Rural School Teachers ~ 1924 - 1930Decatur County, Iowa |
Eli Hutchinson County Superintendent, Leon, Iowa |
1924-1925 | |||
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Konrad Dvorak | Davis City | 1. Baker | |
Bertha Gillon | Kellerton c/o A.I. Payton | 2. Battle Hill | |
Dena Burke | Kellerton | 3. Tuskeego | |
Ora M. Johnson | Leon | 4. Center | |
Aurelie Phillips | Decatur | 5. Wion | |
Mrs. Inez Piercy Argo | Lamoni | 6. Scott | |
Wilma Johnson | Leon | 7. Zion | |
Edith Stiving | Mt. Ayr | 8. Happy Hollow | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Joe L. Mc Morris | Decatur | 1. Jack Oak | |
Hildah Hughes | Leon | 2. Rauch | |
Marguerite Dickey | Lamoni | 3. Terre Hautte | |
Iva Horney | Davis City | 4. Valley | |
Mildred Clark | Davis City | 5. McNeil | |
Jennie Chaney | Lamoni | 6. Center Hill | |
Mrs. Lulu Phipps | Lamoni | 7. Hill | |
Grace Bolon | Davis City | 8. Union Ridge | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Ruth Potteroff | Leon | 1. Sunnyside | |
Geraldine Walker | Garden Grove | 2. South White Oak | |
Wilma Garber | Leon | 3. Crown | |
Adda Caster | Leon | 4. Franklin | |
Fay Krouch | Le Roy | 5. Pleasant View | |
Fern Mc Kinley | Leon | 6. White Hall | |
Lenore La Follette | Leon | 7. North White Oak | |
EDEN TWP. | |||
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Marie Horney | Davis City | 1. East Eden | |
Ruth Barrett | Leon | 2. Soper | |
Violet Smith | Leon | 3. Welcome | |
Lulu Johnson | Leon | 4. High Brier | |
Marjorie Manchester | Lamoni | 5. Mushroom | |
Kathleen Petticord | Decatur | 6. Eden Center | |
Mary Walton | Leon | 7. Brush College | |
Fern Thompson | Leon | 8. Buzzard Roost | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Vera Wilson | Weldon | 1. Lone Star | |
Lillian Hauck | Van Wert | 3. Hollingshead | |
Louise Oldaker | Van Wert | 4. Popcorn | |
Harriett Owens | Weldon | 5. Center | |
Mrs. Gladys Huck Gamble | Garden Grove | 6. Lillard | |
Myrtle Petticord | Weldon | 7. Wilson | |
Gladys Overholtzer | Weldon | 8. Fairview | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Vera Little | Leon | 1. Boothtown | |
Martin Little | Pleasanton | 2. Vine Oak | |
Mrs. Zulu Downey | Davis City | 3. Holden | |
Merna Graham | Davis City | 4. Scott | |
Margie Williams | Pleasanton | 6. Oak Seminary | |
Blanch Hagan | Pleasanton | 7. Moffett | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Elizabeth Muck | Garden Grove | 1. Spunky Ridge | |
Helena Cartwright | Garden Grove | 2. Pleasant Hill | |
Madge Saffell | Weldon | 3. Bradney | |
Lelah McVey | Garden Grove | 4. High Point | |
Carrie Rosengrant | Garden Grove | 5. Reynolds | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Iva Lock | Lineville | 1. Elm | |
Alice Culver | Garden Grove | 2. Pioneer | |
Mrs. P. R. Barr | Lineville | 3. Union | |
Eulalie Jordan | Lineville | 4. Fairview | |
Mrs. Alma Logan | Lineville | 5. White Oak | |
Mrs. Ora Vaughn | Lineville | 6. Morgan Center | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Fay Dorsey | Garden Grove | 1. Riddle | |
Marea Smith | Garden Grove | 2. Iowa Beavers | |
Margaret Walton | Leon | 3. Scratch Eye | |
Grace Hubbard | Leon | 4. Ireland | |
Blanche Farver | Garden Grove | 5. South Woodland | |
Clara Masse | Garden Grove | 6. Gnat Ridge | |
Ray Jonston | Lineville | 7. Pleasant View | |
Ada Phelps | Lineville | 8. Charm | |
Mrs. Coral Vaughn | Leon | 9. Woodland | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
