IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.
new content added 12/27/2024

Cemetery Index

Mederville Cemetery
31822 Evergreen Rd.
Cox Creek twp., part of SE SW Sec 22-92-5, 4 acres
-91.419379  42.76366

Cemetery Association & Burials

Mederville cemetery, photo by Phyllis Peterson

Mederville cemetery gravestone photos
Iowa Gravestone Photo Project

Obituaries for several of the people buried in this cemetery have been posted. Check the Obituary Index to find them. (opens new window)

Legal description, map & photo - provided by D. Matthew, deputy Clayton co. Assessor.
Clicking on "Reports" on the top menu will change the view to description and a photo. (opens a new window)


Cemetery Association

The annual Cemetery meeting was held in the R.N.A. hall Thursday afternoon. Officers elected for the coming year were:
President - Mrs. Earl Hubbard
Treasurer - Mrs. Merritt Alderson
Secretary - Mrs. Clara Lange
Directors - Mrs. Geo. Hubbard, Mrs. John Khars, Mrs. William Brinkhaus
Sexton - Lula Bankes
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 20 Apr. 1933. Mederville column ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson

Mederville: The annual cemetery meeting was held in the hall Wednesday p.m. The following officers were elected:
President - Anna Hubbard
Secretary - Caroline Elmers
Treasurer - Ella Alderson
Directors - Pearl Peake, Carrie Lang, Hila Hubbard
Sexton - Fred Eidams
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 22 Feb. 1934 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson



Sources used to compile the following burial list:
WPA cemetery records, transcribed by Phyllis Montour
Gravestone inscriptions
Iowa Death Certificates (familysearch.org)
Other sources as indicated in the comments column

Name Birth Death Comments
Albrecht, Alfred B. 05/01/1862 05/05/1949 h/o Alice
Albrecht, Alice nee Leonard 07/02/1860 11/08/1934 w/o Alfred; d/o John
Albrecht, Carolina nee Merder 11/28/1829 03/17/1925 w/o Ferdinand; d/o Louis & Fr. (Sambein or Sanbern); Note: Death cert gives DOB 11/10/1829 & DOD 3/16/1925; obit as shown to left
Albrecht, Ferdinand 1825 07/17/1904  
Alderson, Ella M. nee Bente 1892 01/??/1981 w/o Merritt; d/o William G. & Matilda
Alderson, Merritt Gibson 01/28/1893 03/19/1963 h/o Ella; s/o John & Susanna (Carpenter)
Alderson, Verneeta Vivian 05/24/1918 07/10/1933 d/o Merritt & Ella; drowned in Turkey river
Andrews, Helen nee Wacker 08/13/1908 06/12/1992  
Bankes, Otto N. 1905 07/24/1984 h/o Mary
Bankes, Mary O. nee Hubbard 12/20/1914 01/29/2016 w/o Otto; d/o George & Hilda (Lemka)
Behn, John Henry 1818 06/21/1883 h/o Maria
Behn, John J. 02/03/1857 10/27/1915 h/o Bertha Meyer; s/o J.H. & Maria; died near Seymour, Wayne co., IA
Behn, Maria nee Tomes 05/10/1828 12/??/1891 w/o J. Henry
Behnke, Henry 1832 09/1?/1897 found dead in a cornfield mid-September
Bendschneider, August 08/29/1819 06/02/1901 h/o Sophia
Bendschneider, Sophia nee Meder 03/25/1820 04/07/1908 w/o August
Bente, Macie B. 1904 12/25/1907 d/o William & Matilda
Bente, Matilda Minnie nee Voss 04/05/1870 09/23/1928 w/o William; d/o John & Louise (Pirmo)
Bente, William George 02/06/1870 10/01/1945 h/o Matilda
Bohling, Carl 1831 1908  
Bohling, Wilhelmine 1829 1901 w/o Carl
Bottelman, Carletta Laurene 1938 11/??/1957 "Granddaughter"; d/o Henry & Rhoda
Bottelman, Henry J. 02/17/1876 10/26/1935 "Father"; h/o Rhoda; s/o Herman & Mary
Bottelman, Henry W. 1910 1992 "Son"
Bottelman, Herman 08/11/1842 05/19/1923 h/o Marie
Bottelman, Marie Dorothea Elizabeth nee Fick 03/27/1842 04/21/1930 w/o Herman
Bottelman, Rhoda nee Lamphere 1892 03/23/1943 "Mother"; w/o Henry J.
Brinkhous, son   1885 infant s/o Wm & Ida
Brinkhaus, Anton   01/07/1887 aged 66y 2m 22d; h/o Augusta
Brinkhaus / Brinkhous, Augusta nee Tucker   01/06/1875 w/o Anton; aged 43y 11m 1d; Note: her gravestone spells surname Brinkhous, while Anton's has Brinkhaus
Brinkhaus, George 11/24/1855 05/21/1888 aged 32y 5m 2d; h/o Mary Wisterich
Brinkhaus, John 11/11/1848 11/21/1918 h/o Marguerite
Brinkhaus, Marguerite nee Wald 05/03/1846 02/19/1929 w/o John; died at the County Home
Brinkhous, Ila Louise nee Voss 09/08/1860 09/28/1940 w/o William; d/o John & Louisa (Pinnow)
Brinkhous, Louis   08/05/1884 s/o J. & ?.
