The Story of Grace Church Vested Choir


God sent his singers upon earth,
With songs of sadness and of mirth
That they might touch the hearts of men
And bring them back to heaven again.


          Throughout the centuries the majestic tones pealing forth from organs and blending with the melodious voices of humans, in somber cloisters, stately cathedrals and parish churches, have fulfilled their mission in creating an atmosphere of worship for those who had come apart to enter into communion with their God.  For forty years those who have enjoyed the privilege of being members of Grace Church Vested Choir have been rendering a like service.

          The story of Grace Church Vested Choir is one of absorbing and almost thrilling interest.  During its forty years of existence three hundred and forty-six have been identified with it, forty-eight of whom have, to our knowledge, been called to join the Choir Invisible.  Others are scattered throughout the world, and many are still active in various parishes, rendering service to God and His Church as Wardens, Vestrymen and Lay readers, while one—John Claussen, is treasurer of the Diocese of Southern Florida, and has been a deputy from that diocese to three General Conventions—Portland, Oregon, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Washington, D. C.  Another, Philip S. Gardiner of Laurel, Mississippi, is a member of the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Mississippi, while still another, Frederick H. Wielage, is now a Candidate for Holy Orders and studying at Nashotah, Wisconsin.  Two of its rectors, the Rev. Thomas W. Jones and the Rev. W. Ernest Stockley, have been deputies to the General Convention.  The extent of their work and achievements cannot be estimated,

Nor can the influence of the Church training they received while in the choir be appreciated until that day when The Great Shepherd of the sheep shall say, “Come, ye blessed children of my Father, receive the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world.”

          About the last part of December, 1888, that consecrated servant of God, Miss Electa Marian Rand, a woman of exceptional artistic and musical ability, (a pupil of Clarence Eddy) whose soul delighted to praise its God through the talents He had bestowed, felt that the time had come when her desire for a choir of boys for Grace Church should be realized.  She enlisted the interest of Prof. W. L. MacArthur, who was at that time the tenor in the quartette leading the music in the services, and on the evening of January 7, 1889, between fifteen and twenty young men and boys were gathered at the home of the Senior Warden, Mr. R. N. Rand, for their first rehearsal.  It was in this same home and room that the writer and the then members of the choir read and sang the last Offices of the Church for this faithful woman who for about thirty-six years had been the organist of the church, and who had seen her wish brought to a glorious and triumphant realization.   She entered into Life Eternal, December 9, 1915, and continues “with Angels and Archangels, and with all the company of heaven” to laud and magnify God’s glorious Name; “evermore praising Him, and saying: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts, Heaven and earth are full of thy glory: Glory be to thee, O Lord Most High.”

          “May she rest in peace, and may Light Perpetual shine upon her.”

          Two splendid volumes, produced on the fifteenth and twentieth anniversaries of the choir, in 1904 and in 1909, have respectively told their story of the history up to that time very effectively.  The first, that of 1904, being the gift of Mr. S. C. R and, who wrote and compiled it.  From them we have gathered much of the information for this story.

          It was a bright and clear spring day, that Easter of 1889, when, with the church filled with those who had come to worship their Risen Lord, the choir, consisting of twenty-0ne men and boys, and assisted by eight young ladies, sang their first service.  So beautiful and impressive was their effort, that the success of this, one of the first boy choirs in Iowa, was assured.  The personnel of that first choir was: Trebles—George S. Ashton, Frederick M. Fredericksen, Charles H. Gilman, Alfred S. Holmes, Earle I. Holmes, George C. Lollich, S. Curtiss Rand and Albert S. Walden;  Altos—Earl L. Johnstone, Earl A. MacBride, Guy T. MacBride and Charles D. Walden;  Tenors—Edward G. Fredericksen, F. W. Leedham, W. L. MacArthur and A. E. Rudman;  Bassos—A. J. Foster, A. L. Holmes, A. M. Potts, F. F. Potts and W. G. Romer.  Earle I. Holmes was honored by being the first crucifer, the processional cross, the one which has ever since continued to head the procession of singers as they marched to and from the public services in God’s House, being presented by Mrs. C. F. Welles.

          While the Choir was preparing for this first service, others were kept busy.  The chancel had to be remodeled and vestments made, but on that first appearance of the choir everything was in readiness, and on the following day, the first choir picture was taken, showing the singers in their places in the chancel.  Only one or two copies of this picture are extant.  It is of interest to note the musical program for that first service.


Processional—“Onward Christian Soldiers Hymn 232
Easter Anthem—“Christ our Passover” Shelley
Gloria Chant 4
Te Deum Chant 77
Jubilate Deo Chant 28
Carol—“The World Itself Keeps Easter Day”  
Gloria Tibi Chant 191
Carol—“Christ is Risen”  
Recessional—“The Church’s One Foundation” Hymn 202

          All things change, and so through the years many changes have come to the choir and its personnel, but the spirit of the founder remains in the parish.  On July 8, 1889, after only a few months service, Prof. MacArthur found it necessary to take a rest, and retired as choirmaster, being succeeded by Mr. Palin Saxby who remained in the city but a short time.  Upon his departure the work was taken up by the rector and organist very successfully.

          The services on the second Easter, 1890, were quite elaborate, three services being sung.  At the early service at 6:00 A. M. on this day, gold medals were awarded for outstanding work and general merit, and this method if recognition was continued for a number of years.  Boys winning these medals were naturally very proud of the honor, and wore them on their vestments at Easter and other special services.  Of these first medals awarded, Alfred S. Holmes secured one for the greatest improvement in singing and Leigh M. Michelsen for the best deportment.  After the service, a breakfast was served the choir by Mrs. Rand at her home.  The most elaborate service of the day was at 10:45 A. M., the choir being assisted by a quartette and by Hinrich’s string quartette of Clinton.  The program is here given in full:


Processional—“We March” Hymn 547
Easter Anthem—“Christ our Passover” Gilchrist
Gloria Chant 243
Te Deum Boskerck
Benedictus Gregorian
Hymn—“Jesus Christ is Risen Today” Hymn 99
Introit—“At the Lamb’s High Feast Hymn 100
Kyrie Cruikshank
Credo Cruikshank
Offertory—“Christ the Lord is Risen Today” Underer
Sanctus Cruikshank
Benedictus Qui Venit Cruikshank
Agnus Dei Cruikshank
Ave Verum Gounod
Gloria in Excelsis Cruikshank
Recessional—“The Strife is O’er” Hymn 103

          After this second Easter the choir was disbanded for the purpose of reorganization as a strictly male choir, and under a system of payments and fines.  The ladies who had helped with the singing, from the organization until this time were” Blanche Leffingwell (Leedham), Mary M. Case (Tinker), Mrs. Ella MacArthur, Miss Flora Lund (now deceased), Elizabeth Gardiner (Cox), Mary Jeanette Gardiner (Wisner), Miss Lola Ashton (now deceased) and Anice Stevens (Beers).  For a period of nearly two months, a quartette led the singing in the services.

