Front row left to right: Patricia MacNamara,
Pauline Decker, Eleanor Hinz, Betty Day, Doris Mann. Second row left
to right: Katherine McCrea, Barbara Russell, Ann Dumont, Kathlene Eilers,
Pauline Wolfe, Dorothy Gassen. Back row right to left: Gloria Dolan,
Polly Steel, Lorna Hinz, Rita Koppenhaver, Alice Benadom, Julia Dumont,
Shirley Sherman.
These lovely young ladies participated in
a beauty pageant held in Jones county before 1941. The photo was taken
by Helms Studio in Montecello and was submitted by
Sherry Dogruyusever whose mother,
Pauline Wolfe, was in the pageant.
The contestants are wearing
banners with the names of the business they represent, including Anamosa
Journal, Western Auto Service, McNamara Shoe Shop and Albert's Cleaners.