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 Delaware County, Iowa  

 Newspaper Directory


The Manchester Press

August 15, 1918


Manchester Press
Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa
Thursday, August 15, 1918
Page Two, Column 1 thru 6

Colesburg Correspondence


~~ Quite a number from this vicinity celebrated at Dyersville last week.
~~ Mrs. J. B. Litchfield of Waterloo recently paid Colesburg friends a brief visit.
~~ Mrs. J. B. Schwielerl, who has been ill for the past two weeks, is improving some at present. Her friends hope she will soon recover.
~~ Glen Dodge and Emerson Hyde were at Dubuque last week for the purpose of enlisting in the navy. Having passed there, they will go to Des Moines this week for the second examination. If successful they will go at once into training at the Great Lakes naval station. Success and a safe return to the boys
~~ Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Coons and daughter, Lola, were Dyersville visitors during the week. Miss Goldie Cole accompanied them an will return from there to her home in Cedar Rapids.
~~ Mrs. M. E. Dittmer departed Saturday for a sojourn at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Green, in Chicago. Mrs. Bertha Schwiebert Erbe of McGregor is here for a while on account of the illness of her mother.
~~ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adams of independence were visiting with relatives here the fare part of the week.
~~ The Camp Fire girls will serve super in the basement of the M. E. church next Saturday, August 17. A good attendance is especially desired as the girls are taking this means of raising some much needed funds. Come and bring your friends.
~~ John Wuchle, who has been painting and decorating at the Ed Scheneke home for several days, left Tuesday for his home at Burlington.
~~ Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Flenniken of Edgewood were over Sunday guests of relatives here.
~~ Adrian Shaw came home Saturday from Oelwein, where he has been working.
~~ The supper Saturday evening enriched the Ladies Aid society to the amount of nearly 19. The Camp Fire girls proved very helpful in soliciting for the supper, advertising and helping to serve the same. The ladies certainly appreciate the aid thus cheerfully given and wish to thank the Aid society will again serve supper. Remember the day and date and be there.
~~ Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Kirschbaum recently received a letter and photograph from their son, Matt, who has been in France for some time.
~~ Relatives at Osterdock have been notified that Aug. Kurke has been wounded in action.
~~ Robert Spark of Cassville, Wis., and his son, John, of Dubuque, made a brief visit recently at the home of the formers' sister, Mrs. T. S. Davidson.
~~ Mrs. A. E. Tutton and son Robert of Greeley were guests of Mrs. Davidson recently.
~~ Mrs. Alice Kale of Fort Worth, Tex., made Colesburg a very brief visit one evening recently. She formerly lived here and will be recalled as Miss Alice Hyers.
~~ A young son has recently come to abide at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bolsinger.
~~ Fred Hyde wrote his mother from Omaha last week, saying that he was en route to California for training. He recently enlisted in the navy at Murdo, N.D.
~~ Mrs. T. F. Keller has returned from an extended visit with relatives at Marcus and Cherokee.
~~ Mr. and Mrs. John Bolsinger of Jefferson reached the fiftieth milestone along the journey to their married life Friday, August 9th. The day was fittingly celebrated, a large company of relatives and friends being present. Dinner was served and the bride and groom of fifty years ago received a number of beautiful and useful gifts, including some gold coins. Their friends wish them many more years of happiness and prosperity.

