murphy who died March 4, 1893. The children born to the first union were Dr. R.J. Nestor, of Waterloo, Iowa; Mrs. Thomas Mulry, of Chicago; David, who died April 8, 1890; Joseph, of Wash, Oklahoma; and Mrs. S. C. Noll, of O'Neill, Nebraska. The children born to the second union are L. Murphy, of this city, and Mrs. James Donahue, who resides on the old homestead. All the surviving members of the family were present at the funeral except Joseph.
     Mrs. Murphy was one of the best wives and mothers in the community. She was quiet, unassuming and frugal and her zeal for the education, training and comforts of the members of her family is splendidly exemplified in the lives of the most respected sons and daughters who survive. She was a devout member of the Catholic Church. Her actions were constantly influenced by the highest Christian motives. The dreaded messenger called her quite suddenly, but she knew well God's laws and she observed them, fully realizing that those who live as they should are best prepared to answer the final call. It is hard indeed for the devoted sons and daughters to part with the fondest and best friend that the world knows-she who in infancy, in youth, and in more advanced years, would have cheerfully given up her live were it necessary to insure their safety, but such sad, such dreaded partings must in time come to all homes. There is, however, in death's solemn presence, consolation when it is realized that the life that has gone out was sincere, exemplary, and edifying and that God rewards justly all who serve him faithfully.

Last week in our hurry, we overlooked reporting the marriage of Mr. Austin Hoben and Miss Mary V. Joyce, which was solemnized at Assumption church Tuesday morning, January 24, Father Kelly officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Sadie Hoben and the groom by Mr. Thomas Joyce. The wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Edward Joyce, of Emmetsburg township. The happy couple have already commenced housekeeping on their farm in Highland township. The contracting parties are splendid young people. Both are members of most worthy families and have many friends. The groom is an upright and most exemplary young man and the bride is a young lady of exceptional worth. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hoben and hope the future has rich and numerous blessings in store for them.

Hearity -- Walsh

Mr. Peter J. Hearrity and Miss Kate E. Walsh were married at Assumption Church, Tuesday morning, Father Costello officiating. Mr. John Bough was best man and Miss Mary Walsh was bridesmaid. After the marriage the happy pair drove to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walsh, of Nevada township, where a reception was held during the afternoon and evening, only a few of the friends of the contracting parties being in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Hearrity will make their home on a farm in the northeastern part of the county. The bride and groom have resided in this locality since childhood and have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances who regard them very highly. The bride in the most estimable and deserving young woman and will make a very suitable companion for him who has won her hand. Mr. Hearrity is prudent, frugal and industrious and enjoys the good will of his many acquaintances. The Democrat extends sincere congratulations.

[Transcriber note: Hearity and Hearrity are as spelled in article.]

Will Kirby Killed

Yesterday morning about two o'clock a freight engine on the Rock Island road was blown up eighteen miles from Cedar Rapids killing engineer Will Kirby, Fireman Smith, and brakeman Kelly. Full particulars have not been learned. John P. Kirby of Estherville, brother of the engineer, went to Cedar Rapids this morning on a special. The remains will doubtless be brought to the Estherville for burial. Will was cashier of the Bank of Emmetsburg, conducted by Charles McCormick, for a year or two, and later worked in a bank at Armstrong. Eight or ten years ago he engaged in railroading. He had been an engineer for several years before he met his sad end. He pulled a train on the local division for some time. He was 33 years of age. He was unmarried. His parents lived in Estherville. He was a big hearted, pleasant, and most courteous young man, and he had a host of friends. His parents, sister, and brother have the sympathy of all who know them in the sad affliction that has overtaken them.


-- Miss Lena Thompson went to Cylinder Thursday to visit her sister, Mrs. F. L. Harrison.
-- Mrs. D. D. Alexander, of Estherville, visited her parents, Captain and Mrs. Soper, of this city, the first of the week.
-- William Marlow and son, Art, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hester for several days, returned to Spencer Friday. Mr. Marlow is a brother of Mrs. Hester.
-- William Ruehle has sold his residence to James Bryce and has leased his blacksmith shop to some stranger. He will leave for Boise March 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ruehle have lived in this community for a long time and are excellent people. Emmetsburg citizens will regret to learn that they are to leave. 
-- Mrs. N. E. Maxon has been called to Des Moines to see her mother, Mrs. Abel, who was reported dying.
-- Mrs. Nellie McCarthy, of Davenport, is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Murray. She had been visiting with another sister, Mrs. O'Brien, of Whittemore, for some time.
-- We understand that David Starr is quite ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. J. Moore, of Riverton, Nebraska, where he and Mrs. Starr went to visit two or three weeks ago.
-- W. R. Canine & Son have purchased Mr. Bright’s dairy business and will make special preparations on Mr. Neary's fine farm northwest of town to keep Emmetsburg well supplied with fresh milk at all seasons. The location is a most suitable one.
-- Mr. Sherman W. Trigg and Miss Susie A. Belknap, of Booth township, are to be married this evening.
-- W. H. Hughes, of Ruthven, will move to Dell Rapids, South Dakota, where he will engage in the livery business.
-- Mr. James A. Smith and Miss Josephine J. Baxter, of Ruthven, where married Sunday, Reverend Whitfield officiating.
-- Mr. Leo Dooley and Miss Mary Schuh were married at the Catholic church at Ruthven Sunday morning, Father McCaffery officiating.
-- Miss Winnie Dayton left for Navina, Oklahoma, Monday where she will accept a position in a bank, of which her brother-in-law, L. J. Stark, is cashier.
-- James Nolan, who has been attending a Catholic seminary in St. Paul, arrived in Emmetsburg Friday evening for a brief visit with his uncle, J. K. Martin, and other relatives in this locality.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Al Frederick, Mr. and Mrs. Mina Dickason, and John Miller were called to Monona Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mr. Miller's father. Mr [sic]. Frederick and Mr. [sic] Dickason are daughters of the deceased.
-- A. W. Taylor, brother of C. E. Taylor, of this city, died at Spencer yesterday afternoon. The deceased was engaged in business in Emmetsburg with C. E. several years ago. Of late he conducted a grocery store at Spencer. Mr. Taylor left for Spencer yesterday to attend the funeral. He has the sympathy of his many Emmetsburg friends in his sorrow.
-- The ladies of the Congregational Church wished to call your attention to the handkerchief bazar to be held at the home of Mrs. J. R. Moore on next Wednesday, February 8, from 3 to 6 p.m.. Handkerchiefs of all kinds will be on sale and anyone purchasing to the amount of 50 cents or over will be entitled to refreshments without cost. Anyone purchasing less than 50 cents worth will be charged a small sum of 10 cents. All are cordially invited.