Brinkhous, William 07/18/1853 03/06/1937 h/o Ila
Brinkhouse, Anna 1853 1881  
Chapman, Frances M. 1915 04/??/1915 d/o Fred & unkn (Thurber)
Childers, Emma V. nee Carnicle 1896 1923 w/o Joe
Coonfare, David 05/05/1875 05/27/1959 h/o Minnie; s/o Henry
Coonfare, Minnie nee Fox 07/23/1868 04/18/1937 w/o David; d/o Orville & Electre
Crane, Cora May nee Thurber 11/29/1894 01/10/1990 w/o William; died in Florence, AZ
Crane, William P. 05/14/1894 04/30/1962 h/o Cora
Crane, William Henry 01/01/1923 05/28/2014 s/o Wm & Cora
Day, Lorna E. nee Debes 01/19/1946 07/25/2003  
Debes, daughter   03/22/1909 d/o Clint & Cora
Debes, son 04/13/1913 04/23/1913 10 days; s/o James & Mae (Pugh)
Debes, Albert Anthony 08/11/1880 08/08/1935 2nd h/o Martha A.; s/o Peter & Elizabeth
Debes, Clair C. 1910 1987 h/o Madeline; s/o Clint & Cora
Debes, Clinton 'Clint' Cyrus 04/10/1887 05/14/1954 h/o Cora E.; s/o Peter & Elizabeth
Debes, Cora E. nee Robbins 1883 1971 w/o Clint
Debes, Elizabeth Almantha nee Watkins 02/02/1850 09/12/1914 w/o Peter; d/o Petty & Elizabeth (Randall)
Debes, Elizabeth Maria 08/05/1883 08/22/1967 d/o Peter A. & Elizabeth (Watkins)
Debes, Gregory M. 1951 1988 s/o Verne & Margaret
Debes, James Lawrence 'Jim' 1879 1962 1st h/o Mae Pugh (see below for Mae Wines)
Debes, Jeffery Eric 12/17/1949 10/03/2012 s/o Verne L. & Margaret; Note! obit does not give burial place, his burial in Mederville is an assumption only!
Debes, Jim   10/01/2003 "Grandpa"
Debes, Madeline Maxine nee Coonfare 1914 10/11/2002 w/o Clair
Debes, Martha Ann nee Osborne 09/11/1855 07/10/1945 1st h/ Emory J. Robbins, 2nd h/ Albert Debes; d/o Thomas & Elizabeth (Bibble)
Debes, Peter A. 09/22/1839 07/23/1924 h/o Elizabeth A.; s/o Jens & Marie (Stolkholm)
Debes, Stanley Clair 02/14/1942 12/07/2015 h/o Cheryl; s/o Clair & Madeline
Debes, Valerie Andrea 09/10/1944 10/08/1944 d/o Verne L. & Margaret
Debes, Verne L. 09/17/1910 11/18/1995 h/o Margaret Nading (see Margaret Harbaugh below); T-Sgt U.S. Army Air Corps, WWII
Dill, Homer Allison 05/02/1883 06/13/1946 2nd h/o Mabel; s/o Elijah & Isabelle
Dill, Mabel Possehl nee Carpenter 1881 1956 1st h/Wm. Possehl; 2nd h/Homer Dill
Dittmer, Clara nee Meder 1869 02/25/1968 w/o Herman
Dittmer, Herman Peter 01/04/1865 02/20/1923 h/o Clara; s/o Peter & Magdalena
Dittmer, Lylina Ann nee Robbins 02/22/1975 10/18/2019 w/o Douglas; d/o Lyle R. & Gloria (Gibbs)
Dittmer, Magdalena nee Banke 04/19/1824 06/04/1919 "Mother"; w/o Peter H.
Dittmer, Peter H. 12/06/1815 01/17/1891 "Father"; h/o Magdalena
Dodge, Rose Marshall nee Meder 07/14/1871 11/12/1966 w/o 1st Miles, 2nd Merton Dodge (d. 1955); d/o Henry & Doris (Brockman); buried w/Miles
Dunkel, Todd Michael 03/01/1983 04/14/2010 s/o Kenneth & Nancy (Helle); died in a snowboarding accident, Brekenridge, CO; U.S. Navy veteran, USS Enterprise
Eberhart, Anna   12/1?/1897 6m 26d; d/o Rudolph & Mena
Eberhart, Rudolph 12/03/1863 03/11/1899 h/o Mena/Minnie Lamke/Lempke; s/o Michael
Edelman, Henry   01/19/1879  
Eidam, Fred 1858 07/12/1940 age 82y
Elvers, Lee / Leo   04/05/1896 14 mo/old s/o Adolph & Mary (Dittmer); Obit = "Little Lee ... laid to rest at Mederville"; his mother's obit names him Leo; his father's obit names him Leopolt
Fox, Fred 02/05/1863 02/23/1901 ssa Orville
Fox, Orville 06/24/1836 02/18/1901 ssa Fred
Frerichs, Lillian nee Brinkhous 02/15/1858 08/2?/1938 w/o Henry; d/o Anton & Augusta (Tucker); died Pontiac, MI
Galer, Andrew Jackson 07/31/1869 08/07/1946 s/o Michael & Elizabeth; died in NE
Galer, Charles 10/30/1899 07/20/1964  
Galer, Elizabeth nee Dennis 05/10/1824 05/29/1896 w/o Michael SR
Galer, Elmer 05/23/1903 07/23/1928 s/o Michael M.
