Palo Alto County Newspapers

Palo Alto Reporter
Palo Alto County, Iowa
Friday, May 11, 1894

Shocked by Lightning
     James Brennan, who resides about six miles southwest of town, had a very close call by death from lightning, last Friday evening. The barn door had been left open and the rain storm coming up he went out to shut it. He was gone quite awhile and his wife becoming uneasy at his absence went to the barn to see what had become of him.
     She found him lying beside the barn door just recovering consciousness. He had received a sufficient stroke to render him insensible for some few minutes. His arm was considerably affected by the stroke but otherwise he is all right. It was a close call and one that he wound not care to have repeated.

-Last Friday being the 15th anniversary of Miss Vesta Hinkley's birth, she gave a party to her young friends. It was a very pleasant occasion, and everything done that was possible by her loving parents to render the day a happy one to her. The decorations were very beautiful and tastily arranged, and the refreshments delicious, rendering the occasion a memorable one. As a memento of the day she was presented by her friends, with a beautiful souvenir spoon.

     The proceedings thus far during the term of court have been of interest only to the immediate parties concerned. Only three or four jury cases have thus far been disposed of, and these having not been sufficient importance to attract much attention.
     The first jury case was that of P.M. Leek vs. E.B. Fox.It grew out of an attachment on some corn in the field. The plaintiff claimed that the defendant had husked some of it contrary to the attachment. The defendant set up the claim that he had received permission to husk part of it. Dan Kelly appeared for the defense and T.F. McCue for the plaintiff. The verdict was given in favor of the plaintiff.
     The case of McConnell vs. Colver, Brown & Wilson was quite lengthy. It was brought to recover on three promissory notes. The defense claimed that the notes were forged. The case was fought to the end by the attorneys on each side. The verdict was given in favor of plaintiff.

     Peter Black who has been suffering for time little time from rheumatism is able to be about again.
     Mrs. O'Meara has gone to her old home at Lansing, Iowa, to spend a short time in visiting friends in that vicinity.
     Dr. E.F. Sayers, of Algona, made a professional visit here last week. The doctor is one of the most successful veterinarians in the state.
     Mr. James Doyle of Rock Rapids, but formerly a resident of this city, is at present visiting his brother, Edward, of this city. He has sold his business in Rock Rapids and will remain a short time here.
     Mrs. Watson who went to Colfax Springs a short time ago for her health, has been confined to her bed the greater share of the time since her arrival there. The last report contained the welcome news that she was slowly improving. Her friends trust that the improvement will be permanent.

-H. Shadbolt and brother left the latter part of the week, for Gordon, Neb., with two carloads of stock cattle.
-Mr. E.S. Briggs has fallen in with the improvement procession and is building a new barn.
-Mr. Thomas Higgins is refitting the rooms over the meat market. With the coming of spring comes an era of improvement.
-Have you seen the fine display of gentleman's straw hats in Kaufman Bro's window. It is a nice one and reflects credit on that firm's efficient manager and clerks.
-Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Myrtie Walker and George Hoyt. The happy event is to take place next Wednesday evening.
-John Paulson has added much to the looks of the interior of his harness shop by the addition of a new display rack. It makes a much more convenient way of displaying his goods.
-Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Bragg are rejoicing over the advent into the home circle of a little baby girl. It is not so little either, for it weighs 13 1/2 pounds. The REPORTER extends congratulations.
-D.P. Roberts sold his farm near Graettinger the latter part of last week to a man from Chicago who owns an adjoining tract. He received twenty five dollars per acre for it. Palo Alto dirt still commands money.
-Dr. Jackson's advanced class in German will close this week and his beginners' class next week. Excellent progress has been made by the members, and much pleasure taken in the study by both classes.
-J.S. Atkinson has been appointed receiver, at the solicitation of the creditors of Wm. Stafford, of Mallard. He went to Mallard Tuesday and took charge of affairs for the creditors. We are sorry to learn of Mr. Stafford's financial distress, but in these times some of the very best business men are being hard pushed.
-David Baker has been making a substantial improvement in the way of a new cistern and necessary fixtures. It cost in the neighborhood of a hundred dollars but money spent in substantial improvements is never thrown away.
-At the regular meeting of the I.O.G.T. last Tuesday evening the following officers were installed for the coming quarter:
Ralph Duncan, C.T.; Louis Starr, V.T.; Rena Sorenson, Chap; Harry Darland, P.C.r.; Dinah Blair, Sec.; Curtis Armstrong, Asst. Sec.; Annie Blair, F. Sec.; W.L. Fitkin, Treas.; Freeman Starr, Marshal; Arthur Baker, Guard; Clarence Darland, Sent.
-There will be a church sociable at Thomas O'Connor's on Thursday, May 17. Everyone invited to attend. Lunch supper, 10 cents.
-James Gowans has removed to the residence lately occupied by T.H. Taylor. We have not learned who is to occupy the house which he vacated.
-The McEnroe family of Algona are in luck. We notice by the last week's Courier that an uncle had died, recently, in India, leaving his fortune of $15,000,000 to them. We congratulate them and only hope that the amount has not been stretched. Such things don't always pan out as reported.
-W.E.G. Saunders met with a mishap, Monday, that has caused him to go with a limp ever since. He alighted from the buggy to fix the check rein of one of his horses and had just put his foot on the step to get in again when the horses started to run. He was caught between the wheel and his leg hurt quite severely, but not seriously. He hung to the team so that they did not get away.