Largest L. A. A. O. H. In the State of Iowa

The institution of division No. 1 of the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Ancient Order of Hibernians in Emmetsburg Friday evening, January 27, was one of the notable social events in the history of Palo Alto County. The organization start out with a membership of 141, making it the largest and strongest of the kind in the state. When the local Hibernians attended their state convention and Sioux City last September they were so highly impressed with the character of the work done by the ladies’ auxiliary of that place that when they returned home they resolved that Emmetsburg should have a branch of such a useful and helpful organization. The following named parties were appointed to solicit candidates for membership and take the steps necessary to institute the auxiliary: Myles McNally, J. S. Boyle, John Moncrief, Peter O'Brien, J. A. Duffy, P. H. Donlon and Joseph Joynt. Under the direction of the state president, Mrs. Annie Keefe, of Sioux City, they worked energetically and faithfully and the outcome shows what capable, enthusiastic Hibernians, guided and influenced by Sioux City zeal, enterprise, and experience, can accomplish.

The institution was in charge of Mrs. Keefe, the state president of the order, assisted by Mrs. Lynch, Miss Broderick and Miss Greer, all of Sioux City. The candidates were equally divided into three classes. The first class, instituted Thursday evening, received the 4 degrees of the order and the other two classes, initiated Friday afternoon, only the first 2 degrees. The conferring of the additional degrees on the remaining candidates will be the task of the local officers during the remainder of the winter, which will not only be interesting to the members, but will familiarize those holding positions of responsibility with the important character of the initiatory exercises.

At the close of the initiation the local Hibernians tendered the ladies and the visitors a grand reception at the armory, which was most becomingly prepared for the occasion. There were about 250 in attendance. The Ainsworth Orchestra, of Sheldon, had been secured for the location and dancing was enjoyed until 12:30 when an elegant lap lunch was served. The committee in charge of the reception consisted of P. H. Donlon, M. E. Conlon, J. A. Duffy, Joe Joynt, S. P. Fitzgerald, and E. J. Doyle. A few impromptu remarks concerning the institution of the auxiliary by Mrs. Keefe, P. H. Donlon, the state secretary of the AOH, and Robert Shea and W. I. Branagan, the county and division presidents, closed one of the most enjoyable social programs ever given in Emmetsburg.

It is needless to say that the officers and members of the local division and auxiliary feel deeply indebted to Mrs. Keefe, Mrs. Lynch, and Misses Broderick and Greer for the efforts and sacrifices they made it coming so far and toiling so zealously for the building of the order in Emmetsburg.

The officers of the newly instituted auxiliary are as follows: County president, Mrs. M. F. Kerwick; president, Miss Anna Grady; vice president, Mrs. W. H. Coonan; recording secretary, Miss Alice Nolan; financial secretary, Miss Lottie Walsh; treasurer, Mrs. Robert Shea; sentinel, Miss Mayme O'Connor; guard, Mrs. M. F. Steil. A few other officers are yet to be appointed.


-- Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Strite mourn the loss of one of their little twin boys aged four months, who had only been sick a couple of days with a severe cold. The funeral services were held at the M. E. Church at Whittemore and the burial was at that place. The parents have the sympathy of many friends.
-- Charles Miller went to Emmetsburg Sunday morning where he started working in the St. James Hotel.

-- John Pool has returned from his visit to Nevada. A niece, Miss Pool, came back with him to visit relatives here.
-- James McGinty is visiting relatives in Dubuque.
-- Mr. and Mrs. George Schullenberg have been the proud parents of a boys Saturday morning.

-- Mrs. Kitty Sherman, of Des Moines, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Cassidy, of this place.
-- A. A. Witmer was called to Lanark, Illinois, last week by the death of his mother.

Death of Carl A. Seagren
     Carl Albert Seagren was born at Pilot Mound, Boone county, Iowa, December 27, 1872. He moved to Laurens, Iowa, in 1890, where he worked as a carpenter until 1900, when he removed to Curlew. Here he followed his trade.
     In the autumn of 1899 he had the misfortune to fall from a building in such a manner as to injure his spine. From the effects of this injury he began to give evidence of mental weakness. At times his mind seemed in its normal condition during which he was able to attend to the duties of his occupation. In hopes of restoring him to his former health, several physicians treated him at different times but as his condition did not improve he was taken to the state hospital at Cherokee. While he had almost recovered his mental health, he was taken ill with tuberculosis, from which he died. He was married to Josephine Johnson December 18, 1901. He died January 27, 1905, at the age of 32 years and one month. He leaves a wife and infant son, and aged father, seven brothers and three sisters to mourn his untimely death. Albert was a loving husband and father, and affectionate brother and a kind neighbor. He was a member of the Lutheran Church and his life as a Christian was consistent with the teachings of the Church.
     The sympathy of the Curlew people is extended to the sorrowing family in their belief.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, February 8, 1905

Mr. Clarke's Mother Dies in Germany

Saturday our fellow townsmen, Mr. J. Reade Clarke, received a cablegram stating that his mother, Mrs. P. Roe Clarke had died at the home of her daughter at Freiburg, Germany, at the advanced age of 85. Her remains will be laid to rest at that place beside those of her sister, Mrs. T. R. Crowford, formerly of Emmetsburg. Mr. Clarke's father has been dead for 40 years. He has one brother, Dr. Clarke, who resides in England, and two sisters who live at Freiburg. Since leaving his native country, Mr. Clarke has never failed to write regularly once a week to his aged mother and he always received prompt replies from her. This is an example of devotion between a mother and a son that is seldom witnessed. Mr. Clarke has the sympathy of his wide circle of friends in his bereavement.

James Dwyer returned to Fort Dodge the last of the week after spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Thomas Condon, of Great Oak


P. F. Maguire Sells out
A deal was closed Saturday whereby the hardware stock of P. F. Maguire passed into the hands of A. Burson of Fonda, Mr. Maguire taking in exchange for the stock land in Big Stone county Minnesota. Mr. Burson arrived in Ayrshire Saturday evening and took possession on Monday morning. Mr. Maguire, is, as yet, undecided as to what he will do. -- Ayrshire Chronicle.

Old Fellow Gave up Chase
A.E. Beckwith and Nellie Rice came up from Renwick or thereabouts a few days ago, obtained a marriage license, and requested Clerk Dewell to call a justice of the peace forthwith to make them one. Squire Taylor was called out and he proceeded to the clerk's office and here in the presence of the courthouse denizens and others, tied the knot with neatness and dispatch. The next day a man came down the pike hot on the trail of the young couple, but when he found out they were married he gave up the chase. -- Algona Courier.