LaNelle Cartwright | Leon | 2. Woodmansee | |
Ethel Blevins | Decatur | 3. Pleasant Hill | |
Mrs. Zora Beers | Leon | 4. Stone | |
Pearl Gittinger | Leon | 5. Washington | |
Ruby Lee | Decatur | 6. Wells | |
Marie Dobson | Decatur | 7. Hickory Grove | |
Stacia Gilchrist | Leon | 8. Lone Star | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Spurrier | Closed | 2. Spurrier | |
Goldie Cole | Lamoni | 3. Black | |
Rita Hart | Lamoni | 4. Green | |
Ruby Sandage | Lamoni | 5. Athens | |
Gertrude Kirk | Lamoni | 6. Brenizer | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Mrs. Cleta Beard Barker | Grand River | 1. Jefferson | |
Mary Silket | Kellerton | 2. West Elk | |
Wilma Phillips | Decatur | 3. Centennial | |
Lee Hewlett | Grand River | 4. Union | |
Fred Cash | Kellerton | 5. East Elk | |
Loyd Smith | Grand River | 6. Center | |
Ethel Bunch | Leon | 7. Diamond | |
Orpha Cole | Lamoni | 8. Welcome | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Mrs. Lenna Beers | Decatur | 1. Woodard | |
Mrs. Jessie Metier | Leon | 3. Good Hope | |
Mrs. Maud Hampton | Van Wert | 4. West | |
Mrs. Mary Strong | Van Wert | 5. Round Knoll | |
Letha Bunch | Leon | 6. Hawkeye | |
Rosa Smith | Van Wert | 7. Hazel College | |
Opal Foland | Grand River | 8. Elm Grove | |
E. F. Lipsett | Weldon | 9. Spring Valley | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Huel Martin | Davis City | 2. Stringtown | |
Adda Hogue | Decatur | 3. New Buda | |
Dorcas Manchester | Davis City | 4. Togo | |
Virgil Martin | Davis City | 5. Bonnett | |
Veta Hamilton | Davis City | 6. Liberty | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Mrs. Lottie Warrick | Weldon | 1. Brick | |
Reah Robison | Grand River | 2. Glenwood | |
Maxine Merrifield | Grand River | 3. Dunham | |
Mrs. Elnora Dorff | Beaconsfield | 4. Daughton | |
Mildred Feffer | Weldon | 6. Comstock | |
Edith Beers | Decatur | 7. Liberty [Foland] | |
Wm. H. Carr | Grand River | 8. Westerville |
1925-1926 | |||
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Letha Bunch | Leon | 1. Baker | |
Dora Swigart | Kellerton | 2. Battle Hill | |
Lloyd Smith | Grand River | 3. Tuskeego | |
Ora M. Johnston | Lamoni | 4. Center | |
Aurelie Phillips | Lamoni | 5. Wion | |
Mrs. Inez Argo | Leon | 6. Scott | |
Mrs. Bernice Dale | Lamoni | 7. Zion | |
Corrine Dickey | Lamoni | 8. Happy Hollow | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Joe L. Mc Morris | Decatur | 1. Jack Oak | |
Lelah Horton | Leon | 2. Rauch | |
Pauline E. Smith | Decatur | 3. Terre Hautte | |
James Huel Martin | Davis City | 4. Valley | |
Irene Robertson | Leon | 5. McNeil | |
Mildred Clark | Davis City | 6. Center Hill | |
L. L. Cornett | Davis City | 7. Hill | |
Hazel Martin | Leon | 8. Union Ridge | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Bertha May Wallace | Leon | 1. Sunnyside | |
Lowell Goodman | Leon | 2. South White Oak | |
Ruth Pottorff | Leon | 3. Crown | |
Velva Wiley | c/o D. E. Snyder Leon | 4. Franklin | |
Fay Krouch | c/o Ollie Newton Leon | 5. Pleasant View | |
Fern Mc Kinley | Leon | 6. White Hall | |
Edith Beers | Leon | 7. North White Oak | |
EDEN TWP. | |||
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Marie Horney | Leon | 1. East Eden | |
Ruth Barrett | Leon | 2. Soper | |
Mrs. Myrta Cox | Leon | 3. Welcome | |
Ruth D. Johnson | Leon | 4. High Brier | |
Celia Hughes | Leon | 5. Mushroom | |
Lavern Hohn | Leon | 6. Eden Center | |