Galer, Elner 05/23/1903 08/31/1988  
Galer, Emma nee Parsons 09/22/1873 07/14/1958 w/o Michael M.
Galer, Emma Irene 07/26/1913 12/21/1913 d/o Michael M. & Emma
Galer, Lucy E. nee Robbins 02/20/1858 04/17/1888 w/o William
Galer, Michael SR 01/19/1813 04/06/1896 h/o Elizabeth
Galer, Michael Monroe 04/25/1861 02/12/1938 h/o Emma
Galer, Michael M. 03/25/1906 11/12/1982  
Galer, Ray E. 1896 1935  
Galer, William 08/05/1850 07/05/1927 h/o Lucy
Goodrich, Vesta Leota nee Schuldt 03/21/1941 09/09/1997 w/o James
Gorkow, Charles Ferdinand 'Charley' 08/28/1874 06/19/1933 h/o Rena; s/o August & Augusta (Mintsener or Mitzner)
Gorkow, Elwin E. 1901 11/23/1968 h/o Edna Mae Hartbeck; s/o Charles & Rena
Gorkow, Leroy 03/01/1913 03/17/1913 s/o Charles & Rena
Gorkow, Lorena 'Rena' Emily Robison nee Jones 09/25/1875 1954 w/o 1st Frank Robison, 2nd Charles Gorkow; d/o Abraham & Hattie (O'Neill)
Gorkow, Russell 08/07/1911 08/09/1911 s/o Charles & Rena
Guyer, Alice V. nee Osborne 12/09/1906 09/28/1993  
Hakert, son 12/01/1910 12/01/1910 infant s/o Chas & Alma
Hakert, Alma L. nee Olinger 1889 03/30/1976 w/o Charles W.
Hakert, Carl Heinrich 05/16/1859 02/22/1915 h/o Karoline
Hakert, Charles William 1886 03/07/1960 h/o Alma
Hakert, Donald Kevin 'Don' 08/24/1954 06/14/2007 h/o Tereasa Ingles; s/o Melvin C. & Arlene R. (Gentz)
Hakert, Earl William 06/04/1909 08/04/1994  
Hakert, Edward F. 'Eddie' 12/28/1892 09/20/1969 h/o Minnie L.; s/o Karl & Karolyn
Hakert, Esther Carol nee Fritz 07/22/1923 06/06/1995 w/o George M.
Hakert, Gene Milton 10/04/1927 01/01/1938 s/o Charles & Alma
Hakert, George M. 07/26/1917 01/16/1983 s/o Charles & Alma; CPL, U.S. Army, WWII
Hakert, Gregor Milford 12/28/1914 07/29/1944 s/o Charles & Alma; S-Sgt; KIA WWII; remains buried 01/08/1949
Hakert, Helena 'Minnie' L. nee Nightingale 04/12/1898 03/17/1956 wo Edward F.; d/o Fred & Louise (Schuldt)
Hakert, Herman W. 01/15/1919 12/10/1984 Tec-5 U.S. Army, WWII
Hakert, Karoline Elise Augusta Mathilda nee Thiede 01/06/1864 02/27/1941 w/o Karl H.
Hakert, Louis H. 04/23/1920 05/31/1920 s/o Edward & Minnie
Hakert, Marvin E. 06/19/1917 08/24/1990  
Hakert, Minnie C. 09/22/1883 04/01/1954 w/o Otto
Hakert, Otto K. 11/04/1883 12/07/1956 h/o Minnie C.
Harbaugh, Margaret R. Debes nee Nading 1926 07/25/1984 1st h/Verne L. Debes, 2nd h/ unkn. Harbaugh; d/o Clarence & Frances
Harris, Glen Edward 07/30/1932 02/10/1982 h/o Gloria; M-Sgt U.S. Air Force, Vietnam & Korea
Harris, Gloria J. nee Nading 04/07/1936 11/03/2005 w/o Glen
Hartbeck, Edna May nee Scovel 1906 1978  
Heiden, Charles   03/16/1886 aged 34y 11m
Heiden, Dorethea 'Doris' nee Meyer 10/13/1836 10/08/1889 w/o Fritz
Heiden, Frederick ca1812 05/28/1891 aged 79y 9m 6d; h/o Hannah
Heiden, Frigertria 10/07/1874 1875 d/o F. & D.