Notice of the Appointment of Executor.
     Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as executor of the estate of Paul Peterson, late of Palo Alto county, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against said estate will file them with the clerk of the district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated for allowance.
          EDDY PETERSON, Executor of said Estate.
Dated April 30, 1894.

Palo Alto Reporter
Palo Alto County, Iowa
Friday, July 6, 1894


     Ed Groat was nearly killed Tuesday by a runaway horse.
    Miss Herley, of Rockwell, is visiting her brother, of this place.
    Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Duncan spent the 4th at Storm Lake visiting their son Wallace.
    George E. Clark, of Algona, was attending to legal matters before Judge Carr, Saturday.
    Miss Daisy Ormsby arrived home, Friday, from a month's visit with her grandmother in Kentucky.
    C.E. Cohoon and family left Tuesday to pay a visit to a brother at their old home near Monticello, Iowa.
    Michael Weible is home from Des Moines. He has been there attending college and came home for a vacation.
    Mrs. John Kirby, of Estherville, paid her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donovan of this city, a visit during the past week.
    A Miss Brennan, an aunt of Mrs. James Dungan and Mrs. Bert Illingsworth, is paying them a visit at present.
     Miss Mamie Darrah, who has been attending school at Prairie du Chien, came home Friday to spend the summer vacation.
    Miss Kathleen Reardon, one of the public school teachers of Albert Lea, Minn., is visiting her brother, Editor Reardon, of this city.
    Miss Maud Wells, who has been spending a few weeks at her uncle's, P.H. Stedman, in this city, returned to her home in Estherville Friday.
    C.J. Benda, of Iowa City, came up to spend the 4th with his brother, J.K. Benda, of this city. He is engaged in the mercantile business in Iowa City.
    Miss Edna Jarvis, of Aurora, Ill. is paying her uncle, Mr. F.W. Wrate, a visit. She expects to remain here for some little time.
    Miss Ollia Hayman, of this city, is spending her vacation in visiting her grandmother, who resides near Hampton, this state.
    Wheeler Taylor, of Spencer, Sundayed with his brother, C.E. Taylor, of this city. Monday both of them paid Algona a visit returning to their homes on the evening train.
    Peter Black has returned from Colfax Springs much improved in health. We have known several who were intense sufferers from rheumatism to be cured by a month's treatment at Colfax.
    Mrs. Jewett, who for the past three months has been employed as trimmer in the Crose millinery establishment, has returned to her home in Grand Rapids, Mich. She is an estimable lady and made many friends during her stay at Emmetsburg.
    The family of Mrs. S. LaBar, deceased, wish to express their thanks for assistance and sympathy extended to them in their bereavement.
    Remember the law sociable at the residence of W.J. Brown, on Wednesday evening of next week. Refreshments will be served during the evening.

The Fourth's Accidents.
     The usual chapter of accidents occurred during the celebration, Wednesday. Mrs. W.H. Robins was driving along Main street and in turning around her horse being somewhat nervous from the noise turned around too quickly upsetting the buggy and throwing her son Ed who was in the buggy with her to the street with violence. Mrs. Robins struck on her face and was picked up and carried into Stemet's drug store in an unconscious condition but recovered her consciousness in a short time. Her face is bruised quite badly but she sustained no serious injury and will soon be about again. Ed was more fortunate than his mother and escaped with only a few scratches. The horse was grabbed by several men who stood near and stopped it before it had a chance to get away. The buggy was slightly damaged.
     The second accident happened to little Johnnie McLaughlin and is a very painful one. He had a toy cannon and boy like was playing with it and some fire crackers at the same time. Near him in an open can was some powder that he had been using. He let a burning fire cracker fall into the powder and it not exploding for some time he stepped forward and bent over the can to see if it had gone out when it exploded throwing the burning powder over him. His face was burned very severely and at first it was feared that he would lose the sight of one of his eyes but happily this danger has been averted. His stockings took fire and in his efforts to tear them off he tore the flesh off with them. Dr. Powers was called to dress his wounds and succeeded in picking most of the powder from his face. He is at present doing nicely and will be all right in two weeks.

