Mackey - Osborne
Denison Review, Wednesday, Sept. 19, 1928 - Charter Oak
A beautiful church wedding took place Monday morning at 7 o'clock at the Catholic church when Father Rosler performed the ceremony uniting Margaret Osborne and Harvey Mackey in marriage. They were attended by Miss Margaret Miller and Frank Seiford.
The bride was attractive in a gown of golden brown satin with accessories to match. She carried an arm boquet of roses. The bridesmaid was attired in a dress of rose satin.
Mrs. Mackey is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osborne and had grown to womanhood here and is held in high esteem by a large circle of friends. She graduated from the local high school with the class of 1927 and was enrolled for several months in a dramatic school in Omaha.
The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Grace Mackey. He has always been a resident of this community, receiving his education in the Charter Oak school. He has been employed at the Hoefer Bros. garage where he is a very efficient worker.
Following the ceremony the bridal party went to the home of the groom where a three course wedding breakfast was served. They left immediately after breakfast for Kansas City, Mo. where they will visit relatives of the Osbornes. Upon their return they will be at home to their friends in Charter Oak.
Malone - Renz
Denison Review -10-1894 - Paradise
Mr. Reuben Malone and Miss Renz were married sometime ago. We extend congratulations to the young couple.
Manchester - Phillbrook
Denison Review 9-6-1893 - Boyer
Mr. U. S. Manchester, of Dunlap, and Miss Flora Phillbrook of Boyer, were married at the residence of the bride's parents last Sunday evening. We extend congratulations and hope they may be happy in their new home in Dunlap.
Marr - Butler
Denison Review 4-21-1909 - Arion
Mr. Frank Marr and Miss Jessie Butler were married last Saturday afternoon at the Baptist parsonage in Denison by Rev. LaReau. Miss Bertha Lueck and Mr. Fred Marr were bridesmaid and groomsman. These young people are well and favorably known in this community where they have lived since childhood. Jessie enjoys the friendship and affection of a large circle of acquaintances and Frank is a young man whose industry and business ability will win success. All their friends wish them happiness along life's journey.
Denison Review 12-27-1911 - Breda
Relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mau last Wednesday to celebrate the wedding of their daughter, Miss Rosa, to a young man whose name we did not learn. May they live long and be happy is the wish of their many friends.
Maxwell - Irwin
Denison Review 5-9-1884
Marriage licenses issued during April, 1884
B. McClellan Maxwell - Lizzie A. Irwin
McClaren - McAllister
Denison Review 3-13-1912 - Manilla
At the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Liggett, cousins of the bride, occurred the marriage of Wm. McClaren and Althea Margaret McAllister, on February 28th. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. M. McIntosh, in the presence of thirty guests, Dr. E. D. McClaren, brother of the groom, acted as best man and Miss Annis McClaren, cousin of the groom, acted as bridesmaid. The bride was becomingly gowned in white and carried a large bouquet of roses. Her traveling dress was champagne piped with blue. After the ceremony a dainty two-course luncheon was served. The bride was the recipient of many useful presents. Miss McAllister made her home in Manilla for the past two years with her cousin, Miss Jessie Pease. She had made many friends who wish her happiness. The groom is one of Crawford county's progressive farmers and is well known, having a host of friends.
McCollough - Giblin
Denison Review, Friday, 2-15-1900 - Vail
Miss Mamie Giblin and Mr. Dave McCollough were married Wednesday morning at the St. Ann's church, rev. Father Murphy officiating. After the ceremony they were given a reception at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Giblin, south of Vail. They are two of Crawford county's finest young people and have a host of friends who congratulate.
McCutchen - Bidlack
Denison Review, Friday, 3-23-1900
Married - On Wednesday, March 14, 1900, at the home of the bride's parents in East Boyer township, Miss Ella Bidlack and Mr. John McCutchen, rev. Allen of Manilla officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bidlack and a very lovable young lady. The groom is the son of James McCutchen, is a young man of exemplary habits and will make a happy home for the lady of his choice. We congratulate the happy couple.
McGrath - Hopper
Schleswig Leader - September 26, 1912
Tom McGrath went to Charter Oak Monday where on Wednesday he was united in marriage to Miss Lizzie Hopper. After the wedding the happy couple departed for Chicago on a wedding trip. They will return to Schleswig and go to housekeeping in the Gottburg property. Tom is the popular employee of Aug. Paulsen at the implement shop and has made many friends during his stay here. We welcome this couple as residents of Schleswig and wish for them a life of unbounded happiness and prosperity.
McKim - Grant
Denison Review 10-9-1885
At Lansing, Allamakee county, Iowa, on Wednesday, Sept. 30, 1885. Mr. John R. McKim and Miss Jennie A. Grant. The groom is a young gentleman well known in this vicinity, having lived at Deloit for many years. He is now in business at Pickrel, Neb., and doing well. Mr. McKim and bride visited at Deloit during the latter part of last week and were off for Pickrel on the Monday morning express. The Review and many friends with the couple much happiness.
McKim - Horr
Denison Review, Friday, Nov. 17, 1899 - Deloit
A quiet little wedding occurred at Postmaster Horr's Sunday, the happy event being occasioned by Mr. Claud D. McKim and their only daughter, Miss Olive B. Horr, joining in the holy bonds of matrimony, Elder Wm. McKim officiating. May joy attend them.
McKim - Wemmer
Denison Review 7-19-1911 - Deloit Items
A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized by Elder C. J. Hunt at the residence of the groom's uncle and aunt, the J. L. Miller home, Saturday, July 15, 1911, at 5:00 o'clock p.m. when Miss Ruby Wemmer, of Greeley, Colo. became the bride of David Clair McKim, of Manning, Iowa.
The marriage lines were read in the parlor which was tastefully decorated with sweet peas and other garden flowers. The bride was charmingly attired in a gown of white marquisette over satin, with a deep yoke and trimming of embroidered brussels net. The groom wore the conventional black. The bride is an accomplished and pleasing young lady, though a comparative stranger here.
David Clair is the youngest son of Scott McKim and was born and raised in Deloit. His mother died when he was a small child and he has made his home the greater part of the time with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miller. He is one of the most exemplary young men Deloit has produced and is a graduate of the Denison Normal college, being a member of the class of '07. He is with the Fairmont Creamery company at Manning and holds a trust-worthy position as the head bookkeeper in the office there.
After the ceremony a bounteous supper was served. The bride and groom drove to Denison and spent the night at the Hotel Denison, thus evading the crowd who gathered to give them a charivari. They returned to Deloit to spend the day Sunday, departing in the evening for Manning, where they will be at home to their friends after August 15th. We wish the young couple much joy and prosperity in their wedded life and are proud to extend our congratulations to Clair and his bride and we believe their journey through life will be a successful one. The young people will start housekeeping at once in Manning, as they have their home all furnished and ready for occupancy.
McMahon - Cody
Denison Review 6-28-1911 - Manilla
Monday morning at the Catholic church occurred the marriage of Miss Mae Cody to John McMahon, Father Peters, of Manning performing the ceremony. Both young people are well known in this community and are highly respected by all. They will go on a farm two miles north of town where the groom has a home prepared and ready for housekeeping to take possession. We wish the young people a safe and prosperous journey as they sail on the sea of matrimony.
