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COUNTY JUDGES. William Phillips, 1854-55 Robert Rippey, 1856-57 Norman S. Daniels, 1857-60 Geo. S. Walton, 1860-61 Isaac D. Crumley, 1861-62 Robert M. Rippey,1862 Dan Mills, 1862-63 Albert Stone, 1864 Dan Mills, 1864-65 Abijah Anderson, 1866-67 Harvey Potter, 1868-69 Office abolished and duties divided between circuit court and auditor. DRAINAGE COMMISSIONERS. Robert M. Rippey, 1854-56 Allen J. Currence, 1856-59 Mason Linn, 1859-60 R. Van Horn, 1860-63 William C. Oungst, 1864 J. C. Lovejoy, 1865. Office abolished. PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS. Norman S. Daniels, 1855-56 Joseph A. Stickney, 1856-57 O. R. Jones, 1857 Oflice abolished. CLEBKS OF COURTS. Hiram Brock, 1854 Benjamin F. Robinson, 1854-55 Benjamin F. Stokes, 1856 V. S. Babb, 1856-57 George W. Cochran, 1857-60 Willis Wriglft, 1861 John M. Culley, 1861-62 S. G. Crumley, 1863-64 I. D. Howard, 1865-'72 James F. Anderson, 1873-78 Daniel W. Henderson, 1879-84 James A. Henderson, 1885-88 James W. Huntington, 1889-92 Samuel S. Rutter, 1893-96 E. S. Young, 1897-1902 John W. Stevenson, 1903-08 TKEASURERS AND RECORDERS. James H. Phillips, 1855-56 S. G. Crumley, 1856-59 J. M. Cline, 1860-63 James Stanford, 1864 Offices then separated. TREASURERS. James Stanford, 1865-67 G. S. Toliver, 1868-71 Samuel Jay, 1872-"77 A. S. Gilliland, 1878-83 J. W. Fitz, 1884-87 John B. Garland, 1888-91 D. L. Howard, 1892-95 J. W. Fitz, 1896-99 Henry Garland, 1900-03 D. B. McClure, 1904-07 AUDITORS. Marshal B. McDuflie, 1870-"73 George G. Lawrence, 1874-"77 Andrew Watts, 1878-83 Henry W. Kellogg, 1884-87 Lee Davis, 1888-93 Amos Johnson, 1894-97 J. J. Linn, 1898-1904 E. S. Gose, 1905-08. SHEBIFFS. Isaac D. Crumley, 1854-56 Elisha McCoy, 1856 George S. Walton, 1856-57 Isaac D. Crumley, 1858-61 James Stanford, 1862-63 John Betebenner, 1864-67 Clinton DeWitt, 1868-"71 Andrew Watts, 1872-"75 John Ayers, 1876-77 Thomas Fowler, 1878-81 George G. Eagleson, 1882-87 John Black, 1888-91 John E. Dodge, 1892-96 John Thompson, 1896-1901 F. B. Anderson, 1902-06 McBride Wilson, 1907-08 RECORDERS. T. G. Stiles, 1865-68 John H. Clark, 1869-72 J. W. Fitz, 1873-76 J. C. Toliver, 1877-80 A. M. Head, 1881-82 Z. A. Church, 1882 Thomas C. Bigger, 1883-86 H. C. Sayre, 1887-91 Joseph Lampman, 1892-95 George P. McBurney, 1896-99 Nettie Eagleson, 1900-06 Lily White, 1907-08 SCHOOL FUND COMMISSIONER. Albert J. Hoisington, 1856-57 Oflice abolished. COUNTY SUPEBINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. Jackson Orr, 1858-59 George S. Walton, 1860-61 David Mallory, 1862-63 W. S. McBride, 1864-65 J. C. Lovejoy, 1866 A. W. Russell, 1867 H. C. Rippey, 1867 Marshall B. McDuffie, 1868-69 I. L. Kephart, 1870-71 A. R. Mills, 1872-73 J. W. Huntington, 1874-75 David Heagle, 1876-77 H. A. Turrill, 1878-85 Mary E. Turrill, 1886-89 W. E. Jenison, 1890-95 C. M. Williams, 1896-1901 A. J. Oblinger, 1902-07 SURVEYORS. Allen J. Currence, 1855-56 John Cooney, 1856-57 Robert M. Rippey, 1858-62 C. W. Barr, 1862-63 John Cooney, 1864 G. S. Toliver, 1864-67 James L. Perry, 1868-69 Jacob M. Toliver, 1870 M. E. Hall, 1870-73 N. P. Stilson, 1874-77 L D. Toliver, 1878 Joseph D. Nichols, 1878-80 Joseph W. Whipple, 1880-85 H. W. Bean, 1886-1895 George Thomson, 1896-1907 CORONERS. John Barr, 1855-61 J. J. Anderson, 1862-63 O. J. White, 1864 Silas Wright, 1864-65 James Thornton, 1866-69 D. J. Bowman, 1870 O. S. Underhill, 1870-71 S. B. Cooper, 1872-73 I. J. McDuffie, 1874-75 William Allinson, 1876-77 S. B. Cooper, 1878-79 J. C. Lovejoy, 1880-81 John Inbody, 1882-83 D. J. Bowman, 1884-90 F. M. Dean, 1898-1908 SUPERVISORS. A. R. Mills (chairman), A. W. Hawk and William H. Adams, 1861 A. R. Mills (chairman), E. Rinehart and Willis Wright, 1862 Willis Wright (chairman), E. Rinehart