A Mighty Poor Marksman
H. Fred Schultz, of Storm Lake, formerly of Dows who was shot by Editor A. A. Smith, of the Vidette, for being too insistently friendly with the latter's wife, is recovering, and it is found that he was hurt more from so suddenly slighting from his jump out the window of his office, than from the editor’s bullets, and we are not particularly proud of Bro. Smith, who fired three shots at point-blank range and only hit the mark once, well outside of the bull's-eye. The profession will hear no excuse for such beastly poor marksmanship. -- Clarion Democrat

-- Mrs. C. M. Henry, of Redfield, South Dakota, is visiting Emmetsburg friends. She had been at Denton to see her grandmother, Mrs. Harper, who is quite ill.
-- Henry Jacobs, an uncle of H. H. Jacobs, recently died at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. His son, C. B. Jacobs, lived in Emmetsburg for several years. The old gentleman was 82 years of age.
-- James Nolan was over from Whittemore Saturday. He reports that his son Charles is quarantined at some point in Montana where the smallpox is taking off a great many of the people. He is not one of the victims but people are for bid to leave the town area.
-- John Rogers, of Fenimore, Wisconsin, recently visited his sister, Mrs. George Smith of Osgood.
-- Joseph Doyle, of Great Oak, was called to Oswa, Iowa, Thursday to attend the funeral of his father.
-- Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kelly, Miss Dealy, W. H. Coonan, Miss Lottie Walsh, and Misses. Anna and Maggie Donovan were at Estherville Friday attending the funeral of Will Kirby, who sad death near Cedar Rapids was reported in last week's Democrat.

Additional Local News
-- T. M. Ashcraft, of Mallard, has purchased the Petronek pool hall at Graettinger and will move there at once.
-- Leslie Orres, the adopted child of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Orris, died Friday and was buried Sunday. He was eight weeks old. [Note: Orres and Orris as spelled in article].
-- M. F. Brennan has rented 120 acres of his farm to Mr. Copeland, of Ellington Township, and 40 acres of it to Thomas Condon. He intends going to Osakis, Minnesota, where his son and daughter live.

C. N. Sprout Died from Injuries Received in Runaway

Saturday forenoon, C. N. Sprout, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of our county, was knocked down by a runaway team belonging to Alex Peddie, as he was crossing Main Street near Joyce’s corner, and received injuries from which he died during the night. Three of his ribs were broken, one of them piercing his lungs. One of his eyes were closed, the result of an injury to the forehead. When picked up he was unconscious, but he rallied long enough during the afternoon to recognize several of the members of his family. Mr. Peddie is in Texas and it seems that his hired man Andrew Simonson, who is considered a very careful hand, was unloading some wood, through a window, into the cellar. When he had finished he left his team standing and went into the furnace room, which joins the room in which the wood is and fastened the windows securely from the inside. On returning to the furnace room he found the door fastened through which he had entered, some of the other help, about the house having done so without knowing that he was in the room. In this way he was unexpectedly delayed and when he got out his team had gone. They ran about the lake damaged the sled and, returning to the house, started down town. No one was able to stop them. Mr. Sprout, who is rather slow of movement and thoughtless because of his advanced age, either did not see them coming or could not get out of the way in time. He had been about the house at home and talked several times about coming uptown to get his mail, but it seems he waited just long enough to come in contact with the deadly runaway.

Cummins N. Sprout was born in Genesee County, New York, February 14, 1821. He moved to Wisconsin in September, 1845. November 15, 1852, he was united in marriage at Portage, that state, to Miss Jane Smith, who with nine sons and daughters, survive him. The sons are A. J., of Janesville, Wisconsin, and A. L., L. N., W. S., E.J., of this locality. The daughters are Mrs. Fannie Mealon, of Pittsburgh, Kansas; Mrs. Ella McComber, of Turtle Lake, North Dakota; Mrs. Matilda Thompson, of Nevada township; and Miss Ellie, who lives at home. All but one or two were home to attend the funeral.

Mr. Sprout enlisted in the Eighteenth Wisconsin volunteers February 3, 1862. He was wounded in the memorable battle of Shiloh, April 6 of that year, a ball cutting off the end of his tongue, followed around his chin and lodging in his neck. He was honorably discharged, but he re-enlisted in August, 1864, and served until the close of the war. In 1869 he came from Wisconsin to Kossuth county. In 1871 he came to Palo Alto and settled on a farm in Nevada township. In March, 1902, he moved to the city to spend his declining years.

There was no better citizen in the county than Mr. Sprout. He was rugged, civil, pleasant, manly. He was not given much to formality. He was very outspoken and he was at all times loyal to his convictions. He was a man of most exemplary habits. He was frugal and economical. He led a most satisfying life. He and his good wife must be given credit for having raised one of the most credible families in the community, for it is an unusual thing indeed to find a large family of most deserving men and women as the Sprout people are known to be. The manner in which the deceased came to us and was most unfortunate. The surviving members of the family have the sympathy of their friends and neighbors in their sorrow.

The funeral was held Tuesday. It was largely attended. Services were held at the M. E. Church and conducted by Reverend S. R. Beatty. The internment was in Evergreen Cemetery.

The Conclusion was Reached After Deliberations Lasting Three and One-Half Hours
A Complete Report of the Evidence Offered on Both Sides – Palo Alto County Will Have A Big Bill to Pay

Conrad Weigman, who has been on trial at Spencer since January 22, for the shooting of Mr. Deeter last April, has been acquitted. The jury was given the case at 2: 30 yesterday and at 5:30 a verdict of not guilty was returned.

The direct testimony of most of the witnesses, as gleaned from the columns of the Spencer Herald and the Register and Leader, is as follows:

The first witness for the state was James Williams, deputy sheriff, who testified in substance that he was called on March 31, and went to Osgood, and from there was taken to a haystack near the stacker in which the writer of the letter to J. A. Spies had instructed that $1000 be placed. The dummy package had been placed there instead. He hid himself in the top of the haystack at eight o'clock and remained until 4:45 a.m. when he left the stack and went to the road. In about 15 minutes he heard a whistle and knew that John F. Graettinger was coming because that was the signal agreed upon. He did not know that Weigman was coming with him. The defendant got out of the buggy and a short time, Williams got in and returned to Osgood with Graettinger.

Dr. Naae, of Graettinger, testified that Weigman and Deeter came to his house at about 7:30 a.m., April 2. When Weigman called, Deeter was sitting on the porch, and he took him and laid him on the floor and asked him if he had been fighting. Deeter said that he had been hunting, and that he had gone to the stacker in question to pick up a package. He was ordered to halt and asked what for. He was then asked to stop again and not doing so he was shot. Weigman said he had asked him to halt several times and so shot him in the arm. Weigman said Spies had received a letter telling him to leave $1000 in the stacker box and he had been watching for the writer, that he would have to go and report to Spies. Dr. Naae said he had a liveryman take the carriage and take Deeter home. No one else went with him. He also testified as to Deeter's condition during the seven days he lived after the shooting.

