Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
January 1885

Wednesday, January 21, 1885

County Officers

Chas. Gibbs (Char.)
J.B. Anderson
G. Gibbs
A. Ruthven
Thos. Egan, Supervisors

W.H.H. Booth, Auditor
Robert Shea, Treasurer
J.E. King, Clerk
Thomas Walsh, Recorder
P.V. Nolan, Sheriff
Jno. McNally, Deputy
E.W. Bachman, Supt. of Schools
LeRoy Grout, Surveyor
Dr. J.L. Walker, Coroner

City Officers 
P. Joyce, Mayor
M.L. Brown
Robt. Shea
Thos. Tobin
J.J. Robins
Geo. B. Carr
D. Rutledge, Trustees
B.E. Kelly, Recorder
W.J. Tyson, Assessor
Jno. McNally, Marshal
Jas. Sammin, Street Commissioner

Iowa News Items

- Geo. Sellers sold George Pull of Cherokee fifteen 3-year-old steers that averaged 1,548 pounds each.
- Stephen K. Mahon, of the Regular Army, on the retired list and during the rebellion, Adjutant of the Thirty-sixth Iowa, died at Ottumwa Jan. 11th, after a lingering illness.
- A fire at midnight, Jan. 22th, at Cedar Rapids, early ruined J.L. Spellman’s stock of cigars and tobacco in his factory, valued at $6,500, insured $5,000. The building is slightly damaged. Origin unknown.
- Patrick O’Malloy, who was accidentally shot by a friend on Christmas day, at Dubuque, died Jan. 11th, Up to a few hours before his death he was getting along all right, and if his system had been in proper condition he would have survived his injuries.
- The case against J.W. Jackley, at Coon Raids, in reference to the seizure of liquors found in his possession some time since, was called Jan. 10th, but the defense, failing to make its appearance, the case went by default and the whisky and beer was destroyed.
- A fire at Fontanelle Jan. 10th burned the new agricultural implement house of Wm Morley, with all its contents, and his fine driving team. His loss is from five to eight thousand dollars. Mr. Burt’s coal house near by , with three or four car loads of coal, also burned.
- At Keokuk, Jan. 11th, James Stack, aged 16, was killed by jumping on and off a North Road train in the lower part of the city. The yardmaster had driven him from the train several times before the accident occurred, but young Stack kept on. Death was instantaneous.
- Jack Reynolds at Marshalltown was sentenced Jan. 9th to 20 years in the penitentiary on three indictments- for the assault on Sheriff McCord, ten years; for the burglary, six years, for the larceny of goods, four years. Mary Blank, the Amazon saloonkeeper, and the heroine of last summer’s riot, received the full extent of the law one hundred dollars and costs on each count of the indictment.
- The annual meeting of the veterans of the Mexican War was held in Des Moines, Jan. 8th. About fifty were in attendance. During the session the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President- F. Olmestead; Vice-President- Col. W.T. Shaw; Recording Secretary – M.B. Priestly; Corresponding Secretary- Peter Ankeny; Treasurer- Capt. L.W. Griffith: Marshal- James Rhyne.
- Early on the morning of Jan. 2nd the startling news was circulated on the streets of Marcus that Miss Annie Dempsy had committed. Investigation proved the report only too true. The inquest showed that the deceased had come to her death by a dose of strychnine administered by her own hands. A letter written to her brother tells the sad story of desertion by a faithless lover, and proves that the rash act had been deliberately premeditated.
- Senator Enoch W. Eastman died at his home in Eldora on the morning of Jan. 9. He was of New England birth and an early settler in Iowa, first settling in Mahaska county. In 1858, or near that time, he removed to Eldora and became the leader of the bar in that part of the state. In 1863 he was nominated for lieutenant-Governor by the Republicans, on the ticket with Gov. Stone. In 1883 he was elected to the state senate, and dies in the middle of his term. It will be remembered that he took very radical position on the question of temperance at the last session. He was a strong man intellectually, trenchant his profession and able in speech making. His life had in it much of usefulness and his death removes from the list our public men one of its strongest names.

