Palo Alto County Directory

Roster of Iowa National Guard

Third Battalion
Major Norman P. Hyatt, Commanding
First Lieutenant Ralph J Laird, Adjutant
Second Lieutenant Wm. P. Rohrbach, Batn. Qr. M. Csy. Off.
Company "K" Emmetsburg
Name,   Rank,   Date,  Rank of Com.
James E Williams,  Captain,  Rank: March 9, 1903, Com.:March 9, 1908
Jesse L Van Gordon,  First Lieutenant, March 9, 1908
Thomas F Rutledge,Second Lieutenant, Rank: Dec. 24, 1900,  Com.:Dec. 26, 1905

Roster of the National Guard Co. K, 54th Infantry, Emmetsburg.
Capt. James E. Williams, Mar 9, 1908
First Lieut. Jesse Leland Van Gorden, Mar 9, 1908
Second Lieut. Wm. J. Dunigan, May 30, 1910

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