C. H. Curtis said he went to Graettinger on April 8 and made two photographs of the body of Deeter. It was about five o'clock in the afternoon after post mortem examination. The photographs were offered in evidence by the state but defense objected and the objection was sustained.

William Becker, a farmer, said he saw Weigman about noon in Gremmels saloon and drank beer with him. Weigman at that time told him Deeter came to the stacker and got a package. That he asked him to drop it five or six times.

He said that Deeter went to raise his arm and he shot him.

John C. Molison, a mail carrier, said he saw Weigman on April, 2nd, in the corner saloon about nine or 10 o'clock and asked him how he came to be mixed up in the thing and Weigman said he was hired by Spies and if anyone came for a package to shoot him. Weigman said he watched Deeter come from the house with a gun, go to a slough and fire the gun, but did not know what he shot at. He then walked to the stacker, pick up a package and looked at it. Weigman said he asked him to throw down his gun and he turned around and asked him what for, whereupon he shot him. Molison and said he had another conversation with Weigman at Justice Cameron's office at about five o'clock in the afternoon Ernie George, Jack Wilson, Thomas Preston and another man were present. He said he asked Weigman if Deeter tried to shoo him, and he said no, but he acted as though he would like to. When he was asked why he had asked Weigman the same question on two different occasions the same day, he answered, "curiosity," and "wanted to see if he would make the same statement twice."

Friday Session.

J. C. Mollison stated on redirect examination that he had asked Weigman in the justice’s office if Deeter offered resistance and that Weigman said no.

M. F. Axelton, a fur dealer of Graettinger, saw Weigman in a corner saloon at about eight o'clock. Weigman said that he was in the haystack from four o'clock and first saw Deeter down by the slough. He came to the stacker and took the package. When ordered to halt he walked towards home. Weigman told him twice to halt and ordered him to throw down his gun. He did not do it, turned around, and Weigman shot him. Whitman said that Spies sent him out. Weigman had worked with Deeter on the ice, and knew him. John Jones, a liveryman at Graettinger, was at Mr. Naae's house and helped to take Deeter home. He talked with Weigman there and asked him how the man got shot. "Weigman," said Jones, said,' I shot him.' I asked him how it happened. He said: "Spies put me in the haystack to watch the package. Deeter came and took the package and started away. I told him to drop the package. I told him twice to drop the gun. He would not do it and kept on going, so I shot him.” Weigman helped put Deeter in the carriage.

William Bloom, marshall, testified that he heard Weigman say that he saw Deeter come from the house to the slough and that when near the stack he fired his gun. He did not know what he shot. He did not see any ducks. He took the package and started home. Weigman said that he had told him to drop his gun five or six times before he shot him. He made Deeter pick up the package and marched him to town.

Frank Luhman, a German farmer, met Weigman on the road and said that Weigman told him that he shot Deeter because he had to or get shot himself. The witness asked him if Deeter took aim. He said "no," that he did not have his gun high enough when he shot. He said he did not intend to shoot as much as he did. He wanted to shoot Deeter in the arm and make him throw his gun down. He told him to do it five or six times and he wouldn't he said.

Ed Lister, a labor, testified that he told Weigman in the saloon that he ought to go home and not talk until his hearing. Weigman said that he did not care what they found out, that he was hired to do it.

William Fielding, Roscoe Roberts, and John Wilson, farmers, testified practically to the same as witnesses preceding them. When Peter Paulson was placed on the stand to testify as to what he had heard Spies tell Weigman, the defense objected and were sustained. Lewis Olson was not allowed to testify because notice of his testimony was served on defendant’s attorneys instead of the defendant.

Saturday Session

The first witness called with E. S. George. He testified in substance as follows: talked with Weigman in Cameron's office. John Wilson, John Molison and I think Cameron were present. Someone asked him who sent him to the stack. Answer Spies. Asked if Deeter tried to shoot him. Said no, acted as though he would like to. I shot him because I was ordered to. Shot him in the arm to mark him. On cross-examination witness contradicted both Wilson and Molison who had testified before. Had not talked about mobbing. Dr. J. L. VanGordon was called. He held the inquest and was present at the post mortem examination. His testimony was similar to a part of Dr. Naae’s.

Monday's Session

The testimony introduced Monday in the Weigman murder trial by the state was for the purpose of laying a foundation for the introduction of Deeter's ante mortem statement as evidenced. M. T. Axelton, H. B. Canfield, E. S. George, S. R. Stedman and attorney C. E. Cohoon testified as to Deeter's physical condition and appearance. Mr. Cohoon took a dying statement. S. R. Stedman took the acknowledgment and M. T. Axelton and M. G. Sevold signed as witnesses. The statement was offered and defendant objected.

Tuesday's Session

E. S. George, N. Ganfield, H. B. Ganfield and D. W. Cameron were called by the state to testify further as to the condition of H.N. Deeter about the time dying statement was made, after which the statement was offered as evidence, defendant objected and the objection was sustained.

The state rested its case and the defense placed Chris Jensen, postmaster at Graettinger, on the stand. Saw a letter written to J. A Spies on March 31, 1904.. It had caught in slat to mail box Found it when opened office at seven in the morning. Postmarked it and placed it in J. A. Spies’ box. Mr. Spies showed me letter after he had opened it. Cross examination. Said he remembered letter because of its having cramped and caught in the slat. Also the letter "S.," beginning Mr. Spies name was made backwards. It was the only letter in the box that morning.

The second witness for the defense was J. A. Spies, who testified as follows: “ Received letter March 31, 1904, about 11 o'clock from P.O. box. Took it to my office with the mail, read it and went back to the post office and showed it to postmaster Chris Jensen. Asked him if he knew the writer. He said no, but if I would come around when not busy he would look over register and see if any writing near compared with it. Went to Fahnestock's store. Showed letter to Mrs. Fahnestock., asked her to use their private line and telephone John Graettinger at Osgood and have him notify the sheriff and get a detective. She did so. Talked next morning. Talked with Mrs. Fahnestock and Mr. Lauck in my office about the matter. I told them I would place the matter in the hands of the sheriff, where it properly belongs. Detective did not come on the morning train as we expected. Thought he would come sure in the afternoon. Was to have him watch around town and sheriff watch stacker and apprehend criminal when he came. Mrs. Fahnestock, her daughter Amy, and my wife prepared the package April 1, in the afternoon. Dr. Burdick told me where stack and stacker were. Mrs. Fahnestock telephoned John Graettinger location of stack and stacker where package was to be deposited. She told me deputy sheriff Williams was at Osgood and wanted to talk with me. I went to the phone and asked Williams if he was prepared to watch that night. Said he was. Asked him if he had overcoats and blankets to keep warm. He said yes. Then he said: "you understand this is not official business and you must pay me. You can probably get some one cheaper." I said: "We don't know who we can trust here. Relieve me of this and I will pay you." Then he said: "I will charge you $10 and expenses a night." I replied: "Money is no object. I want to catch the criminal." He said: "I will watch tonight and rest assured if he comes he will not get away with the package. Youmust get some one to relieve me in the morning." Suggested ex-Sheriff Cullen. Dr. Burdick gave me some salve, said to put some on package and if man got away will stain his hands. Left town about 6:30, put package in stacker about dusk. Going home met Dr. Burdick and detective, Mr. Farmer. They were at my house about eight o'clock after that. Woke Weigman up about four next morning. Told him about letter and asked him if he would go and relieve the sheriff. Said he would. Told him to be careful and not get hurt. Sheriff will tell you what to do. Received no letter before threatening my life and property. Letter and envelope were here offered and admitted as evidence. Went to Deeter's house morning of April 2d, after he was shot. Dr. Naae was there when Mr. Farmer and I entered. Liveryman Jones brought Dr. Burdick while we were there.