Ethel Johnson | Leon | 7. Brush College | |
Opal Poole | Leon | 8. Buzzard Roost | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Mrs. Bessie L. Byerly | Weldon | 1. Lone Star | |
Mrs. Ethel B. Lefler | Van Wert | 3. Hollingshead | |
Jennie Edge | Van Wert | 4. Popcorn | |
Harriett Owen | Weldon | 5. Center | |
Marea Smith | Leon | 6. Lillard | |
Elizabeth Muck | Garden Grove | 7. Wilson | |
Fern Thompson | Leon | 8. Fairview | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Vera Little | Pleasanton | 1. Boothtown | |
Violet Smith | Pleasanton or Decatur | 2. Vine Oak | |
Lloyd Craig | Leon | 3. Holden | |
Archie Stuteville | Davis City | 4. Scott | |
Ethel Dillon | Lineville | 6. Oak Seminary | |
Margie Williams | Pleasanton | 7. Moffett | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Lelah Mc Vey | Garden Grove | 1. Spunky Ridge | |
Lillian Mc Nay | Garden Grove | 2. Pleasant Hill | |
La Nelle Cartwright | Leon | 3. Bradney | |
Alice Culver | Garden Grove | 4. High Point | |
Mrs. Carrie R. Mitchell | Garden Grove | 5. Reynolds | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Iva M. Locke | Lineville | 1. Elm | |
Herbert Cozad | Lineville | 2. Pioneer | |
Opal Mark | Leon | 3. Union | |
Azel Lynch | Lineville | 4. Fairview | |
Mrs. Alma Logan | Lineville | 5. White Oak | |
Mrs. P. R. Barr | Lineville | 6. Morgan Center | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Clara Massey | Garden Grove | 1. Riddle | |
Harriet Sullivan | Leon | 2. Beavers | |
Mrs. Margaret Barry | Leon | 3. Scratch Eye | |
Lewis Stewart | Leon | 4. Ireland | |
Josephine Patton | Garden Grove | 5. South Woodland | |
Viola Fleming | Garden Grove | 6. Gnat Ridge | |
Ray Johnston | Lineville | 7. Pleasant View | |
Ada V. Phelps | Lineville | 8. Charm | |
Hazel Lane | Garden Grove | 9. Woodland | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Winifred Thompson | Garden Grove | 2. Woodmansee | |
Mary Silkett | Decatur | 3. Pleasant Hill | |
Ethel Bunch | Leon | 4. Stone | |
Pearl Gittinger | Leon | 5. Washington | |
Vera Mc Croskey | Decatur | 6. Wells | |
Ruby G. Lee | Decatur | 7. Hickory Grove | |
Mrs. Zula B. Downey | Decatur | 8. Lone Star | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
(Closed) | 2. Spurrier | ||
Leona Bierlein | Lamoni | 3. Black | |
Marguerite Dickey | Lamoni | 4. Green | |
Ruby Sandage | Lamoni | 5. Athens | |
Oophine Brenizer | Davis City | 6. Brenizer | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Tressa Brammer | Grand River | 1. Jefferson | |
Fred Cash | Kellerton | 2. West Elk | |
Wilma Phillips | Lamoni | 3. Centennial | |
Louise Dorff | Beaconsfield | 4. Union | |
Hildah Hughes | Leon | 5. East Elk | |
Belle Rhodes | Lamoni | 6. Center | |
Mrs. Mildred Foland Overholtzer | Grand River | 7. Diamond | |
Vera Ross | c/o Mrs. Dora Hewlett Grand River | 8. Welcome | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Mrs. Lenna C. Beers | Decatur | 1. Woodard | |
Mrs. Jessie Metier | Leon | 3. Good Hope | |
Mrs. Maude Hampton | Van Wert | 4. West | |
Mrs. Mary Strong | Van Wert | 5. Round Knoll | |
Madge Redmon | Van Wert | 6. Hawkeye | |
Pauline Ridgeway | c/o M. G. Spencer Van Wert | 7. Hazel College | |
Lloyd Warrick | Weldon | 8. Elm Grove | |
Rosa Smith | van Wert | 9. Spring Valley | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Cora Tepfer | Davis City | 2. Stringtown | |
Erven Spencer | Pleasanton | 3. New Buda | |
