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~ Bremer County~

 Sumner Gazette

 July 31, 1919


Summer Homes are opened to Orphans brought here from East
Was very fine collection of Children
Reception at church was attended by a large crowd

The children from the eastern home finding society were brought to Sumner last Friday and no finer bunch of youngster were ever seen. They were healthy and bright looking and it was a foregone conclusion that homes would be found for many of then if not all.

The children were given a reception at the M. E. church Friday afternoon and the church was packed with those interested in the children. Only one child was placed at that time. However that being 10 months old Marjorie Howell, who went into the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. r. McClure.

The children were all sent into homes for over Sunday and have been placed permanently since that time in homes as follows: Ida Rifenburg, aged 4, goes tp Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Young. Hazel Rifenburg, aged 10, has been placed in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rovert Lease. Ethel Rifenburg, aged u, has been placed in the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Pleggenkubhle. Edith Rifenburg, aged 3, who smiles her way into a hundred hearts, has gone to Mr. and Mrs. John Zbornik. Claude Rifenburg, 7 has not bee placed.

Herbert Rifenburg, aged 12, goes to the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Schulz. Ruth Lashway, aged 10, in unplaced. Virgil Lashway, aged 9, has been taken by Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ludwig. Herbert Lashway, aged 3, is unplaced. Carl Josephson, aged 11, has been taken by Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Meswarb. Viola Josephson, aged y, has found a home with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schmadlach. And there is a Lashway girl, aged 4, who is to come later and who will find her home with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lang.

Miss Comstock, who brought the children from the east is very well pleased over the way Sumner has taken them in. the reception here was very cordial, She say that it is the finest crowd of youngster she has ever brought out, all of them coming from most excellent families, and everybody who saw them will agree. That all will bring sunshine to the homes found for them goes without dispute.

The children who have not been placed will have homes before Miss Comstock leaves. She is at the Hotel Charles and will take applications from those who want to put them in.

The Gazette is glad that Sumner has accepted the little people with so much kindness. There is nothing more pitiful than the homeless youngster and we are glad that there were hearts that were big enough to be touched by the appeal sent out.

Here is the article that I found from the paper, it fills in some blanks. Believe that Virgil Lashway didn't work our at the Ladwig'' at least that was believed to be true by my Aunt who was present at the church and later remembers he moved on, probable to the Carlson family as stated in your
list. Will continue to look for more in Sumner Gazette. Wilma