Witness was then asked what happened at Deeter's house and attorneys for state objected. Jury was sent from the room and attorneys are arguing before the court. 

Arguments over admission of testimony to show that Deeter wrote the letter to Spies was concluded and ruling of the court allows the admission of same.

J. A. Spies again on the stand testified that he was at Deeter's house on morning of April 2 with detective Farmer, Dr. Burdick and Dr. Naae. Found tablet on top sheet of which was imprinted "J. A. Spies, Dear Sir," also a letter written by Deeter and same were placed in evidence. Dr. Burdick told Deeter as there was sufficient evidence to convict him, he might as well confess. We visited the stack and stacker and found gun about 65 feet from stack in the southwest direction, about 80 feet from the stacker.

Mr. Spies was still on the stand when court adjourned this noon.


Spencer, Iowa, February 2 -- the defense and the Weigman murder case attempted to impeach the testimony of the state's witnesses by placing on the stand Tom Allen, a drayman and constable of Graettinger, who arrested Weigman after the shooting and had them in charge until he was released on bond. Allen said that he took Conrad Weigman from the jail to Cameron's office at four o'clock in the afternoon and that neither Jack Molison, Jack Wilson nor E. S. George had any conversation with him.

This testimony was rather startling in as much as Messrs. Wilson, George and Mollison are well known and respected citizens of Graettinger, and all stated on the stand that they had held conversations with Weigman.

Hon. W. W. Cornwall, Ackley Hubbard, reporter of the Supreme Court; E.G.. Morgan, a banker; H. C. Chamberlain, attorney; and E. E. Strawn, a teacher in penmanship, all testified that the letters found in Deeter’s house and the one recovered by Spies, were written by one and the same hand.

An interesting portion of the trial was the testimony of W. W. Farmer, a Pinkerton Detective, who worked on the case after the letter had been received by Spies.

He said he went to Deeter's house on the morning of April 2 with Mr. Spies's. "Dr. Naae was there, " he said, "and Dr. Burdick came in while we were there. We were in the room with Mr. Deeter. Spies went out and while he was gone I asked for some stationery. Dr. Naae took a pad from the shelf and handed it to me. I raised the flap of the pad and saw that the inside of the paper was the same as that which the threatening letter was written to J. A. Spies. I could see the impression on the top sheet of the words ‘J. A. Spies, Dear Sir.' Dr. Naae looked and he said he could see it plainly and that he could make out other words contained in the threatening letter.

"We also found a letter addressed to a commission firm concerning some straw, which had not been mailed. Deeter said that he wrote the letter and that the pad was his. When Spies came back to the room I told him I had evidence. I asked Deeter who else was implicated, and he said,' I wrote another letter since then, but it -- -- --' and then he stopped. The imprints of the words ' J. A. Spies’ on the top sheet was in the same place as on the letter received by Mr. Spies."

Nothing new was developed by the cross-examination.

Preston Fahnestock, a merchant of Graettinger, was called to the stand and said: "my wife is Mr. Spies’ sister. I heard a conversation on April 1 between Mr. Spies and Deputy Sheriff Williams over our telephone. Mr. Williams was at Osgood. I could only hear what Mr.'s Spies said. I heard him ask if he was prepared to go out and watch, and if he had coat and blankets, and heard him say, ‘I don't know who I can trust here’; also ‘Money is no object. I want to catch the criminal. I will send a man in the morning without fail.'"

J.B. Lambe, cashier of the American Savings Bank of Graettinger, testified to the same effect.

Ernest Peyton, a farmer, testified that he knew Deeter, and had a talk with him soon after July 4, 1903. Deeter said that he did not likes Spies and would fix him before he got through with him. He said that he did not owe Mr. Spies any money.

Noah Roberts, aged 15, testified as follows: "I live in Graettinger, and knew Deeter. He lived in the east side of the same house we did and do now. I and my brother met Deeter coming home from town Wednesday night before the shooting."

John Graettinger, manager of the elevator and lumber yard at Osgood, said:

"There is a private phone in the elevator at Osgood connected with the Fahnestock store in Graettinger. I talked with Mrs. Fahnestock over this phone March 31 about the letter received by Mr. Spies. I telephone the sheriff's office in Emmetsburg to send for a Pinkerton Detective and have him report at Fahnestock’s store as a traveling man. I know Deputy Sheriff Williams and talked with him over the phone April 1. I told him to come to Osgood, and get there by four o'clock. I told him what was wanted, and about the letter received by Mr. Spies. He said that it would be well to have something to put on the package to stain the hands of the man if he got away. He came to Osgood a little before 4. I heard him talk to Mr. Spies over the private lines. He said that he was prepared and that the man would not get away. He said:' perhaps you can get someone cheaper. This is not official business, and I expect you to pay me for the watching.' He told me after he hung up the receiver that it’s been said that money was no object; he wanted to catch the criminal. He also told to Spies over the phone that he would have to have $10 and expenses for each night.

"I took Williams to near the stacker that night and went on to Graettinger. Williams said 
going up that he would watch the place and arrest anyone who came.

"I took Weigman out the next morning. Williams had asked Spies to send a man when talking over the phone. I whistle twice when we got near the stacker. It was the signal we had agreed on. Williams and I told Williams this was a man sent to relieve him. He showed Weigman a haystack and told him he would find a hole in the top that he had made to hide in, and that if anyone came not to move until he had taken the package.

"The team started then, and I got so far away that I did not hear the rest of their conversation. Williams told me that he could stand it for two nights and that the next day he would arrange for his own help."

Weigman's testimony, in substance, was as follows:

I have known J. A. Spies for 10 years. I was working for him last March and April, and stayed at his home. I first heard about the blackmailing letter on April 2, at about two o'clock in the morning. Mr. Spies came to my room and woke me up and told me about the letter and package. He asked me if I would go out to section 10 relieve the deputy sheriff and I said I would.