Sheriff's Sale.
     Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a special execution directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Palo Alto county, Iowa, on a judgment obtained in said court on the 17th day of November, A.D. 1863 in favor of Geo. B. McCarty and W.L. Linderman as plaintiffs, and against Wm. Fahy as defendant, for the sum of two hundred eighty five and 37 100th dollars, debt and costs taxed at forty five and 72 100th dollars, and accruing costs, I have levied upon the following real estate as the property of said defendant, to wit:
     The northwest quarter NW. 1/4 of the north east quarter of NE 1/4 of section No. twenty two (22) in township No. Ninety-seven (97) north of range No. thirty-two (32) west 5th P.M. Iowa, and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the 4th day of August, A.D. 1894, in front of the door of the court house in Emmetsburg, Iowa, between the hours of 9 o'clock p.m. of said day, sale to commence at the hour of 2:30 o'clock p.m. of said day, or sufficient thereof to satisfy said debt with interest and costs.
          J.W. HANSON, Sheriff of Palo Alto county, Iowa.

Original Notice.
     To Sarah J. Crook, Lewis Crook, defendants.
     You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed by George J. Consigny, Jr., plaintiff in the office of the clerk of the district court of Palo Alto county, Iowa, claiming of you five hundred and thirty-nine and 18-100th dollars and interest and costs for balance due on loan negotiated by Ormsby, Watson & Co., the account for which has been assigned to plaintiff, and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of said court commencing at Emmetsburg, the 27th day of August, 1894, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.
     Dated this 21 day of May, 1894.
           SOPER, ALLEN & MORLING, Attorneys for plaintiff.

Palo Alto Reporter
Palo Alto County, Iowa
Friday, August 3, 1894

Personal Mention.
    Miss Maggie Donovan is sick at this writing.
    Mr. George Briggs, of Nevada, visited with his cousin, Mr. E.S. Briggs, of this city.
    Miss Lottie Joyce, sister of P. Joyce, is quite sick at this writing. She was taken Saturday.
    Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Murphy mourn the loss of a five months' old child, which died last Friday.
    Miss Lillian Terrell is taking a weeks' vacation. She is spending it at her home in Mason City.
    Mrs. J.J. Shaw, accompanied by her daughter Muriel, left Tuesday, to visit relatives in West Union.
    We are glad to note that Mr Paton is recovering very fast from his late sickness and will soon be able to be around again.
    Mrs. Robert Long accompanied by her daughter arrived Tuesday to spend several weeks with Mr. W.G. Henry and family. Mrs. Long is a cousin of Mr. Henry.
    Mr. Tipp's apple crop again runs into close to a thousand bushels.
    We understand that Wm. Ward intends to build a house on the south side of the track in the near future. J.M. Sturtevant has the contract.
    The funeral of Mrs. John Kane occurred in Graettinger, Wednesday, and was very largely attended. Her death was caused by intestine trouble.
    Last Friday being the 5th anniversary of the birth of Master Bruce Bliven he celebrated it by entertaining a large party of his young friends and playmates. The little folks had a very nice time and entered into the pleasures of the day with the genuine zeal of children.
    Mr. E.P. Bragg met with an unfortunate accident Wednesday fore noon. He was engaged in sawing lumber in C.E. Taylor's shop, and in some manner his thumb was caught by the buzz saw and the bone so badly shattered that it was necessary to amputate it below the second joint. Dr. Powers was called and performed the operation and at present he is getting along as well as could be expected. Fortunately it was his left thumb, for had it been his right it would have crippled him worse.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa
Friday, August 24, 1894

John Millea Passes Away Saturday.

     Death has again invaded the ranks of the early settlers of Palo Alto and bade Mr. John Millea to answer to his summons on the other shore.
    Early last spring Mr. Millea had a severe attack of the grippe from which he never completely recovered. It finally became complicated with other difficulties which resulted in his demise last Saturday evening.
    Mr. Millea was born in the County Kilkenny, Ireland, in the year 1819, and emigrated and settled in Illinois sometime during the year 1854. He remained but three years in Illinois when he removed to the vicinity of Marengo, Iowa, where he continued to reside until 1868, when he came to Palo Alto county and settled on a farm a few miles north of this city.
    Mr. Millea was a man who was universally respected and was noted for his strict honesty in all business transactions.
    The funeral service took place in the Catholic church Monday, at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J.J. Smith. The procession which followed the remains to the cemetery was one of the longest that has ever occurred in this city.


    Mrs. Summerville left Tuesday, for Storm Lake to be present at the Grand Lodge, I.O.G.T. She was sent as a delegate from the lodge here.
    The merry-go-round left Tuesday, and of course we miss it. They got all the nickles [sic] there were in Ayrshire.
    Mrs. Geo. Wickens is home from Ft. Dodge visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Summerville.
    Prof. Ward gave a splendid balloon ascension and parachute drop in Ayrshire, Monday afternoon. About 500 people witnessed the event.

Personal Mention.

