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Cox Alberta Bessie (Clark) Alberta Bessie (Clark) Cox (2002)
Cox Alfred Alfred Cox (1938)
Cox Amanda A. (Farris) Amanda A. (Farris) Cox (1929)
Cox Anna (Cole) Anna (Cole) Cox (1984)
Cox Barbara Elizabethann (Mills) Barbara Elizabethann (Mills) Cox (1929)
Cox Bernice Ina (Delaplain) Bernice Ina (Delaplain) Cox (1980)
Cox Bertha E. (Travis) Bertha E. (Travis) Cox (1947) 
Cox Bessie (White) Bessie (White) Cox (1946)
Cox Bessie M. (Satterfield) Bessie M. (Satterfield) Cox (1980)
Cox Beulah (Cox) Nelson Beulah (Cox) Cox Nelson (1966)
Cox Beulah M. (Light) Howard Beulah M. (Light) Cox Howard (1985)
Cox Boyd V. Boyd V. Cox (1968)
Cox Burton Dale, Dr. Dr. Burton Dale Cox (2013)
Cox Casper Casper Cox (1949)
Cox Casper Alverdo Alverdo Cox (1942)
Cox Charles Albert Charles Albert Cox (1935)
Cox Charles Hugh Charles Hugh Cox (1920)
Cox Charley L. Charley L. Cox (1952)
Cox Craig Eugene Craig Eugene Cox (2021)
Cox Cynthia Ann (Forster) Cynthia Ann (Forster) Cox (1897)
Cox Darlene (Stoneburner) Greer Darlene (Stoneburner) Greer-Cox (2007)
Cox Della (Bellows) Della (Bellows) Cox (1929)
Cox Donald J. Donald J. Cox (1966)
Cox Dosha Addie (Mills) Dosha Addie (Mills) Cox (1953)
Cox Ed Ed Cox (1906)
Cox Eli Eli Cox (1885)
Cox Eliza Lenora (Etter) Eliza Lenora (Etter) Cox (1927)
Cox Emily Emily Cox (1880)
Cox Emma (Harrell) Emma (Harrell) Cox (1945)
Cox Ernest Edmond Ernest Edmond Cox (1975)
Cox Esther Elizabeth (Agee) Thomas Esther Elizabeth (Agee) Cox Thomas (2018)
Cox Ethel Jane Ethel Jane Cox (1930)
Cox Everett Ira Everett Ira Cox (1953)
Cox Francis Marion Francis Marion Cox (1936)
Cox Gary Allen Gary Allen Cox (2024)
Cox George George Cox (1917)
Cox George W. George W. Cox (1927)
Cox George W. George W. Cox (2001)
Cox Gladys (Palmer) Gladys (Palmer) Cox (1945)
Cox Hannah C. (Blohm) Hannah C. (Blohm) Cox (1988)
Cox Harry M. Harry M. Cox (2010)
Cox Hazel A. (Barr) Hazel A. (Barr) Cox (1957)
Cox Hazel Fern ( Pinckney) Lawless Hazel Fern (Pinckney) Lawless Cox (1988)
Cox Henry Henry Cox (1916)
Cox Herman Herman Cox (1945)
Cox Huldah (Wilson) Huldah (Wilson) Cox (1907)
Cox Ina Glee Ina Glee Cox (1931)
Cox Ira Ira Cox (1987)
Cox Iva Rebecca (Oglesbee) Iva Rebecca (Oglesbee) Cox (1953)
Cox James Darrin James Darrin Cox (2020)
Cox James Edwin James Edwin Cox (1951)
Cox James H. James H. Cox (1931)
Cox James Leroy "Roy" James Leroy "Roy" Cox (1951)
Cox James Marion James Marion Cox (1931)
Cox James Ratliff James Ratliff Cox (1927)
Cox Joan E. (Janes) Joan E. (Janes) Cox (2018)
Cox John John Cox (1924)
Cox John A. John A. Cox (1929)
Cox John A. John A. Cox (1973)
Cox John B. John B. Cox (1912)
Cox Jonathan Jonathan Cox (1900)
Cox Lawrence “Bus” Lawrence “Bus” Cox (1975)
Cox Lee Lee Cox (2007)
Cox Marguerite E. (Beem) Marguerite E. (Beem) Cox (1899)