and Isaac Tucker, 1863 Isaac Tucker (chairman), E. A. Orman and H. W. Chambers, 1864 George S. Walton (chairman), E. A. Orman and H. W. Chambers, 1865 George S. Walton (chairman), H. W. Chambers and Joshua Lock, 1866 George S. Walton (chairman), J. C. Lovejoy and H. W. Chambers, 1867 George S. Walton (chairman), H. W. Chambers, Joseph Deemer and Alfred Allison, 1868 I. H. Adams (chairman), H. W. Chambers, Joseph Deemer and M. S. J. Newcomb, 1869 M. S. J. Newcomb (chairman), J. C. Hasker, George M. Elliott and George Dillavou, 1870 William Allinson (chairman), J. C. Lovejoy, C. J. Quinn and C. M. Gilbert, 1871 S. P. Chamberlain (chairman), William Allinson, C. B. Park and C. M. Gilbert, 1872 C. B. Park (chairman), William Allinson and E. Witt, 1873 C. B. Park (chairman), E. Witt, R. Allen, James Dillavou and . G. Cromwell, 1874 C. B. Park (chairman), R. E. Witt, R. Allen, James Dillavou and D. G. Cromwell, 1875 C. B. Park (chairman), R. Allen, D. G. Cromwell, W. B. Livingston and H. B. Kees, 1876 C. B. Park (chairman), W. B. Livingston, H. B. Kees, D. B. McCully and Harmon Anderson, 1877 C. B. Park (chairman), W. B. Livingston, H. B. Kees, D. B. McCully, and Harmon Anderson, 1878 C. B. Park (chairman), Harmon Anderson, D. B. McCully, W. B. Livingston and I. H. Adams, 1879 C. B. Park (chairman), W. B. Livingston, I. H. Adams, C. P. Hanger and J. H. Peabody, 1880 W. B. Livingston (chairman), I. H. Adams, C. P. Hanger, J. H. Peabody and James Zeller, 1881 W. B.Livingston (chairman), C. P. Hanger, James Zeller, J. H. Peabody and Mahlon Head, 1882 W. B. Livingston (chairman), James Zeller, Mahlon Head, L. Stockwell and B. F. Osborn, 1883 W. B. Livingston (chairman), Mahlon Head, L. Stockwell, B. F. Osborn and H. W. Rawson, 1884 Mahlon Head (chairman), L. Stockwell, B. F. Osborn, H. W. Rawson and John B. Garland, 1885 Mahlon Head (chairman), H. W. Rawson, John B. Garland, L. Stockwell and B. F. Osborn, 1886 Mahlon Head (chairman), J. J . Russell, Robert Cain, B. F. Osborn, L. Stockwell, 1887 J. J. Russell (chairman), J . P. Hampton, D. R. Amsden, Robert Cain, B. F. Osborn, 1888 J. J. Russell (chairman), G. C. Hillman, J. P. Hampton, Robert Cain, D. R. Amsden, 1889 J. J. Russell (chairman), Ed Cain, Geo. W. Wiant, G. C. Hillman, J. P. Hampton, 1890 J. J. Russell (chairman), D. R. Amsden, J. P. Hampton, George W. Wiant, Ed Cain, 1891 J . J. Russell (chairman), A. C. Harris, D. R. Amsden, J. P. Hampton, Ed Cain, 1892 H. W. Kellogg (chairman), Joseph Thompson, A. C. Harris, Ed Cain, D. R. Amsden, 1893 Henry W. Kellogg (chairman), John Stevenson, Albert Kerr, Joseph Thompson, A. C. Harris, 1894 Henry W. Kellogg (chairman), A. C. Harris, Albert Kerr, Joseph Thompson, John Stevenson, 1895 Henry W. Kellogg (chairman), Joseph Thompson, Albert Kerr, John Stevenson, A. C. Harris, 1896 Henry W. Kellogg (chairman), Robert Cain, Joseph Thompson, Albert Kerr, A. C. Harris, 1897 Henry W. Kellogg (chairman), W. H. Davenport, Joseph Thompson, Robert Cain, Albert Kerr, 1898 Henry Haag (chairman), Thos. Calvert, Joseph Thompson, Albert Kerr, Robert Cain, 1899 Henry Haag (chairman), L. F. Lofstedt, Thos. Calvert, Robert Cain, Thos. Toyne, 1900 Henry Haag (chairman), Thos. Toyne, Robert Cain, L. F. Lofstedt, Thos. Calvert, 1901 Henry Haag (chairman), Thos. Toyne, L. F. Lofstedt, Robert Cain, Thos. Calvert, 1902 Henry Haag (chairman), Thos. Toyne, Robert Cain, Thos. Calvert, L. F. Lofstedt, 1903 Henry Haag (chairman), Thos. Toyne, L. F. Lofstedt, Robert Cain, C. P. Walker [not stated but assumed to be 1904] No election 1905 C. P. Walker (chairman), Thos. Fowler, J. W. Holden, W. H. Dudley, E. H. Riley, 1906 No election 1907 It is a part of the history of Greene county that its financial affairs have always been well managed under the supervisor system. While