    M.L. Brown left Monday for Davenport to attend to business matters.
    Miss Jennie Shower has accepted a position in the office of Mr. A.L. Ormsby.
    James Slater has returned from Nebraska where he has been clerking in general store.
    Mrs. E.S. Briggs enjoyed a visit during the past week from a sister who resides in Jessup.
    Miss Theresa Homan, of Algona, is spending a week in visiting with her aunt, Miss Kate Wernert, of this city.
    Mrs. T.H. Tobin was quite sick for several days of the past week. At this writing she has improved considerably.
    H.W. Beebe left Saturday evening for Chicago. No doubt he will be followed home by a large consignment of new goods.
    C.H. Kellar of Cedar Rapids visited several days of the past week with his brother Homer and other relatives of this city and Graettinger.
    Miss Kitty Aiken of O'Brien county arrived Saturday to spend a short time in visiting friends and relatives in Emmetsburg and vicinity.
    Mrs. H.C. Kendall and family, who have been spending some little time in visiting relatives at Ames, returned to their home in this city, Tuesday evening.
    The Misses Smith of Laurens, Iowa, spent several days this week in visiting their cousin, Mrs. John Menzies of this city. They returned to their home Tuesday.
    Mrs. J.G. Crowder left Monday afternoon for a visit among friends and relatives in the vicinity of Clinton and Lyons, Ia. She expects to be gone some little time.
    Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moses are enjoying a visit from their daughter Lena who resides at Utica, N.Y. She expects to make them a visit of several weeks duration.
    We are glad to be able to report that Mrs. Bert Illingworth, who has been quite sick for the past week, is on the mend and with no further complications she will soon be fully recovered.
    Mrs. Geo. Hoyt arrived last Thursday to spend a short time with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Walker, of this city. They reside in Nebraska a short distance from Yankton, S. Dak.
    Dr. F.H. Davis and wife, and Miss Jennie Bowden of Chicago are visiting their brother, W.J. Bowden of this city. They have been spending some little time in camping out at Arnolds Park and Lake Okoboji.

     Mary E., daughter of James S. and Mary Scott, born at Wilmington, Ill., April 11, 1875; died at Emmetsburg, Iowa, Tuesday, August 21, 1894.
    The deceased came to Emmetsburg with her parents in the fall of 1875, and has resided here ever since, consequently she was generally known to our people-and she appears to have been a favorite with her acquaintances. In health she was light hearted and a diffuser of sunshine, and when sickness came she was a patient sufferer.
    Her light has gone out while it was yet day.
    Funeral services at the family residence at 2:30 p.m. Friday.

A Ruthven Scrap
    A little shooting fracas took place in Ruthven, the middle of last week. It appears that William Franke and A.J. Miller have each a son that do not agree well. Franke sent his boy over to Miller's to whip his. Miller sent the boy home and Franke alleges that he kicked and otherwise abused him. At any rate Franke loaded his rifle and went over to Miller's with blood in his eye. Miller saw him coming and went into his house and closed the door. But Franke managed to get the door open and commenced firing at Miler, who returned the compliment from a revolver. In the melee a shot passed through Franke's ear, but some assert that he did it himself in order to have something to arrest Miller for. Miller had Franke arrested for assault with intent to kill and he was bound over to appear at court under $1000 bonds. Failing to get bondsmen, he was lodged in jail here.
    Monday Franke had Miller arrested for the same charge, but he promptly gave bail and returned home.
    The matter will be sifted at the coming term of court and the blame for the trouble will very likely be fastened where it belongs.

- Don't forget the ice cream social at Charlie Anderson's Wednesday evening , Aug. 29.
-A new corn harvester is being set up for A.A. Wells and Son, at the Stiel agricultural warehouse.
-There have been several changes of residence during the past week. Mr. H. Kent now occupies the residence lately vacated by Judge Carr, while Mr. P.F. Gylling occupies the house vacated by Mr. Kent.
-Wednesday, Aug.29, the mission tea will be given by Mrs. Catherine Bryce. We hope every lady who has a carriage will invite her neighbors to ride with her and start by 2:15 p.m. Don't forget, Wednesday, Aug. 29.   Mrs. J.H. HINKLEY, Pres.
-The picnic held at Mahan's grove yesterday for the benefit of the Catholic church, netted them $250...Mrs. McFarland of Emmetsburg is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Gard--Graettinger Times.
-John Walsh and Carl Tennant, both members of Co. F. of Algona, got left in Emmetsburg, Saturday while enroute home. They were informed that the train would stop fifteen minutes and came up town to get something to eat. They got back in time to see the train pull out of sight around the bend east of town. They are positive that they were gone only twelve minutes.
-Sergt. Brown left Monday morning, on the west bound train, for Omaha, the present quarters of his company. He has not drawn any pay or clothes for over three months, and as soon as he has his matters there in shape will proceed to Burlington, Ia., where he has again been detailed for special work. He is a thorough soldier and when it comes to military tactics he can give some of the higher officers pointers in them. He is a thorough gentleman and made many friends during his brief stay in Emmetsburg.
-Wm. Richardson marketed a load of timothy seed on Thursday, that brought him $129.60. It was grown on ten acres of land and Mr. R. has 10 bu. of seed left. Mr. Richardson is also, so far as we are advised, the first man in the country to put one of the new corn harvesters at work. On Tuesday he cut and bound eight acres with it, and says the machine is here to stay.