Earlville Correspondent

~~ The young son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Rhodes was seized with a strange affliction last Thursday. The little fellow had been playing in a sand heap when he was suddenly stricken with strangulation. Medical aid was immediately summoned. To all appearances the child had swallowed a foreign substance which had lodged in his wind-pipe. The local physician could not give relief and a Dubuque doctor was summoned. He likewise could do nothing to relieve the little sufferer. The child was then rushed to Iowa City and placed in the hands of specialists. After a few hours of good work on the part of the doctors the little fellow was brought around all right. Strange to say, nothing had lodged in the wind-pipe, and just what produced the strangulation could not be accounted for. Mrs. Rhodes and the boy remained in Iowa City a few days, Mr. Rhodes and Evelyn leaving Sunday to bring them home by automobile.
~~ A number of our people attended the $1,000 days at Dyersville and report a high class entertainment provided by our neighbor in the east.
~~ Bids are now being received by the board of education for the driving of seven school routes in the independent consolidated school district of Earlville.
~~ The Earlville Hose company enjoyed their annual outing and picnic on Thursday at Prairie in Porte. It is needless to say the fire fighters has a good time.
~~ Patriotic and appreciative farmers of this vicinity have voluntarily subscribed the sum of $22 to the Red Cross up to date as an appreciation of the work done by the corps of men from Earlville, who assisted them in harvesting. It is expected others will contribute and it is hoped a near sum will in this manner be added to the treasury of the Red Cross fund.
~~ George Parkin and family departed by auto on Saturday for Chicago and Michigan to visit relatives.
~~ A committee of the Dubuque Woman's club were in this place Thursday on route to the Delaware county farm near Delhi, on a tour of inspection. Upon arriving at the farm the committee found Superintendent and Mrs. Pierce absent for the afternoon. However, the ladies were shown through the entire building by the two maids left in charge. The entire place was found to be in a clean and neat condition. There are ten women housed in the institution, only one being entirely sane; two feebleminded and the others insane. There are nineteen men in the home, all but two of whom are feeble-minded or insane. There are no blind patients although one old man is nearly so. The farm comprises 240 acres of good land, with fifteen acres of garden, and the stock includes ten head of cattle, six horses and a number of hogs. The farm is worked by Mr. Pierce, who requires the help of a hired man only at the busiest seasons. Mrs. Pierce has the help of a cook and a maid for the housework, and they are kept busy all the time.
~~ Mr. and Mrs. John Cook and Fred Orvis made an automobile trip to Dubuque Tuesday and were accompanied home by John Orvis and family, who remained for a few days' visit.
~~ The farmers Co-operative Commission company has installed new scales opposite the Rogers building.
~~ Lawrence Powell went to Dubuque Tuesday to enlist in the marine corps. He was found a few pounds under weight, but was requested to return for another examination August 15th.
~~ Joseph Garrett is making some extensive repairs on his mill north of town and will install a type of water wheel similar to that used for generating electricity at Cascade. Mr. Garrett anticipates a brisk business this fall on account of the extensive acreage of wheat in this vicinity, which will be ground into wheat flour.
~~ Clark Wilson, who was in charge of the manual training department in the consolidated schools here, has enter the service and is now in the officers' training quarters of Camp Pike, Ark.
~~ Ray Millen of Greeley was in town Wednesday posting bills.
~~ Axel Larson moved his household goods from Delaware Tuesday and the family is now at home in the John liam college in the east part of town. Mr. Larson is manager of the Farmers' Co-operative Commission company of this place.
~~ Mrs. Barbara Goodwin of Independence spent part of last week visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Burrow.
~~ Mrs. Amelia Harper of Sioux City accompanied by her sister, Miss Lottie Box of Greeley, were guests at the of their cousin, Mrs. Julia Fredinan, a few days last week. Both ladies resided in Earlville many years ago and their friends were very glad to see them again.
~~ Herbert Douglas, who enlisted at Dubuque, is now stationed at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., as an auto driver in the Signal corps.
~~ Rev. F. Lutz, pastor of the Lutheran church in this place, has tendered his resignation and will retire from the ministry and soon move to Waverly. A few years ago Rev. Lutz celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his labors in the ministry and has earned a rest. During his long service in the consecrated work he had gained a reputation in the Lutheran synod as being one of the foremost pastors in the state. He has filled the office of president of the synod with great credit and was one of the instigators of the improvements and building up of the various Lutheran educational institutions in this section of the country. During his pastorate here, he and his estimable wife have made many warm friends outside of the church who, while regretting their departure from Earlville, unite in wishing them happiness in their retirement.





The Government is considering the restriction of shipment of coal from the mines to a "MINE RUN" size of coal.
Should this be done it would be impossible to buy prepared sizes of coal, such as Lump, Egg and Nut.
MINE RUN COAL IS UNDESIRABLE for domestic use, as it has a great deal of "Slack" in it.
Take a tip from us to buy your winter's supply of coal now while you can get what you want.
Phone your order now -- Delay is costly.