McNamara - McNamara
Denison Review, Friday, June 22, 1900 - Vail
Miss Nora McNamara of Vail and Mr. James McNamara of Omaha were married Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock at St. Ann's church, Rev. Father Murphy officiating and Miss Nora McNamara and Morris Norton acting as best lady and gentleman. After the ceremony a reception was given them at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. McNamara, just north of town. The bride is an accomplished young lady and has a host of friends. Mr. McNamara holds a good position in a south Omaha packing house. They left Wednesday morning for their future home at Omaha.
Meehan - Lally
Denison Review - Happenings at Vail. 2-22-1898
Miss Katie A. Lally and Mr. Thos. Meehan were married Monday morning at 10 o'clock at the St. Anns church the Rev. Father Murphy performing the ceremony which was witnessed by a goodly number of friends. Miss Maggie Lally and Mr. Joe Meehan were best lady and man. In the afternoon a reception was given the happy couple at the home of the bride's parents in Hays township. A royal good time was had and many valuable presents were received. Their many friends congratulate
Metcalf - Parker
Denison Review 5-9-1884
Marriage licenses issued during April, 1884
Walter Metcalf - Eva Parker
Meyers - Staley
Charter Oak - November 11, 1924
A pretty wedding was solemnized in St. Boniface church Tuesday morning Nov. 11 when Miss Florence Staley was united in marriage to Mr. George Meyers of Carroll, Iowa. She was attended by Miss Margie Meyers, a sister of the groom. The groom was attended by Paul Staley, a brother of the groom.
The bride is the youngest daughter of O. J. Staley, of this city, and is well known here, having lived in or near Charter Oak all her life. She is a graduate of the local high school. Following her graduation she taught school for a time.
He (the groom) is a son of Mrs. Mary Meyers of Carroll and for the past nine years has been in the employ of the Iowa Light, Heat & Power Co. For several years he has been construction engineer building high lines and substations for the company. He has been recently appointed local manager at Sac City, where the young couple will make their new home.
Out of town guests were Mrs. Mary Meyers and daughters Lucille and Margie, and son Lawrence of Carroll and Mrs. Linfred Ahart of Buck Grove.
Miller - Johannsen
Schleswig Leader - June 21, 1912
On Wednesday morning at the church here occurred the wedding of Hilda Johannsen to Ernst Miller. The bride is a daughter of Volquardt Johannsen and wife of this vicinity, and the groom is a son of Henry D. Miller and wife. The Leader extends congratualtions of the young couple.
Miller - Staley
Charter Oak - February 23, 1914
The marriage of Marion LeRoy Miller, son of W. J. Miller, and Miss Clara Elizabeth Staley, daughter of 0. J. Staley, Tuesday afternoon, marks the beginning of another happy home in Crawford county. The fateful words were spoken by Rev. Father Schaefer at his residence.
The new home will be made on the farm in Willow township, bought by Mr. Miller about a year ago. The Times joins the many others in extending congratulations.
Mitchell - McCarthy
Denison Review, Friday, 1-19-1900 - Vail
Married at the Catholic church in Denison, Iowa, on Wednesday, January 10, 1900, Mr. W. F. Mitchell of Vail to Miss Marie McCarthy of Denison, Rev. Father Farrelly of Denison performing the ceremony which made them man and wife. Immediately following the ceremony the couple drove to the home of the bride's parents near Denison where a reception was given them and to which a large number of relatives and friends were invited.
Miss McCarthy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCarthy of near Denison and is a young lady of many womanly graces. She was in the employ of the Wallace Hotel here last summer when she made a large number of friends among our people.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mitchell of Hays township and is one of our bright, energetic young business men whom the people have confidence in, and he has built up a first class trade in the restaurant business. Vail people in general and friends are extending congratulations for their future welfare and happiness. The Observer wishes to be included with these friends and extends congratulations and wishes them life's choicest blessings. - Vail Observer.
Moeller - Kastner
Schleswig Leader, March 11, 1910
Mrs. John Moeller went to Holstein Wednesday to attend the wedding of her brother-in-law Will Moeller to a Miss Kastner of Holstein.
Monahan - Laughran
Denison Review 9-27-1911 - Nishnabotny News
A pretty double wedding was solemnized last Wednesday at the Sacred Heart church in Manilla, when Tom Monahan, of Dunlap, and Miss Nellie Laughran, Dan Scanlan of Vail and Miss Annia Laughran, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Rev. Jams Murphy performed the ceremony. After the ceremony at the church, the wedding party assembled at the Laughran home, where a wedding breakfast was served to the immediate relatives. These young people have the best wishes of their many friends in wedded life.
Monk - McKim
Denison Review 9-20-1911 - Deloit
Married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William J. McKim, at Independence, Mo., Wednesday, September 6, 1911, Mr. Fred H. Monk, of Fountain, Colo., and Miss Ava McKim, Elder W. H. Garret officiating. They will be at home after October first at Fountain, Colo. Miss Ava is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McKim and was reared to womanhood in Deloit, and was among the choicest young ladies. She has many friends here who extend to her and the man of her choice their heartiest wish for a bright and prosperous future.
Morrison - McHenry
Dow City Enterprise 9-3-1909
Wedding Bells - At the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McHenry, last Sunday at five o'clock occurred the marriage of their daughter Ruth to Mr. Earl Morrison. Rev. A. L. Curtis spoke the words which united the two hearts for the remainder of life's journey. The bride is one of our choicest young ladies. From childhood she has grown up in our midst, honored by old and young alike. She has ever been a bright star in the home and will be greatly missed by the parents, being an only child. The groom is one of our best young men and will make his mark as a worthy and honorable citizen. The congratulations on the happy event are numerous and the Enterprise is pleased to add its hearty good wishes to those being so freely extended.
Mulheron - Squibb
Denison Review 5-9-1884
Marriage licenses issued during April, 1884
Lawrence Mulheron - Ida M. Squibb
Mullen - Houlihan
ca. 1920s
Mabel Houlihan of Dunlap IA and Emmett Mullen Plattsmouth NE, 9am St. Rose of Lima Church. Attendants: Mildred Houlihan and Edward Mullen, Bride's parents: Mr. and Mrs. Martin Houlihan of Denison.
Mumm- Short
ca. 1920s
Miss Marion Short of Vail, Married to Herman Mumm, Took place in Linclon NE at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. R. Robinson. Ceremony performed by Dr. S.S. Hilscher of the Second Presbyterian Church. Miss Madelyn Robinson, a niece was bridesmaid and W. O. Kolb of Omaha was best man.
Mundt - Gessman
Denison Review 3-13-1912 - Manilla
Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock occurred the marriage of Fritz Mundt to Bertha Gessman. Clara Gessman, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and Wm. Mundt as best man. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents by the Rev. Freuchte. The bride and groom are well known and have a host of friends.
Munson - Roberts
Denison Review 12-2-1887
On Thursday, Nov. 24th, Mr. H. Munson and Miss C. B. Roberts were married at Deloit, Iowa, rev. J. M. Dudley officiating, assisted by Rev. J. Fegtley. We wish the new married couples success in life.
Myers - Petty
Denison Review 2-12-1886 - Deloit
The marriage fever still rages, Jay Myers and Miss Ida Petty being the last victims.