Local Happenings

- Wm. Morris of Boone County, this state has been visiting with his cousins, Martin and Jas. Brennan of Great Oak township.
- Gargling the throat with alcohol is said to be a preventive of diphtheria. It’s funny to notice how many men are guarding against the disease just now. Prohibitionists are said to be looking into the matter.
- Wm. W. O’Brien of Chicago, the noted Criminal lawyer, died at his residence in that city on January 13th, 1885. Mr. O’Brien was of Irish descent and as a Criminal Lawyer had few equals in America.
- Don’t forget the auction sale of John Dooley at Hammond’s bar in this city next Saturday the 24th. He offers for sale: Two span of three-year old cattle, one span of yearling colts, one half breed Percheron stallion, one horse eight years old and fifteen head of steers.
- Since our last issue Messrs. W.A. Weaver and W.H. Robins have taken possession of their new quarter in the old bank building recently vacated by Mr. Brown. Both these gentlemen are now fixed up neat in their respective businesses and we wish them both success.
- Thos. F. Egan, the fair and square dealing merchant on Broadway, has another new advertisement this week that will pay you to read. Mr. Egan has turned over a new lease with the New Year and proposes to let his patrons know with printer’s ink, what new attractions he has to offer. A man that makes such a resolve on the New Year will flourish, come what may.
- Mr. Dimler has been appointed agent for this county for the sale of the white bronze monument manufactured at Des Moines and which has gained such notoriety of late years as a material to substitute for the time honored marble tomb stone and monuments. His new advertisement in another place will speak more fully about it.
- H.C. Ballard of West Bend was presented a few days ago by a photograph of president-elect Cleveland which he values highly as the donor has been Mr. Cleveland himself. It seems that after election a picture of Mr. Cleveland hung in the window of Mr. Ballard’s harness shop and a republican coming into the shop cut the picture in pieces with a whip during a conversation on political matters. Mr. Ballard gathered up the pieces and forwarded them to Mr. Cleveland relating to him the incident. A few days ago Mr. Ballard received the ex-Gov’s photo was above related and West Bend feels highly honored to think the new president had has remembered them.
- Mike McDonnell, formerly of Emmetsburg and now of Dakota, is visiting his brother T. McDonnell, of this city.
- Nick Koch now has charge of the saloon which was recently under the management of Terry Foy and Matt Lannen.
- Chas. H. Johnson and wife, whose marriage on the 12th at Ackley, we made mention of last week, arrived in town last Thursday evening and will remain in the future here where Mr. Johnson’s business has places him. This young couple is respected by all and to dwell on the promise of either to any extent is useless. The bride Miss Corra B. Mills has long been a popular young teacher in the high school of this place and during her stay here has made many friends. She is a lady of fine quality and highly accomplished. Mr. Johnson is the junior member of the firm of W.W. Johnson, lumber, coal and grain dealers of Algona and this place. The business of the firm at this place is conducted by and in such a manner that shows him to be a shrewd and careful business man. His friends here are all who have ever known him. We wish the young couple much joy and a pleasant voyage over the matrimonial sea of life upon which they have just embarked.


To Mr. and Mrs. Don Treat Emmetsburg Jan. 13th, a daughter.
To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schriner of Fern Valley twp. Jan. 16th, a son. 
To Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Utter of Emmetsburg Jan. 18th, a daughter.


January 19th, 1885, Luman Houck and Sarah E. Drew, all of this county.

In Emmetsburg, Iowa, on Jan. 19th, 1885, by Rev. J.J. Smith assisted by Rev. M.E. Norton of Spirit Lake, Mr. John Donovan Jr. and Miss Mary Agnes Howard, both of this county.
     Mr. Donovan as our readers well know, has been reared among us, and is one of Palo “Alto’s finest young men. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Donovan of Emmetsburg and a young man of steady habits, good business qualification and industrious. He has been engaged in business in our town for some length of time and is now proprietor of the Temperance Billiard Hall.
     Miss Howard is a cousin of Mrs John Dooley who resides south of Emmetsburg and has been a resident of this county for a number of years having successfully taught several terms of school here. She is a young lady of refinement and culture and well educated. Mr. Donovan should be congratulated on receiving such a lady for a wife and Miss Hoard in return should feel thankful upon receiving such a gentleman for a husband. The Democrat wishes the young couple long, happy and prosperous life.