Heiden, Frederick 'Fritz' 10/15/1836 10/11/1921 h/o Doris
Heiden, George 08/14/1871 10/24/1874  
Heiden, Hannah nee Hoepner 11/16/1811 04/07/1897 w/o Frederick
Hertrampf, Grace Caroline 11/15/2007 11/15/2007 newborn d/o Matt & Jennifer (Schroeder)
Hines, Dick Raymond 1899 1981 h/o Ivanelle
Hines, Ivanell nee Nading 1917 09/27/1992 w/o Dick
Hines, Paul Eugene 02/11/1937 10/09/2018 h/o Etta Ostrander; s/o Dick & Ivanelle; U.S. Army veteran
Hohmann, Vanita Irene nee McDowell 1909 08/16/1976 1st h/Lester Minkler, 2nd h/William Hohmann
Hohmann, William 01/21/1915 04/04/1986 2nd h/o Vanita
Hubbard, infant son   02/1?/1922 s/o of Charley & Alice
Hubbard, Alice R. nee Nading 08/28/1903 12/29/1989 w/o Charles
Hubbard, Beulah May nee Hammond 08/22/1926 11/07/2001 Note: her obit suggests a marriage to unkn. Moody also
Hubbard, Charley E. 09/05/1895 03/26/1993 h/o Alice; Pfc U.S. Army, WWI
Hubbard, George 1888 1982 h/o Hilda
Hubbard, Hilda nee Lemka 1891 03/??/1979 w/o George
Hubbard, Kenneth Calvin 03/28/1927 11/20/2015 h/o Lucille Mork; s/o Charlie & Alice; U.S. Army veteran 1946-1947
Hubbard, Martin 08/20/1858 05/17/1904 h/o Reka
Hubbard, Martin Carl 02/15/1923 12/15/1980 Sgt U.S. Army WWII
Hubbard, Ophelia B. 03/16/1820 01/19/1894 w/o Simon
Hubbard, Ophelia 12/09/1898 04/28/1903 ssa Martin & Reka
Hubbard, Reka nee Brinkhaus 09/16/1862 05/20/1926 w/o Martin
Hubbard, Simon 02/12/1821 07/25/1890 h/o Ophelia B.
Jarman, Carol Marie nee Hakart 09/01/1945 06/09/2021 w/o Jess; d/o Melvin C. & Arlene R. (Gentz)
Jarman, Jesse Allan 09/15/1943 02/14/2022 h/o Carol; s/o Joe & Bessie (Allen), foster s/o Clifford & Vadah Gilpen; U.S. Navy, Vietnam
Jensen, Anna G. 1909 05/13/1996 w/o Truman
Jensen, Truman N. 08/03/1908 09/05/1994 Cpl U.S. Marine Corps, WWII
Kahrs, Clara 1875 1916  
Kahrs, John 09/26/1847 02/08/1939 h/o 1st unkn.; 2nd Mary; U.S. Regular Army, Indian wars (1866)
Kahrs, Marie 06/27/1898 03/01/1915 d/o John & Mary
Kahrs, Mary nee Albrecht 1857 1933 2nd w/o John
Keith, Larry Charles 03/15/1939 05/02/2016 h/o Judith Hyde; s/o Harry & LaVonne (Lieberknecht)
Kellogg, Alfred 04/23/1871 07/19/1916  
Kellogg, Leota O. 1905 1919  
Kelly, Rose Lee nee O'Haver 01/28/1870 08/08/1925 w/o Lloyd; d/o William & Sarah (Morgan)
Klahr, infant son   06/11/1911 s/o Henry & Freda
Klahr, Adelina nee Tetschner 1855 1883 w/o Charles
Klahr, Bertha   1887 infant d/o C. & L.
Klahr, Charles 1850 12/??/1916 "Father"; h/o Louise
Klahr, Freda Sophia nee Schuldt 1872 06/30/1938 w/o Henry W.
Klahr, Henry 1805 09/21/1887 h/o Sophia
Klahr, Henry William 06/10/1878 1942 h/o Freda; s/o Charles & Adelina
Klahr, Louise Henriette nee Thiede 03/31/1855 08/06/1927 "Mother"; w/o Charles; d/o Christen & Frederike (Katke)
Klahr, Marea   1887 infant d/o C. & L.