Neddermeyer - Hansen
Denison Review, Friday, 2-23-1900
Married, Thursday, Feb. 22, at 2 p.m. at the Lutheran church, Mr. Marvin Neddermeyer and Miss Augusta Hansen, both of this place, Rev. Amstein officiating. The church was well filled with friends. Four couples stood with them as witnesses. A large wedding was given at the home of the bride's parents in the evening. We unite in wishing them many a happy voyage through life.
Nelson - Carlson
Denison Review, Tuesday, 7-3-1900 - Kiron
Many friends were surprised to read in Friday's Review of the marriage of two of Kiron's young people, J. Nelson and Elizabeth Carlson, the ceremony taking place at Denison. This couple has a host of friends who all join in wishing them the best of married life. Who is next?
Nelson - Myers
Denison Review 6-8-1910 - Deloit
Married June 1, 1910, at the home of the bride's parents, Miss Edna Myers and Frank Nelson, Elder Charles J. Hunt performing the ceremony. Miss Bee Myers, sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid and Richard Nelson, brother of the groom was best man. Only the immediate relatives were present, her brother, Oaker Myers from South Dakota being the only out of town guest. Some beautiful presents were received. They went immediately to the home the groom had prepared for his bride. May happiness and prosperity be their to enjoy is the wish of a host of friends.
Nielsen - Jurgens
Denison Review 10-16-1912
The following License to wed have been issued by the county clerk since the last issue of the Review Oct. 3, Maurice C. Nielsen and Anna M. Jurgens
O'Connor - Houlihan
Denison Review 11-4-1898
Married: On Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1898, at the Catholic church in Denison, Michael O'Conner and Mary Houlihan, Rev. Father Farrelly officiating. These young people are well and favorably known in Denison and surrounding country. They will live on Mr. O'Conner's farm in East Boyer township where the groom has erected a nice new house, and will soon be at home to their numerous friends. After the wedding a reception was given the happy couple to which a large number were present. The Review joins in wishing these young people a long life of happiness and prosperity.
Ogary - McGrinn
Denison Review 7-5-1911 - Hayes
Miss Gertrude Kearney departed on Tuesday last for Hartington, Neb., to act as bridesmaid for her cousin, Miss Katie McGrinn, a former Denison girl who was married to Mr. Frank Ogary, a prominent lawyer of that place, on July 3rd.
Ogren - Bettin
Denison Review, Tuesday, 7-3-1900 - Kiron
From the Sac Sun of last week we copy the following item announcing the marriage of a former Kiron boy, who has a large circle of friends here who will be surprised to learn of his marriage. Mr. Wm. Ogren and Miss Mary Bettin of Clinton Township, Sac county, were united in marriage this morning, June 28, 1900 at the office of the officiating magistrate Justice W. Jackson. Mr. Ogren is an industrious young farmer residing on his father's farm in Section 15. The bride is a daughter of August Bettin, a well-to-do farmer residing near and will make a good wife.
Orem - Reed
Denison Review 6-28-1911 - Manilla
Word was received here the forepart of the week telling of the marriage of Miss Arbor Reed, of this place, to Mr. Harry Orem of Denison, which occurred in Sioux City, Saturday.
Osterlund - Bennett
Denison Review - 3-19-1913
Two weddings of interest to Milford people took place the past week, Guy Buffinton and Golda Mason were married Wednesday and Roy Osterlund and Mable Bennett, Friday in Denison.
Otto - Schultz
Denison Review 9-13-1893
During the month of August, Clerk Schlumberger issued a marriage license to
Henrich W. Otto - Manilla
Wilhelmine H. Schultz - Manilla
Partridge - Bauman
Denison Review 6-9-1909 - Denison
Homer Partridge Married
Denison Youth Was Fair Bride in South Dakota City
from Pierre, S. D. Capital Journal:
At the home of her brother, E. C. Bauman, last night at 8:30 o'clock, Miss Hazel Bauman was united in marriage to Mr. Homer Partridge. The wedding was a very quiet affair only immediate friends and relatives being present.
The parlor where the ceremony was performed was beautifully decorated in white carnations, sinilax and white streamers of crepe paper. The dining room was all in red. After the marriage ceremony a dainty wedding supper was served, Mrs. Bauman being assisted in serving by Mrs. Laird, a sister of the bride.
The bride was beautifully gowned in an exquisite robe of white French linen, elaborately trimmed in Valen Clennes insertion and lace and carried a boquet of bridal roses. Miss Bauman has been a resident of this city for the last two years and has scores of friends who will rejoice in her happiness.
The groom is one of our progressive young business men, who thru his accommodating manner and strict application to business, has built up a fine patronage and has one of the most up-to-date men's furnishing establishments in the city. The young couple will go to housekeeping at the Mower house on Broadway, the home having been prepared for occupancy before their marriage.
The Capital Journal extends congratulations and wishes for a long life of Happiness and prosperity.
Patchin - Carstensen
Denison Review 5-12-1909 - Deloit
Floyd Patchin and Anna Carstensen were married at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Patchin, Sunday, May 9th, at 4 p.m., Elder J. G. Myers performing the ceremony that made them man and wife. Only a few of the immediate friends and relatives were present. Floyd is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Patchin and is the liveryman of this place and assists his father in the dray business. His wife came here a little over two months ago from Stewartsville, Mo. to visit friends. Their friends extend congratulations and wish them success.
Pautsch - Lill
Denison Review , Friday, March 16, 1900 - Hanover
Married at the Lutheran church in Hanover on Sunday, March 11, 1900, Mr. George Pautsch and Miss Minnie Lill, Rev. C. Runge officiating. August Lill and Carl Pautsch and Laura Lill and Ida Pautsch acted as groomsmen and bridesmaids. Only relatives and the immediate friends of the families were invited to the home of the bride where a sumptuous dinner was served them. Mr. and Mrs. Pautsch will shortly leave for Dakota where they will make their future home. A host of friends join in hearty congratulations and wish them a long and happy life.
Pease - Neely
Denison Review, Friday, 7-6-1900
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Neeley last Tuesday evening at 8:30 occurred the marriage of their daughter, Gertrude, to Jos. C. Pease. The wedding was rather quiet as only relatives and intimate friends were invited. The Presbyterian minister performed the ceremony. The bride is one of Manilla's favorites, highly esteemed and respected by all. The groom formerly of Manilla, is a young man of good moral character and high standing among all who knew him. They departed on the morning of the 4th for their home in Yankton, S. D., where the groom is operator for the C. M. W. St. P. They take with them the congratulations and best wishes of a host of friends and relatives.
Pelton - Beflin?
Denison Review 7-3-1895? - Dow City
At the home of the bride's parents in Woodbine, June 22, Mr. A. E. Pelton of Dow City and Miss Myrtle Beflin were united together for life. Mr. Pelton came to Dow City and took charge of the Dow City Enterprise and by his push and energy, has been pelting away until he has brought the paper to the front rank as a newsy sheet. Of the bride we know nothing, but are sure that Mr. P. made no mistake. They will be at home after September 1st.
Peper - Carstensen
Schleswig Leader - December 19, 1912
Just before going to press we learn of the marriage of Herman Peper of this place to Miss Alma Carstensen of Ricketts. The ceremony was performed this Wednesday morning at the parsonage by Rev. Wetzeler. The couple will reside at Ricketts until spring when they move to Minnesota where the groom has purchased a farm. They have the best wishes of Schleswig friends.