Company K Met at the Train, on its Return, by the Band and Escorted to the Court House
An Elegant Reception Tendered Them by the Ladies in the Evening.

     When Company K returned from the encampment at Spencer, Saturday morning, the boys were treated to a genuine surprise. They had been told that the band would meet them at the depot, but were in total darkness as to what was to follow. When the train drew up at the depot the band struck up and made the welkin ring with the sweet strains of music. The boys filed out of the car and were formed in a line, and then Major Parker, who commanded the 3d batallion, of which the company was a part, came out and bade the boys good bye, and was given three lusty cheers, as was also Col. Rule, who came out for the same purpose.
    The boys, headed by the band, then marched up Broadway and turned east on Main and thence south to the court house.
    Here they were drawn up in line and Mr. Blanchard, in a neat little speech, informed them that the ladies of the company had prepared a reception which would be tendered them that evening at the home of Capt. Refsell.
    This was certainly pleasant news to the boys and visions of bacon and beans which had haunted them for a week gave place to a brighter one containing the delicacies of life.
    The evening found a company of over one hundred gathered at the hospitable home of Capt. Refsell, where a right royal time was had. The band discoursed its best music: a selected quartette rendered excellent songs. Short and appropriate talks were made by Revs. Case, Johnson and Jackson, as well as by Messrs. Darrah, Grout, Ormsby and Soper, who could speak from practical experience of the stern realities of camp life away back in the sixties. Then the boys took a hand and told how they enjoyed life at Camp Crocker. Capt. Refsell told how he came near being lost in the shuffle, and many other camp incidents. Private Saunders told of the beauties of camp police duties, and Lieutenants Keller and Henry each related a chapter from camp life.
     Refreshments were served during the evening and judging by the zest with which the boys partook of them they must have been more palatable than the camp fare.
    The evening was certainly a pleasant one and the boys all feel grateful to the ladies to whose exertions it is due and are unanimous in the opinion that the most pleasant part of camp life is the return home.

Palo Alto Reporter
Palo Alto County, Iowa
Friday, Sep. 14, 1894

Personal Mention

-Patrick Joyce is doing business in St. Paul and Minneapolis this week.
-Miss Mazie Roberts left Thursday last to spend several days with her sister.
-Miss Hattie Black came home form attending the State fair, Friday evening.
-Mr. A.L. Ormsby left Friday evening for New York City to attend to business matters in that place.
-C.H. Colby, of Sheridan, was in Emmetsburg Tuesday evening in attendance at the Gregg-Pumphrey nuptials.
-J.H. Hinkley and son George left Saturday evening for Chicago. Mr. Hinkley goes to lay in his fall stock of goods.
-E.B. Soper left last Friday to attend the local G.A.R. encampment at Pittsburg. He was accompanied by his wife.
-Miss Lena Gusland and Miss Mollie Butler drove to Whittemore Sunday. They went over to visit Miss Butler's sister who resides there.
-Edward Acres of Decorah arrived last Saturday to pay a visit to his mother and other members of the family in this city.
-Mr. and Mrs. Perkins of Sheldon were in attendance at the Gregg-Pumphrey wedding. Mrs. Perkins is the sister of Mrs. Pumphrey.
-J.H. Roberts returned from the State fair last Saturday. He reports the exhibits to have been only fair and that the attendance was not very large.
-Ike Finnell, editor of the Algona Courier, was in attendance at the democratic convention last Friday. He made a very pleasant call to this office.
-W.J. Mundt of Carger arrived Saturday evening and spent a few days with his brother-in-law, A.J. Kluss, of this place. He returned to his home Wednesday.
-Charlie Skewis of Inwood but formerly of Ruthven, was a visitor in this city Tuesday. He accompanied his sister this far on her way to Mt. Vernon to attend Cornell college.
-Mrs. H.A. Leser, of Fenimore, Wisconsin, arrived in this city Wednesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. J.W. Hanson. She expects to remain in this vicinity about two weeks.
-Charlie Jenish has severed his connection with C.A. Smith's jewelry establishment. We are sorry to learn this as in all probability he will go elsewhere to locate and Emmetsburg does not care to part with any of her rising young men.
-E.B. and Harlan Soper left Tuesday for Mt. Vernon to resume their studies in Cornell college. The boys have had a busy vacation and go back with an added relish for their studies.
-Link Singleton, Algona's lone representative of the colored race, was paying a visit in Emmetsburg Sunday. He was attracted by some unseen power towards Col. Ormsby's home, but did not seem to have any particular business with the colonel.
-Herbert Manchester and wife of New Hampton, arrived Saturday, to pay a visit to Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Beebe. Mrs. Manchester is a sister of Mrs. Beebe. Mr. Manchester returned home Monday evening but Mrs. Manchester will remain for a week.
-C.E. Cohoon and J.C. Bennett went to Ruthven on their bicycles Tuesday afternoon. We don't know whether they entered the bicycle race or not but they certainly made good time in going and coming.
-Mrs. Alice Kolloch, better known by her maiden name of Taylor, of Madison, Mis. returned home to that city last Friday after spending a week visiting her brother, C.E. Taylor, of this place.
-Frank Henry left Monday afternoon, for Grinnell, Iowa. He goes to attend Iowa college located at that place. Frank is a studious boy and will undoubtedly take an advanced position among the students of the college.
-Mrs. J.P. Crose left Saturday evening over the B.C.R. and N. for Chicago. She goes for the purpose of laying in her fall stock of dry goods and millinery and expects to spend at least two weeks in selecting her stock.
-Edna Gusland, the eight-year-old daughter of Lewis Gusland, left Saturday evening for Chicago to spend the fall and winter in that city with her uncle. She went in company with Mrs. Crose.