In Emmetsburg, Ia., Monday Jan. 19th, 1885, by Rev. J.J. Smith, Mr. John Hester, of Butler Co, Iowa to Miss Mary Agnes Mahan of Palo Alto county.
     Thus another of Palo Alto’s fairest and best daughters drops the careless freedom of maiden hood to assume the more sober and honorable robes of wife and matron. 
     Mr. Hester is a young man of good address, intelligence, and steady habits, who has by economy secured a good property in his own county and now, like Isaac of old seeks his Rebecca in a distant land.
Such a marriage as this seems fitting and proper, two young people nearly the same age, and of both the same faith both reared to habits of honesty and useful industry, unite their destinies for better or worse and with strong arms, willing hands, loving hearts, honest purpose , commence the battle of life together.
     Miss Mahan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Mahan, of Walnut township and they rank among the earliest pioneers of Palo Alto county. They came here when the savage red man roamed these prairies, here they erected their rue log cabin on the river banks, which has since grown to a beautiful home, here they raised their children and tauhgt them on the creed of filial love, hospitality and christianity. How they tilled the mellow soil and reared their flocks and herds and here the weary settler never failed to find a supper and a bed, without money or price. From such a home goes the young wife, taken with the blessings of all who know her, to a distant county, there to teach over again to others the lessons of honesty, industry and hospitality so well learned by her by loving parents to the old homestead on the banks of the river Des Moines.

- The Catholic fair which commenced here last Monday, promises to be the best of the kind ever held here before. The display of articles is very pretty and the gathering each evening have been quite large. The need of a fair or omething of that sort is apparent. As is well known, the Catholic church began here this summer is a large one, and, which to complete will require a great amount of money yet. Father Smith has labored hard since the commencement of its erection to have the building pushed forward quick as possible, and in such manner that its cost may draw easy on the parishioners pocket book, and from the way he has handled the building of the church so far, we would think he should be complimented by all for his for his generalship in financeering. It is for this institution that he now proposes to have this fair and that it will e a success there is no doubt. Protestants and catholics, are benefited alike financially in a building of this kind, for no matter what creed or church you belong to, the more public buildings that go up in our town, the better it is for your town. The fair now in progress will last a week and the attractions each night will be different, as you cannot afford to miss one evening. Among the several prizes to be drawn is a road cart or two wheeled buggy made by R.B. Skinner of this city. A bed room set donated by E. Dimler, a buffalo overcoat donated by P. Joyce, a cow donated by James Lynch of Highland Twp, three heifers donated one each by John Pendergast, John Nolan and William Jackman. A sewing machine donated by J.T. Loaghlin, H.C. Shadbolt has donated a beautiful field glass, Robert Carney has given a pair of peacocks, Miss Kelly a stand, Mrs. John McNally a hanging lamp, two rustic chairs, one each by Mrs. T. McLoughlin and Mrs. W. Murphy. William E. Barnhart a pump, Beckman & Schroeder have given a fanning mill, P.C. Hart a cultivator, D. Donovan a stirring plow. A. Taub a trunk, and there are many more useful articles, the donors names of which we did not learn and if we did, want of space forbids publishing the list. Dinner and supper is served each day and to enliven the time the band will discourse its sweetest strains of music each evening. If you want to spend a few pleasant hours in sociability with your neighbor, you should attend the fair. 

Wednesday, January 28th, 1885

Local Happenings.
- John Donovan has purchased the property in the south part of town formerly owned by Dan Coonan. This will make Mr. Donovan and his young bride a pretty home and that they may live long to enjoy it, is all the harm we wish them.
- P. Loughlin, Mr. Tobin’s efficient clerk, met with a rather severe accident a few days since. It appears that there is a large beam running the full length of the store, over head in the cellar, and this extends down about ten inches lower than the joist, requiring a person to stoop a trifle in passing under it. Mr. Loughlin being busily engaged in the cellar during the noon hour and not thinking of the beam, ran against it, striking his head with such force as to nearly knocked him down. His head is quite severely swollen, but under the skillful treatment of Dr. H.A. Powers, he is improving.
- Born-to Mr. and Mrs. Westrum Jan. 27th, a daughter.
- Thomas J. Duffy reports an extremely large trade at the City Meat Market.
- E.D. Morris of Vernon township left with us last Friday therewith to pay for the DEMOCRAT for another year. Mr. Morris is one of those good old democrats that does you good to have a chat with.
- The new advertisement of Peter Metz, proprietor of the Star Barber Shop will be found in another column. Mr. Metz is a courteous gentleman and those patronizing him, will always find a good workman who will always endeavor to please his patrons. When in need of his services don’t forget the Star Barber Shop.
- It is with pleasure we note the good prosperity the St. James Hotel is having. Since Mr. Van Gorden has taken charge of that house it has become not only the popular resort for commercial men, but is meeting with an abundance of home transient custom. We doubt very much if there is any house in Northwestern Iowa for the weary and heavy laden, to find comfort and rest better than at the St. James.
- Thos. J. Duffy proprietor of the City Meat Market has probably the largest trade of any butcher in northwestern Iowa. The reason is that he keeps constantly on hand the finest kinds of beefsteaks, mutton, pork, veal, lamb, corn beef, salt pork, sausage, head cheese, sugar cured hams, bacon, fish, oysters and poultry of all kinds. WE would like to call our reader’s attention to the fact that Mr. Duffy makes the finest head cheese we ever tasted. All those who are fond of this kind of meat should go to the City Meat Market. In slaughtering beeves and hogs he only uses those which are in the very best of order, and not those that are diseased or have been diseased, as some do, simply because they can be bought a trifle cheaper. Farmers should remember that Mr. Duffy pays the highest prices for choice cattle, hogs and poultry of all kinds.
- E.C. Rowse, proprietor of the Waverly Hotel returned last Friday from a visitwith friends and relatives at Dubuque, Iowa.

