Signal Corps Promotions
Omaha, Dec. 5 - Four Des Moines boys are among the twenty-six
Iowans recommended for commission of lieutenant in the aviation
section of the signal corps. William H. Weisbred
and Harry F. Willis of Des Moines were recommended
as aerial observers, Orville R. Johann as aviator,
and Christian H. Graham as balloon pilot.
Clarence R. Farmer and Henry A. Von Wedelstaedt
of Camp Dodge passed the examinations for the nonflying section.
The men from Iowa recommended from the aviation section were:
Lester S. Combs of Chariton, Paul E. Driver
at Atlantic, Stanley N. Doyle of Manly, Edwin
A. Hocum of Gowrie, Verne M. Myers and
Fred Sherman of Iowa City and William E.
Whitehouse of Ames.
~source: Iowa City Citizen Newspaper,
Iowa City, Iowa, December 5, 1917 |