          In November, 1889, Mrs. Arthur L. Holmes was appointed assistant choirmaster, and held the position until April, 1894, when he was appointed choirmaster by the Rev. C. W. Tyler, and for twenty-one years he continued as such, together with Miss Rand, producing a choir whose record was enviable not only in the matter of singing, in which they excelled, but in the general life and character of the boys under their leadership.

          On the first Sunday after Trinity, 1890, the reorganized choir was installed under a system of payments and fines, which system has practically been continued to the present time.  As each boy entered the chancel he was required to promise to obey the rules and regulations, was then given his cotta and hymnal and took his seat.  A number of group pictures adorn the choir room of the church, the first of which was taken in the summer of 1890.

          Easters came and went, and with each passing there was added another anniversary.  March 29, 1891, was Easter Day, and we find that the choir sang Woodward’s Communion Service at the early celebration.  It must be remembered that the choir was now composed exclusively of male voices, and the record is that they did splendidly, no longer depending upon the assistance of the ladies who for the first year had been seated in the front pews to aid with their voices the work of the choir.  The choir also sang at two choral services on Christmas Day, 1891.

          On Easter Day, 1893, the choir sang at three services.

          Easter Day, April 14, 1895, Mrs. H. J. Rand, who had been choirmother from the organization of the choir, resigned that position, and was succeeded by Louise D. Henningsen (Mrs. J. L. Pollock) who, until her resignation in October, 1909, continued as such.  While we are preparing this story, the word comes that this faithful woman has entered into the rest of the children of God.  She will be affectionately remembered by many of the former members of the choir for her devotion to their work, and many acts of personal kindness of which the world will never know.  She was residing in Dubuque, Iowa, and was a patient of Finley Hospital in that city, when, on December 27, 1928, she entered into Life Eternal.  She was buried from Grace Church, Lyons. Sunday, December 30, 1928, Bishop Morrison being in charge of the service and being assisted by the Rev. F. G. Williams and the Rev. T. Horton, the choir singing their part of the service.  The Rev. F. G. Williams reading the opening sentences and the lesson, Bishop Morrison reading the creed and prayers and giving a short address, and the Rev. T. Horton reading the committal at Oaklamd Cemetery  St. Margaret’s Guild assumed the expense of maintaining the choir when Miss Henningsen became choirmother.

          In October, 1895, a building, which had been used as a private school, was given to the parish.  Messrs. M. A. Disbrow and S. W. Gardiner each presented a third interest and Mr. W. T. Joyce contributed a sum sufficient to purchase the remaining third.  The building was located west of the rectory and was called the Guild Hall.  In 1925 this building gave place to the beautiful new Parish House erected at this time.

          In November, 1895, the Choir Club was organized with the following officers: President, Frank C. Brandt; Vice-President, William H. Sievers; Secretary  Fred M. Hess; Treasurer, Bert E. Brandt; Librarian, Oscar W. Larson.  The object of the club was to promote the social, moral and physical welfare of its members.  The club continued in effective existence for many years.

          Easter Day, April 5, 1896, the ladies of the parish presented Mr. A. L. Holmes, choirmaster, with a hymnal, sick cossock and linen cotta, and the vestry remembered Miss Rand, the organist, with an organ edition of Hutchin’s hymnal.

          During the fall of 1897, the ladies of Grace Church and St. Margaret’s Guilds, made an entire new set of vestments for the choir, and on November 21st of this year, Bishop Perry visited the parish for the purpose of confirmation.  This proved to be the last visitation of the Bishop.

          Easter Day, April 10. 1898, the ninth anniversary of the choir was the last Easter service held in the old frame chancel of the church.  The choir rendered the services in a beautiful manner.  From June to October the services were held in the Masonic Temple.  During this time the new chancel and vestry room were built and other improvements mad in and about the church.

          Sunday, October 2, 1898, the choir sang its first service in the remodeled church.  At the evening service, the Rev, Thomas E. Green, President of the Standing Committee of the Diocese, delivered a sermon to the choir boys, taking for his subject, “Servants of the King.”  A new set of hymnals was purchased for the choir at this time, and this has been repeated several times since. 

          In February, 1899, the pipe organ presented to the parish by Mr. W. T. Joyce was installed and dedicated, and through the years has added much to the beauty and majesty of the musical part of the service.  In August, 1903, manual power was dispensed with and a water motor installed, for which some of the boys, at least, gave thanks.  In 1915, the organ was overhauled, new stops and pipes added, and the water motor gave place to an electric blower.

          With the passing of anniversaries, we are impressed with the fact that the spiritual side of life has always been emphasized in connection with membership in the choir, as witnessed by the number of members baptized and presented for confirmation.  In this connection it is worthy of note that the Rt. Rev. Harry S. Longley, D. D., Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese to twenty-six of those who have been identified with the choir.  The writer himself rejoices to remember many occasions during his rectorship, when men, declaring for certain great moral and Christian principles finished with the statement, “you know I am an old choir boy.”

          It may not be inappropriate for us here to give two tables, those of the baptisms and confirmations of members of the choir. 