Madolyne King | Lamoni | 4. Togo | |
Dorcas Manchester | Davis City | 5. Bonnett | |
Veta Hamilton | Davis City | 6. Liberty | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | Name of School | |
Mrs. Lottie Warrick | Weldon | 1. Brick | |
Monica Mc Greevy | Grand River | 2. Glenwood | |
Maxine Merrifield | Grand River | 3. Dunham | |
Dorothy Bone | Grand River | 4. Daughton | |
Georgette Snyder | Grand River | 6. Comstock | |
Ada Crees | Grand River | 7. Liberty [Foland] | |
Wm. Carr | Grand River | 8. Westerville |
1927-1928 | ||||
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Belle Rhodes | Lamoni | 1 | Baker | |
Clifton Brown | Lamoni | 2 | Battle Hill | |
Lulu Johnston | Davis City | 3 | Tuskeego | |
Mrs. Violet Smith DeVries | Decatur | 4 | Center | |
Paul Hascall | Lamoni | 5 | Wion | |
Vera Kline | Lamoni | 6 | Scott | |
Vera Gorsuch | Kellerton | 7 | Zion | |
Corrine Dickey | Lamoni | 8 | Happy Hollow | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Marie Dobson | Decatur | 1 | Jack Oak | |
Marjorie Gittinger | Leon | 2 | Rauch | |
Maxine Merrifield | Decatur | 3 | Terre Hautte | |
Mrs. Zula B. Downey | Davis City | 4 | Valley | |
Addie Hogue | Davis City | 5 | Mc Neill | |
Wilma Johnston | Davis City | 6 | Center Hill | |
Fred W. Cash | Decatur | 7 | Hill | |
Goldie M. Eastin | Leon | 8 | Union Ridge | |
CENTER TWP. | ||||
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Letha Bunch | Leon | 1 | Sunnyside | |
Murial Murray | Leon | 2 | So. White Oak | |
Isabel Culver | Leon | 3 | Crown | |
Mary Gittinger | Leon | 4 | Franklin | |
Viola Fleming | Leon | 5 | Pleasant View | |
LaNelle Cartwright | Leon | 6 | White Hall | |
Mildred King | Leon | 7 | No. White Oak | |
EDEN TWP. | ||||
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Opal Poole | Leon | 1 | East Eden | |
Audrey Anderson | Leon | 2 | Soper | |
Blanche Chew | Leon | 3 | Welcome | |
Pauline Barrett | Leon | 4 | High Brier | |
Opal Johnston | Davis City | 5 | Hardscrabble | |
Ethel Johnson | Leon | 6 | Eden Center | |
Opal B. Vanderpool | Leon | 7 | Brush College | |
Mildred Beasley | Leon | 8 | Buzzard Roost | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Muriel Mitchell | Weldon | 1 | Lone Star | |
Mrs. Ethel B. Lefler | Van Wert | 3 | Hollingshead | |
Jennie Edge | van Wert | 4 | Popcorn | |
Loies Smith | Weldon | 5 | Center | |
Maxine Mitchell | Weldon | 6 | Lillard | |
Elizabeth Muck | Garden Grove | 7 | Wilson | |
Wilma Garber | Weldon | 8 | Fairview | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Vera V. Little | Pleasanton | 1 | Boothtown | |
Irene Robertson | Pleasanton | 2 | Vine Oak | |
Ruth Barrett | Leon | 3 | Holden | |
Elizabeth Spencer | Pleasanton | 4 | Scott | |
Adra Hawkins | Pleasanton | 6 | Oak Seminary | |
Roberta M. Moore | Lineville | 7 | Moffett | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Mary Dorsey | Garden Grove | 1 | Spunky Ridge | |
Florence Cartwright | Leon | 2 | Pleasant Hill | |
Ruth Pottorff | Leon | 3 | Bradney | |
Mary Richards | Garden Grove | 4 | High Point | |
Mabel Metz | Garden Grove | 5 | Reynolds | |
MORGAN TWP. | ||||
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Hollie Casey | Lineville | 1 | Elm | |
Mrs. Alma Logan | Lineville | 2 | Pioneer | |
Mrs. P. R. Barr | Lineville | 3 | Union | |
Vinetta Hollinger | Lineville | 4 | Fairview | |
Ruth Girdner | Lineville | 5 | White Oak | |