Petersen - Burk
Schleswig Leader, October 14, 1910
At 2 o'clock this Friday afternoon at the Grant township church will occur the wedding of Amanda Burk to John Petersen. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Burk of this place; the groom is a son of Mr. And Mrs. Lorenz Petersen of this vicinity. We will give full particulars next week.
Schleswig Leader, October 21, 1910
On last Friday afternoon at two o'clock occurred the wedding of Miss Amanda Burk of this place to John Petersen, the ceremony being performed in the Grant township church in Ida county. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Burk of this place, and is a highly respected young lady who numbers her friends by the score. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Petersen of this vicinity, and a young man who is well liked by all. The happy young couple expect to move onto a farm near here in the spring.
The Leader extends congratulations to them.
Podey - Marshall
Denison Review, Wednesday, March 21, 1917
A very beautiful wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Marshall in Milford township on Thursday, March 15, 1917, at high noon when Miss Grace Marshall became the wife of Mr. Wm. Podey. The home was tastefully and beautifully decorated in pink and white carnations with fern leaves.
The bride was attired in a gown of white crepe-de-chine with trimmings of Georgette crepe and gold bead and carried a shower bouquet of cream roses and lilies of the valley. She was attended by her sister, Ruth, who wore a becoming gown of pink crepe-de-chine with Georgette trimmings and she carried a pink and white bouquet of carnations.
The groom made a fine appearance in the popular dark blue serge and was attended by his brother, Frank. As the strains of the wedding march "Narcissus" were played by Mrs. W. K. Dobler, the bridal party entered the parlor and arranged themselves where the solemn words wee spoken.
After congratulations the guests were ushered into the dining room where an elegant three course dinner was served by the Misses Faye Abbott, Viola Brockelsby, Emma Koester and Bertha Koester.
The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Marshall, possessing those sterling qualities of true womanhood, pleasant manners and jovial disposition which have won her the love of all who know her. Her many friends are numbered by her acquaintances.
The groom is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Podney, residing in Denison and is known as a fine young man of industry, honesty and good character. The happy couple will reside on his father's farm just east of W. T. Huckstep's this coming year. May they be prosperous in bountiful crops and a wealth of happiness is the sentiment of Deloit.
Polzien - Macumber
Denison Review 8-16-1911 - Buck Grove
The invitations are out for the wedding of our rural carrier, Elmer Polzien and Cora Macumber, which will take place Wednesday, August 16th. It is hoped that all the patrons of the route will overlook all of the mistakes that Elmer may make this week. Surely he will be excusable as he has never been married before.
Portz - Lane
Denison Review - Happenings at Vail, 2-18-1898
Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, occurred the wedding of Mr. Peter Portz and Miss Mary Lane at St. Ann's church, Father James Murphy performing the ceremony. Patrick Lane and Maggie Gallagher, of Chicago, were groomsman and bridesmaid. Mr. Portz has held the position of salesman in Ryan and Ratchford's general store several years, during which time he has made many friends. The bride is a sister of the Lane Bros. of Milford township and has a wide acquaintance in Crawford county. The happy couple left on the morning train for a visit with Mr. Portz's parents in Jackson county. Their many friends congratulate.
Priebe - McKim
Denison Review, Wednesday, February 28, 1917
Miss Ruth McKim and Mr. Frank Priebe were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents in Deloit at 11 o'clock Wednesday, February the 21st. The Rev. J. P. Allen, of the Methodist church, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hansen of Holstein, Ia. acted in the capacity of groomsman and bridesmaid. After the ceremony a dainty luncheon was served and Mr. and Mrs. Priebe immediately departed for Omaha and other cities on a wedding tour.
Miss McKim is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKim of Deloit. She was born and reared here and by her quiet winsome ways has won a host of friends. Mr. Priebe, tho comparatively a stranger has made a most favorable impression by his industry and exemplary habits. He is in the employ of the Illinois Central railway and the young couple will probably make their home at Ft. Dodge. The community is unanimous in wishing them a long and happy wedded life.
Pruter - Lammers
Denison Review, Tuesday, 12-19-1899
Married on Monday, December 18, Mr. Charles H. Pruter, of Hays township and Miss Dora Lammers, of Carroll county. The ceremony was performed by Justice Gulick.
Rassmussen - Danielson
Denison Review 2-28-1894 - Vail
Three weddings are to be reported this week. Tuesday, Mr. Petter Wulf and Miss Emily Darling were married at the Presbyterian parsonage by Rev. D. W. Cassett. Thursday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. Elmer Griffin and Miss Grace Slater were united in holy wedlock and the same day Rev. Lothringer of Denison tied the nuptial knot between Mr. Fred Rassmussen and Miss Amelia Danielson. The young people are all favorably known throughout the district and congratulations are showered upon them abundantly.
Rath - Arndt
Denison Review 9-18-1912
Miss Emma Arndt and Otto Rath were united in marriage, Wednesday, September 11th, at the Lutheran church in Nishnabotny. After the ceremony a reception was held at the spacious home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Arndt. Only the near relatives were present owing to recent deaths in the family and the wedding as a quiet one. The happy couple went east for a few days' trip returning home Saturday. They will be at home to their friends on one of the Rath farms, which Otto will have charge of the coming year. Both these young people are well and favorably known and a host of friends wish them peace and happiness in their new life together.
Rath - Bumann
Denison Review, Friday, 1-8-1899
Married on Friday, December 8, Mr. Chas. H. Rath and Miss Anna Bumann, both of Washington township. Rev. F. Lothringer officiated and Mr. Wm. Rath and Miss Lena Bumann acted as witnesses.
Rathje - Pahl
Schleswig Leader, March 4, 1910
Mr. and Mrs. Jochim Rathje went to Ricketts Friday to attend the wedding of their son Herman to Miss Pahl of that place.
Reiff - Wiese
Manilla Times, February 25, 1930
Mr. Werner Reiff of Manilla to Miss Erma Wiese of Manning, Attendants: Mr. Walter Reiff, and Miss Mildred Compton of Manning. Grooms parents: Mr and Mrs. S.J. Reiff , Brides parents: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wiese of Manning. Couple to live in Buck Grove where Werner will run a mercantile store.
Reimer - Rehmke
Schleswig Leader - February 23, 1912
The wedding of Emma Rehmke to Gustav Reimer occurred on Wednesday at the home of the bride, Albert Reimer and Ernst Rehmke were the best men, while Alma Rehmke and Minnie Reimer acted as bridesmaids. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Anna Rehmke and is a young lady who is well known and liked by everyone. The groom, a son of Mrs. John Reimer, is a prosperous young farmer. They will live on a farm near here. The Leader congratulates.
Reincke - Montrose
Schleswig Leader - June 16, 1911
Word was received here of the marriage of Robert Reincke to Miss Elizabeth Montrose at Seattle, Washington, on May 10. The groom is well known around here; having worked around here five or six years ago.
Remmes - Staley
Charter Oak - October 23, 1923
The marriage of Barney Remmes - Bernard G. Remmes, it reads on his marriage certificate - and Miss Verna Staley was spoken Tuesday morning, with the beautiful and Impressive ceremony of the Catholic church, Rev. L. B, Anthofer officiating.