Rev. G. W. Watson------------------2
Rev, Henry Adams-------------------1
Rev, L. N. Freeman------------------1
Rev. A. P. Crouch--------------------1
Rev. James Trimble------------------1
Rev. Samuel Currie------------------2
Rev. W. T. Currie--------------------6
Rev. R. B. Whipple------------------6
Rev. H. L. Gamble-------------------1
Rev. G. T. Griffith-------------------3
Rev. C. H. Weaver------------------17
Rev. C. W. Tyler--------------------22
Rev. T. W. Jones--------------------30
Rev. W. S. Leete--------------------13
Rev. W. E. Stockley----------------23
Rev. F. G. Williams------------------4 -----133 


Rev, James Trimble------------------4
Rev. H. H. Morrill--------------------1
Rev, F. H. Burrell---------------------1 --------6


Rev. C. L. Arno;d, Detroit, Michigan----------------------1
Rev. Wm. Bardens, Warsaw, Illinois-----------------------2
Rev. W. A. Cole, Geneseo, New York---------------------1
Rev. H, A, F, Hoyt, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania----------1
Rev, Orin Howard, Bath, New York------------------------1
Rev, C. C. Jatho, Cleveland, Ohio---------------------------1
Rev. T. W. Jones, Bedford City, Virginia------------------1
Rev. T. W. Jones, Marshall, Texas--------------------------1
Rev. S. F. Myers, Maquoketa, Iowa-------------------------1
Rev. G. A. Whitney, De Kalb, Illinois----------------------1 ---------11 


In England-------------------------------------------------------7
In Canada--------------------------------------------------------2 -------9

No record-------------------------------------------------------------3 ----------169



Swedish--------------------------------------------------------------10 --------75 

Roman Catholic (German 6)---------------------------------------------12
No record---------------------------------------------------------------------6
No report--------------------------------------------------------------------10



Bishop In Parish Elsewhere Total
Rt. Rev. T. N. Morrison, D. D., Bishop of Iowa 108 1 109
Rt. Rev. H. S. Longley, D. D., Bishop Coadjutor of Iowa 26   26
Rt. Rev. W. S. Perry, d. D., Bishop of Iowa (Deceased) 30 5 35
Rt. Rev. H. W. Lee, D. D., Bishop of Iowa (Deceased) 1   1
Rt. Rev. Alexander Burgess, D. D., Bishop of Quincy (Dec.) 2   2
Rt. Rev. A. C. Coxe, D. D., Bishop of Western New York (Dec)   1 1
Rt. Rev, Edward Fawcett, D. D., Bishop of Quincy   2 2
Rt. Rev. J. H. Francis, D. D., Bishop of Indianapolis (Dec)   1 1
Rt. Rev, G. D. Gillespie, D. D., Bishop of Western Michigan (Dec)   1 1
Rt. Rev. A. R. Graves, D. D., Bishop of the Platte (Retired) 7 1 8
Rt. Rev. C. R. Hale, D. D., Bishop of Cairo (Deceased) 3   3
Rt. Rev. J. H. Johnson, D. D., Bishop of Los Angeles (Dec)   1 1
Rt. Rev. F. S. Spalding, D. d., Bishop of Utah (Dec.) 10   10
Rt. Rev. W. W. Webb, D. D., Bishop of Milwaukee   1 1
Rt. Rev. J. H. White, D. D. Bishop of Indianapolis (Dec) 2   2
Rt. Rev. A. L. Williams, D. D., Bishop of Nebraska (Dec)   1 1
Unknown   1 1
Lord Bishop of Worcester      
  189 17 206

          The history of the choir has been one of considerable achievement, notwith-standing, there have been many times of great perplexity owing to changes and the inability to secure boys with qualified voices.  The choir has sung on many occasions at festive events, such as marriages, it has also brought consolation and peace to many hearts, by singing at the funeral of members of the parish and others.  It has had its times of personal pleasure in camp, and various entertainments of which others will write more fully.  It has contributed its part in cheering the heart in musical entertainment, in addition to financial assistance rendered worthy parochial and diocesan enterprises.  It has also been called upon to witness the passing of some of its members into Life Eternal.  Here we must record one or two instances.  From the record we find “Harry A. Neesley, a member of the choir, and crucifer at the time he was compelled to go away for his health, died at Tuson, Arizona, January 21, 1899, and was buried from the church on Thursday, January 26th, the service being in charge of the Rev. H. H. Morrill, of Clinton, owing to the illness of the Rev. Mr. Tyler.  The choir sang at the service.”  Later we find under date of April, 1899, “Harry A. Neesley’s long and faithful service of eight years in the vested choir, awoke in the minds of his associates a desire to commemorate his memory, so, at the suggestion of Chester H. Waters, a committee was appointed, about this time, to undertake the raising of the necessary funds, and to select a suitable memorial to be placed in the church.  Edward H. Horst, Bert E. Brandt, Chester H. Waters and William C. Johnson were appointed as such committee.  On the evening of June 26th, the choir gave a concert at the residence of Mrs. H. J. Rand, the proceeds of which were added to the Neesley Memorial Fund.” 

The following excellent program was rendered:


Vocal Solo—“Little Boy Blue Hoard

Master Clare Adams

Piano Solo—“La Reveil D’amour” Moszkowski

Miss Hannah Claussen

Vocal Solo Selected

Mrs. F. W. Leedham

Recitation Selected

Miss Ethel Duvey

Vocal—“The Brownies and the Indian” Pratt

Master Harry Waters

Instrumental Quartette Selected

Messrs. William H. Sievers and Edward Horst
Miss Bertha and Master Harry Sievers

Vocal Solo Selected

Miss Lundy

Recitation—“John Smith” Eugene Field

Master Peter Dall

Vocal Solo Selected

Mr. Waters

Violin Solo Selected

Mr. Albert Buechner

Vocal Solo—“Happy Days” Strelski

Master Alfred Sievers
Mandolin, Master Harry Sievers.

          July 3, 1899, the Neesley Memorial Committee petitioned the vestry and received permission to place a window in the chancel in memory of Harry A. Neesley.  The date of the unveiling of this memorial to the first choir boy who had died while still a member of the choir, was the first anniversary of his death, January 21, 1900, and the service throughout was a just tribute to the lad and young man who had been so faithful and true to his choir and Church.  The church was beautifully decorated with palms, flowers and potted plants, the white flowers upon the altar being the gift of the former Sunday School teacher of the deceased, Mrs. C. F. Welles, of Minneapolis.

          The text of the sermon preached on this occasion by the Rev. C. W. Tyler was—“These stones shall be for a memorial unto the children of Israel forever.”  Joshua 4:7.  The following is an extract therefrom: “And following in the footsteps of those of old, we have this morning set apart this beautiful window to the glory of God, and as an everlasting memorial to the memory of one, who for many years walked among us.  It is the last loving tribute his friends and companions could do for him, who at all times, and in all places, conducted himself as a Christian.  As his rector for nearly five years, I can testify to his steadfast faith in Him, who said” “I am the Resurrection and the Life; he that believeth in me, thought he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, shall never die.”  Though young in years, when he was called to Paradise, yet he was Samuel of old, ripe in Christian experience.  He was of a reserved disposition, yet he never wavered in his loyalty to the Church in which he received the Apostolic rite of confirmation, and from which the last sad words were said over his earthly remains.  It was his loyalty and true manliness which inspired the hearts of his companions to place this artistic window in his memory.  And that token of love will be for the rising generations of boys, who will sing in this choir, and incentive for them to live good, pure and upright lives, so that they will attain the blessedness of Saints, who die in the Lord.”  The window of Munich manufacture, contains the figure of an angel with a trumpet and is beautifully colored.  It bears the following inscription:                                               

Harry A. Neesley
Chorister and Crossbearer
Born June 24, 1877.  Died January 21, 1899.