     The Catholic Fair which opened at this place on Jan. 19th closed on last Monday eve. The receipts derived there from amounted to something over $1,700 and the net proceeds will amount to $1,500 or more. Considering the scarcity of money and the very cold and disagreeable weather, the fair was a grand success, and every one seems well satisfied therewith. The following shows the list of articles donated by various parties as well as those drawing the same:
     Hickory nuts, donated by Willie Joyce, drawn by Mrs. Patton No. 55, Josie Egan’s glass dishes drawn by Mrs. Martin, Ryan No. 24. Diamond Mirror,drawn by C.T. Nolan, No. 25. Mrs. T.B. Waslsh’s autograph album drawn by P.V. Nolan No. 25. Maggie Walsh’s plush picture frame drawn by P.V. Nolan No. 15. Bridget Nolan’s fancy rug drawn by Bridget A. Nolan No. 39. Nellie Daniel’s cushion drawn by Mrs. James Nolan No. 2. Alice McEvoy’s patch quilt drawn byJames J McEvoy No. 18. Two birds and a cage drawn by M.T. McNally No. 15. Mrs. Conway’s two pair of socks drawn by T.W. Bradley No 111, Theresa Dorris’s sofa pillows drawn by Dan Kelly No 62. Nellie Gibb’s doll drawn by Nellie Kerwick No 14. Mrs. Fitzgerald’s perfumery case drawn by Ellen Maloy No. 31. Annie Fitzgerald’s card church drawn by John Bigley No. 8. W.K. Mulroney’s pig drawn by Colie Van Gorden No. 99. Maggie Maloy’s photograph-album drawn by Austin Hoben No. 9. M Doran’s Mirror on Mr. Joyce’s table drawn by Thos. Brady No. 12. Katie V. Rutledge’s scarf drawn by John H. Robbins No. 48. Zephyr Jacket drawn by Mrs. Rutledge No. 58. Nellie Murphy’s stockings drawn by Mrs. T. McDonnell No. 83. Bridget Hand’s quilt drawn by E.F. Kelly No. 22. Wm Mose’s slippers drawn by Gertie Dunnigan No. 21. Mrs. Fitzgerald’s dressing case drawn by Jno A Nelson No. 43. One babies embroidered skirt drawn by Mrs. J.L. Martin drawn by Mrs. P. Joyce No. 13. T.F. Joyce’s lap robe drawn by J.J. Egan No. 68. Cup and saucer by Mrs. W.H Kelly drawn by Mike Maloy.No. 16. Cecilia Brennan’s jewel case drawn by Lot Laughlin No. 74. Mrs. Patton’s museum of antiquity drawn by Willie Joyce No. 86. Mrs. J. P. Crowley’s Colored set of pillow shams drawn by Jno Bigley No. 38. Mr. Moffett’s plush album drawn by Billy Jackman No 19. Mrs. Patton’s tidy drawn by J P Mahan No. 74. Mrs. Lizzie Ryan’s red mittens drawn by P.J. Lowry No. 19. Wall pocket by Miss Theresa Jones drawn by Jno Bigley No. 16. Floor mat by Mrs. A. Finn of Walnut drawn by Edna M Tupper No. 8. Seal skin cap drawn by Mrs. Patton No. 23. Blue mittens drawn by Terry Foy No. 10. Mrs. Darrah’s white satin cushion drawn by J.S. McCann No. 40. Lady’s slippers Celia Kelly No. 20. Candle sticks and nts by M Lannon N. 3. Lena Darrah’s mother hubbard doll drawn by Emma DeShields No. 7. Table lamp by Mary Mahan drawn by R.C. Shadbolt No. 22. Bright and Happy Home drawn by Maggie Maloy No. 33. Scarf by Ellen Mahan drawn by T.F. Egan No. 73. Rocking Chair by Mrs. McLoughlin drawn by C or P Wells No. 29. Picture by Mrs. Ryan drawn by Joe Steil No. 31. Pillow Shams by Maggie