The church was well filled with friends who had gathered to witness the ceremony, many of them being of other congregations. The bride wore a blue traveling suit and carried a bouquet of roses. She was accompanied by a sister of Mr. Remmes from Stuart, Iowa. The groom was accompanied by Asa Staley, a brother of the bride.
After the ceremony and the wedding breakfast, the happy young people were taken to Denison to catch their train for Omaha. On their return they will make their home in rooms in Henry Hoefer's residence, where they will do light housekeeping this winter.
These young people have the best wishes of the whole community. Both are highly respected and very popular. The bride is the second youngest daughter of O. J. Staley and was born and reared here. Mr. Remmes is the guiding spirit of the Remmes Auto Company, and a hustling young business man.
Denison Review 9-13-1893
During the month of August, Clerk Schlumberger issued a marriage license to
Bert Renslow - Fansler, Ia.
Almira Renslow - Charter Oak
Rhode - Maas
Denison Review 3-3-1909 - Ricketts
A quiet home wedding occurred at the C. Maas home, Wednesday, when Alvena Maas and Henry Rhode were married by Rev. Wehking. These young people are well and favorably known and their friends all join in wishing them joy and prosperity.
Rhodes - Wegener
Denison Review 11-27-1885 - Vail
Miss Kate, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wegener, was married today in the presence of a very large congregation at St. Ann's Catholic church to Mr. Rhodes of Des Moines. The best wishes of their many friends will accompany the bridal party to their home at the state capital.
Richardson - Westcott
Dennis Review 12-13-1911 - Deloit
A quiet wedding took place Thursday evening, December 7, 1911 at the bride's home, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Westcott, when their daughter, Jennie Westcott was united in marriage to Blair Richardson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Richardson, J. T. Spence officiating. These young people were reared near Deloit and as they start out on the matrimonial journey of life may their happiness never grow less and their days be prosperous. They went to housekeeping at once in Deloit.
Rickers - Wiers
Denison Review - 2-24-1909 - Jackson
On Wednesday, Feb. 24, will occur the wedding of Miss Margaret Wiers and Mr. Will Rickers.
Rickert - Hanamann
Schleswig Leader, February 18, 1910
On Wednesday evening, February 16th, at the Church of Peace, occurred the wedding of Miss Margaret Hanamann to Mr. Earnest Rickert.
Louise and Hertha, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jurgensen preceded the couple into the church as flower girls, while John Hansen and Ema Rickert attended the couple.
After the ceremony the congratulations of those present were showered upon the happy couple. From the church the bridal party went to the home of the grooms parents where a fine wedding supper was served.
The bride is a young lady who has made Schleswig her home for some time. During that time she has won the admiration and love of all by her sweet and pleasant manner. She will make home the "only place on earth" for her husband.
The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jochim Rickert of this place. He is well known here and respected by all. This happy young couple will goon go to housekeeping on the Geo. Reisen farm near here which the groom has rented.
The Leader joins with their many friends in wishing them long life prosperity and happiness.
Rickert - Hansen
Schleswig Leader, Jan 14, 1910
On Wednesday at three o'clock p.m., at the Church of Peace, occurred the marriage of Miss Theresa C. Hansen to Mr. Henry A. Rickert, the Rev Wetzler performing the ceremony. John Hansen, a brother of the bride, and Ema Rickert, a sister of the groom, stood up with the couple.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hansen of this place and is a charming young lady who is well known and is very well liked by all who know her. The groom, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jochim Rickert, is also well known here, being owner of the dray line. He is known by all as an honest and upright man, square in all his dealings.
In the evening a large crowd of friends and relatives gathered at the Peter Hansen home and spent the evening in merry-making.
The Leader joins with their many friends in wishing them the larges measure of happiness and prosperity thruout their journey thru life together.
Rickert - Voss
Denison Review, Tuesday, 12-19-1899
Married on Thursday, December 14, 1899, Mr. Gustav Rickert, of Morgan township, and Miss Dora Voss, of Otter Creek township. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rickert and is an industrious young man while the bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Voss. We extend sincere congratulations to these young people and wish them every success and happiness in life.
Riddle - Smith
Denison Review 10-25-1893
October 11th at the home of the bride's parents in Coon Grove, Mr. Earl Riddle and Miss Lydia Smith, Rev. H. C. Nash officiating. After the wedding a reception was tendered the bride and groom at the home of Mr. Daniel Riddle. Here a large number of the relatives and friends were gathered to congratulate the newly wedded pair. A bountiful repast was served and a merry and most enjoyable time was spent by the guests.
Robertson - Rollins
Dow City Enterprise 3-29-1907
Will Robertson, who is well known here, was married last week to Miss Lizzie Rollins of Denison.
Robinson - Dillenberger
Denison Review, Friday, March 16, 1900
At the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Adam Short, in Vail, on Wednesday, March 14, Mr. John Robinson and Miss Emma Dillenberger, Rev. Eaton of the M. E. church officiating. The wedding ceremony was performed in the presence of relatives of the contracting parties and a few intimate friends, at the hour of six o'clock. Immediately afterward the merry company partook of a bounteous supper prepared by the bride's mother.
The groom, John R. Robinson, is the second son of Mrs. J. C. Robinson of Milford township, a young man raised in the county and one whose friends are numerous. He has been very successful as a farmer and stock raiser. Together with his brother, he has conducted the large stock business carried on by his father and has reached that position in life where he can in a measure be independent.
The bride is also a production of Crawford county, having lived here all her life; is a lady of education and refinement and is, therefore, in every way fitted as a companion to the man of her choice.
The happy couple will make their home on the old farm where they will soon be "at home" to their friends. Among the out-of-town guests present were: Mrs. Claude Esterly of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Barnett of Boone, Miss Anna Mae Strong of Rockwell City, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bollen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scaggs and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robinson of Denison.
Rolf - Eiffert
Denison Review - 4-21-1909 - West Side
On Wednesday April 14, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eiffert occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Martha Eiffert, to Rev. Fred J. Rolf of Rock Island, Ill., Rev Karl Fauth performing the ceremony. The wedding took place at 3 o'clock in the presence of about thirty guests, who were relatives and intimate friends. Miss Margaret Buton sand, "O, Promise Me," and then as she played the Lohengren Wedding March the bride and groom unattended took their stations in the parlor which was beautifully decorated in green and white. The bride's costume was of sheer white trimmed with val lace and she carried a beautiful bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley.
The groom wore conventional black suit. Immediately following the ceremony after the congratulations had been extended to the newly married pair, the company were invited into the dining room, where an elegant three course dinner was served. The table was charmingly decorated with smylax and white ribbon extending from table to ceiling. The bride and groom were the recipients of many beautiful gifts in cut glass and silver etc. Rev. and Mrs. Rolf started for their new home at Rock Island on the evening train amidst showers of rice and hearty congratulations and best wishes of their many friends.
The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eiffert and has grown to womanhood in West Side where she is so well known and beloved for her many excellent qualities. She will be greatly missed in church and social circles where she has been ever willing to lend assistance with her musical talent. The groom is well and favorably known to quite a circle of friends in West Side. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Rolf extend to them their heartiest congratulations for a long and happy life together.
