Irvin A. McGee
was a prominent and successful farmer and large
landowner of Delaware township, and his life, with the
exception of seven years passed in New Hartford, was
spent in Delaware county. He was born on a farm in
Coffins Grove township, January 21, 1863, a son of Isaac
and Sarah (Smart) McGee. The father was a native of
Canada, and the mother, who was a native of Ireland,
emigrated to the Province of Ontario, Canada, with her
parents when she was an infant, and it was in the latter
country that she met and married Isaac McGee.
In 1855 the family home was established upon a
farm in Coffins Grove township, Delaware county, Iowa,
and here the father was identified with farming
throughout the remainder of his active life. Both he and
his wife passed away on the farm which was so long their
home, the father having reached the very advanced age of
over ninety-one years. Their family numbered ten
children, but only two of the number are now living.
Irvin A. McGee was reared to manhood on the old
homestead and obtained his education in the district
school near his father's home. On starting out upon an
independent business venture he chose the occupation to
which he had been reared, and which he followed until
ill health compelled his retirement from active
business. He was ever interested in the progress of his
locality along agricultural lines and did not a little
toward the improvement of conditions in his section.
Mr. McGee was married on the 24th of February, 1886, to
Miss Clara V. Harris, who was born in |
in Illinois, a daughter of Charles and
Betsey (Sheldon) Harris, who were likewise natives of Illinois, but they came to
Delaware county in 1866, locating in Manchester, where both passed away. In
their family were seven children. To Mr. and Mrs. McGee were born three
daughters and one son: Bessie M., who is the wife of Harold Dunham and has one
child, Jean Elizabeth; Mildred H., Eleanor M. and Guy Harris, all three at home.
Mr. McGee passed away February 20, 1913, at the
comparatively early age of fifty years, and he was laid to rest in Oakland
cemetery at Manchester. In his political views and affiliations he was a
republican. He was a prominent Mason, having attained the Knight Templar degree
in that order, while both he and his wife were members of the Eastern Star. No
man was ever more respected and no man ever more fully enjoyed the confidence of
the people or more justly deserved the esteem in which he was held. In his
lifetime the people of Delaware county rejoiced in his advancement and in the
honors to which he attained, and since his death they have cherished his memory.