DIED. Mrs. James Cahill of Highland township, died last Monday night. Her age was 45 years.
     The deceased, formerly Miss Jennie Malony, was a soldier's daughter, having been born at Ft. Snelling while her father was in the regular army. Later they were stationed at Ft. Dodge, Iowa, and there her father's army life ceased, and, if we mistake not, he took up a portion of land on which the latter city now stands. With her husband she has been a resident of this county for a number of years and has always appeared to be a consistent christian lady.

    Last Friday evening as Mr. George Harrison was quietly sitting in his home in Freedom township, he was somewhat startled by the sudden invasion of his premises by forty or fifty of his neighbors. He demanded why his peace and quiet had thus intruded upon, and was at once informed that it was just forty-seven years since he arrived in the world and they had come to help him celebrate the day.
    Of course he surrendered with good grace and gave the guests undisputed possession of his residence. They had come prepared for the substantial things of life and soon a generous repast was spread for all. Before returning home Mr. Harrison's guests reminded him that he was growing old and so presented him with an easy chair and two very fine boxes of cigars. Now he can sit in his easy chair and smoke his cigars in a very comfortable manner.
    The evening was spent in social intercourse and all departed feeling that they had spent a very pleasant evening.

-The young people to the number of fifty or more dedicated Mr. A. L. Ormsby's new barn to Terpsichore, last Saturday evening. The occasion was a surprise and was a very pleasant affair. The ladies brought a nice lunch in their baskets and also paid for the music which was furnished by C.B. Jacobs and Miss C.A. Scott.

-Capt. Refsell has called a special meeting of Co. K for Friday evening at which every member of the company is expected to be present. The meeting is called to ascertain how many of the company can go to Sioux City for a three-days encampment in the early part of October. The Fourth regiment has received an invitation from the International Fair association to be present and participate in that exhibition and Col. Foster desires to know how many companies he can muster at it.

-Brother Branagan is about to put on metropolitan airs, having rented the entire upper floor of the Dooley block, and will remove to it as as soon as the rooms are completed. The Democrat is badly cramped for room where it now is, but its new quarters will furnish ample room for Bro. Branagan to spread himself to his heart's content. He will put in a new Waterloo gasoline engine of the latest design, and will also make many other improvements pertaining to his business.

-Dr. Baldwin will leave Sunday evening for Iowa City, to take a position in the dental department of State University, which he had accepted previous to locating here. He has made many friends during his brief residence in Emmetsburg, who will be glad to welcome him back, when he returns to resume his practice here, next March.

-H.J. Huskamp, of Independence township, was transacting business in Emmetsburg Monday. He brought with him three of the largest ears of corn that we have seen this year, each having nearly one thousand grains. They are on exhibition at the First National bank. Corn must be considerable better in Independence than it is in this locality, as we have seen no such ears hereabouts.

-C.C. Mueller will ride, hereafter. He held the lucky number that drew Charley Moore's bicycle, which was raffled off Saturday night.

-Michael Mahan's little month-old babe died last Saturday and was interred Monday. The little one did not remain long in this world before it was called home.

-C.B. Jacobs new house, in the western part of the city, is all enclosed. It makes quite an improvement to that part of the city. The second ward has had more new dwellings erected this year than any of the other three.

-C.S. Wells of Osgood sent word to W.G. Henry, Tuesday, to set up the cigars, as a ten pound boy has arrived at his home, Monday morning. This is his second son and he believes in making the boys happy with him.

-We are glad to learn that L. Gusland's little child who has been very sick for some time from the mumps and teething is now recovering. It was thought at one time that the disease would leave it deaf, but happily this has been averted.

-Ed. Peterson, who resides three miles west of Emmetsburg, was in attendance at the State fair, last week. While there he purchased a thoroughbred Poland China stock hog. It is a very fine individual and will add much to Mr. Peterson's already fine breed of hogs.

-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Illingworth were made happy last Friday by the arrival at their home of a brand new girl. The little Miss is doing nicely and rules a perfect monarch in her individual right. The REPORTER congratulates Mr. and Mrs. Illingworth on the acquisition to their family.

