Lt. Corcoran Says Selectees Feel Faith Broken by 18 Month Extension
Is Home on Furlough.
Says Rumors Are False That Clairborne Is Dirty and Food Bad “Most of the selectees at Camp Claiborne feel that congress has broken faith with them by voting to extend the time limit of service 18 months,” said Lt. T.E. Corcoran, home on a week’s furlough. “The national guardsmen, however, knew when they were called tht the emergency may last longer than anticipated and ar prepared to take it.”
Lt. Corcoran is the commanding officer of the Ambulance corps in the medical regiment at Camp Claiborne. Wednesday, he gave the Reporter some slants on army life that may erase some skeptics’ doubts as to the treatment in the modern army of 1941.
“There have been numerous reports sifting back to the home folks that Camp Claiborne is dirty, that the food is rotten and the climate terrible. That is definitely not the case.
“Naturally enough,” said the lieutenant, “the food may not be as good as one is accustomed to at home, but it is first class, clean, well prepared . . . and plenty of it. It’s a soldier’s own fault if he goes hungry.
Lt. T. E. Corcoran
Not Crowded
Lt. Corcoran denied all rumors that the camp is crowded. “only five men sleep in tents which could accommodate eight. The bunks don’t have inner-spring mattresses, but they’re plenty comfortable enough,” he said.The medical regiment in which Corcoran is an officer, is training to serve the entire division in case of war. The duty of the men is to evacuate all casualties and all practicing is done with ambulances.
Sorely needed at the present time is entertainment to keep the boys occupied when off duty. The Red Cross has furnished uniforms and equipment to outfit all regiments in baseball and football togs . . . each regiment has free outdorr shows twice a week and boxing and wrestling platforms have been built in various sports throughout the eight square mile camp.
“But,” Corcoran lamented, “there isn’t enough going on to keep the boys happy all the time. Each soldier is granted 2 1/2 days leave a month. Most of them take their leaves in nearby towns and it is hard for them to find decent lady companions, because of alleged reputations of some.”
The lieutenant said that the USO will be a wonderful service when it starts operating. There are many types of good, clean fun the workers can provide which will be greatly enjoyed by the men.
When Lt. Corcoran returns to the camp, the soldiers will go into maneuvers and war games. His description of them revealed that they will be much the same as regular warfare except no ammunition will be used.
“Umpires are chosen,” he explained, “and they will check the vaious operations during the mock battles. Prisoners can be taken! There will be pursuit planes, dive bombers and observation towers included in the fray and it is considered the best training to be given during a soldier’s stretch.”
“Butch” Drives
“Butch” Larson, another local boy, is Corcoran’s chaugger. He drives the large 4 – wheel drive commandery reconnaissance car for Lieutenant Corcoran.
Lt. Corcoran’s recent bride, the former Florence MacLean also of Rock Rapids, accompanied him home. She will remain in Rock Rapids with relatives and friends until the maneuvers are over.
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