He said: the deputy will give you instructions what to do. Go to Mr. Fahnestock's house and John Graettinger will take you out. Be careful and do not get hurt.

I got up and dressed. August Sipe came into the room and asked if I had a gun, and I said' no.' he told me to take his, and showed me how it worked. He went downstairs and let me out, and I went to Fahnestock’s store. John Graettinger let me in, and after we had a bite to eat we hitched up and drove out to the place where Mr. Graettinger said we were to meet the deputy sheriff. I did not know him at that time.

Mr. Graettinger whistled twice, and then we saw someone coming. He came to the buggy and I got out. He told me to follow the old railway grade until I came near the stack, and that the stack would find a hole in the top he had dug to hide in, and for me to get in feet first, and I could see all around. He told me to lay low and not let anyone see me until they had taken the package. He did not think anyone would come in the daytime, but they might. He told me if they took the package I was to shoot them. If they tried to get away I was to wing them. He said:' don't get hurt. A man of that kind is dangerous.'

Then they left and I went to the stack. I stayed there until about sunrise, when I saw a man walking west. He came to the south, about 35 rods from the stack, and then shot his gun off. Then he circled the stack and went to the stacker carrying his gun in his right hand. He reached in and took the package and looked at it and smiled. He started home and I told him to stop and drop the package and gun. He look over his shoulder and kept on going and I stood up and told him five or six times to drop his gun.

Then he turned and raised his gun and said:' G-- -- D -- -- -- -- you I don't have to,' and I shot. He had his gun nearly up and if I had not shot he would have shot me.

He watched the stack pretty close while walking around it, and kept looking over toward town every few seconds. I realized I was in a dangerous place. I try to shoot him in the arm to disable him so he could not shoot me. I did not intend to kill him. After I shot he dropped his gun and started to walk away. I got off the stack and told him he must stop and go back with me. He said he did not want to. I told him to pick up the package, but he would not do it, so I did and gave it to him and he put it in his pocket.

After we started for town he said his arm hurt and I made him a sling and gave him my mitten. He asked me who sent me to watch and I did not answer. He asked me again and I did not answer, and he said:' I know. It was Spies.' then he wanted to turn around and go home to let his folks know. He said he would do the chores and hitch up and drive to town.

I did not want to go back that way in the woods, because I thought there might be others, and they would get me. I told him it was nearer to Harmon's place and we could get a team there. When we got to Harmon he said he would rather walk the rest of the way. He said he did not want people to know he had been shot. When we got to the river bridge he asked me if I did not haul ice for Spies last winter, and I said,' yes.'

He said,' I hauled for Larsson and met you on the road. Is your name Weigman?'

I said,' yes.'

He told me his name was Deeter, and that was the first time I knew who he was.

He asked me if I would take him to a doctor, and I asked him which one. He said Dr. Naae and I took them there. I knocked at the door and he sat down on the porch. When the doctor came I told him I had a sick man. He asked if we had been in the saloon and had a quarrel, and I said,' no.' doctor told him his name and I told mine. He asked how it happened and I told him. I never told him I would blow his head off, and never told anyone that I did. We had gone 60 rods before he told me where he lived. I know John Jones and I did not tell him that Spies put me in the stack to guard a package. I stayed at Dr. Naae’s until they took Deeter home. I then went and told Mrs. Spies about it, did not tell anyone else before that. I saw Frank Ebert about three quarters of an hour after and told him. Did not tell Mr. Spies all about it for several days.

Eli Craven, a laborer, testified that he had heard Deeter make threats against Spies, who he claimed had' beat him on flax seed.'

Other witness for Friday were Dr. A Burdick, who attended Deeter, Mrs. Bertha Fahnestock, Thomas Brekke, L. A. Ferguson, justice of the peace, and Conrad Weigman, Sr., father of the defendant.

The testimony given by witnesses Brekke, Allen, Ebert and Weigman, Jr., and Sr., is in direct contradiction of that given by state witnesses John Molison, E. F. George, Jack Wilson, Ed Lister, M.F. Axelton, William Bloom, William Fielding and William Becker.

The threatening letter to Spies and Deeter's dying statement have already appeared in the Democrat.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, February 15, 1905

-- Miss Louise Kelly returned to Rock Rapids Thursday. She had been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Cohoon.
-- E. J. Sprout returned to Terril Thursday. He had been here attending the funeral of his father.
-- Mrs. William Muir and her niece, Miss Mamie Wier, went to Gladbrook Friday. The latter's mother lives at that place.
-- A few days ago John Lynch received word that his brother-in-law, Mr. Quinn, of Ackley, was dead, but the trains were so irregular that he could not reach there in time to attend the funeral.
-- Denny Donovan made his first trip as engineer over the Rock Island road last Thursday. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donovan. He has worked himself up well for one of his years.
-- February 25 Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Webster, of Ayrshire, will celebrate their golden wedding. The Chronicle says that they have lived here for four years. They were married at Jamestown, Pennsylvania.
-- Mrs. J. E. King has been visiting Mrs. Maxon for several days. The latter had left her little son Earl with the former when she was called to Des Moines by the death of her mother. Mrs. King brought him home Wednesday.
-- David P. Skinner, a brother of Robert Skinner, passed through Emmetsburg Saturday on his way to Spencer to attend the funeral of his father. He is now engaged on some large daily at Houston, Texas. He worked in the Pilot and Reporter offices, of this city, eighteen or nineteen years ago. His sister, Mrs. Lincoln, will be remembered by many of the ladies of Emmetsburg, as she was here for some time last fall.


His Rashness Takes His Home

A. A. Smith, of Storm Lake, who shot a hole through County Attorney Schultz a couple of weeks ago has deeded his fine residence to his lawyer to defend him. That is an easy way for one man to lose his home and for another to gain one. If a man tries to earn a home by days work, he will turn his back up to the sun for many a day before the debt is paid. -- Algona Advance

G. M. Dyer Buys Stock

G. M. Dyer has purchased the hardware stock formerly owned by P. F. Maguire, of A. Burson. At the time of taking the store it was Mr. Burson’s intention to move the goods to Boone, Iowa, but the opportunity presented itself to dispose of them in bulk and he accepted. The stock invoiced upwards of $2100. The deal was cash. Mr. Dyer will consolidate the stock with his, which will give him one of the largest and best selected stocks in northwest Iowa. -- Ayrshire Chronicle

Minger to Make Cement Blocks

Franklin Minger is preparing to enter the cement building block business on a large scale the coming season. He is having about a ton of cast iron molds made in Cedar Rapids this winter and all of them from his own patterns. -- West Bend Journal