“For all the Saints who from their labors rest,
Who Thee by faith before the world confessed,
Thy name, O Jesu, be forever blessed.  Alleluia.”

          On the evening of May 26, 1902, William Carl Grohe, crucifer of the choir, died after an illness of several months.  The funeral took place from the church on the afternoon of the 28th.  The entire choir sang at the service and also went to the cemetery for the interment.  Again the members of the choir made plans to commemorate the life of their departed co-worker, and we find that “On Sunday morning, March 1, 1903, the William Carl Grohe Memorial window was unveiled.  The service (A celebration of the Holy Communion), was appropriate to the occasion, and was attended by the entire choir, some forty former members of the choir, the faculty and members of Carl’s class in the High School, his relatives, and a large number of friends and parishioners.  The following extract from the sermon delivered by the rector, the Rev. T. W. Jones, will not be amiss and is therefore given: Text, ‘I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day.’ Rev. 1:10.  I have chosen this thought for this occasion, because I believe that Carl Grohe, whose memory we honor today, was a young man in whom there dwelt this earnest Spirit of Consecration to Life’s duties.  It was not my privilege to know him very long, hardly a year, but in that time I saw enough of him to be convinced that whatever his hands found to do he did with all his might..  A good student, a true and loyal churchman, a faithful and loving son, an affectionate brother, he lived his brief but sweet, clean, and pure life with devotion to high ideals and lofty principles.  A spirit of earnestness and sincerity marked him out for high success in life.  An untimely death seems to end many a shining promise, but we know that it does not on the other side; we take the characters we have made here, Carl Grohe is not dead, but only transplanted.  He loved this church.  He loved that cross and today as we marched in line to our places I could not help but feel that Carl is with us ‘In the Spirit on the Lord’s day.’  Around yon table we will meet again and with Angels and Archangels and all the company of heaven we laud and magnify Thy Glorious name, evermore saying, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth,  Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of Thy glory.  Glory be to Thee, O Lord most High,  Amen.”  The following was the order of service:


Prelude—“Aria” Handel
Processional—“O, What the Joy and Glory Must Be” Hymn 397
Introit—“Lead Kindly Light” Hymn 423
Kyrie Cruikshank
Gloria Tibi Cruikshank
Laus Tibi Cruikshank
Credo Cruikshank
Hymn—“Come, ye Disconsolate” Hymn 637


Offertory Solo—“Eye Hath Not Seen” Gaul

Mr. Harry F. Sievers

Presentation—“Holy Offerings” Redhead
Sanctus Cruikshank
Benedictus Cruikshank
Agnus Dei Cruikshank


During Communion—“The Homeland” Hanscom

Master Samuel S. Cook

Hymn—“Shepherd of Souls” Hymn 235
Ablutions Hymn—“Bread of the World” Hymn 225
Recessional—“O Paradise” Hymn 394
Postlude—“At Evening” Dudley Buck

          This window, like the one placed in memory of Harry A. Neesley, is of Munich manufacture and the design, “St. Michael, the Standard Bearer of the Heavenly Hosts,” an appropriate one.


 “O may Thy Soldiers, faithful, true and bold,
Fight as the saints who nobly fought of old.
And win with them, the victor’s crown of Gold.

William Carl Grohe
Chorister and Crossbearer
Born September 1, 1883.  Died May 26, 1902

          We quote the following from a local newspaper—“As the speaker was in the act of receiving the window, and asking Divine blessing upon it and its usefulness as an accessory to the house of God, the sun burst forth from behind a cloud and shining through the stained glass of the beautiful window, reflected the colors of the rainbow upon the white robe of the man of God.  It was a beautiful scene and will long be remembered by all who noticed that particular feature.  The window itself is a beautiful work of art and may be said to be an allegory of the youth of the Church spearing to the death the dragon of sin.  Such was the attitude of Carl.  He was a strong, aggressive Christian and an earnest worker in the Master’s vineyard.  As the light shines through the window painting the beautiful colors on the chancel rail and altar, so, too, was the beautiful character of the boy in whose memory it was placed.”

          Many others. Faithful unto death, have passed on, and in order that none might be forgotten, on Easter Day, 1928, a large Tablet in the form of a Cross, placed in the chancel as a Memorial for all those who have been identified with the choir, and who have entered into rest, was unveiled and blessed by the rector.  A beautiful brass Altar Cross, a Memorial for Mrs. Hannah J. Rand, was also blessed at this service.  In his sermon, the rector, the Rev. W. Ernest Stockley, said in part: “We are this morning to bless the Altar Cross, as a Memorial to Mrs. Hannah J. Rand, for sixty years, not only a faithful Communicant of this parish, but also a beneficent influence for all that this Church has stood for in the community; of a quiet retiring disposition, yet continually active in all good works; seeking at all times to advance the cause of that Christ whom we today adore as the risen Savior of humanity.  We are also to unveil and bless a tablet to the memory of all those who have been identified with the vested choir, of which she was a great inspiration and for many years, choirmother.  At present it bears thirty-four names.  Eventually the names of all those who have been identified with the choir will be inscribed upon it.  In days past, as this building has resounded to the praises of God, their voices have contributed their part to those parties.  Today, they are members of the greater Choir Invisible, and well may we pray: ‘Make them to be numbered with Thy Saints in Glory Everlasting.’  Here their musical ability kindled a spirit of devotion, and led the Children of God in the worship of Him who declared:  ‘I am He that liveth and was dead, and behold I am alive for evermore.’  May they be found worthy of admission to that Celestial Choir which St. John heard singing:  ‘Thou art worthy—for Thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood..’ ”

But we have digressed a little from our chronology, let us get back.

April 5, 1899, Easter Day.  The choir sang three services on this, its tenth anniversary, at 10:30 A. M. and in the afternoon in its own church, and at 7:30 P. M. in St. John’s Clinton, when it united with the choir of the latter church in singing a service so well as to draw forth words of highest praise from the first choirmaster of Grace Church Choir.