Ethel Dillon | Lineville | 6 | Morgan Center | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Clara Massey | Garden Grove | 1 | Riddle | |
Winifred Thompson | Garden Grove | 2 | Beavers | |
Mrs. James Barry | Leon | 3 | Scratch Eye | |
Hazel B. Lane | Garden Grove | 4 | Ireland | |
Ada Phelps | Lineville | 5 | South Woodland | |
Hazel Wilson | Lineville | 6 | Gnat Ridge | |
Jewel Massey | Lineville | 7 | Pleasant View | |
Marjorie Hampton | Leon | 8 | Charm | |
Josephine Patton | Garden Grove | 9 | Woodland | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Ferne Woolums | Decatur | 2 | Woodmansee | |
Edith Beers | Grand River | 3 | Pleasant Hill | |
Pansy McCroskey | Decatur | 4 | Stone | |
Oscar Eastin | Leon | 5 | Washington | |
6 | Wells | |||
Augusta Ward | Decatur | 7 | Hickory Grove | |
Joe L. McMorris | Decatur | 8 | Lone Star | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
(Closed) | 2 | Spurrier | ||
Almon Kaestner | Lamoni | 3 | Black | |
Marguerite Dickey | Lamoni | 4 | Evergreen | |
Letha Comer | Lamoni | 5 | Athens | |
Mrs. Lida Bailey | Lamoni | 6 | Brenizer | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Wilma Ramsey | Grand River | 1 | Jefferson | |
Mrs. Madge Woodard | Decatur | 2 | West Elk | |
Delma Boles | Grand River | 3 | Centennial | |
Wilma Sly | Lamoni | 4 | Elk Union | |
Lloyd Smith | Grand River | 5 | East Elk | |
Ruby G. Lee | Decatur | 6 | Center | |
Ethel Bunch | Decatur | 7 | Diamond | |
Mrs. Mildred Brown | Grand River | 8 | Welcome | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Willard James | Decatur | 1 | Woodard | |
Helen Silkett | Decatur | 3 | Good Hope | |
Michael Crees | Van Wert | 4 | West | |
Mrs. Ed Lipsett | Weldon | 5 | Round Knoll | |
Madge Redmon | Van Wert | 6 | Hawkeye | |
Berdena Watson | Van Wert | 7 | Hazel College | |
Loyd Warrick | Weldon | 8 | Elm Grove | |
Rosa Smith | van Wert | 9 | Spring Valley | |
NEW BUDA TWP. | ||||
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Cora C. Tepfer | Davis City | 2 | stringtown | |
Erven Spencer | Pleasanton | 3 | New Buda | |
Ima Campbell | Davis City | 4 | Togo | |
Zilpha Post | Davis City | 5 | Bonnett | |
Lena G. Dennis | Davis City | 6 | Liberty | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Ruby Jones | Grand River | 1 | Brick | |
Gladys Havard | Grand River | 2 | Glenwood | |
Leone Burchett | Grand River | 3 | Dunham | |
Tom Bowman | Grand River | 4 | Daughton | |
Juanita Spray | Grand River | 6 | Comstock | |
Hildah Hughes | Grand River | 7 | Foland | |
Rosamond Ramsey | Grand River | 8 | Westerville |
1928-1929 | ||||
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Wilma Sly | Lamoni | 1 | Baker | |
Belle Rhodes | Lamoni | 2 | Battle Hill | |
Mrs. Dena Burke | Kellerton | 3 | Tuskeego | |
Mrs. Henry Methner | Lamoni | 4 | Center | |
Clifton Brown | Lamoni | 5 | Wion | |
Vera Kline | Lamoni | 6 | Scott | |
Vera Gorsuch | Lamoni | 7 | Zion | |
Pauline Smith | Lamoni | 8 | Happy Hollow | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Marie Dobson | Decatur | 1 | Jack Oak | |
Pauline Sears | Leon | 2 | Rauch | |
Blanche Mainard | Decatur | 3 | Terre Hautte | |
Mrs. Zula Downey | Davis City | 4 | Valley | |
Adda Hogue | Davis City | 5 | Mc Neill | |
Wilma Johnston-Griffin | Davis City | 6 | Center Hill | |
Fred W. Cash | Decatur | 7 | Hill | |
Josephine Beasley | Leon | 8 | Union Ridge | |
CENTER TWP. | ||||
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Letha Bunch | Leon | 1 | Sunnyside | |