Cox Martin A. Martin A. Cox (1932)
Cox Mary (Mills) Mary (Mills) Cox (1909)
Cox Mary A. (Mannon) Mary (Mannon) Cox (1911)
Cox Mary Catherine (Seams) Mary Catherine (Seams) Cox (1920)
Cox Melvin “Gene" Melvin “Gene" Cox (2018)
Cox Myrtle E. (Nickle) Myrtle E. (Nickle) Cox (1970)
Cox Nancy (McDonald) Nancy (McDonald) Cox (1901)
Cox Nellie O. (Young) Nellie O. (Young) Cox (1941) 
Cox Nora Ellen (Leach) Nora Ellen (Leach) Cox (1948)
Cox Ora A. Ora A. Cox (1934)
Cox Oscar Oscar Cox (1985)
Cox Phillip E. Phillip Cox (1982)
Cox Rebecca Hannah (Mills) Rebecca Hannah (Mills) Cox (1931)
Cox Richard Lee Richard Lee Cox (1972)
Cox Sarah A. (Johnson) Sarah A. (Johnson) Cox (1889)
Cox Sarah Jane (Reed) Sarah Jane (Reed) Cox (1944) 
Cox Sophronia Belle (Thalls) Sophronia Belle (Thalls) Cox (1937)
Cox Susan Blanch (Gifford) Susan Blanch (Gifford) Cox (1988)
Cox Sylvanus Sylvanus Cox (1963)
Cox Theodore Theodore Cox (1891)
Cox Theodore Theodore Cox (1905)
Cox Thomas Thomas Cox (1940)
Cox Vern Vern Cox (1990)
Cox Wallace Wallace Cox (1974)
Cox Wanda J. (Davis) Wanda J. (Davis) Cox (2008)
Cox Willard Willard Cox (1897)
Cox William Riley William Riley Cox (1941)
Coxon Ben Ben Coxon (1977)
Coxon Edna Leona (Ziemann) Edna Leona (Ziemann) Coxon (1995)
Coyle John Henry John Henry Coyle (1967)
Coyne Alice (McCusker) McLaughlin Alice (McCusker) McLaughlin Coyne (1989)
Cozad Earl M. Earl M. Cozad (1975)
Cozad Leroy "Toby" Leroy "Toby" Cozad (1968)
Cozad Nettie J. (Dunmire) Nettie J, (Dunmire) Cozad (1978)
Cozad Wayne Wayne Cozad (2013)
Crabb Donald Joseph Donald Joseph Crabb (2020)
Crabbs Cody David Cody David Crabbs (1990)
Crabbs Dallas E. Dallas E. Crabbs
Crabbs Elsie May (Cook) Elsie May (Cook) Crabbs (1972)
Crabbs Isaleta (Rooker) Isaleta (Rooker) Crabbs (1949)
Crabbs Marie (Welch) Marie (Welch) Crabbs (2014)
Crabbs Roy Roy Crabbs (1977)
Craft Verdie Elizabeth (Thornburg) Verdie Elizabeth (Thornburg) Craft (2003)
Craig Abel C. Abel C. Craig (1924)
Craig Alvira Alvira Craig (1913 )
Craig Anna E. (Kitchell) Anna E. (Kitchell) Craig (1909)
Craig Clara T. (Payne) Clara T. (Payne) Craig (1910)
Craig Dennis Paul Dennis Paul Craig (1945)
Craig George Henry George Henry Craig (1933)
Craig Inez Louise (Smull) Brafford Inez Louise (Smull) Brafford Craig (1974)
Craig Josiah Josiah Craig (1883)
Craig Kathryn Marie (McVay) Kathryn Marie (McVay) Craig (1990)
Craig Mary A. (Wiggins) Lawrence Mary A. (Wiggins) Lawrence Craig (1915)
Craig Mickie Jo Mickie Jo Craig (1951)
Craig Naomi (Boughton) Naomi (Boughton) Craig (1975)
Craig Shirley Kay (McMichael) Shirley Kay (McMichael) Craig (2021)
Craig William Ancil Preston William Ancil Preston Craig (1891)
Crail John B. John B. Crail (1890)
Crail Nancy Nancy Crail (1885)
Crall Dennis Patrick Dennis Patrick Crall (2024)

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