Roy J. Duffey, residing
on section 8, Milo township, is the well known
proprietor of the Brookvale Stock Farm of one hundred and sixty acres, and
also owns ten acres of timber land east of the old homestead. This farm has
remained his place of residence from his birth to the present time, his
natal day being April 27, 1870.
His parents, Henry Perry and Anna Mary (Proctor) Duffey, were natives of Cleveland,
and England,
respectively. The father sailed on the Great Lakes until twenty two
years of age and then took up general agricultural
pursuits, coming to Delaware county, Iowa, in 1854,
and taking up a quarter section of government land in
Milo township. As time passed he augmented his
holdings by purchase, accumulating about three
hundred and twenty acres of improved land and also
acquiring timber land and town property. In
connection with the cultivation of cereals he |
raised blooded cattle until about 1884 and five years later put aside the
active work of the fields, spending the remainder of his life in honorable
retirement at Manchester,
where he passed away on the 24th
of October, 1902, at the end of forty-eight years residence in
this county. He gave his political allegiance to the republican party and held all offices of consequence in
his township. Following his demise, Mrs. Duffey returned to the home
farm and resided thereon with her children until called to her final rest
on April 1, 1904. To Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Duffey were born seven children,
three of whom grew to maturity, namely: Cora J., who is the wife of W. H.
Todd; Alva L.; and Roy J., of this review.
The last named acquired his education
in the local schools and also pursued a commercial course at Waterloo. As
above stated, he has always maintained his residence on the old homestead
farm in Milo township and general agricultural pursuits have claimed his
attention throughout his entire business career. His property embraces one
hundred and sixty acres on section 8 and is known as the Brookvale Stock
Farm. He cultivates the cereals best adapted to soil and climate and also
raises shorthorn cattle and Duroc Jersey and Poland China hogs, this branch
of his business adding materially to his annual income.
On the 29th of April,
1891, Mr. Duffey was united in marriage to Miss Mattie M. Durey, a daughter
of Alfred and Mary (Hicks) Durey. To them has been born a child, Avis
Emily, whose natal day was September 11, 1904, and they have also two
adopted children, Henry Alfred and Garnet Mabel, a nephew and niece.
Mr. Duffey is a
republican in his political views and is now serving in the capacity of
township trustee, making a creditable record in that connection. In Delaware
county, where his entire life has been spent, he enjoys the respect and
confidence of all who come in contact with him, being regarded as an able
agriculturist and a progressive and public spirited citizen