Klahr, Sophia nee Hartung 1812 1895 w/o Henry
Koester, Emelia nee Hagen 02/20/1863 12/16/1923 w/o Theodore; d/o John & Ann (Walser)
Koester, Theodore 03/31/1857 07/22/1923 h/o Emelia; s/o Barnard & Elizabeth (Lindmann)
Kramer, Harry D. 09/19/1882 04/21/1943 h/o Myrtle
Kramer, Myrtle J. nee Alderson 12/23/1887 07/18/1971 w/o Harry
Kramer, Vernon D. 05/22/1909 03/24/1958 s/o Harry & Myrtle
Krieg, Bertha W. 06/16/1881 11/19/1911 d/o Henry & Louisa
Krieg, Helmuth John 1897 1976  
Krieg, Henry 10/18/1852 01/03/1917 h/o Louisa; s/o John & Magdalena; note: obit DOB = 10/18/1853
Krieg, Henry 09/17/1888 07/27/1919 s/o Henry & Louisa
Krieg, Louisa nee Brandt 06/18/1856 05/02/1937 w/o Henry; d/o Carl & Sophia
Krieg, Matilda A. 'Tilley' 07/06/1886 01/03/1909 d/o Henry & Louisa
Kuehl, August 1874 03/23/1875 s/o J. & Dora (Joachim Joseph & Dorothy 'Dora' - both buried East Side, Elkader)
Kuehl, Bertha 12/26/1881 02/15/1892 d/o J. & Dora
Kuehl, George 03/15/1887 11/23/1887 s/o J. & Dora
Kuehl, Henry 04/11/1868 06/23/1875 s/o J. & Dora
Kuehl, Louis 01/16/1876 02/16/1877 s/o J. & Dora
Kuehl, Willie 09/11/1873 02/10/1874 s/o J. & Dora
Kuempel, Henry 07/13/1859 02/23/1902 committed suicide
Kuempel, Mathilda      
Lange, Clara Jane nee Robbins 1875 11/14/1966  
Lange, Lloyd L. 1900 1943  
Lange, William L. 11/16/1863 01/08/1927 h/o Louise Rounds (d. ca1902, bur. WI); s/o Henry & Louise
Lembke, Annie nee Pinow ca1830 06/13/1889 w/o Henry; Clayton Co Death Register, Bk 1, pg 68 = LEMKE
Lembke / Lemka / Lemcke, Fritz 'Fred' 1865 04/03/1882 s/o Henry & Anna
Lembke, Henry 10/??/1829 05/30/1900 h/o Annie
Leonard, Alice 1860 11/08/1934  
Lindeman, Anna 1895 1966  
Lindeman, Henry 01/02/1845 10/19/1914 died at the County home
Marshall, Miles M. 10/20/1863 01/31/1936 "Father"; h/o Rose (later Rose Dodge); s/o Aaron & Sarah (Fincher)
Marshall, Rose nee Meder 1871 1966 see Rose Dodge (above); w/o 1st Miles
McKinnis, infant daughter   04/15/1914 d/o Everett & Rose; died "a few hours" after birth in Ava, MO; buried in arms of her mother
McKinnis, Catherine Jane nee Hughes 08/22/1847 05/23/1937 w/o Charles W.; d/o James & Margaret
McKinnis, Catherine 'Kate' nee Sousely / Sousley 03/14/1843 01/28/1920 w/o John; d/o John & Sarah (Grove)
McKinnis, Charles W. 03/25/1838 04/06/1899 h/o Catherine Jane
McKinnis, Everett   08/??/1920 h/o 1st Grace, 2nd Rose; s/o Charles & Jane; died in Arkansas
McKinnis / McKinniss, Grace Mariah nee Scovel 1874 09/12/1906 1st w/o Everett; d/o Norman & Flora (Bartholomew); died in childbirth
McKinnis, John 02/05/1840 10/24/1914 h/o Catherine
McKinnis, Rose nee Robbins 08/16/1877 04/15/1914 2nd w/o Everett; d/o Charles & Hannah (Galer); died in Ava, MO
Meder, daughter     d/o H. & D.
Meder, Albert 1864 1950 h/o Ida; s/o Henry & Dorethea
Meder, Dorethea 'Doris' nee Brookman 1836 06/10/1904 w/o Henry
Meder, Henry 01/20/1834 05/18/1923 h/o Dorethea; s/o Charles & unkn.
Meder, Henry 1800 09/12/1874  
Meder, Henry     s/o H. & D.
Meder, Ila Vay nee Oby 1903 11/22/1952 w/o Lloyd; d/o Herman
Meder, Ida H. nee Helgerman 01/10/1872 02/05/1941 w/o Albert; d/o Charles & Elizabeth
Meder, Lloyd A. DDS 1899 1973 h/o Ila; s/o Albert & Ida
Mehaffey, Jennie 12/06/1899 11/18/1996 w/o Ray
Mehaffey, Ray 09/07/1902 03/25/1969 h/o Jennie
Mitchell, Lilly L 1903 04/17/1904 infant d/o James & Mary (Robbins); buried w/her grandparents Charles & Hannah Robbins; the infant's parents are buried in Pleasant Grove
Monnahan, John Michael SR 10/12/1879 01/18/1953 h/o Norma; s/o Michael & Mary (Cox)
Monnahan, Norma Magdalena nee Krieg 05/13/1883 12/26/1915 w/o John; d/o Henry; died of TB; Note: John's obit states her death was in 1924
Moyle, Connie Kay 09/07/1947 04/28/1949 d/o Howard & Wilma
Moyle, Howard James 11/05/1919 10/31/2004 h/o Wilma; U.S. Army, WWII
Moyle, Wilma Jean nee Nightingale 04/17/1924 04/17/1999 w/o Howard
Nading, Carl H. 1905 11/05/1985  
Nading, Clarence Sr. 12/11/1896 04/24/1960 h/o Frances; Pvt., Co. E 38th Inf., WWI
Nading, Clarence Jr. 1921 1978 U.S. Army
