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1865 History

Is the fourth county east of the Missouri river, and the fifth south of the northern boundary of the State.

"It is diagonally bisected from northwest to southeast by the North Raccoon river, which is a flowing rapid stream of clear water, with generally a stony bottom, with very fine timber along its banks. The north half of the county is further watered by Buttrick's and Cedar creeks, which flow into the North Coon. Greenbrier creek flows through the south part of the county, and the Middle Coon waters the southwest part of the county. There are numerous indications of coal, and limstone [sic limestone] is found in some parts. Groves are scattered along Hardin's creek. The prairies are well adapted to the growth of grain and the grasses, but the north part of the county is deficient in timber. There are about 20,000 acres of timbered land in the county. In the north and northeast and southwest there is some wet prairie, but it can be readily drained, which will make it excellent for pasturage or cultivation. Lands improved and unimproved, can be had at fair prices.

"The Cedar Rapids & Missouri River Railroad is destined to run east and west through this county, but until it is done, Boonesboro, in Boon county, on the same line of road, (which is about thirty miles from the centre of the county,) will be the outlet for eastern trade."

NEW JEFFERSON, the county seat, is near the centre of the county, on the North Raccoon River. It contains three general stores, one stove and tinware store, blacksmith, wagon shop, &c.

The remaining post offices are Kendrick and Rippey.

Brown Divider Bar

Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass January, 2018 from the Iowa State Gazetteer, compiled and edited by James T. Hair (1865). Published in Chicago, Ill.: Bailey & Hair., 1865, pg. 201. Digital book may be viewed offsite at: Babel.Hathitrust.org

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