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Arthur A. ArnoldHis father, Jacob Arnold, was a native of Alsace, France, born in the year 1838. He was of Swiss ancestry and in his early boyhood was left an orphan by the death of his parent. At the age of fourteen years he came alone to the United States to live with his grandmother, who was then a resident of Lake county, Illilnois. In early life he leairned the cabinetmaker’s trade, which had been the life pursuit of his father and grandfather, and he followed that calling during his residence in Chicago. In 1881 he came to Greene county, Iowa, bringing his family with him and here he purchased eighty acres of new and undeveloped land on section 20, Dawson township. The soil, however, was rich in its possibilities and although it was an arduous task to break the sod and till the fields it was accomplished in the course of time. Here he made a comfortable home on section 20, Dawson township, and resided thereon until 1901, when he retired from active business life and removed to Jefferson, where he yet makes his home, although at present writing, in the fall of 1907, he is visiting with a daughter in Oregon. He was among the early settlers of Dawson township and has been an interested witness of what has been accomplished in this portion of the state as the work of progress and upbuilding has been carried forward. In early manhood he married Miss Maria Ruth, who was born in Lake county, Illinois, and is now with her husband in Oregon. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and both are highly esteemed people. Arthur A. Arnold spent his boyhood in Chicago and was a pupil in the public schools of that city. At the age of sixteen years he accompanied his parents on their removal to Iowa and has since been identified with the farming interests of Greene county. Before he had attained his majority, having oarefully saved his earnings, he had purchased eighty acres of land on section 30, Dawson township, which he still owns, although he now makes his home on his father’s old homestead farm on section 20, Dawson township. He is an enterprising agriculturist and a leader in the township in business affairs and many public interests as well. With marked strength of character he carries forward to successful completion whatever he undertakes and his labors are bringing him a gratifying financial reward. In 1901 Mr. Arnold was united in marriage to Miss Carrie Mertz, who was born in DuPage county, Illinois, and is a daughter of Henry Mertz, a farmer of Hardin township. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold now have two children, Aden F. and Paul Allen. In the community they are well known and are much esteemed by a large circle of friends. Mr. Arnold votes with the democracy, is influential incommunity affairs and his fellow townsmen, recognizing his worth and ability, have several times called him to oflice. He has filled the position of township clerk and is now serving for the third year as township assessor, the duties of which positions he has discharged with promptness and fidelity. |
Transcribed from "Past and Present of Greene County, Iowa Together With Biographical Sketches of Many of Its Prominent and Leading Citizens and Illustrious Dead," by E. B. Stillman assisted by an Advisory Board consisting of Paul E. Stillman, Gillum S. Toliver, Benjamin F. Osborn, Mahlon Head, P. A. Smith and Lee B. Kinsey, Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1907. ![]() Site Terms, Conditions & Disclaimer |