-- Mr. Reed, of Algona, has started a harness shop at Cylinder
-- Hugh Dudgeon is now firing on the Rock Island road. Emmetsburg is furnishing most of the new firemen and engineers on that line.
--George Mullin went to Fort Dodge Friday with his cousin, Miss Shuster, who had been here for some time visiting him and other relatives here
-- Miss Mary Gappa, of Fairfield township, recently won the piano given away by How Bros, of Fenton, to the person buying the most goods at their store within a certain time.
-- Mrs. Mercer, of Topeka, Kansas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. H. Mayne.
-- Samuel Mayne was over from Algona Saturday visiting his brother, Postmaster Mayne
-- Mrs. Sherman, of Algona, died a few days ago from an operation for appendicitis. The local surgeons handled the knife.
-- Tom Sharp, who lives some distance east of Fenton, recently had one of his hands taken off by a feed grinder. The arm was also broken in two places below the elbow.
-- G.W.Thompson, of Bagley, arrived in this city Saturday and will make his home with his grandson, W. M. Hoofer.

Mrs. Martin McCarty Dead

Mrs. Martin McCarty died at her home in Great Oak township Sunday evening at six o'clock after an illness of some duration. The funeral will probably be held today, though the roads are in pretty bad condition and the absent members of the family have not all arrived yet because of the delay of the trains. The deceased was about 80 years of age. She was among the pioneers of Great Oak and had a wide circle of friends. She was a most exemplary Christian lady in every sense and her death will be mourned by the many who knew her and who appreciated her many praiseworthy traits of character. Mr. McCarty died a number of years ago. We have not been able to learn particulars. The surviving members of the family have the sympathy of all in their hours of grief.

Rogers -- Hayward

Mr. James J. Rogers, of West Bend, and Miss Daisy Hayward, of Everly, were married in this city by Justice S. R. Stedman Friday. They will make their future home on a farm in West Bend township. The groom is the son of John Rogers. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Rogers.

Another editor Goes Wrong

Edward E. Sherman, aged 45, editor of the Barnum Banner, tried to suicide Friday by taking a large dose of laudanum. He recently married a girl of 17 and it is said she was too gay for him. Men in his profession should not get into such tangles in matrimonial affairs and they should also be conservative enough not to try to get out of the world in such a hurry.

A Worthy Citizen Recognized

John Doran has been granted a pension of $6.00 per month. He passed the necessary medical examination in December. It has been 40 years since he was mustered out of the service of the union army. Mr. Doran was a loyal soldier and he has since been a sterling citizen -- one of the very best in Palo Alto county. If all men were as exemplary and as bright as he is, the courts and police officers of our county would have very little to do. We are glad to know that the government has finally recognized the justness of this claim.

Arrested for Burglary

Gus Foster was arrested at Ayrshire the first of the week on a charge of having broken into the express office, a saloon, and J. S. Martin's store at Ayrshire. He had a hearing before Justice Cully and was held to await the action of the grand jury. Sheriff Coakley took him to Algona Tuesday and lodged him in jail, the Palo Alto jail being considered insecure.

Took off His Coat Tails

We understand that Hugh Dudgeon and has given up firing on the Rock Island road. He only made a few trips when he had his coat tails taken off by the engine on which he was working. He considered this warning enough and threw down the shovel at the end of his run. The Democrat believes that he did the proper thing.


Mr. Lewis Johnson and Miss Agnes Sherlock were united in marriage at the Catholic church Wednesday morning, Reverend J. Kelly officiating.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Sherlock, of this place, and is a splendid young lady. The groom has been a resident of this place for several years, and his friends are numbered by his acquaintances. They drove to Emmetsburg and took the Milwaukee train for DeForest, Wisconsin, where they will visit Mr. Johnson's folks for three weeks. They will make their home in Graettinger. The Times extends hearty congratulations. -- Times

Engine Men Badly Injured

Friday morning Charles Anderson, engineer, and Charles Pochusta, firemen, were both badly burned at North McGregor by the explosion of a lubricator. They were hauling the westbound passenger. The train did not reach Emmetsburg until two o'clock in the afternoon.

-- Sunday morning at five o'clock, occurred the death of Mrs. Henry Matthieson, at her home northwest of town. She had suffered for some time with cancer, and had doctored with a number of physicians of this county. She had also tried doctors in Des Moines, but nothing could be done for her. She leaves a daughter and three sons to mourn her loss. The funeral took place Tuesday. The services were held in the Baptist Church and were conducted by Reverend McBride. The internment was in the Curlew Cemetery.

The maiden name of the deceased was Dora Nitch. She was born in Germany in 1845. She came to the United States in 1870. During September of that year she was married to Henry Matthieson. They came to Palo Alto County in 1883. April 5, 1898, Mr. Matthieson died. Mrs. Matthieson was a most worthy woman and was highly respected by her neighbors and friends. Our people who knew her so long and so favorably will miss her and all will unite in extending their sympathy to the surviving relatives.

The Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, February 22, 1905

-- Art Keller went to Chicago Thursday to visit two of his sisters who live there.
-- L. O. Randall has purchased the Alex Moses feed barn on Main street and will conduct it.
-- Patrick Mulhern and Daniel Sullivan, both inmates of the county house, are dangerously ill

-- a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Wolf, of Vernon Township, Thursday.
-- Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Brennan were surprised by a number of their friends. The members of the party made themselves at home and indulged in dancing and other amusements until a late hour. The affair was a source of real enjoyment to all in attendance
-- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Freeman arrived in this city Saturday morning to visit his people. The bride is from some point in Wisconsin. We have not learned her name. The marriage took place a few days ago. The Democrat extends congratulations.
-- the funeral of Mrs. Martin McCarty was not held until Thursday. It had to be postponed on account of the storm and the condition of the roads. It was largely attended. The services were held at Assumption Church and the internment was in St. John's cemetery
-- J. B. Martin, the genial editor of the West Bend Journal, was at Emmetsburg Friday. Mr. Martin has invented a quoin for use in printing offices that is the best thing of the kind we have seen. It is made on the ball bearing principle. It never slips and is very simple in construction. A set of quoins sells for $2.75. Here's hoping that you will make thousands out of your invention, J.B.