-Rev. Sanderson came down from Spirit Lake Monday and joined Mrs. Sanderson, who had preceded him. They took dinner, Monday evening, with Mr. and Mrs. George J. Consigny, it being the anniversary of the marriage of both couples. Such memories are pleasant to celebrate.

-The mumps still keep Mr. Bragg in bed.

-Kluss & Holman sold a very nice bedroom to Mr. Jackson Stafford, of Mallard, Monday.

Palo Alto Reporter
Palo Alto County, Iowa
Friday, Sep. 28, 1894

Great Loss of Life in the Devastated Area.
Probably a Hundred Were Killed and Twice that Number were Maimed.

     Mason City, Sept. 24-The cyclones which passed through Palo Alto, Kossuth, Hancock, Winnebago, Cerro Gordo, Werth, and Mitchell counties, and then into Minnesota last Friday night, caused great loss of life and immense damage to property. Reports have been very slow coming in, owing to the destruction of telegraphic conventions, and as yet details are hard to obtain. From the information at hand, however, it seems that the cyclone gathered its forces south of Emmetsburg, where the buildings on the fair grounds were completely demolished. The residence of Joseph Foley was destroyed and five members of the family injured, a daughter having since died. Robert Stevenson's residence was next destroyed. Mr. Stevenson being killed and the members of his family injured. The house and barn of Alex. Golden were wiped out and four members of the family killed. Near Cylinder two members of the Kelly family were badly injured. Mr. Burke's large family are badly injured, two fatally. At Chas. Lee's their two children were blown away, but were found about midnight, one dead and the other just alive. Carl Barrick was badly hurt and his wife probably fatally injured.
    North of Algona George Boever's new house was destroyed and Mr. Boevers and one child were killed. A mile east Mr. Schneck's breeding farm was struck. Two big barns and the home were flattened completely. No one was dangerously hurt. Jas. Thompson's house and barn were wrecked. A mile north outbuildings, barns, windmills, etc. were destroyed. At ex-Treasury Rice's everything but the house was ruined. Mrs. Peter Peterson's skull was broken so that a piece protruded. M.W. Ferguson's place and that of George Bolman were wiped out and one child of Holman's is dead and the other has a nail in its skull. Mr. Dingman's head was driven into the ground and smashed. Mrs. French may die and her two children are already dead. Mrs. Peterson has both legs and arms broken. Seven persons were killed northeast of Holman's including a man and wife, name unknown, John Sweeper and two children and the infant child of the Clausedens.
     From here on to seven miles north of Britt, nine were killed, two fatally, and about fifteen slightly injured. Near Hayfield, many houses were carried away, several persons killed and a number wounded. At Ellington, Mrs. Johnson was killed, and Mrs. Roberts probably fatally injured. The family of Mr. Pitkin was seriously injured and his house and barn swept away. Several persons are reported killed at Thompson in Winnebago county.
     In the northern part of Cerro Gordo county, Mr. and Mrs. D.T. Haddon were killed and their residence destroyed. The Beaver school was razed. James O'Neil's residence and barn were destroyed and his aged father killed. The property of H.C. Weiser and Chas. Hill was destroyed as was also that of George Haler. D. McKercher's property was wrecked and his 10-year-old son, hired man, his wife, two children, and Miss Maggie Barton were killed. The Stenohart, Rudd, and Bloker residences were destroyed. Ruin is everywhere.
     Passing on, the cyclone swept past Manly Junction, Grafton, and St. Ansgar, everywhere leaving death and destruction in its wake. At the latter place a new suspension bridge was destroyed. In Mitchell county Mrs. P. Lonergan's place was destroyed, Mr. Lonergan killed and her son injured. P.S. Herbert's barn and house were destroyed and two children killed and Mr. Herbert seriously injured. Mr. Donner's place was wrecked and then W. Perry's house and barn were demolished, Mr. Perry being fatally injured and his daughter being killed. In Douglas township James McCann and wife were fatally injured and William Staunton was dangerously hurt. The town of Lowther was completely wiped out, half a dozen persons fatally injured and a number badly hurt. The property loss around Lowther will probably reach $100,000.
     The wind then lifted and then later dropped on Leroy, Minn. Fire and wind destroyed the hotel and three general stores. At Spring Valley, Minn., fifty-three homes were demolished, five persons killed and thirty injured. At Laird the depot and several buildings were destroyed.
     It is feared that the total loss of life will reach seventy-five or eighty, as the territory is badly swept and facts hard to get at.