Murriel Murray | Leon | 2 | So. White Oak | |
Isabel Culver | Leon c/o P.C. Morgan | 3 | Crown | |
Zelda M. Coontz | Leon c/o H.L. Coontz | 4 | Franklin | |
Mary Gittinger | Leon | 5 | Pleasant View | |
LaNelle Cartwright | Leon | 6 | White Hall | |
Mildred King | Leon c/o Ira B. Officer | 7 | No. White Oak | |
EDEN TWP. | ||||
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Pearle Gittinger | Leon | 1 | East Eden | |
Audrey Anderson | Leon | 2 | Soper | |
Marjorie Cesler | Leon | 3 | Welcome | |
Ruth Hampton | Leon | 4 | High Brier | |
Veta Gibler | Leon | 5 | Hardscrabble | |
Ruth Barrett | Leon | 6 | Eden Center | |
Opal B. Vanderpool | Leon | 7 | Brush College | |
Opal Jones | Leon | 8 | Buzzard Roost | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Beatrice Braden | Weldon | 1 | Lone Star | |
Mary Delk | Weldon | 3 | Hollingshead | |
Edna E. Wood | Van Wert | 4 | Popcorn | |
Lois Smith | Weldon | 5 | Center | |
Marguerite Edwards | Garden Grove | 6 | Lillard | |
Lois Zook | Garden Grove | 7 | Wilson | |
Wilma Garber | Weldon | 8 | Fairview | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Mildred Turpen | Pleasanton | 1 | Boothtown | |
Mrs. Goldie Henricksen | Pleasanton | 2 | Vine Oak | |
Mabel Hamilton | Leon | 3 | Holden | |
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Graham | Davis City | 4 | Scott | |
Adra Hawkins | Pleasanton | 6 | Oak Seminary | |
Mrs. Roberta M. McWilliams | Pleasanton | 7 | Moffett | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Maxine Mitchell | Garden Grove | 1 | Spunky Ridge | |
Florence Cartwright | Garden Grove | 2 | Pleasant Hill | |
Ruby Jones | Leon c/o J. Williams | 3 | Bradney | |
Iola H. Bartlett | Garden Grove | 4 | High Point | |
Raymond McKee | Leon c/o E. Johnston | 5 | Reynolds | |
MORGAN TWP. | ||||
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Hollie Casey | Lineville | 1 | Elm | |
Ada Phelps | Lineville | 2 | Pioneer | |
Ferne Woollums | Pleasanton | 3 | Union | |
Alma Logan | Lineville | 4 | Fairview | |
Kermit Williams | Lineville | 5 | White Oak | |
Wilma Leeper | Lineville | 6 | Morgan Center | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Viola Fleming | Garden Grove | 1 | Riddle | |
Sylvia Vandel | Garden Grove | 2 | Beavers | |
Mrs. James Barry | Leon | 3 | Scratch Eye | |
Clara Massey | Lineville | 4 | Ireland | |
Velva Smith | Lineville | 5 | South Woodland | |
Mrs. Grace Dyer | Garden Grove | 6 | Gnat Ridge | |
Hazel Wilson | Lineville | 7 | Pleasant View | |
Marjorie Hampton | Leon | 8 | Charm | |
Mrs. Josephine Pitman | Garden Grove | 9 | Woodland | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Verna Silkett | Decatur | 2 | Woodmansee | |
Madge Redman | Van Wert | 3 | Pleasant Hill | |
Mrs. Jessie Metier | Leon | 4 | Stone | |
Mrs. Eva F. Hager | Decatur | 5 | Washington | |
Lousie Albaugh | Decatur c/o A.S. Millsap | 5 | Wells | |
Pansy McCroskey | Decatur | 7 | Hickory Grove | |
Joe L. McMorris | Decatur | 8 | Lone Star | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
(Closed) | 2 | Spurrier | ||
Almon Kaestner | Lamoni | 3 | Black | |
Mrs. Ferne Hynden | Lamoni | 4 | Evergreen | |
Letha Comer | Lamoni | 5 | Athens | |
Lena G. Dennis | Davis City | 6 | Brenizer | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Wilma Ramsey | Grand River | 1 | Jefferson | |
Mrs. Madge Woodard | Decatur | 2 | West Elk | |
Wilma Phillips | Lamoni | 3 | Centennial | |
Cleo Payton | Lamoni | 4 | Elk Union | |
