Receipts and Expenditures

of Johnson County, Iowa for the Year 1846

To: A & C H Berryhill for stationery 1.20
James L Kester for one wolf scalp 1.00
A Gilliland for two wolf scalps 2.00
James MacIntosh for binding Assessors book 1.25
N H White for services as supervisor 20.00
James L Kester for one large grey wolf scalp 2.00
Richard Burge for two wolf scalps 2.00
John Porter for one wolf scalp 1.00
George Walker for one wolf scalp 1.00
Warren Styles for services as viewer of road 6.00
John Eagan for services as viewer of road 6.00
Cyrus Sanders for services as surveyor of road 7.50
M Cockran for services as chainman of road 2.50
John West for services as teamster of road 3.50
Orrin West for services as mark of road 1.25
A T McElwain for services as mark of road 1.25
David Clark for three wolf scalps 3.00
A Clark for one wolf scalp 1.00
Wm Dupont for one wolf scalp 1.00
Enoch Crank for one wolf scalp 1.00
Robert Bane for twelve wolf scalps 12.00
Jesse Berry for purchase of record book 10.00
C C Rand as viewer on road 1.50
John G Coleman as viewer on road 3.00
John Parrott as viewer on road 3.00
Cyrus Sanders as surveyor on road 5.00
M P McAllaster for serving notices on viewers on road 3.50
F H Lee as county seat agent 15.00
Jacob S Gobin as supervisor 5.00
I N Sanders 3.00
Peter Roberts for making coffins for paupers 20.00
F Habertraw for nursing and taking care of poor 10.00
Lyman Holt for goods furnished for paupers 5.18    
Philip Clark as agent and supporting poor28.00
T Sanxay for goods furnished for paupers3.40
E C Lyon for goods furnished for paupers19.25
T Cahill for digging graves for paupers3.00
M P McAllaster for services as sheriff & c.37.25
John Shoup for services as constable in district court6.50
S B Gardner for stationery and services as clerk30.96
Dr. S. M Ballard for medical services to the poor65.00
Dr. Ezra Bliss for medical services to the poor7.00
Dr. S R Crummey for medical services to the poor16.00
A P Wood for printing tax notice2.00
Thomas Snyder for twenty wolf scalps and services as Treasurer26.90
A H &  G D Palmer for printing tax notice2.00
Warner Spurrier for services as commissioner12.50
Edward Foster for services as commissioner10.00
S B Gardner for services as clerk of court10.85
James Douglas for one wolf scalp1.00
J Winterstein for one wolf scalp1.00
Asa Calkin for making county map17.00
E C Lyon for goods furnished for use of paupers10.12
B P Moore for keeping pauper7.25
Mrs Tuttle for keeping pauper5.14
Elzy Lindsey for keeping pauper19.78
T Sanxay for goods furnished paupers2.82
Lyman Holt for goods furnished paupers5.65
J D Abel for digging grave for paupers3.00
Peter Roberts for making coffin for paupers8.00
Philip Clark as agent of poor12.00
Dr H Murray for medical services to poor12.00
S C Trowbridge for tax wrongfully paid1.50
Mrs. Tuttle for keeping pauper3.86
Frank Reno for washing and shaving paupers2.00
N B Morse for one grey wolf scalp2.00
Fanny Pratt for boarding soldiers of mormon war.75
E C Lyon for stationery1.25
B P Moore for washing for paupers2.00
Cyrus Sanders for surveying road2.50
Warner Spurrier as commissioner7.50
Edward Foster as commissioner5.00
S B Gardner clerk of commissioner5.25
M P McAllaster sheriff3.00
M P McAllaster for furnishing bedding & c. in jail12.00
C C Rand as supervisor3.00
J Buckingham as supervisor2.00
J Chamberlain for three wolf scalps3.00
J H Alt for two wolf scalps2.00
J Stover for one wolf scalp1.00
Orey Hull for two wolf scalps2.00
I Jewett for one wolf scalp1.00