The Yard of Quality and Service
C. W. KELLER, Manager



~~ Luke Matthews of Manchester was a caller in this place Friday.
~~ The dedication of the service flag at SS. Peter and Paul's church was a very solemn occasion and there was a very large congregation present. Ten stars were placed on the flag, showing the number of boys in the church that have left for army service. Rev. Father Seberbring of Shaw, Ore., delivered an eloquent sermon, which was followed by prayer and benediction. The Rev. Fathers Thole of New Vienna, Oberbroeckling and Keuster of Luxemburg, and the pastor, Father Loosbrock, were also in the sanctuary.
~~ Albert Sheel, who was recently transferred from Waco, Texas, to Jersey City, writes of an interesting and patriotic demonstration accorded to the soldier boys of the Red Cross in the southwest. As the troop train was on its way east, at Van Buren the Red Cross distributed cold cantaloupes and punch to the boys. At other places sandwiches were served. The boys were very appreciative of the kindnesses
~~ Born, recently to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bruggeman, a son.
~~ Rev. Father John Malloy, who has been pastor of the Catholic church in Ryan for the past ten years and is well known throughout Delaware county, has been transferred to the parish at Waterloo and took up his -new duties on Sunday. This county sustains a distinct loss in Father Malloy's removal to Waterloo. He will be succeeded at Ryan by Rev. Father Murphy of Castle Grove.
~~ Relatives and friends from Earlville were in attendance at the funeral of William Maurer, which was held in the Lutheran church in Delaware Saturday afternoon. Mr. Maurer was well known in this place and his friends regret his demise.
~~ Mrs. Herman Watson departed on Friday for South Dakota, intending to remain for some time with her daughter who resides in that state.
~~ Rev. J. H. Klaus of Charles City visited ralatives in this place Saturday.
~~ Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Holscher and sonof Menno, S. D., are visiting relatives here and at Colesburg.
~~ Lawrence Breckenstede has enlisted as an auto mechanic and leaves for Ames August 15.

North Manchester Correspondence.

~~ Mrs. Brady, who has been quite ill, is about the same.
~~ Joe Neiman, Jr. is slowly recovering from Typhoid fever.
~~ Mrs. Kate Trenchard has as her guests this week, her granddaughter, Miss Thelma Griffin, and girl friend, Miss Luella Hall, both of Waterloo.
~~ Mrs. Spritler and daughter, Mrs. Vina May, were visitors last Friday near Masonville.
~~ Earl Paisley, who has been visiting relatives near Dubuque returned home last week.
~~ Mrs. Coffin and family of near Edgewood, were calling at the Matusch home Sunday.
~~ Mrs. Lola McGarvey of Edgewood was a visitor the first of the week with her son, Art and family on her way to Lancaster, Wis.
~~ Mrs. W. E. Sybil, who has been at the bedside of her mother , Mrs. Carroll, of Greeley, stopped off Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs. C. V. Burrington, on route to her home in Sioux City.
~~ Mrs. Hilma Peters and two children, who have been spending the last two weeks at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson, have returned to their home in Chicago.
~~ Milan Brady and wife and their son, Fred, and wife were callers last Sunday at the Wm. Brady home, returning the same day to their home near Greeley.
~~ G. M. Lewis and family of Elk visited Mrs. Lewis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brady, last Wednesday.
~~ Walter Hansel and Frank Farley, Jr. who are working at Waterloo, were home visitors last Sunday.

Honey Creek Correspondence


~~ James Barr and daughter, Miss Helen, visited a few days the past week at the home of his brother, Clarence Barr, in Cedar Rapids.
~~ The ice cream social which was held at the James McMonigal home last Friday evening, was well attended. Proceeds go to the Red Cross.
~~ Mrs. Sherman Smith spent Thursday at the Louis Fry home near Greeley.
~~ Wm. Beyer, formerly of this place, but now of Camp Dodge, is about to leave for an eastern port for overseas.
~~ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schinnil and two children were visiting with relatives in Manchester Saturday.
~~ Lindsey Barr sold and delivered a cow in Manchester Saturday.
~~ Mrs. John White and family were visiting in Manchester Saturday evening.
~~ Mrs. Daniel Ryan has gone to Colfax for medical treatment.
~~ Mrs. J. Feightner of St. Paul is visiting at the Bert Bunham home.
~~ Mrs. Oral Rowe of Oelwein spent the past week at the L. D. Knight parental home.
~~ The F. B. Farrington family attended the play at Strawberry Point Friday evening.
~~ Mrs. Ernest True and daughter, Marjorie, are visitors at the Rev. Charles True home.
~~ Mrs. B. Weeks and son, Louis, spent Sunday afternoon at the Charles Ressuw, home.
~~ Merle Martin of Dundee is visiting at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Martin.
~~ Miss Anna Wager is home from Chicago.
~~ The P. E. O. society were entertained at the Westfall home Wednesday evening.
~~ Mr. and Mrs. L. Wareham are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kluge of Reek Island.
~~ L. D. Knight and August Frederick have each purchased new cream separators.
~~ Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawson and daughter, Raymn, were in Chicago last week.