Doris McNeil | Lamoni c/o Mervin Naylor | 5 | East Elk | |
Hazel Poole | Grand River | 6 | Center | |
Ethel Bunch | Decatur | 7 | Diamond | |
Helen Miller | Grand River | 8 | Welcome | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Edith McKee | Grand River | 1 | Woodard | |
Helen Silkett | Decatur | 3 | Good Hope | |
Charlotte Hall | Grand River | 4 | West | |
Mrs. Effie Lipsett | Weldon | 5 | Round Knoll | |
Letha Krouch | Van Wert | 6 | Hawkeye | |
Mildred Githens | Van Wert | 7 | Hazel College | |
Gladys Havard | Grand River | 8 | Elm Grove | |
Ruby G. Lee | van Wert | 9 | Spring Valley | |
NEW BUDA TWP. | ||||
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Vesta Stevenson | Lamoni | 2 | Stringtown | |
Erven Spencer | Pleasanton | 3 | New Buda | |
Ima Campbell | Davis City | 4 | Togo | |
Zilpha Post | Davis City | 5 | Bonnett | |
Samuella Hatcher | Davis City | 6 | Liberty | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Vera Lee | Grand River | 1 | Brick | |
Zora Glazebrook | Grand River | 2 | Glenwood | |
Elvera Johnson | Grand River | 3 | Dunham | |
Violet Boles | Grand River | 4 | Daughton | |
Helen Beers | Grand River | 6 | Comstock | |
Rosamond Ramsey | Grand River | 7 | Foland | |
Leone Burchett | Grand River | 8 | Westerville |
1929-1930 | ||||
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Leona De Vries | Lamoni | 1 | Baker | |
Cleo Payton | Lamoni | 2 | Battle Hill | |
Mrs. Dena M. Burke | Kellerton | 3 | Tuskeego | |
Helen E. Hascall | Lamoni | 4 | Center | |
June Green | Lamoni | 5 | Wion | |
Vera Kline | Lamoni | 6 | Scott | |
Velma Baker | Lamoni | 7 | Zion | |
Louesa Noftsger | Lamoni | 8 | Happy Hollow | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Marie Dobson | Decatur | 1 | Jack Oak | |
Pauline Ssmith | Decatur | 2 | Rauch | |
Joe L. McMorris | Decatur | 3 | Terre Hautte | |
Blanche E. Mainard | Decatur | 4 | Valley | |
Adda Hogue | Davis City | 5 | Mc Neill | |
Winona Alley | Decatur | 6 | Center Hill | |
Fred W. Cash | Decatur | 7 | Hill | |
Audrey Anderson | Leon | 8 | Union Ridge | |
CENTER TWP. | ||||
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Letha Bunch | Leon | 1 | Sunnyside | |
Ethe M. Bunch | Leon | 2 | So. White Oak | |
Isabel Culver | Leon | 3 | Crown | |
Maurine Smith | Leon | 4 | Franklin | |
Wayne Reed | Leon | 5 | Pleasant View | |
Argel Beavers | Leon | 6 | White Hall | |
Mildred King | Leon | 7 | No. White Oak | |
EDEN TWP. | ||||
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Perle Gittinger | Leon | 1 | East Eden | |
May McMorris | Leon | 2 | Soper | |
Marjorie A. Cesler | Leon | 3 | Welcome | |
Ruth C. Hampton | Leon | 4 | High Brier | |
Ruth Barrett | Leon | 5 | Hardscrabble | |
Esther Horney | Leon | 6 | Eden Center | |
Opal B. Vanderpool | Leon | 7 | Brush College | |
Floyd Wheeler | Leon | 8 | Buzzard Roost | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Ina LaFollette | Weldon | 1 | Lone Star | |
Leona Gardner | Van Wert | 3 | Hollingshead | |
Edna Ethel Wood | Van Wert | 4 | Popcorn | |
Cleo Fern Ellis | Weldon | 5 | Center | |
Lois L. Zook | Weldon | 6 | Lillard | |
Pauline Sears | Leon | 7 | Wilson | |
Mabel Nauman | Weldon | 8 | Fairview | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Mildred Blanche Turpen | Pleasanton | 1 | Boothtown | |
Evelyn Dale | Pleasanton | 2 | Vine Oak | |
Erven Spencer | Pleasanton | 3 | Holden | |
Marjorie Daugherty | Pleasanton | 4 | Scott | |