Rosburg - Fester
Denison Review 6-9-1909 - Soldier
Miss Gasta Fester and Mr. Edward Rosburg were married Tuesday, June 1st, at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rosburg, near Hinton, Iowa. This young couple are well known in this neighborhood. May happiness and success be theirs.
Rowley - Kessler
Denison Review May/June 1909 - Deloit
Married on Wednesday, May 25, at the home of the bride's mother, Mr. J. S. Kessler, at 6 p.m., Miss Edah A. Kessler and Mr. John M. Rowley by Priest H. T. Spence of the L. D. S. church. Miss Bonnie Butts of Stanhope and Mr. J. A. Johnson acted as bridesmaid and bridegroom. The wedding was a very quiet one, beside the family there were Miss Hulda Johnson and Mr. Ray Shives and Mr. and Mrs. Spence. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served. Later in the evening there was not such a quiet time for a few minutes when the charivari people began their music with guns and drums. Mr. Rowley is a railroad man and we understand they will make their home at Council Bluffs. All wish Edah and her husband happiness and prosperity through life.
Rudd - ?
Dow City Enterprise 7-30-1909
Word reaches us through a letter from Harry Huntington that Lon Rudd was married Monday. The name of the fortunate lady was not given but we extend congratulations wishing them much joy on their farm near Wendt, S. D.
Rudd - Dobson
Denison Review 8-12-1887
At the L. D. S. church in Deloit, Iowa, at 12 o'clock, Aug. 7, 1887, by Rev. W. W. Whiting, Mr. A. H. Rudd of Dow City and Miss May Dobson of Deloit. Thee was a large attendance of friends. In his remarks Elder Whiting took occasion to express his belief in monogamous marriage as against the belief in one man having many wives as taught by the Utah church. He showed that his view was right by quotations from the Bible and the book of Mormon.
Mr. C. J. Hunt and Miss Abbie McKim acted as groomsman and bridesmaid. After the ceremony a goodly number were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dobson, the bride's parents, where a fine dinner had been prepared. Many valuable presents were given. Miss Fannie Pett presided at the organ while the music was sung. Mr. N. L. Hunt baked the wedding cake which was very good. A new home was awaiting Mr. and Mrs. Rudd at Dow City where they went in the afternoon. Mr. Rudd is a gentleman highly respected in Union township, having been assessor for a number of years.
Rule - Ranninger
Denison Review 3-17-09 - Arion
Mr. Howard Rule and Miss Annie Ranninger were married last Wednesday afternoon at the residence of the brother of the bride, Mr. F. Ranninger. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Jas. DuPree in the presence of the families of both the bride and groom. After the wedding supper the young people went to their home which was furnished and ready for them. Arion people, some who have known Mr. Rule all his life, welcome his bride and wish the young people happiness and prosperity.
Rule - Hallowell
Dow City Enterprise 10-15-1909
Married - At the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hallowell last Friday evening at six o'clock, was solemnized the marriage of their daughter, Ada, to Mr. J. G. Rule, Rev. J. J. Varley, a former pastor of the M. E. church here, pronounced the ceremony in a most beautiful and impressive manner. At the Close of the ceremony congratulations were extended, followed by merry jest and cheerful conversation. We know nothing of the refreshments or presents but feel assured the feast was delicious and the presents numerous and valuable. The bride is a lady of many graces of mind and person, who is capable of filling the home she will adorn with happiness and will prove to be truly a helpmate and companion to the husband she has chosen to honor. The bride has taught many terms of school in this county and two years in Idaho. She was a graduate of the Iowa State College at Ames. The groom was raised to manhood in Paradise township and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rule who are honored and respected people. He is a young man engaged in the hardware business in Red Oak, Iowa, and will make his mark in the world. They departed Monday for Red Oak which will be their future home. The congratulations on the happy event are numerous and the Enterprise is pleased to join on this occasion and add its hearty good wishes to those being so freely expressed.
Rule and Warrington
Dow City Enterprise 3-8-1907
Cupid has been getting busy in this locality, and this week there are two marriages to announce. On Saturday evening, February 27, at 8:30 at the M. E. parsonage in Wall Lake, the marriage of two young people of this place was solemnized by the Rev. R. D. Acheson. These young people were Miss Alta Venus Warrington and Mr. Walter L. Rule. The marriage came as a great surprise, as even their most intimate friends were not apprised beforehand of the event. They are both fine young people and a host of friends wish them much joy and happiness. Mr. And Mrs. Rule will reside in Onawa, where the bridegroom has an excellent position with the Western Union Telegraph Co. - The Sac Sun
Rule - Watson
Denison Review 12-29-1909 - Dow City
Fred Rule, who is head freight agent at Fort Dodge, came home Monday for a short visit with his parents and other relatives. He surprised them by bringing home a wife with him. They were married at Fort Dodge on Christmas day. All their friends will wish for them a happy life.
Dow City Enterprise 12-31-1909
Miss Jessie Watson of Johnsonburg, Pa., and Mr. Fred Rule of Fort Dodge, Iowa, were married in Denison Monday. Mr. Rule is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rule of Paradise township and is an exemplary young man. The lady is unknown to the writer but we are certain she will make a noble companion because she is the choice of such a noble young man. We extend our sincerest congratulations for their future welfare. Their home will be at Fort Dodge, Iowa.Mauritz - Johnson
Denison Review - January 7, 1902
The past week has been crowded with pleasant social events participated in by a large number of our people. A very beautiful wedding occurred on New Years Eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johnson, east of Kiron, when their eldest daughter, Miss Mary F. and Elmer H. Mauritz were happily united in the bonds of matrimony. The house was prettily decorated and very appropriately.
The bride wore a dress of white, tastily trimmed. To the music of L. M. Guschak's grand wedding march, excellently rendered by Prof. Otto W. Larson, the happy couple proceeded, accompanied by groomsmen Harry Johnson and Albert Mauritz and bridesmaids Anna Johnson and Clara Johnson, to positions under a handsome evergreen in the east bay window, where promptly at 7 o'clock the sacred vows were given by Rev. David Anderson. After congratulations, all partook of an elegant and bountiful supper. The wedding guests numbered in the neighborhood of one hundred and seventy five, which makes this the largest wedding that has ever occurred in Kiron. During the evening the guests were entertained with several music selections rendered by the Kiron Brass band and piano selections. The new married couple require no extended introduction to people here having lived in this community all their lives.
The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johnson and is endowed with those graces and attributes so essential to the truest, best and highest in wifehood and womanhood. She is a lady of many traits, both in mind and character.
He, who has so well and wisely chosen and who is to be congratulated, is the worthy proprietor of the Kiron pharmacy whose affable and manly qualifications had won him esteem and respect among all who know him. Very costly and useful presents were given this estimable couple. Their new home will be in L. J. Larson's comfortable residence in the western part of town, where they will at once enter upon their new responsibilities. That a super abundance of sunshine and happiness may be theirs through life is the earnest wish of all who know them.
Maynard - Osterlund
Denison Review - December 9, 1903 - Deloitr
Rev. Morgan united in marriage Mr. Chas. Maynard and Miss Rose Osterlund at the home of the bride's parents December 1st.
McDermott - Brocklesby
Denison Review - November 11, 1903 - Vail
Thursday morning at the St. Ann's church occurred the marriage of Miss Margaret Brocklesby to Mr. J. J. McDermott, Rev. Father Murphy officiating. After the ceremony a reception was given them at the home of the bride's parents. The bride is an accomplished young lady and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brocklesby south of town. Mr. McDermott is the bright young editor of the Manilla Times. They have the best wishes of many friends.