there are five supervisors in place of three, as is the case with most counties of the state, the plan of districting the county has never been resorted to, but all are elected as supervisors at-large, but in the distribution of the work each one is given the territory nearest his home as being under his special watch and care. By courtesy, Jefferson is always accorded a place on the Board of Supervisors, and that member, associated with the county auditor, usually has the care of the county buildings and grounds. Jefferson has usually brought out a candidate from among her best and most successful business men, easily seen in the selection of John J. Russell, Mahlon Head, Henry Haag and others who might be mentioned. The present member is Thomas Fowler, one of two Democrats elected at the last election. In summing up the oflicial roster of the county, as given here, since the day of its organization, it is worthy of note that not a dollar has been lost, so far as known, by the faithlessness or dishonesty of one of its servants. By the annual checking up of accounts in all the offices, all records have been kept well in hand, not because of distrust, but for the better reason that an occasional trial balance is no reflection on anybody, and history is best kept when kept straight. Another source of congratulation has been and is the unimpaired credit of the county through all the years of panic and semi-adversity born of poor crops and, in the early days, of wretched currency. It was about an even shake-up between the scarcity and worthlessness of the so-called money in circulation between the years 1854 and 1862. It should be made a matter of history that no real relief came from these unhappy conditions until the government presses began their beneficent work of issuing money under the honest seal of the Republic. The currency since that hour has been as good as can be produced by any land, by any processes known to man. Greenback and gold are synonymous terms as to value, and it will be worth while for our childrens children to know that we had a dependable currency. Greene county warrants have never been discounted more than five per cent. When money was worth ten per cent and warrants earned but six, it was diflicult to float them at par. During the past twenty years, with an exception or two that proves the rule, a Greene county warrant was worth its face anywhere its conversion into currency was desirable, usually at the door of the countys treasury. Since 1883 Greene county has been entitled to one representative in the State Legislature. As a senatorial district the county is associated with Carroll and Sac counties. It is a notable fact that since 1886, a period of nearly twenty years, Carroll county has had the Senatorship continuously. JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. The Sixth District was created in February, 1851, and included thirty counties, Greene county having a place in the district, and thus remaining until the taking effect of the new Constitution, on January 1, 1858, when a district named the Fifth was set apart, including the following counties: Adair, Audubon, Carroll, Dallas, Greene, Guthrie, Madison, Warren and Polk. April 18, 1872, the Thirteenth District was formed of the counties of Audubon, Cass, Carroll, Crawford, Fremont, Greene, Mills, Pottawattamie and Shelby. The judges of these districts, including Greene county, have been: Samuel H. Riddle, 1853-57; Marshall F. Moore, 1857; John H. Gray, 1858-65; Charles C. Nourse, 1865-66; Hugh W. Maxwell, 1866-72; J. R. Reed, 1873-83; C. F. Loofborough, 1883-86. Under the new law which went into effect January 1, 1887, J. P. Conner and J. P. Macomber were the first judges of the new Sixteenth District, made up of six