Melrose Area Service Members
The following is a list of names of men and women from the Melrose area who had served, or were serving, in the Armed Forces. The list was found in a school paper called The Melrosian, Volumn I - No. V, published in February, 1945.
Barry, William
Bates, Bill
Booth, Bob
Callahan, Ed
Carbin, George
Carbin, Mike
Carmody, James
Carmody, Matt
Carr, Bernard
Carr, Gene
Carr, James E.
Carr, James P.
Carr, William
Casebolt, Carl
Casebolt, Truman
Ciska, Jack
Ciska, William
Cleary, Joe
Coady, Bill
Coady, Ray
Coady, Richard
Coleman, James
Coleman, Joe
Conway, John
Coughlin, Bernard
Coughlin, Martha
Cozad, Dale
Cozad, Irvin
Cozad, Leroy
Cronin, Bob
Cronin, Charles
Cronin, John
Cronin, Leo
Curran, Alfred
Currie, Kenneth
Davis, Rex
Day, Lerov
Dinneen, Dee
Dinneen, Mary
Dinneen, Paul
Diotte, James J.
Elkin, Virgil
Fitzgerald, Bernard
Fitzgerald, Vincent
Ford, Jack
Foutch, Everett
Griffin, Louis
Grimes, Clifford
Grimes, Dale
Grimes, George
Grimes, Ray
Hannam, Henry
Hannam, Jack
Howie, Joe
Irwin, Dorman
Jones, Charles
Jones, John
Judge, Frank
Kasper, George
Kearney, Gerald
Kearney, William
Kenworthy, Cleo
Kenworthy, Dick
Kenworthy, James
Kenworthy, John
Knowles, Don
Lahart, Joe
Luttrell, John
Malone, Richard
Maney, Walter
Martin, E. C.
McDonald, Chas.
McDonald, Ed
McDonough, D.
McGee, James
McGee, James E.
McGee, John
McGee, Pierce
McGee, Walter
McGinn, James
McGuan, Hugh
Montgomery, Andy
Moran, John
Moran, Tom
Murphy, Joe
Myers, Ed
Nalevanko, Charles
Nalevanko, Cyril
Nalevanko, George
Nalevanko, Harry
Nalevanko, Irvin
Navin, Ray
Nicoletto, John
O'Brien, Ed
O'Brien, Francis
O'Brien, Michael
O'Connor, Jimmie
O'Connor, John
O'Connor, Walter
O'Neill, Connie
Parenza, John
Parks, Carlin
Parks, Mary K.
Parks, Ray
Parks, Robert F.
Parks, Robert J.
Pavlik, George
Riordan, Carbin
Ryan, Dan
Ryan, Harry G.
Ryan, James
Ryan, Mike
Schakel, Lois
Scieszinski, B. J.
Scieszinski, Ed
Sheedy, Gene
Sheedy, Leo
Shehan, Bill
Shrader, James
Sickle, George
Sickle, John
Sinclair, Archie
Sinnott, Joe
Wales, Bill
Walsh, Ed
Walsh, Matt
Ward, Don
Ward, J. J.
Ward, Loraine
Ward, Richard
Weller, Paul
Welsh, William
Wignall, James
Wolf, Eugene
Source: "But of Course They Were Irish", Evelyn Sinclair Tierney, page 108.