McMahon - Barrett
Denison Review - February 22, 1901 - Charter Oak
P. D. McMahon, of this place, and Miss Marie Barrett, of Dunlap, were married at that place at high noon, Tuesday, Feb. 19th, at the Catholic Church, Rev. White officiating. Chas. Rottler of this place, was groomsman and Miss Bartley of Lincoln, Nebr., bridesmaid. A splendid dinner of four courses was served to twenty-four invited guests, after which Mr. and Mrs. McMahon accompanied by Mr. Rottler and Miss Bartley departed for Omaha. The bridal couple will spend the remainder of the week at Chicago and Milwaukee.
Michaelson - Mundt
Denison Review - April 7, 1897
Married at the home of the bride on March 31st at 2:30, Mr. Hans F. Michaelson and Miss Anna Mundt were united in marriage, Rev. Claussen officiating. The witnesses present were Henry and Margaret Michaelson. Both these young people have a wide circle of friends who wish them unbounded happiness.
Mill - Randall
Denison Review - November 25, 1903
On Friday, November 20th, Mr. Elmer Mill was married to Miss Bertha Randall at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Randall, in East Denison, Rev. A. G. Martyn, officiating. The ceremony was performed at six o'clock in the presence of a few friends and relatives. After a short wedding tour east the young couple will return to Denison to make their future home.
The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Mill and is a young man of good habits, industrious and capable of caring for the wife he has chosen. He is a partner in the dray and sand business with his father. They control one of the best and most lucrative businesses of the kind in this part of the state. He has been raised in Denison and has numerous friends and acquaintances.
The bride wore a silk mulli and carried roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Gertrude, who wore a pink organdie and carried carnations. The groom was attended by his brother James Mills. The party took their places under an arch of ferns and chrysanthemums while Miss Faye Rowland played the wedding march. After the ceremony delicious refreshments were served by the Misses Edith and Ethel Mills.
The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Randall, is a young lady of prepossessing appearance, bright mind and intellectual ability and will make an excellent help mate to the husband of her choice. The Review joins with many friends of both parties in wishing them a long and happy life.
Miller - Bird
Denison Review - October 16, 1901 - Manillar
Married at the home of the bride's parents in the south part of town, on Thursday afternoon, Mr. Lew Miller and Miss Lizzie Bird, Rev. Bradford officiating. Both parties are well known in this vicinity and their many friends wish them much happiness.
Mohr - Pehl
Denison Review - February 11, 1902
Mr. Fred Mohr and Miss Clara Pahl were quietly married Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pahl in the southeast part of town. Rev. Wm. Martins officiating, performed the ceremony with becoming grace and dignity. Mr. August Evers acted as best man and Miss Lizzie Schwecke acted as bridesmaid.
Mr. Mohr is a man of good sober and steady habits, a man who is well able and will make a good home for the lady he has chosen for a life partner.
Miss Pahl is an accomplished young lady of refinement and a person well suited to take up the cares of a home. She is a young lady who has many friends and holds the respect of all who know her.
Montgomery - Lundgreen
Denison Review - July 23, 1901
Mr. Ninus Montgomery and Miss Anna Lundgreen, both of Denison, were married July 8th at the home of the bride's brother in Silver Creek, Neb.
Muritz - JohnsonName
Denison Review - December 31, 1901
The cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Marie Johnson to Mr. Hjalmer Muritz on Tuesday evening, Dec. 31, 1901 at the home of the bride's parents.
Nath - Jepsen
Denison Review - March 15, 1901
Married at the German Lutheran Church, Wednesday, March 13th, Mr. Henry Nath to Miss Emma D. Jepsen, both of Goodrich Township, Rev. Lothringer officiating.
Neimand - Fhram
Denison Review - October 16, 1901 - Kiron
Married, on Friday evening at the home of John Newman, three miles east of Kiron, Mr. John Neimand of Boyer to Miss Ella Fhram. Pastor C. Schleget of Odebolt tied the pair together. Quite a few relatives of the couple witnessed the ceremony, success and joy may it be theirs as their bark glides down the stream of life.
Nelson- Akers
Denison Review - September 3, 1901
Cards are out announcing the marriage of Isaac E. Nelson to Miss Manda Akers on Wednesday, September 4, 1901 at Crystal Lake, Minnesota. We announced this marriage some time ago but were then misinformed as to the date.
Nordell - Johnson
Denison Review - January 18, 1901 - Kiron
Married at Denison on Saturday last, Mr. Gust Nordell and Miss Annie Johnson. They drove to Denison in the morning where the ceremony was performed, returning home in the evening and surprised us all by announcing that they were married. May good luck and prosperity every follow them in their path of life together.
Olson - Larson
Denison Review - September 10-1901 - Charter Oak
Married Wednesday morning, Sept. 4, at the Swedish Mission Church, Rev. Eddy's officiating, Miss Louise Larson of this place to Mr. Gus Olson of South Dakota. The bride has spent the greater part of her life in Charter Oak and has many friends here who wish sincerely for her welfare. The happy couple left Thursday morning for their home in South Dakota.
Review - September 18, 1901 - Married at the Swedish Church at Charter Oak, Iowa, Wednesday, September 4 at 9 AM, Mr. Carl Olson and Miss Louisa C. Larson, Rev. Modig of Kiron, Ia. officiating.
The groom is an intelligent young man of pleasing manners and good character. He comes from Mitchell, South Dakota near which place he owns a farm and where he and his estimable bride expect to make their future home.
The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Larson who resides near Charter Oak. After the ceremony at the church, the bridal party and guests drove to the home of the bride's parents where they sat down to a sumptuous dinner, after which ice cream and cake were served which was enjoyed by all. The happy couple were the recipients of some beautiful and useful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Olson left Thursday PM for their home in South Dakota. Many friends join in wishing them smooth sailing o'er life's sea.
Otto - Finnern
Denison Review - December 16, 1903
Last Tuesday evening Dec. 8, Mr. H. W. Otto was married to Miss Marie Finnern, Rev. Mr. Frese performing the ceremony. Only a few of the most intimate friends were present to witness the ceremony. Mr. Otto is employed at the Broadway Grocery salesman and is an industrious young man whose friends wish he and his bride happiness and prosperity through their married life.
Oxwang - Schwiesow
Denison Review - March 19, 1901
On Wednesday March 20th, Mr. Carl Oxwang and Miss Sophia M. D. Schwiesow were married before the witnesses, William and Margarete Oxwang, Rev. F. Lothringer officiating. The wedding was a quiet one, only immediate relatives and friends being present.
The bride is a young woman of sterling qualities. She has shown her strength of character and faithfulness during adversities and she is in every way qualified to take her place as the presiding genius of a happy home. We sincerely congratulate the fortunate groom.
Mr. Oxwang is one of Denison's exemplary young men. He is unassuming, quite and unpretensious but he is also industrious, economical and level-headed. He is a type of the many young Germans who have wrought success from a small beginning and have become leaders in the community. We believe such will be his future and we know of no young couple more deserving of the good things of life. They have already gone to housekeeping in a cozy home which Mr. Oxwang has purchased and we but join with their many friends in wishing them continued happiness.
