Johnson County, Iowa

People of Johnson County

Henry John Aicher

Henry J. Aicher belongs to the old and honored family of Newport township, Johnson county, where his entire ifehas been spent. He was born on a farm in the township January 14, 1871, son of Cyprian and Elizabeth (Englebert) Aicher, natives of Germany. The father came to America as a young man and was married in this country, settling on a small farm in Newport townnship, to which he was able to add from time to time, until he became one of the successful farmers and large landholders of the region. He is given more extensive mention in connection with the sketch of Frank Aicher, his elder son, which is to be found in these pages. Of the six children, but two sons and a daughter now survive. The family was prominently connected with the early history of Newport township and did its full share in its growth and develoment. The parents retired from active life in their later years and died in Iowa City, the father in 1900 and the mother in 1901.

As a boy, Henry John Aicher attended the schools near his birthplace, and was engaged in helping the parents, upon the home farm, where he has always live. He commenced farming on his own account in March 1893, on the place where his father settled about 1855, and has since continued in this occupation. He is an energetic and enterprising farmer, following modern methods and ideas in his operations, and has added much to the appearance and productiveness of the farm since taking charge of it. 
He, like other members of the family, belongs to St. Wenceslaus Catholic church, at Iowa City, and is active in its various movements. He is a democrat in politics and keenly interested in local events and affairs. He has held various township offices with ability and honor and is looked upon as a substantial citizen. He has a good standing in his neighborhood, where he has many friends.
Having lived in the community always, he is very well known, and in turn has a large number of acquaintances there. He has had the most pleasant dealings with all, being a man of integrity and singleness of purpose.

Mr. Aicher was married April 11, 1893, to Fannie, daughter of Joseph and Josephine (Kriz) Selek, who was born in Bohemia in 1871 and was brought by her parents to Johnson county when she was ten years of age. The family located on a farm in Newport township. The father died in 1911, but the mother survives. They had two daughters, the other being Mary, wife of Ed Dvorsky, of Graham township. Mr. and Mrs. Aicher have two children, Harry Albert and Helen, both attending school and living at home.

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Source: Leading Events in Johnson County, IA, Cedar Rapids, Western Historical Press 1912-13; pgs. 108 - 110)

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