The choir had a high standing in the community as a musical organization and was often called upon to take part in programs outside of the church.  We would here briefly record a few of them.  On February 19, 1890, the choir gave a concert at the Rand residence, and on Christmas eve of that year a number of choir members delightfully serenaded their friends by singing carols.  On the afternoon of Sunday, August 4, 1905, the choir united with the choir of St. John’s, Clinton, in singing the musical numbers at the laying of the corner stone of the Y. M. C. A. building in Clinton, by the Hon. Albert B. Cummins, Governor of Iowa.  In May, 1893, the choir sang at an afternoon meeting of the Y. M. C. A. in Clinton.  This was repeated at several other meetings later on.  On at least three occasions, June 26, 1898, September 7, 1900 and June 8, 1902, the choir sang for the Woodmen of the World at the unveiling of monuments at Oakland Cemetery.  In December, 1897, they took part in St. Margaret’s Guild entertainment--”Gypsy encampment,” and in December, 1898, in another of St. Margaret’s Guild entertainments—“Little Red Riding Hood,” while on December 14, 1899, we find them again taking part in an entertainment by the same Guild—“Dorothy’s Birthday” or “The Drummer Boys of Lexington”—Gates Leedham, Charles J. Reusche, Wayne E. Russell and Harry F. Sievers taking leading parts and Alfred and Harry Sievers singing a duet as a specialty.  When, on July 20, 1898, the famous “Roney’s Boys” visited Clinton to give a concert, the member of Grace Church Choir assisted in the chorus work and later, when the nation was stricken with sorrow because of the assassination of its President, we find the “The entire choir sang the musical numbers at the memorial service held by the general public, at the Odeon, on the afternoon of the 19th of September, 1901, for the late President William McKinley.”  The choir assisted in many other entertainments among which we find that in December, 1904, early in the month.  A number of the boys assisted in a play at the Clinton Theatre.  Also again at a later date.

                In March, 1902, the Rules and Regulations were revised and in May of this year the practice of making monthly reports to the new rector was begun.  The interest of the parish in the appearance of the choir is shown in the fact that in

December, 1902, 12 find that “Material for new cassocks was purchased at this time and work commenced on making up the same.”  January 1, 1904, the graded system of payments was installed, which has continued.

          Easter Day, April 3, 1904, was the fifteenth anniversary of the choir.  The communicants of the choir and some twenty of the former members, united in a corporate communion at the early service.  It was at this time, that the first history of the choir, covering the fifteen years of its existence, was compiled by Mr. S. C. Rand, on of the charter members, and presented by him to each member, and others, at the close of the afternoon service.  We have previously mentioned this and the 1909 history.

          July 31, 1904, the boys of the choir of All Saint’s Church, Chicago, together with the men of Grace Church Choir, sang the service at 10:30 A. M.  The  organist and boys of Grace Church Choir occupied the front pews of the church.  Mr. E. M. Latimer, organist and choirmaster of the Chicago church, presided at the organ.

          August 4, 1904, through the kindness of Mrs. S. W. Gardiner, a number of the members of the choir spent a week at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, in charge of the choirmaster.  The story of this trip is fully covered Glenn R. Russell, in his article “The St. Louis Trip” in this volume.

          During the time from the latter part of January, 1905, until the 16th of March of the same year, services were held in the Odd Fellows Hall, while the church was being remodeled by introducing an open timbered roof, as well as a rood screen.  At the reopening service, on the evening of March 16th, the Rev. Allen Judd of Clinton preached.

          April 23, 1905, was Easter Day, and the sixteenth anniversary of the choir.  In the evening the choir united with the choir of St. John’s, Clinton, in a choral service, which was repeated on the Sunday evening following.  At both the services the church was filled to its capacity, and the choirs, numbering sixty-five voices, sang the following program well: 


Organ Prelude—“Cantilene Nuptiale”------------------------------------Theo. Dubois

                           Miss Marian Rand, Organist, Grace Church 


Processional Hymn—No. 516—“Onward, Christian Soldiers”--------A. S. Sullivan 

                             EVENING PRAYER__Prayer Book, Page 19 

Glorias-----------------------------------------------------------------------------F. Schilling

Magnificat—Prayer Book, page 22-----------------------------------------------B. Tours

Nunc Dimittis—Prayer Book, page 23-------------------------------------------B. Tours 

                             CREED AND PRAYERS—Prayer Book, Page 19 

Collect Hymn—No. 13—“Softly Now The Light of Day”-----------------Von Weber

                                       Miss Mabel Harrison, Soloist 

Hymn—No. 116—“Angels, Roll the Rock Away”--------------------------C. F. Roper 

Baritone Solo—“Resurrection”-------------------------------------------Harry Rowe Shelly

                                            Mr. Hershey B. Nissly 

Anthem—“King of Kings”-------------------------------------------------------Caleb Simper


Soprano Solo—“The Lord is My Light”---------------------------------------John B. Marsh

                                       Mrs. Albert Hammarstrom 

Quartette—“Just as I Am”--------------------------------------------------------------C. Bohm

                                       Misses Temple and Scofield

                                       Messrs. Taggert and Sievers 

Address----------------------------------------------------------------------------Rev. Allen Judd

Duet—“Rock of Ages”---------------------------------------------------------Horace P. Dibble

                                       Miss Mabel Harrison

                                       Mr. Almon Taggert 

Violin Solo—“Adagio form Sonata Pathetique-----------------------------L. Von Bethoven

                                       Mr. Cameron Cotton 

Offertory Anthem—“Christ our Passover”------------------------------------------F. Shilling


Presentation Hymn—No. 478—“Holy Offerings”--------------------------------R. Redhead 

Bass Solo—“O, for a closer Walk With God”---------------------------------P. A. Schnecker

                                                Harry F. Sievers 

Hymn—“Hark! The Highest Heavens Ringing”---------------------------------G. F. LeJeune 

Recessional Hymn—No. 179—“Hark! The Sound of Holy Voices”----------G. F. LeJeune 

Organ Postlude—“Church March in B Flat”------------------------------------Walter Spinney

                                         Miss Marian Rand 

          During the Fall of this year the Choir Club to which we have previously referred, was disbanded.