Mallay drawn by Bridget Mallay No. 57. Pair Vases by J F Neary drawn by James McNamer No. 32. Pair Peacocks donated by Robert Carney drawn by Thos. C. Egan No. 50. Pair Vases by Mary Kelly drawn by W.J. Rowan No. 45. Set knives and Forks by Misses White and Flannagen drawn by S. Schirmer No. 85. Silver Teapot and Tea Set drawn by J.P. Crowley No. 5. White Family drawn by T.F. Joyce No. 30. Wax Cross by Kattie Cullen drawn by J.J. Robins No. 48. Pair Silver Plates drawn by J.P. Crowley No. 20. Violin by E.F. Jones drawn by P.C. Bart No. 14. Field glasses by H.C. Shadbolt drawn by Mary Mahan No. 6. Ladies Side Saddle by John Paulson drawn by Donald Kelly No. 87. Fanning Mill drawn by Robert Shea No. 29. Cow donated by John Pender drawn by Mrs. Pender No. 23. Pump by W.E. Barnha drawn by P J Lowry No. 18. Vases by Mr. Shortall drawn by Etta Daniels No. 90. Plow by P C Hart drawn by Lot Loughlin . History of Ireland by E P McEvoy drawn by Rev Norton. Barrel of flour by George M. Taman drawn by Mrs. Kate Loughlin No. 26. India shawl drawn by Anna Flannigan No. 83. Cultivator by Dan Donovan drawn by Dan Sherlock No. 18. Box writing paper H.C. Shadbolt No. 7. Cleveland Knife by D. DeShields drawn by Thos Walsh No. ? Red plush album drawn by P.J. Lowery No. 14. Doll drawn by Mrs. Martin Ryan. Hanging lamp drawn by Mrs. Donlon. Patina eggs drawn by John Bigley No. 29. Large panorama egg drawn by Miss Moffett No. 29. Hungarian lamp drawn by James O’Neil No. 69. Silver water pitcher by M F Kerwick drawn by Thos. F Egan No. 19. Toil set by Miss Owens drawn by Mrs. Pender No. 5. Candy slippers drawn by Rev J J Smith No. 13. Bed room set by E Dimler drawn by Mrs. Jas. Gallagher No. 36. Large cake by Mrs. John Brennan drawn by Ella Daniels No. 43. Gents muffler by A. Tana drawn by Will Healy. Fur cord by P. Joyce drawn by Ed Gallagher No. 28. Pair vases drawn by James Millea No. 8. Road cart by Rev. J.J. Smith drawn by P.C. Hart No. 189. Porcelain standing lamp by Mrs. Robert Shea drawn by W.K. Mulroney No. 24. Heifer by John Nolan drawn by J.P. Nolan No. 29. Russian circular by Thos Egan drawn by A. Laurens No. 18. Set silver knives and forks by Mrs. J.T. Loughlin drawn by John Loughlin. Cow by Billy Jackman drawn by Mrs. Kirby No. 28. Rocking chair J.T. McEvoy No. 22. Two toilet sets drawn by Katie Murphy No. 13. Barn-yard set of tools by J. Donovan drawn by James Foy No. 29. Silver cake basket by C. A. Smith drawn by Father Norton. Trunk by A. Taub drawn by Jas Cavanagh No. 148. Tidy by M.S. Grew drawn by J. Brennan No. 34. Marble top table by Mr. Duffy drawn by Katie Donovan No. 72. Cow by Jas Lynch drawn by Wm Nicholson No. 21. Comforter drawn by D. Rutledge No. 24. Ladies hat by Miss Cauley drawn by P. Hannifan No. 1. Clothes ringer by Shay and Jamison drawn by Ella Bigley No. 18. Silver caster drawn by Mrs. John Hester No.1. Set of silver vases by E.T. Kelly drawn by Nick Koch No. 43. The set of furs for the most popular lady were voted to Bridget Hand.

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