Mary's Catholic Church of Oxford, Iowa was organized in 1860. The
Floerchingers, Reynolds, McGillicuddys, Daltons and other families were
its original members. The first church building was a frame, erected in
1862; the second, also a frame was erected in 1878 at a cost of about
$4,000.00. It was dedicated in 1882, by Rt. Rev. McMullen. Some of the
pastors were Rev. W. Emmonds, Rev. F. Welch, Rev. Hardin, Rev. Rice,
Rev. A. T. Maynihan, Rev. Sullivan, Rev. James Davis, rev. Renihan and
Rev. H. F. Finfield, present pastor. Since the first small church was
erected, many members have been added to the congregation.
Through the generous co-operation of the faithful, the several pastors
have been enabled to make many improvements to the church surroundings,
and in the year 1912 a beautiful building was erected which stands
forth as the testimony of the living faith.
Source: Excerpts from the Oxford Leader, Johnson County Historical Edition, Oxford, IA, Oct 14, 1926; pg. 54