MR. FARMER, Be Your Own Miller
Grind Your Own Grist

We have taken the agency for the Smith Grinder, a home machine for the farmer which enables him to grind his own grist. We can furnish the grinder in any size required. We will give:


First-- Your mill is located where grist's are. You lose no time in taking them to town, waiting for them to be ground and hauling the results back home.
Second -- Saves you money. You keep the miller's profits yourself.
Third -- Saves you time. Time is the most valuable thing the man of today has.
Fourth -- Grinds three different kinds of feed at one time.
Fifth -- Will give you your own corn meal, barley meal, whole wheat flour, graham, rye, buckwheat flour or oatmeal, poultry and stock feed.

Sixth -- Will crush 1/2 to 25 bushels of corn per hour, depending upon which mill you have.

Seventh -- The SMITH Grinder will pay for itself in one season.

The Smith Grinder, as you will note, is designed to fill any want. We have sold to a number of millers because it's cheaper to use our grinder for smaller quantities of meals than to start the large mill going.

Many farmers who have large numbers of stock have purchased our mills for grinding feed for their stock as well as meals for household use.

Many farmers of two or three in a family have combined with others and purchased a smaller mill with a view to conserving time and money and keeping all the grist at home.

Manchester                 Earlville             Winthrop




~~ Newberry brothers are putting up a silo on one of their farms south of the Point.
~~ Mrs. Chris Warming spent Monday with her sister in Arlington.
~~ Mrs. Morris Resner and daughter, Vern, are visiting with relatives in Independence.
~~ L. C. Waveham returned Monday from a visit in Cedar Rapids with friends.
~~ Miss Grace Lines spent the past week with her cousin at Clermont.
~~ Miss Helen Buckley is visiting at the house of her sister, Mrs. James Alderson in Dubuque.
~~ Glen Anton went to Chicago Monday to attend a military training school.
~~ Mrs. George Hesner received word that her son, H. H. Hesner, who is at Selfridge Field, Mt. Clemens, Mich., has been promoted to sergeant.
~~ Mrs. Bella Dunning has returned from Colfax.
~~ Threshing is progressing in our neighborhood. Grain is turning out fine in both yield and quality.



Eads Grove Correspondent

~~ Helen Clark of Thorpe, spent the past week at the home of her uncle, Lee Croyle.
~~ Mrs. John Armstrong of Greeley was a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Rae Clute, Tuesday.

~~ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Culbertson, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. T--. Leo of Thorpe, autoed to Dubuque Friday.
~~ Miss Aban Hutson attended a picnic on the Elk, Wednesday in company with a number of her schoolmates.
~~ Mrs. and Mrs.. Edgar Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. Rich Graham were business callers at Delaware Thursday last.
~~ Mr. and Mrs. Lew Frentress and Ralph Hosier were in Manchester Saturday night on business.
~~ Messrs. and Mesdames Stan and Clint Culbertson were guests at the Claude Clute home near Strawberry Point Sunday.
~~ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lawrence were business callers at Manchester Saturday evening.

~~ H. T. Sackett attended the picnic at Arllington Wednesday and was lucky enough to hold the number which drew the ford car "raffled" by the Red Cross. He immediately disposed of the car as he has another.

~~ Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Martin, daughter, Helen, and Mildred Blair, drove to Fayette Sunday to see their sister who is attending school there.

~~ Hiram Lewis and Chas. Bagby were calling at D. H. Lawrence's Sunday.
~~ S. S. Sisson of Manchester, spent Friday night at the home of his nephew, Zeke Martin.
~~ Miss Letha Hutson was a Manchester visitor Saturday.

~ Transcribed by Constance Diamond for Delaware County IAGenWeb  Oct 2009


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