-- W. H. Cole returned to Eagle Grove Friday morning. He was accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Charles Treadgold.
-- Mr. and Mrs. John Berrickman went to Streator, Illinois, Friday evening. They will make their future home there.
-- Miss Lavina Whitney, who trimmed for Mrs. Crose for some time, was recently married to a Mr. Bysom, of Dexter, this state.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Tyson were called to Thief River Falls, Minnesota, Saturday, to see their daughter, Mrs. Hoag, who is very ill.
-- Mrs. C. Louck and daughter Emma, of Crete, Nebraska, arrived in this city Friday and will make their home with the former’s son, J. W. Jackson.
-- Miss Mamie Finn returned to Rolfe Saturday. She had been visiting for several weeks with her cousin, Miss Josie McEvoy.
-- Mr. Thomas F. Kiley and Miss Bridget E. Everett were married at Ayrshire Monday, Father Carroll officiating
-- Mr. Joseph O. Talman and Miss Agnes G. Everett were married at Ayrshire Monday, Father Carroll officiating.
-- the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carlson, of Vernon Township, died Wednesday and was buried in this city Saturday.
-- Will Lowe returned from Humboldt Saturday where he had been visiting relatives. His cousin, Miss Nealy Bohn, of Milbank, South Dakota, who has been here for some time, was at Humboldt with him.
-- William Hefley and F.H. Wells have of late had their residences connected with the local telephone exchange. Peter O'Brien and Frank Clark have also ordered phones placed in their homes. Mr. Stratemeyer had his drugstore connected some time ago.
-- Professor T. I. Gifford, who killed his neighbor, S. A. Bigelow, of Decorah, with a potato digger, last November, has been declared insane. His trial lasted for 17 days. He taught in the school conducted by C. H. Valder, well-known to many of our readers.

Died Rather Unexpectedly

Mrs. Thomas Condon, of Great Oak township, died Sunday morning, after a rather brief illness. Though she had not been enjoying the best of health for some time, she was able to be about. A few nights before her death she was called to the home of Michael McCarthy by the death of his mother. While there she was taken ill with pneumonia. She was taken home, but she never rallied. She passed away Sunday morning as stated. The remains were taken to Fort Dodge Monday morning over the Ruthven line of the M. and St. L. where they were interred beside those of her parents. Fourteen of the members of the ladies auxiliary of the AOH of which deceased was a member, went to the home of Mr. Condon Sunday evening to assist in preparing for the funeral. They also brought some beautiful floral offerings. Besides the six pallbearers, Vincent Grady, Charles Downs, John Brennan, James Carney, William O'Brien, and Martin Brennan, several other friends and neighbors accompanied the mourners on their sad journey to be present at the interment. Those who went were Misses. Mary and Maggie Downs, Alice Brennan, Mary O'Brien, Winnie Grady, and Lizzie Conlon, and George W. Downs, the ladies named being all members of the L. A. of the AOH

The maiden name of the deceased was Bridget Dwyer. She was born in Webster county, Iowa, March 25, 1873. She grew to womanhood near Barnum, where she was united in marriage to Thomas Condon, February 20, 1901. Hence she died on the anniversary of her marriage. March 31, 1904, Mr. and Mrs. Condon moved to this county and settled on their farm several mile miles south of this city. No children survive.

The passing of this truly worthy lady was most unfortunate. She was in the prime of womanhood and enjoyed the comforts of a delightful home. Her life was in many ways full of promise, her husband being one of the best young farmer citizens of the community in which they resided. Those who knew her intimately entertained the highest regard for her, for she was a lady whose manner and whose qualities of mind and heart would win her warm and lasting friends in any community. The sympathy of all is extended to Mr. Condon in the affliction that has befallen him.

Mrs. Fonten Is Dead

Mrs. J. Fonten died at the home of her niece, Mrs. Henry Kneer, of this city, last Wednesday after a lingering illness of about a year. Her ailment was catarrh of the stomach. She suffered long, but patiently and with becoming Christian resignation to the will of him who doeth all things for the best. The funeral was held Saturday morning. The services were conducted at Assumption Church by Very Rev. J. J. Smith. The interment was in St. John's cemetery. The pallbearers were Thomas Kirby, Michael Roach, Michael Conlon, J. K. Martin, John Drummy, and M. F. Kerwick.

Agnes Walters was born at Kiddiminister, Shropshire, England, November 4, 1833. When young she came from England to New York. Later she moved to Milwaukee and subsequently to Jefferson, South Dakota. Some 25 years ago Mr. and Mrs. Fonten came to Emmetsburg. November 10, 1868, she was united in marriage to Jeremiah Fonten. The surviving members of the family are the husband, two sons, and two daughters. The sons are John, of North Dakota, and George, of Storm Lake. The daughters are Mrs. W. Cotton and Mrs. W. H. Hayes. One sister, Mrs. D. Carroll, resides in Emmetsburg Township. A brother, Father Walters, who occasionally visited Emmetsburg during pioneer days, but who died several years ago, will be remembered by the older people of our community.

Mrs. Fonten was a sincere Christian woman and was a punctual and devoted member of the Catholic church in which it was her long and anxiously desired privilege to die. As such her example to her family and to those who knew her was worthy of emulation. She spent a long and active career and she did the best she could perform her duties in life in her own humble way. Like all good mothers, she will be missed, but the memory of all she did when maternal love and care were most needed will every remain fresh in the most treasured thoughts of those who were the objects of her devotion and solicitude.


-- Owen Finnegan has sold his farm 2 miles east of town to Fred Wolf

-- Miss Kiley, of Emmetsburg, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Burkett of this city
-- Charles Ammons is moving this week to the J. F. and W. C. Nolan farm in Emmetsburg township.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, of Dickens, spent Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. R. L. Jones
-- Mr. Lilleguard and family arrived from Story county last week and have moved on to Mrs. Lee's farm east of town.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Harry LaForge have sold their household goods and are preparing to move to Idaho about the first of March

-- Jimmy Williams, second oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams, died last Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Williams have the sympathy of the community

-- The little child of James Ainslee, aged five months, is dead and was buried in Emmetsburg Friday.
-- Bowen Platt will move to Missouri soon. We are sorry to lose those people. Mr. Arbogast will take his place.
-- Bruce Root has a new dog which is part terrier and part, just dog. Bruce says he gave $2.50 for the canine, but Mrs. Morris says Jim gave him to him
-- a brother of Thomas Galoway, who recently shipped his stock and household goods from Illinois, is looking for his wife to come this week. He will live on the farm now occupied by Andy Adams.

-- Wednesday evening, at the home of Rev. McBride, occurred the marriage of Daisy Barrett to Mr. George Neal, of Sac City. They left Thursday morning for Sac City where they will make their future home.

Hopson -- Jones

Mr. William R. Hopson and Miss Lizzie Jones were married at the church of St. James, at St. Paul, Minnesota, this morning at nine o'clock. A reception will be held this evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy, of that city. Mr. Murphy is a cousin of the bride. The latter is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones, of Emmetsburg, who are among the most respected pioneers of our county. She spent most of her life in this city and is in every sense a lady. For a number of years she has been engaged in a large millinery establishments at St. Paul. The groom is a resident of that place. He is, of course, a stranger to our readers. The many friends of the bride in this city join with the Democrat in wishing the newly wedded couple a long and blissful wedded career

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