Patterson - Temple
Denison Review - September 18, 1901
A most auspicious wedding took place in Denison last week when Miss Elizabeth Temple and Mr. Lowell M. Patterson were united in the holy bonds of matrimony.
The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Temple and was witnessed by nearly fifty invited guests. The home was most beautifully decorated with flowers and evergreens and the bride looked most charming as she stood with the groom under a handsome evergreen bell while Rev. E. M. Holmes pronounced the impressive words which united this loving couple for life. The bride was handsomely gowned in white and the groom wore conventional black to which man is ever doomed even in his happiest hour. After bestowing their congratulations upon the happy pair the guests partook of an elaborate and delicious lunch. The young people went to Des Moines for a brief wedding trip and they will soon be at home in Lake City.
The bride is one of Denison's most capable and lovable daughters, reared in a home of refinement and Christianity, she is a splendid type of the best womanhood.
We sincerely congratulate Mr. Patterson upon the accomplished bride whom he has won and hope for them the utmost joys of life. Mr. Patterson is at present a trainman on the Boyer Valley line of North-Western. He is a young man of exemplary habits, popular with all who know him and one who is in every way fitted to make a happy home for one of Denison's most charming daughters.
Peters - Marshall
Denison Review - March 26, 1901 - Charter Oakr
At the home of Mr. Clark T. Marshall at 4 p.m. on Thursday, March 21, Miss Hattie Blanche Marshall, their daughter, was given in marriage to Mr. Gust Peters of Charter Oak.
The young people have known each other well for a number of years. Mr. Peters has been an inmate of the home for a period of nine years and now is going away to begin life on his own farm which he has bought from Mr. Marshall and takes this lovely girl for his bride. The family were all present except one daughter, Mrs. Hart. Among the invited guests Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Johnson, Messrs, C. E. Hiett and A. F. Kadoch. The latter gentleman and Miss Lena Marshall acted the part of groomsman and bridesmaid.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. M. Linn as the wedding party stood in the bay window facing the company which happily included Mrs. Marshall, the mother, who was able to enjoy the ceremony as well as the feast that followed. A bountiful wedding supper was spread in the dining room and enjoyed until the hour arrived for the departing of the train which the young people took for their wedding trip. They expect to return on Saturday and go to their home some four miles south of this town. The bride was dressed in a grey broad cloth suit, handsomely made and suitable for service on their wedding journey. We extend to the lovely bride and her estimable husband, heartiest congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy married life.
Poleska - Lueck
Denison Review - March 1, 1901
On February 27th, Rev. Lothringer united in marriage Mr. Albert Poleska and Miss Eliza Lueck before the following witnesses: John Ammann and Minna Lueck and John Lepel and Ella Arndt.
Powell - Bryan
Denison Review - November 29, 1901
In the presence of half a hundred guests at the home of the bride's parents north of Dow City, George C. Powell was married to Lulu Mabel Bryan on the evening of Thanksgiving Day.
Some friends drove out from Denison and together with the neighbors of the young people signalized the event in a most happy manner. Most inviting refreshments were served and useful presents received.
Mr. Powell is one of the choice products of the country. A most upright, industrious and promising young man.
The Bride is the daughter of Daniel Frank Bryan, a lady of capability and beauty in character. The young couple will make their home on Mr. Powell's farm three miles west of Denison.
Rev. D. Webster assisted Rev. F. W. Bateson in the ceremony. About fifty guests had assembled to view the pretty ceremony, which occurred at 6 o'clock. Miss Maude Bryan acted as bridesmaid and Mr. H. A. Carpenter was best man. The bride was very prettily attired in a gown of white. After congratulations the guests were served with a splendid two course luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Powell were the recipients of many beautiful gifts of silver, linen, painting, embroidery, glass and china ware. Mrs. Powell is a woman of noble character and pleasing manner. Her friends are numbered by her acquaintances. For sometime she was a student in the Denison High School and we unite our wishes for her future happiness with those of her teachers and numerous friends.
Pump - Stathmann
Denison Review - November 25, 1903
On Tuesday, Mr. Emil Pump and Miss Clara Strathmann of Hays Township, were united in the bonds of wedlock, Rev. Freese, of the Lutheran church performing the marriage ceremony.
The wedding took place at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pump. After the ceremony and congratulations were over, the happy couple went to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claus Strathmann in Hays Township where a grand reception was given them.
Everybody is acquainted with Emil, he is an industrious, hard working young man and will get along well in the world if anyone does.
In his bride he has secured a lady who will be a great help in every way. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claus Strathmann of Hays Township. We wish them success.
Reinking - Peterson
Denison Review - October 8, 1901 - Kiron
One of the notable events in this section of the county was celebrated Thursday afternoon and eve at the home of Jacob C. Peterson, four miles west of Kiron, being the marriage of Miss Johanna Peterson to Mr. Aug. Reinking to which over 500 people were present. Music was furnished by the Schleswig Band. May success and joy unlimited ever be theirs.
Riley - Mitchell
Denison Review - September 10, 1901 - Dow City
Married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mitchell, parents of the bride, Mr. Mark Riley to Miss Rose Mitchell, Elder J. M. Baker officiating.
Rolls - Baber
Denison Review - June 7, 1901
On Thursday, May 30th, Mr. W. C. Rolls and Miss Bertha Baber left Dow City very quietly and went to Denison and were married there by Mr. McLennan, J. P. Will put up the cigars to the boys and candy to the kids, but to get even on Odd Fellows day, Stewart Lumber Co. offered as a prize to the youngest married couple $5.0 worth of hardware from their store and Will took it in with a broad smile.
Romans - Snyder
Denison Review - December 31, 1901
On the morning of Dec. 29th, Rev. E. M. Holmes of the First Methodist Church performed the ceremony which made Mr. J. B. Romans of Denison and Mrs. Christine Snyder of Creston, man and wife.
The ceremony took place at the residence of the groom in Denison and was attended by nearly sixty guests including the intimate friends and relatives and the employees of the J. B. Romans firm and others in Denison.
None but a small circle of friends had known of the approaching nuptials and the event came as a total surprise to our people. The rooms of Mr. Romans handsome residence were beautifully decorated with plants and flowers and it was in the sitting room thus embellished that the simple but solemn ceremony was performed. The ceremony was delayed somewhat by the fact that for some reason the license had been forgotten and a rush search had to be made for County Clerk Frank Faul to procure the important document. The incident only served, however, to increase the good nature of all concerned and Mr. and Mrs. Romans drove from the house after the ceremony admist a shower of rice and old shoes and congratulations.
They took the morning train on the Northwestern for Chicago, where they will spend a few days before returning to Denison. They will be at home to their friends after January 20th.
Mr. Romans is well known in this community. He is a prosperous business and a man of large affairs. His energy in whatever field he may enter has made him prominent in social, business, political and church circles. We can sincerely congratulate him upon having secured the lady of his choice.
She is a woman of many charms both of mind and character. She has been prominent in good works, is a brilliant conversationalist and possessed of excellent judgment. Last year she was Department President of the Woman's Relief Corps of Iowa and she is prominent in the Rebekah Lodge. We believe that Mrs. Romans will prove a most pleasant and valuable addition to the social life of our city and we can most heartily commend her to the good graces of Denison people.