Nading, Donald S. 03/15/1915 03/13/1983 h/o Evelyn; U.S. Army, WWII
Nading, Evelyn Mae nee Minkler 07/27/1928 03/22/2018 w/o Donald; d/o Lester & Vanitta (McDowell); Obit= DOB 1927
Nading, Frances I. nee Sylvester 07/23/1898 04/30/1969 w/o Clarence
Nading, George E. 1909 06/13/1973  
Nading, Gilbert C. 05/26/1929 01/12/1981 h/o Helen H.; Pvt., U.S. Army, WWII
Nading, Helen Harriet Peake nee Hakert 12/28/1922 10/13/2009 w/o 1st Frank Peake (divorced), 2nd Gilbert C.; d/o Edward & Helena
Nading Kenneth R. 1925 2019 h/o Marjorie
Nading, Marjorie Marie nee West 1932 2010 w/o Kenneth
Nading, Mildred M. nee Ortman 1916 1990 w/o Virgil
Nading, Paul Duncan 07/17/1963 08/03/1965 age 4y; s/o Robert & Shirley
Nading, Randolph   1964 s/o Gilbert & Helen
Nading, Robert Lee 03/04/1932 02/10/2000 h/o Loretta Koehn; s/o Clarence & Frances; U.S. Air Force veteran, Korea
Nading, Rosaline 1956 2015 d/o Gilbert & Helen
Nading, Virgil M. 1913 10/??/1980 h/o Mildred
Nightingale, Carl M. 11/11/1900 06/25/1945 h/o Stella; s/o Ferdinand
Nightingale, DeWayne James 03/21/1942 03/21/2001  
Nightingale, Etta Johanna nee Schuldt 04/19/1907 12/30/1994  
Nightingale, Ferdinand N. 10/17/1852 03/15/1939 h/o Louise; s/o Karl & unkn
Nightingale, Henry A. 04/01/1890 01/18/1960 Pvt., 166th Inf. Rainbow Div., WWI
Nightingale, Louise N. nee Schultz / Schuldt 02/06/1860 08/02/1940 w/o Ferdinand; Notes: Death cert = father unkn, mother August Wilberg; husb. obit gives her as nee Schultz or Schuldt
Nightingale, Lula Mae 1915 1980 w/o Wm
Nightingale, Stella nee Casey 1903 1971 w/o Carl
Nightingale, William 1904 06/05/1971 h/o Lula M.
O'Haver, Sarah nee Morgan 09/05/1844 04/08/1925 w/o William; d/o John & Louisa (Barrack)
Olinger, George 02/08/1860 09/26/1938 h/o Elizabeth Louisa; s/o Engelbert & Susan
Olinger, Elizabeth Louisa nee Voss 04/08/1868 09/17/1915 w/o George
Ortman, William C. 1876 1959  
Osborne, Caroline 'Carrie' nee Schuette 09/05/1876 06/12/1939 w/o Thomas H.; d/o Herman & Anna (Baumann)
Osborne, Earl Donald 11/28/1900 10/28/1964 s/o Thomas & Caroline; Pvt., U.S. Army, WWII
Osborne, Elizabeth nee Ribble 03/26/1830 09/02/1908 w/o Thomas
Osborne, Emanuel R. 1912 1997  
Osborne, Florence Mae 09/11/1899 04/15/1955 unmarried d/o Thomas & Caroline; died in Des Moines, IA
Osborne, Hulda nee Becker 1877 10/17/1965 1st h/ Henry Sturm, 2nd h/ Robert Osborne
Osborne, Robert 1869 1936 2nd h/o Hulda; s/o Thomas & Elizabeth
Osborne, Thomas SR 07/04/1818 10/04/1890 72y 3m
Osborne, Thomas Herman 08/16/1865 09/??/1949 h/o Caroline; s/o Thomas & Elizabeth
Palmer, Elizabeth 'Libbie' nee Niblock 07/30/1860 02/25/1904 w/o Emerson M.; obit gives burial here, she may not have a gravestone & it is possible that she is buried in East Side cemetery
Possehl, David John 'William' 03/04/1884 07/20/1928 1st h/o Mabel; s/o Christian & Elizabeth (Kempf)
Possehl, Helen Elizabeth 12/13/1916 01/12/1917 d/o William & Mabel
Possehl, Mabel A. nee Carpenter     w/o 1st Wm. Possehl, 2nd Homer Dill; see Mabel Dill (above)
Possehl, Raymond C. 11/11/1911 12/20/1918 s/o William & Mabel
Puffett, Bernard Wayne 08/07/1954 03/09/2002 s/o Charles & Edith
Pugh, Edna A. nee Baker 02/24/1888 02/04/1909 w/o Warren; d/o Noble & Elsie (Phelps); died as a complicaton of pregnancy
Pugh, Faye Ann nee Nueton 10/20/1914 12/01/2010 w/o Noble; d/o Claude & Edna (Hines)
Pugh, Julia Ann nee Sousley 02/25/1849 10/25/1923 w/o Luther; d/o John & Sarah (Grove)
Pugh, Luther P. 02/07/1843 10/10/1914 h/o Julia Anna; s/o Hugh; Co. B 21st IA Inf., Civil War
Pugh, Nellie M. nee Clinton 1875 06/05/1943 w/o Wayne; d/o Edwin & Caroline (Nading)
Pugh, Noble Palmer 08/26/1905 10/17/2000 h/o Faye; s/o Warren & Edna
Pugh, Wayne Pumroy 03/30/1876 01/22/1958 h/o Nellie; s/o Luther & Julia
Randall, George M. 04/11/1909 11/01/1962 Pharm. Mate 2, USNR, WWII
Randall, Myrtle E. 1900 05/23/1975 "Sister"
Reedy, Mary Frances   03/28/1960  
Resor, Betty A. nee Gessner 09/23/1935 11/16/2014 w/o Dale
Robbins, Charles Henry 06/25/1836 04/03/1924 h/o Hannah; s/o Henry & Relief (French); Co. B 21st IA Inf.
