Frank L. Sly in both the paternal and maternal lines represents two of the old
and prominent pioneer families of Delaware county and is well known as a
progressive and enterprising farmer of Delaware township, where he operates the
Sly homestead of two hundred and eighty acres. He was born on this farm, August
1, 1888, a son of Luther and Mary H. (Acers) Sly.
The father was born in Henrietta, Lorain county, Ohio,
November 2, 1849, and at the age of sixteen years came
with his parents, John D. and Martha (Bartlett) Sly,
both now deceased, to Delaware county, where his father
purchased what was known as the D. W. Jones farm, which
has since been in possession of the Sly family. The
family soon became one of prominence in this community
and bore an active part in the development of this
On the home farm Luther Sly was reared and he was early
trained in the duties and cares of the home place. He was married on Christmas
day of 1874 to Miss Mary H. Acers, who was born in Delaware county, March 16,
1851, a daughter of George and Charlotte V. (Scott) Acers, the former a son of
William E. Acers. George Acers was a native of Herkimer county, New York, born
April 23, 1818, and he was there married, April 23, 1848. Two years later he and
his wife came to Delaware county and located on a farm on which the city of
Manchester now stands, but in 1852 he removed to another farm,
where he continued to live until called from this life. Mr. Sly continued
actively in the cultivation of his farm until his sudden demise, which occurred
from heart disease while at work in the field, on the 5th of April, 1910, when
sixty-one years of age. He was a member of Manchester Lodge, No. 165, A. F. & A.
M., and of the Congregational church. To Mr.
and Mrs. Luther Sly were born three sons, of whom our subject is the youngest.
The others are: George D., who was born in 1876 |
and died in 1894; and Harry J., whose birth
occurred August 2, 1879. The latter is a farmer in Delaware township. He married
Hannah Evans and they have one child, Harry E. Mrs. Luther Sly still survives
and continues to make her home on the farm, which is now owned by herself and
son Frank. She is also a member of the Congregational church.
Frank L. Sly, whose name introduces this record, was
reared on the home place and was early set to the tasks incident to the farm.
His preliminary education was acquired in the common schools and after
completing the high-school course he attended the Agricultural College at Ames,
where he obtained a scientific knowledge and understanding of the best methods
of agriculture. He returned to the home farm and thereafter worked with his
father in the cultivation of two hundred and eighty acres until the death of the
latter, since which time he has had entire charge, now owning the place with his
mother. This is one of the attractive and productive farm properties of the
locality, for Mr. Sly keeps the buildings in good repair, while his fields are
likewise cultivated according to modern and scientific methods. He also gives
much attention to stock raising.
Mr. Sly was married on the 21st of June, 1911, to
Miss Jennie E. Croyle, a native of Honey Creek township, Delaware county, and a
daughter of John and Ellen (Wolfe) Croyle, both still residing in this locality.
An interesting little daughter, Vivian Marie, born August 30, 1912, is the light
and life of the Sly household.
Mr. Sly gives his political support to the
republican party, and his religious faith is that of the Congregational church,
while his wife holds membership in the Methodist church. His fraternal relations
are with the Masons. He is happy in his home and his associates and does not
regret having taken up his life work amid the scenes with which he was familiar
in his boyhood. |