          December 22, 1905, the entire choir sang the music of the festival service arranged in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the parish.  The service was held at 10:30 A. M., with bishop Morrison as celebrant and preacher, the Rev. Allen Judd, epistoler and the Rev. T. W. Jones, gospeler.  The members of the choir contributed towards the Jubilee Offering, which amounted to $1,200.00, and was placed on the altar at the service.  They were also present at the banquet held in the evening at the Odeon, occupying a table with the choirmaster and organist at either end.

          On December 29, 1905, Mr. A. L. Holmes, choirmaster, was presented with a diamond mounted black onyx cross from the father and members of the choir.

          In February, 1906, new prayer books, also cant and service books were purchased for the choir.

          July 14, 1907, the choir sat for the tenth group picture, to be used in connection with an article on “The Choirs of the Diocese,” to appear in the August number of the Iowa Churchman.  On the first Sunday in August of this year, although the choir was excused from service this month, eleven members together with several other boys, sang at the 10:30 A. M. service.  Master Lyle Utts, a soprano soloist of the Cathedral, Davenport, sang a solo at the Offertory.

          February 2, 1908, the Rev. William Wilkinson, otherwise known as the “Bishop of Wall Street,” preached at the evening service.

          In May, 1908, each member of the choir was enrolled as an honorary member of the Lincoln Farm Association, a patriotic organization formed by American citizens for the purpose of preserving as a National Park, the farm on which Abraham Lincoln was born.  The certificates of membership were presented by Mrs. Sarah M. Boardman, then of this city.

          The winning of honors and receiving medals as a tangible evidence of the same was, as we have previously said, highly prized by those fortunate enough to receive them, and to add to this distinction, in June, 1908, the collection of photographs of those members of the choir to whom medals had been awarded, was completed, and hung in the vestry of the church, and many times has the writer seen young choir boys standing and gazing at these photographs with wistful eyes, seeming to draw an inspiration from the photos.

          On the evening of the first Sunday in October, 1908, the Rev. John C. Sage, visited the parish and presented the claims of the Iowa Episcopate Fund.  The Rev. Mr. Sage requested the choirmaster to solicit subscriptions from the young men and boys of the parish.  The choirmaster succeeded in raising $150,00 amongst the ones solicited.  Grace Church Parish subscribed a total of $2,035.00 of which $330.00 was contributed by present and past members of the choir.

          Easter Day, April 11, 1909, was the twentieth anniversary of the choir.  Thirty-seven present and past members of the choir were present at the 7:30 A. M. service; Thirty-six being communicants, received in a body.  Twenty-three additional ones attended the 10:30 A. M. service of whom six received.  The flowers given by the present and a number of former members of the choir were in memory of those former members who had passed away.  At the close of the afternoon service the flowers were taken to Oakland Cemetery, by a committee, and placed on the graves of the deceased members, and also on the grave of the late William T. Joyce.

          The twentieth anniversary history was published at this time, and from it we learn that the expense of maintaining the Vested Choir during the twenty years, from Easter, 1889, to Easter, 1909, inclusive, aggregates about $4,000.00.

          December 5, 1910, The Rev. T. W. Jones tendered his resignation as rector of the parish, and the same was accepted by the vestry.  From this time, until June, 1911, when the Rev. W. S. Leete became priest in charge, the services were supplied for various clergy, but the choir was always on hand to help out the visiting clergyman.

          In October, 1911, Mr. D. W. Case, Senior Warden of the parish, died.  He passed away on the 4th, and his funeral was held from the church on the afternoon of the 6th, the choir singing at the service.  At a vestry meeting held on the 30th of the month, Earl F. Mayer was elected a member of the Vestry to succeed the late Mr. Case, and Mr. S. C. Rand, a former member of the choir, was elected Junior Warden to succeed Mr. A. O, Cole who had been elected Senior Warden to fill vacancy.

          The choir sang at the funeral of Miss H. E. Henningsen on December 30, 1911, Bishop Morrison having charge of the service.  They also sang at the funeral of Miss Bertha M. Griswold on the morning of Tuesday, July 2, 1912.

          On Sunday morning, December 29, 1912, Bishop Morrison unveiled the window placed in the church in memory of the late Miss Henrietta E. Henningsen.

          October 31, 1913, the choirmaster tendered his resignation (verbal), but at the request of Miss Rand, consented to remain with the choir for the present.      

          On January 7, 1914, a circular letter was mailed to each person who had been a member of the choir sometime during the period from January 7, 1889 to that time, whose address could be obtained.  The purpose being a invitation to join in some recognition of the twenty-fifth anniversary on Easter Day, 1914.  In February of this year Miss Rand was taken seriously ill, and was not able to resume her work as organist.  For a while Mr. C. F. Joens substituted for her.  Later, during Mr. Joens’ absence, Mrs. Cockburn substituted for him, and later she was appointed as organist.

          The Twenty-fifthe anniversary of the choir was commemorated on Easter Day, 1914.  The choir sang roland Smart’s Communion Service, Eastham’s “Christ our Passover” and the anthem, “Why Seek Ye the Living Amongst the Dead,” by Clare.  The Rev. Mr. Leete conducted his last services as priest in charge,

          Earl Jorgensen, a former member of the choir, died at Agatha, now Jane Lamb Memorial hospital, Clinton, May 4, 1914, as a result of an accident (a tree falling over on him during a severe wind storm), and was buried from St. John’s Church, Clinton, Wednesday, May 6th, by the Rev. F. H. Burrell, Rector of St. John’s, the choir of Grace Church, Lyons, singing.  A number of former and present members of the choir gave a floral blanket of sweet peas as an expression of sympathy.  Interment was at Springdale Cemetery, Clinton.  In July of this year Harry M. Ketelsen, a former member of the choir, was drowned on the 4th, and was buried on Tuesday the 7th.  Interment was in Oakland Cemetery.

          From Easter until October 1, 1914, the parish was again without a settled clergyman, but the services were maintained by visiting clergy with the faithful assistance of the choir.