     Three hundred and fourteen United States patents were issued this week and among them nine for Iowa inventors, one for Nebraska, five for Minnesota, fifteen for Missouri and thirty-two for Illinois.
     A patent has been allowed but not yet issued to David Lennox, of the Lennox Machine Co., Marshalltown, Iowa, for a machine for beveling the edges of boiler iron and other heavy metal plates.
    H. Schneckloth, of Holstein, Iowa, has been allowed a patent for a face and neck covering adapted to be detachably connected with a person's hat and coat to protect from dust, insects, etc., and at the same time allow free respiration.
     Printed copies of the drawings and specifications of any one patent sent to any address for 25 cents. Valuable information for inventors for free.
     Des Moines, Sept. 21, 1894.
     Solicitors of Patents.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa
Friday, Dec. 28, 1894

    Misses Myrtle and Hattie McCune took the Monday morning train for a couple weeks' visit with their sister, in LaCrosse.
    Mrs. Harvey, of Humboldt, came up, Monday, to eat Christmas dinner with her daughter, Mrs. W.W. Barber.

    Last Friday evening about forty-five of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Una White gathered at their home and those present were convinced they were thoroughly surprised. After a bountiful supper Mr. Biglow presented Mr. White with a fur coat and mittens, which the friends gave as a token of rememberance. About one o'clock the company left, all feeling well pleased in spending the evening so pleasantly. Mr. White has sold his farm to Mr. Biglow, and has not decided about remaining in this neighborhood.
    Mrs. King and son of Fayette Co. are visiting with Sumner and Orlando Rogers-the lady's brothers.
    Geo. Larsen, of Ruthven, teacher of No. 6, will have a week's vacation in which to visit his parents and friends.
    The schools taught by John Ketchen and Mr. Lowe closed last Friday. Such short terms, commencing so early, do not give the larger boys and girls much chance to attend school.
    Mr. Multz has taken Greely's advice "Go west, young man." We do not know how long he will continue to drive west.

    Stray farmers are still husking corn.
    Helland & Jensvold are drilling a well for John G. Jensvold.
    Fred Sundermyer spent Sunday at home. He teaches in the northeastern school in the county, and reports the people in that vicinity all waiting patiently for winter.
    John G. Jensvold started for Wisconsin, Thursday. He will be accompanied from Independence by his brother, who has been recovering from a severe attack of brain fever.
    Martin Hansen recently traded a team of horses for a span of mules. He has tried his mules everywhere and is well pleased with the trade.

Notice of the Appointment of Executor.
State of Iowa, Palo Alto County, ss.
    Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as executor of the estate of Caroline F. Labar, late of Palo Alto county, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment of the undersigned and those having claims against said estate will file them with the clerk of the district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated for allowance.
    Executor of said estate.

State of Iowa, Palo Alto County, ss.:
Issued November 1, A.D., 1894
In district court.
To all whom theses presents shall come greeting:
    Know ye that W.J. Bowden has been appointed by the district court of said county administrator of the goods, chattels and estate of Alice E. Bowden, last of Palo Alto county, deceased, with full power and authority to take possession of the same in whose hands soever they may be found, and in general to do all other acts in the premises and fully to discharge every duty required of him as administrator aforesaid, as the law shall or may direct.
    Witness my hand and the seat of the court aforesaid, this 1st day of November, A.D., 1904.
    C E CLARK, Clerk of said court.

Original Notice.
    To P.J. Ringler, Henry Gerbracht and Jacob Harti:
    You and each of you are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the clerk of the district court of the state of Iowa within and for Palo Alto county, the petition of J.L. Martin, claiming of the defendants of P.J. Ringler and Henry Gerbracht the sum of seventy-five dollars, with interest, costs and attorney's fees, for lumber and building material purchased by defendants from plaintiff for the construction of a frame barn on lot four, block four of the town of South Mallard, Palo Alto county, Iowa, and asking that plaintiff's mechanic's lien be established against you and each of you and the building for which said material was furnished be ordered sold with the privilege to the purchaser to remove said property from the lot within a reasonable time.
    And that unless you appear thereto and defend on or before noon of the second day of the regular February term, 1895, to be begun and holden on the 11th day of February, 1895, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.

Sheriff's Sale.
    Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a special execution directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Palo Alto county, Iowa, on a judgment obtained in said court on the 13th day of November A.D. 1894, in favor of Geo. F. Wells as plaintiff and against Aaron Roman as defendant, for the sum of ninety-nine and 11 100th ($99 11) dollars debt, and costs taxed at twenty and 30 100th dollars and accruing costs, I have levied upon the following property as the property of said defendant, to wit:
    Four heifer calves, three bull calves, two hundred and fifty nine bushels of oats, about eight hundred bushels of corn, one stack of straw, one hay rack, and about forty-five acres of corn stalks.
    And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, in hand, on the 17th day of December, A.D., 1894, at the farm of Aaron Roman on section 19, Fairfield township, Palo Alto county, Iowa, between the hours of 9 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m. of said day, sale to commence at the hour of one o'clock p.m. of said day, or sufficient thereof to satisfy said debt with interest and costs.
    Dated, Emmetsburg, Iowa, Nov. 20, 1894.
    J.W. HANSON,
Sheriff of Palo Alto County, Iowa.

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