Robbins, Charlie H. 1873 1954 s/o Charles & Hannah
Robbins, Cheyenne John 01/13/1984 03/22/2007 h/o Christie Voss; s/o John P. & Vicky (Slaughter)
Robbins, Eileen 08/08/1912 03/13/1925 d/o Robert & Emma (Hines)
Robbins, Elsie A. 05/13/1879 05/12/1895 d/o Charles & Hannah
Robbins, Hannah Ann nee Galer 03/05/1848 08/28/1925 w/o Charles; d/o Michael & Elizabeth (Dennis)
Robbins, Henry   01/21/1886 81y 1m 1d; h/o Relief; Co. K, 37th IA Inf., Civil War
Robbins, Irma Luella 11/13/1916 01/28/1917 d/o Robert & Emma (Hines)
Robbins, John 01/27/1838 05/17/1916  
Robbins, John Paul 09/11/1963 09/15/1988 h/o Vicky Slaughter; committed suicide
Robbins, John W. 04/26/1882 07/12/1944 h/o Linnie; shot his wife & then hung himself
Robbins, Joseph Emery 02/28/1852 09/02/1902 1st h/o Martha A. (see Martha Debes)
Robbins, Linnie Edith nee Parsons 1889 09/24/1957 w/o John W.
Robbins, Mildred Elizabeth 04/30/1928 03/08/2011 w/o Clarence Smith (m. 1946, divorced) She died in a hospital at Manchester, IA; gravestone = ROBBINS, obit (Cedar Rapids Gazette, 3/9/2011) does not mention her marriage
Robbins, Relief nee French   03/16/1886 76y 10m 26d; w/o Henry R.
Robbins, Robert Perry 11/16/1883 10/04/1968 h/o Emma Hines; died at Northgate Nursing Home, Waukon, IA
Robbins, Seva Alvin   01/31/1889 3m 2?d; s/o Emory & M.A.
Rohrssen, Marcella 05/09/1921 03/26/1970  
Sauerbry, Karol Ann nee Hakert 08/16/1947 07/01/2021 d/o George & Esther (Fritz)
Schmidt, Bueller 11/23/1904 09/30/1906 Note: year of death may be 1908
Schmidt, Esther M.   03/07/1900 age 5d
Schmidt, Jacob Peter 07/09/1832 09/11/1909 h/o Maria L.; s/o Peter & Louise (Laube / Loube)
Schmidt, John   01/12/1879 58y; h/o Maria
Schmidt, John G. 05/18/1871 12/18/1918 died in a Cedar Rapids hospital "...body taken to Mederville for burial"
Schmidt, Katie 1867 1900 d/o J. P. & M. L.
Schmidt, Maria Louise nee Trein / Trine 11/16/1837 05/05/1905 w/o Jacob P.; Note: she is named Elizabeth on the Death certificate of her son John G.
Schuldt, infant son   12/10/1916 s/o Wm. & Reka
Schuldt, Albert W. 1903 1976 h/o Eva
Schuldt, Alma nee Gerdes 01/20/1878 02/18/1924 2nd w/o Wm.
Schuldt, Burdette William 'Buddy' 05/01/1943 08/01/1947 s/p Walter & Dorothy
Schuldt, Dorothy T. nee Nading 1922 07/28/1984 w/o Walter
Schuldt, Eva Leona nee Robbins 1911 09/15/1998 w/o Albert
Schuldt, Franz W. 'Frank' 01/18/1835 10/06/1911 h/o Marie
Schuldt, James T. 1930 1991  
Schuldt, Marie A. nee Dahling 09/23/1844 04/02/1929 w/o Franz; d/o Wm. & Anna
Schuldt, Maria nee Gerdes 09/27/1871 04/08/1903 1st w/o Wm.; died in childbirth
Schuldt, Martha nee Knospe 07/22/1890 01/23/1971  
Schuldt, Reka nee Beeh 10/06/1889 12/04/1932 w/o Wm.
Schuldt, Walter J. 1904 01/16/1993 h/o Dorothy
Schuldt, William F. 09/13/1883 10/31/1960  
Schuldt, William Henry Lewis 05/12/1867 02/11/1940 h/o 1st Maria, 2nd Alma
Scoval, Flora A. nee Bartholomew 07/01/1855 08/01/1896 w/o Norman
Scoval, Jessie V. 1871 1944 1st w/o Walter
Scovel, Norman I. 03/31/1843 07/21/1898 h/o Flora
Scoval, Walter Franklin 09/23/1879 04/08/1967 h/o 1st Jessie, 2nd Luyvenue Williams
Stahl, Anna 09/18/1866 1875 d/o Johann & Mary
Stahl, Carl C. JR 1858 10/12/1878 s/o Carl SR
Stahl, Cleava 01/19/1898 03/02/1898 d/o Fred J. & Caroline
Stahl, Heinrich 05/17/1874 03/22/1875 s/o Johann & Mary
Stahl, John 03/04/1834 02/08/1903 h/o Mary
Stahl, John C. 1860 1884  
Stahl, Louise C. 1865 1876  
Stahl, Mary nee Heiden 12/19/1844 01/29/1913 w/o John
Stahl, Otto 10/31/1882 06/02/1898 s/o John & Mary
Stannard, Orville C. 1925 06/05/1996 h/o Wilma
Stannard, Wilma Maylo nee Alderson 1925 02/23/2003 w/o Orville
Stearns, Virginia Mae nee Thurber 05/28/1914 04/11/1942 w/o Earl (m. 1941); d/o Jay & Henrietta
Sturm, Henry 11/18/1873 09/11/1906 1st h/o Hulda (see Hulda Osborne)
Sturm, Joh Georg 09/16/1830 05/06/1906  
Tayek, Grace nee Gorkow 1898 1973 1st h/Ernest Clinton, 2nd h/unkn. Tayek
Thiede, Christ 1826 1907 h/o Dorothea
Thiede, Dorothea nee Rathke 1830 1912 w/o Christ
Thompson, child   08/??/1886 child of Frank; Note: burial here as per death notice
Thurber, Flora 06/09/1909 09/29/1909  
Thurber, Florilla Sophia nee Tremain / Truman 08/31/1847 01/??/1944 2nd w/o Justin; d/o Henry & Rowena
Thurber, Frederick G. 06/08/1815 08/04/1893 h/o Zilpha
Thurber, Henrietta 1876 1919 1st w/o Jay S.