          The writer entered upon his duties as rector of the parish October 1, 1914, and would intrude here to refer to his eleven years in the parish as among the happiest of his life.  Before accepting the call to the rectorship the writer received from Mr. Arthur Holmes a personal letter informing him of Mr. Holmes’ previous desire to resign as choirmaster, and that some time in the not distant future it would be necessary for him to relinquish his position, but it was with deep sorrow that we received the formal resignation the following spring.  The resignation became effective Easter Day, 1915.  The music of the services that day was up tp its usual high standard, yet withal, there was a feeling of sorrow in the fact that it was to be the last in which the choir would have his faithful and efficient leadership.  At the afternoon service the rector presented to Mr. Holmes, in behalf of the parish, a former communicant and the present boys of the choir, a pair of imported field glasses and fittings for a traveling bas as a slight token of appreciation of his faithful service for twenty-six years, also to Miss Rand, a mahogany tea tray and silver set, she having been identified with the choir for a like period of time.  In October of this year, Pros. H. W. Hartman was appointed choirmaster, remaining in that position for nearly two years.

          In April, 1915, Mrs. Cockburn resigned as organist as she was moving from the city.  Mrs. Blanche L. Leedham very kindly supplied at the organ for the month of May, and June 1st, Miss Emma Buechner having been appointed, entered upon her duties as organist.

          While Miss Rand had been in failing health for some time, we were shocked on December 9, 1915, to learn that she had entered into Life Eternal.  Funeral services were held at her home December 11th, at which the choir sang.  Many former and present members of the choir gave a large floral cross as an expression of their deep sympathy and at a meeting of the Vestry held on February 29, 1916, the following resolutions were adopted: 

Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God, our Heavenly Father to take to Himself the Soul of Miss Marian Rand, and

Whereas, by her devoted life and consecrated service as Organist of Grace  Church for so many years she endeared herself to the Parish,

Therefore be it Resolved by the Vestry of Grace Church, that we express to her bereaved loved ones our heartfelt sympathy in their hour of sorrow—and pay to the memory of Miss Rand this slight tribute of loving remembrance.

Resolved, that these resolutions be spread upon the records of the Parish. 

December 19, 1915, Bishop Longley visited the parish.  The sixtieth anniversary of the organization of the parish was celebrated and the Bishop confirmed a class of thirteen.

          Easter, 1916, was celebrated with the usual impressive services, the choir singing the service in a most beautiful manner.

          On Sunday, March 25, 1917, by the kindness of a former member of the choir, Master William Crockett boy soloist of St. James’ Church, Chicago, was with us and sang solos at Morning and Evening Prayer.

          The good work begun by Miss Rand must be perpetuated, and so on May 1, 1917, the parish received a bequest from Mrs. Hannah J. Rand, of $5,000.00, to be a memorial, and known as the “Electa Marion Rand Memorial”  the interest from this fund to be used in maintaining a Boy Choir in the parish, thus carrying on the great interest of her daughter.

          The parish was shocked on November 11, 1917, to learn of the accidental death, by shooting, of one of the members of the choir, Donald W. Leedham.  The funeral was held from the church November 14th, and interment at Oakland Cemetery.

          Miss Buechner resigned as organist on March 1, 1918, and Mrs. Blanche L. Leedham was appointed, assuming her duties March 8th.

          In recent years it has become increasingly hard to get good boy voices, owing, we believe, largely to the abuse of the voice in frantic yelling in athletic sports.  In September, 1918, the time came when the rector felt that some ladies’ voices must be added in order to maintain the services.  We shall never forget that vestry meeting.  A majority of those present were old Choir Boys.  It was a most solemn conference.  These men had been a part of the choir in the days of its greatness and glory.  Eventually a resolution was offered to the effect that the rector be authorized to add such ladies’ to the choir as he deemed necessary, “It being distinctly understood that this is only a temporary arrangement, and until such time as a sufficient number of boys’ voices can be secured to carry on the music of the services.”  This arrangement has had to continue.  A number of faithful young women have done their part, but again, the spirit of the founder comes to the front, and a strong effort is being made to “resurrect” the boy choir.  Elvin L. Horst, an old choir boy, and son of Edward H. Horst, one of the boys of the choir in those days of its glory, has become choirmaster and has been working hard to have a boy choir to sing the services for this fortieth anniversary.

          From June the 10th, 1917, until the time he resigned as rector, July 1, 1925, the Rev. W. Ernest Stockley was in charge of the choir.  He was succeeded in the rectorship on September 1st of that year, by the Rev. Frederic G. Williams, the present rector, who also took charge of the choir until the appointment of Mr. Samuel B. Green, who served from December, 1927, to March, 1928.  He being succeeded by Mr. Elvin L. Horst.

          All work and no play is not conducive to the best results, and so we find that many treats and entertainments were provided for the member of the choir, among which we find the following:  During the month of July, 1889, the choir spent about a week in camp on the Maquoketa River, a few miles from the city bearing the same name.  Easter Day, 1890, the choir was entertained at breakfast by Mr. and Mrs. Rand at their residence.  During the summer of 1891, the choir spent a day in Davenport, making the round trip on the “Verne Swain.”  Mr. Alexander Cramond kindly entertained the choir at his residence one evening during Easter week, 1899.  On November 21, 1900, the choir sang at the wedding of George Morris and Fanny Hayes, and the evening before the wedding, Mr. Morris gave the members of the choir a supper at the Odeon.  Labor Day, September, 1901, the boys spent the day at Elk River in charge of the choirmaster and Mrs. George W. Cramond.  On the evening of September 30, 1901, the choir sang at the marriage of Guy R. Sherman and Ella E. Cook, and the evening before the boys were entertained by the groom.  Miss Margaret Ingwersen (Buechner) entertained the boys of the choir at supper April 20, 1903, in honor of Franklin Manz.  During the Fall of 1903, Miss Louise D. Henningsen (Pollock), gave a theater party for the choir.  Mrs. S. C. Hamilton entertained the choir on an evening in February, 1904.  In December, 1903, the choir attended a concert given by “Westminster Abbey Glee Club” under the Auspices of the Y. M. C. A. at the Clinton theater.  July 12, 1905, the boys of the choir spent the day at Davenport and Black Hawk Watch Tower, the guests of the organist and choirmaster, the trip to Davenport and return being made on the Steamer W. W., the occasion being an excursion given by St. Margaret’s Guild.  November 24, 1906, the entire choir heard “Roney’s Boys” concert at the Presbyterian Church and on the evening of April 29, 1908, the choir was given a theater party by several of their friends.

          Prior to Easter, 1928, Mr. A. L. Holmes endeavored to get in touch with those former members who are communicants of the parish, requesting that they attend the services that day, and if possible, make their communion.  Forty-three out of seventy-five former and present members of the choir who are communicants attended the Easter Day services, and three other, no longer residents of the community, also attended.