Ferne Woollums | Pleasanton | 6 | Oak Seminary | |
Ruby Hamilton | Pleasanton | 7 | Moffett | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Mrs. Roy Bremer | Garden Grove | 1 | Spunky Ridge | |
Mrs. Doris Carttwright | Garden Grove | 2 | Pleasant Hill | |
Frances McKinley | Leon | 3 | Bradney | |
Iola H. Bartlett | Garden Grove | 4 | High Point | |
Ethel Crider | Garden Grove | 5 | Reynolds | |
MORGAN TWP. | ||||
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Mrs. Cleo Shira | Lineville | 1 | Elm | |
Eva V. Moore | Lineville | 2 | Pioneer | |
Adrah M. Osborn | Pleasanton | 3 | Union | |
Mrs. Alma Mc .Logan | Lineville | 4 | Fairview | |
Mrs. Nellie Jordan | Lineville | 5 | White Oak | |
Laures Poland | Lineville | 6 | Morgan Center | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Viola Fleming | Garden Grove | 1 | Riddle | |
Helen Carr | Garden Grove | 2 | Beavers | |
Mrs. Sylvia McKinley | Leon | 3 | Scratch Eye | |
Ada Phelps | Lineville | 4 | Ireland | |
Clara Massey | Lineville | 5 | South Woodland | |
Jewel Massey | Lineville | 6 | Gnat Ridge | |
Mrs. Grace L. Dyer | Lineville | 7 | Pleasant View | |
Marjorie Hampton | Leon | 8 | Charm | |
Mrs. Ione Morgan | Lineville | 9 | Woodland | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Josephine Beasley | Decatur | 2 | Woodmansee | |
Dorothy Waller | Decatur | 3 | Pleasant Hill | |
Mrs. Jessie Metier | Leon | 4 | Stone | |
Dorothy Goodman | Leon | 5 | Washington | |
Louise Albaugh | Decatur | 5 | Wells | |
Pansy McCroskey | Decatur | 7 | Hickory Grove | |
Muriel Murray | Leon | 8 | Lone Star | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
(Closed) | 2 | Spurrier | ||
Louise Strecker | Lamoni | 3 | Black | |
Alta Loving | Lamoni | 4 | Evergreen | |
Florence Midgorden | Lamoni | 5 | Athens | |
Lena G. Dennis | Davis City | 6 | Brenizer | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Norma Jackson | Grand River | 1 | Jefferson | |
Elvera Johnson | Grand River | 2 | West Elk | |
Marjorie Gittinger | Decatur | 3 | Centennial | |
Ernstine Elwell | Beaconsfield | 4 | Elk Union | |
Mrs. Madge Woodard | Decatur | 5 | East Elk | |
Anita Jackson | Grand River | 6 | Center | |
Crystal Jones | Grand River | 7 | Diamond | |
Helen Miller | Grand River | 8 | Welcome | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Loretta Silkett | Decatur | 1 | Woodard | |
Helen Silkett | Decatur | 3 | Good Hope | |
Charlotte Hall | Grand River | 4 | West | |
Mrs. Effie Lipsett | Weldon | 5 | Round Knoll | |
Letha E. Krouch | Van Wert | 6 | Hawkeye | |
Elmer D. Hauck | Van Wert | 7 | Hazel College | |
Gladys Havard | Van Wert | 8 | Elm Grove | |
Mary Delk | Weldon | 9 | Spring Valley | |
NEW BUDA TWP. | ||||
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Vesta Stevenson | Lamoni | 2 | Stringtown | |
Amos Ryan | Davis City | 3 | New Buda | |
Pauline Louise Craig | Davis City | 4 | Togo | |
Violet Slauter | Davis City | 5 | Bonnett | |
Samuella Hatcher | Davis City | 6 | Liberty | |
Teacher | P. O. Address | School Number | Name of School | |
Ruby G. Lee | Grand River | 1 | Brick | |
Zora Glazebrook | Grand River | 2 | Glenwood | |
Gussie Foland | Grand River | 3 | Dunham | |
Violet Boles | Grand River | 4 | Daughton | |
Ruby McKee | Grand River | 6 | Comstock | |
Rosamond Ramsey | Grand River | 7 | Foland | |
Wilma Ramsey | Grand River | 8 | Westerville | |
Teachers Directory *** Schools Directory *** Decatur County IAGenWeb |