Carl H. Gienapp is
one of the valued citizens whom Germany has given to
this country and although he was without funds when he
arrived here many years ago, he is now the owner of
practically one hundred and sixty-five acres of land,
situated on section 30, Oneida township, from which he
derives a good annual income. He was born in the
fatherland on the 28th of July, 1862, a son of Michael
and Fredericka Gienapp, both natives of that country.
They never came to America, passing their entire lives
in their native land.
Carl H. Gienapp received his education in the schools of
Germany and remained there until a young man of
twenty-two years, but in 1884 he emigrated to America
and immediately made his way to the prairie states of
the middle west, locating in Delaware county, Iowa,
where he found employment as a farm hand for some time.
In 1898 he rented land, which he cultivated for eight
years, but during all of this time he kept ever in mind
his determination to eventually have land of his own. He
lived economically and |
after renting for eight years bought the place
where he now lives, which comprises one hundred and sixty-four and seventy-nine
one-hundredths acres and is situated on section 30, Oneida township. In addition
to the cultivation of the fields he engages in general farming and stock-raising
and finds that these phases of agriculture fit each into the other and that by
carrying them on simultaneously waste is eliminated and the greatest profit
In 1887 Mr. Gienapp was married to Miss Mary Westfal, a
native of Germany and a daughter of Carl and Hannah (Krueseman) Westfal, both
likewise born in the fatherland, where they spent their entire lives. Mrs.
Gienapp is one of a family of nine children and by her marriage has become the
mother of seven children, namely: Albert C., who was born November 24, 1888, and
was married in Fort Dodge, where he now resides; Rose A., born October 6, 1889,
who is the wife of William Kulow, of Dubuque, Iowa; Emma L., born November 18,
1890, who married P. Droege, of Dubuque; and Carl, who was born May 4, 1891,
Erna A., born December 27, 1894, Doretta Ruth, August 27, 1904, and Esther M.,
August 1, 1906, all at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gienapp are members of the German Lutheran
church, in which faith they were reared and to which they have always been
loyal. Mr. Gienapp is a democrat in his political belief and is now serving as
school director. He and his wife have labored earnestly, and the competence
which they now enjoy is the direct result of their wise management and hard work
and is richly deserved. Their tried integrity and absolute trustworthiness have
won them the confidence and esteem of all who know them and they have also won
many close personal friends who hold them in warm regard. |