          And now for this fortieth anniversary.  Plans have been made, committees have been appointed, and some definite work accomplished.  The matter of a fitting observance was presented to the vestry consisting of the Rev. Frederic G. Williams, Rector; Messrs. A. O. Cole, Senior Warden; S. C. Rand, Junior Warden; E. F. Mayer, Clerk; E. H. Horst, Treasurer; Emory J. Cole, Henry P. Hagge, August C. Heldt, A. L. Holmes, Dr. H. L. Leedham, John Wm. Miller, Frank I. Morey, E. C. H. Moesinger, Joseph H. Tucking, William J. White and Leon G. Wulf, at a meeting held on May 21, 1928, who gave it their approval and appointed the following General Committee to appoint such other committees as should be necessary and to take full charge of the arrangements for the anniversary: Messrs. A. L. Holmes, Chairman; Edward H. Horst, Secretary; John A. Anderson, Robert C. Bell, Jack L. Cole, Marion L. Gundelfinger, William H. Hundley, D. Albin Larson, Earl F. Mayer, E. Stanley Mayer, Marcus C. Osborn, William Petersen, S. Curtiss Rand, Roy Reusche, Arnold E. Rockrohr and J. Arthur Sorensen.

          The General Committee soon met for organization, appointed a committee on committees, and approved and directed the chairman to mail circular letter and questionnaire to all persons who have been identified with the choir during its life.  A complete list of the committees, together with the letter and questionnaire appear elsewhere in this book.

          One of the committees has done and is doing splendid work in connection with the Corporate Communion Service held each Sunday in the month for former and present members of the choir.  Another committee has aided greatly in securing two large classes for confirmation, one class of nineteen men and boys, eleven of whom where former members of the choir, was confirmed by Bishop Morrison on September 9, 1928, and the second was presented to Bishop Longley, December 9, of the same year.  This class consisted of twelve women and girls and ten men and boys.

          We here quotefrom the reports made by these two committees to the General Committee at a meeting held on January 18, 1929: 


          “If another confirmation class is to be organized and presented for confirmation prior to the holding of the choir reunion, this committee is ready to cooperate as there are a number of former members of the choir who were to have been confirmed in the classes presented in September and December and were unable to be present at the services.  There are also other prospects and many other  men to work on, and we favor continuing the work after the choir reunion,, and hereby   suggest to the General Committee, the proposition of making such a recommendation to the Vestry, hoping that the work begun by the Choir Committee may be continued as a parish movement.”



“While a number of the other male communicants have attended other services there are still approximately 25 former members of the choir and 19 other men and boys who have not attended any of the celebrations.  We hope to interest the most of them in time.


Your committee is very much pleased with the results to date, and all members Are satisfied that the plan is an excellent one, and that the work should be continued after the choir reunion.  Therefore, we ask the General Committee to make such recommendation to the Vestry for consideration.”


At the same meeting the committee fixed April 20, 21 and 22 as the time for holding  the choir reunion.

          The Vestry at a subsequent meeting sanctioned the proposals of the General Committee and volunteered its hearty cooperation and support.

          At a meeting on February 6, 1929, the woman’s Auxiliary voted $30.00 for the purchase of vestments for the choir.

          On March 14, 1929, Miss Emma J. Rodman of Alhhambra, California, presented a Memorial Poor Box to the parish in memory of her nephew, Wilbur Edson Doe, a former choir boy, who entered into rest March 13, 1923.  It is a beautiful box of oak, with lock, drop front opening, measuring 16” from top of back to bottom, 6” deep and 8” wide.  It is inlaid with a small brass cross in the background, and has a memorial plate upon the front.  The box was received by the Vestry and placed in the back of the church, and on Sunday morning, March 17th, the rector blessed it before the early service in the presence of a number of old choir boys and former friends.

          The two committees appointed by the General Committee known as the Confirmation Committee, and the Corporate Communion Committee have made favorable reports.  Many men have been brought to frequent communions through the effort of the Corporate Communion Committee—80 of them being old choir boys.  On Easter day, 1929, there were approximately 100 men and boys present at the services, 52 of whom were old choir boys.  All but 7 old choir boys and 15 other men and boys who are communicants of and residing in the parish have made their communion during the past year.  The Confirmation Committee has been instrumental in bringing 40 candidates to the Bishop, and at the time of this writing, there is a third class in the process of formation which will be presented during the Reunion.

          That their labors may not be in vain during this preparation, they presented resolutions to the Vestry at a meeting in March that the work begun by them should be taken over by the men of the parish and continued in the future.  The members of the Vestry enthusiastically approved the resolutions, and Mr. A. L. Holmes was appointed temporarily in charge of the Continuation Program.

          On Sunday, April 7, 1929, John A Sino entered the ranks of the soloists of Grace Church when he sang for the first time as an offertory, “I Think When I Read That Sweet Story of Old.”

          The various committees have been busy developing the plans for a successful observance of the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the choir and everything being practically ready, all are looking forward to a well attended and happy reunion.

          The services will be in charge of the Rt. Rev. Theodore Nevin Morrison, D. D., Bishop of Iowa, the Rt. Rev. Harry Sherman Longley, D. D., Bishop Coadutor of Iowa, the Rev. W. Ernest Stockley, Secretary of the Diocese of Iowa, and the Rev. Frederic G. Williams, Rector of Grace Church, and the following program has been adopted: 


                                       SATURDAY, APRIL TWENTIETH  

Preparation Service------------------------------------------------------------8:00 P.M.

                                       The Rev. W. Ernest Stockley

                                       SUNDAY, APRIL TWENTY-FIRST 

Corporate Communion--------------------------------------------------------8:00 A.M.

                                       Bishop Longley, Celebrant

Morning Prayer----------------------------------------------------------------11:00 A.M.

                                       Rev. Frederic G. Williams

                                       Sermon by Bishop Longley

Evening Prayer and Confirmation--------------------------------------------7:30 P.M.

                                                Bishop Morrison                                     



Banquet---------------------------------------------------------------------------6:30 P.M.

                                       Arthur H. Brayton, Toastmaster 

          There are Spring days and Fall days; Summer day and Winter days; bright and glorious days and days of gloom and despondency.  But as regularly as season succeeds season and day follows night, on and on they go toward that triumphant day “When the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.”  In the meantime, God’s singers shall ever touch the hearts of men, and bring them back to heaven again, and we confidently look forward to the large part Grace Church Vested Choir, through its members in the Church Militant, the church Expectant and the Church Triumphant, shall take in the work.