counties, Ida, Sac, Calhoun, Crawford, Carroll and Greene. The judges since that time have been: O. W. Goldsmith, S. M. Elwood, George W. Paine, Z. A. Church and J. L. Powers. The last named have been on the bench for a number of years, and their present term of service will expire in 1911. REPRESENTATIVES. It was not until the year 1884 that Greene county was permitted to form a Representative District in and of itself. Prior to that time it had been linked with other counties under various classifications, which included Guthrie for a time, and later Carroll and Calhoun counties. The member-elect from 1866 to 1868 was Azor R. Mills, a battle-scarred veteran, who had been out of the service but a brief time, and a man who deserved well of his constituents. He was succeeded by H. C. Rippey, who served from 1868 to 1870. Gillum S. Toliver was the next representative, serving from 1870 to 1872. It will be noted that the one term rule was applied in those days, doubtless owing to the fact that where several counties were in a district there were so many on the waiting list that one election was considered a token of high political favor. Succeeding Mr. Toliver, a Democrat named Gus Yerger, a Jefferson man, won the prize. There were two Republican candidates, Mahlon Head of Greene and a Mr. Garrett-of Guthrie county. Yerger was smooth. He went down to Panora and told the people he thought that should be the county seat; at Guthrie Centre he held that the county seat should be located in the center of the county, and at Stuart he is reported to have told the inhabitants that no town should be a county seat that had no railroad. In that way he got the vote of Guthrie county and was elected. Orville H. Manning, of Carroll county, was the next Representative, and was given two terms, serving from 1874 to 1878. He was followed by S. T. Hutchinson, of Calhoun county, who was given two terms. From 1882 to 1884 the district was represented by L. F. Danforth, of Calhoun county, a Democrat. Since that date Greene county has been in a district by itself, and Captain A. Head was the nominee in 1884, and was given four terms of service, during the second of which he was Speaker of the House. Joshua Jester, of Paton township, followed for two terms, serving from 1892 to 1896. Editor P. A. Smith of the Scranton Journal succeeded him for two terms, and in 1900 Mahlon Head was made Representative, serving three terms, until the close of the year 1906, during which Paul E. Stillman, editor of the Jefferson Bee, was chosen as his successor, his present term expiring January 1, 1908. In the eighteen years during which Greene county was but a part of the Representative district, it was honored by being accorded the oflice four terms, or eight years. SENATORS. Aaron Brown, 1858-59 John F. Duncombe, 1860-61 Edwin B. Patten, 1862-63 Henry C. Henderson, 1864-65 Addison Oliver, 1866-67 Isaac J. Mitchell, 1868-69 Theodore Hawley, 1870-71 John J. Russell, 1872-75 Samuel D. Nichols, 1876-77 John J. Russell, 1878-85 John K. Deal, 1886-89 Thomas Rich, 1890-93 Warren Garst, 1894-1905 Joseph W. Mattes, 1906-09 CONGRESSMEN. Timothy Davis, 1857-59 William Vandever, 1859-63 Asahel W. Hubbard, 1863-69 Charles Pomeroy, 1869-71 Jackson Orr, 1871-"75 Addison Oliver, 1875-"79 Cyrus C. Carpenter, 1879-83 A. J. Holmes, 1883-89 Jonathan P; Dolliver, 1889-99 James P. Conner, 1899-09 |
Transcribed from "Past
and Present of Greene County, Iowa Together
With Biographical Sketches of Many of Its Prominent and Leading
Citizens and Illustrious Dead," by E. B. Stillman assisted by an Advisory Board consisting of Paul E. Stillman, Gillum S. Toliver, Benjamin F. Osborn, Mahlon Head, P. A. Smith and Lee B. Kinsey, Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1907. ![]() Site Terms, Conditions & Disclaimer |