Johnson County, Iowa

People of Johnson County

Frank Louvar

Frank Louvar is the owner of 196 acres of well cultivated land in Jefferson township, which has been his home for twenty-five years. His original purchase was 110 acres. He was born in Bohemia in June, 1848, and came with his parents to America at the age of nine years. His father was Francis Louvar and his mother Franey Netolecky, both natives of Bohemia. The parents settled in Jefferson township on a farm, where they resided until death. They had two children besides our subject, namely: John, who died about twenty years ago, and Henry, living on a farm in Linn county.

Our subject has always been a farmer, and today ranks as one of the best agriculturist of his township

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He was married in 1874 to Miss Mary Febeker, who was born in Jefferson township in 1856. Her parents were among the early settlers of Johnson county. Mr. and Mrs. . Louvar have eight children: Jerome (see his sketch elsewhere in this volume); Frank, married and living in Jefferson township; Joseph; George; Mary and Annie, living at home; Libby, now Mrs. Charles Biscup, living on a farm in Jefferson township; Frances, now Mrs. Francis Becicka.

Mr. Louvar is affiliated with the republican party, and has held numerous local offices. He is an enterprising, public spirited man, highly esteemed by his friends and respected by his neighbors.

(Source: Leading Events in Johnson County, IA, Cedar Rapids, Western Historical Press 1912-13; pg. 619)

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