A H Humphrey as supervisor9.00
J Campbell as supervisor5.64
C Lancaster as supervisor7.00
J White as supervisor4.00
A Denison as supervisor3.00
Thomas Snyder for wolf scalp certificates57.00
A Gilliland as supervisor8.50
A H Palmer for blank county orders &c11.00
F Clark for keeping poor and services as agent11.00
James Dennis for dinners and horse feed to mormon soldiers1.38
Wm Dupont as supervisor12.00
F H Lee as county seat agent15.00
Philo Haynes as supervisor8.50
Judges, clerks & c. for April election76.10
H McDowell for services as supervisor6.00
Jesse Berry for freight on record boo1.00
J S Gobin for services a supervisor23.00
S B Gardner for stationery and services as clerk of commissioners & D.C.68.81
Thomas Snyder for percentage as collector55.05
Gilman Folsom for services as prosecuting attorney50.00
A Shaw for one wolf scalp1.00
T Cahill for diggng grave for pauper1.00
Charles Corkery for list of land entries226.17
Wm C Ealy for making coffin for pauper 6.00
M P McAllaster for services as sheriff62.64
Edward Foster for services as commissioner10.00
Warner Spurrier for services as commissioner12.50
F H Lee for services as commissioner10.00
M P McAllaster for services a sheriff30.00
Wm McCormick as county seat agent15.00
Gilman Folsom as prosecuting attorney50.00
J H Epperson for  services in election 1.50
M H Cropper for making coffin for Thomas Smith8.00
S B Gardner for services as clerk and stationary29.27
M P McAllaster for services as sheriff in criminal cases32.50
J D Abel for lumber and hauling4.00
Edward Foster as commissioner2.50
F H Lee as commissioner2.50
Judges, clerks, & o., for August election 86.25
James McIntosh for binding tax book.75
Wm M Stewart for twelve chairs for court house12.00
S B Gardner as clerk of commissioners and district courts, stationery, fuel & c.82.60
Wm Justus for one wolf scalp1.00
J Talbott for one wolf scalp1.00
Gilman Folsom as prosecuting attorney50.00
John Richards for keeping orphan paupers26.00
C H Bock for furnishing goods to paupers2.37
Peter Ewing for keeping paupers6.00
J Flemming for keeping paupers8.00
C Sanders for surveying road7.50
Leonard Jewett as viewer on road3.00
C Lancaster as viewer on road3.00
Edwin Brown chainman on road2.50
C C Brown chainman on road2.50
J G Brown teamster on road3.50
C Sanders surveying on road2.50
Jesse Berry for tax wrongfully paid4.00
R W Webster as constable in district court4.00
George Paul for services as sheriff32.00
George Paul for services as sheriff14.25
George W Hess for candles.50
Wm McCormick as agent for county seat15.00
Thomas Ripcord as viewer on road1.50
Thomas Snyder for wolf scalp certificates8.00
Cyrus Sanders for one wolf scalp1.00
Thomas Snyder for books and stationery1.50
Thomas Snyder for per cent age as collector15.29
T Sanxay for goods furnished paupers8.38
George Paul as sheriff13.50
Warner Spurrier as commissioner12.50
Phillip Clark10.00
F H Lee for fees as justice of the peace in criminal cases16.12
Philip Clark for tax wrongfully paid1.75
Total expenses of 18462341.97
Orders outstanding on the 1st of January 18462215.17
Received for taxes, grocery licenses, & c. during the year ending 31st December 18462300.29
Due on tax duplicate for 18462686.11
Due on delinquent list for 1845, about 394.00
Total receipts and assets$5380.40
F. H. LEE                                Commissioners
Attest, S. B. GARDNER, Clerk
Feb. 3, 1847

Source: Iowa Capitol Reporter, Iowa City, Iowa, Feb 3, 1847, pg. 3

Page Created 29 Jan 2025