Thurber, Jay Sheridan 1874 1964 h/o Henrietta; s/o Justin & Florilla
Thurber, Jim 08/31/1896 11/14/1974  
Thurber, Justin W. 05/23/1840 12/06/1908 1st wife: Celestia Truman (divorced), 2nd Florilla; s/o Frederick G. & Zilpha; Co. D, 21st IA Inf., Civil War
Thurber, Myrtle 08/10/1886 07/12/1887  
Thurber, Zilpha L. nee Farmer   04/06/1889 75y 11m 21d; w/o Frederick
Voss, Dorothy nee Edelman 11/25/1832 03/06/1905 w/o Frederick; obit DOB=11/18/1834
Voss, Fredericke / Frederick   10/28/1897  
Voss, H. - - may be Henry, s/o Fredericke & Dorothy
Voss, John 08/01/1837 07/26/1913 h/o Louise
Voss, Louise Mary nee Pino / Pinnow 06/10/1835 03/20/1912 w/o John
Wacker, infants - - engraved "Three Infants"; in plot of Henry & Mary L.
Wacker, Anna 02/02/1797 01/16/1881  
Wacker, Anna L. nee Krieg 1893 1985 w/o Frank
Wacker, Christian 'Chris' 1872 02/??/1958 h/o Emma; s/o Henry G. & Mary
Wacker, Donald F. 08/03/1917 06/14/1931 s/o Frank & Anna; drowned in the Turkey river
Wacker, Emma nee Gaulke 05/11/1873 10/25/1957 w/o Chris; d/o John & Minnie
Wacker, Frank R. 1885 1965 h/o Anna
Wacker, Frederick August 'Pete' 09/15/1874 08/16/1912 s/o Heinrich & Lizzie; Death Cert. DOB=9/5/1874; died of TB
Wacker, Henry G. (Heinrich) 12/10/1843 02/03/1894 h/o Mary L.
Wacker, Henry William 02/11/1876 10/02/1933 h/o Kate; s/o Henry & Mary
Wacker, John William 'Jack' 06/12/1922 01/07/1940 s/o Frank & Anna; died of complications after car accident
Wacker, Kate nee Schmitz 11/03/1880 07/21/1964  
Wacker, Louis 01/21/1880 10/31/1901  
Wacker, Mary Louise 'Lizzie' nee Kiefer 03/24/1853 06/26/1933 w/o Henry G.; d/o Fred & Mary
Wait, Hattie   10/25/1874 2y; d/o James & Martha
Wait, James 06/18/1824 04/17/1889 h/o Martha; Co. I, 13th IA Inf., Civil War
Wait, Lester   10/25/1874 6y; s/o James & Martha
Wait, Martha   10/25/1874 4y; d/o James & Martha
Wait, Martha J. nee Crouch 01/04/1828 02/06/1892 w/o James
Willberg, August J. 02/15/1840 09/13/1911 h/o Dorathea; s/o Frederic & Margaret
Willberg, Dorathea nee Christopei 05/24/1848 09/04/1916 w/o August
Willberg, Frederic 03/14/1812 02/15/1889 h/o Margaret
Willberg, Margaret nee Wolter abt 1812 1877 w/o August
Wines, Mae Zella Debes nee Pugh 07/10/1891 01/05/1974 1st h/James L. Debes, 2nd h/Alvin Wines
Wright, Clarence Edward 03/24/1910 09/27/2002 1st w/ Elma I. Cousins (d. 9/25/1957), 2nd w/Opal; s/o Edward A. & Maude M. (Smith) Note: there is another gravestone for him in Pleasant Hill cemetery, Appanoose co. IA w/Elma
Wright, Opal Neoma Resor nee Ortmann 07/31/1914 10/09/2015 w/o 1st Donald Resor, 2nd Clarence; d/o Frank & Maggie (Noggle)
Zahrendt, Johann Daniel 07/01/1801 03/19/1892 h/o Wilhelmina
Zahrendt, Wilhelmina 'Helmina' nee Clapman / Klemann 1811 02/22/1874 w/o John D.


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