Meier, Ila T. Stewart – 1859-1900
Posted By: Diana Wagner
Date: 1/17/2025 at 13:04:43
Mrs. Meier’s Death
The sympathy of our community was greatly stirred to hear that on Wednesday evening, June 27th, at 6:15, Mrs. Ila T. Meier had passed away. For several months she was affected with a weak heart which, together with the burden and loss of her babe May 21st, eight days after its birth, eventuated in her death. Before and after the affliction hosts of friends were found ready to do all in their power to relieve her. The tender and devoted husband George H. Meier, spared nothing to save and ease his wife. A trip to the west was prepared for but the patient could not endure the removal. She died as she lived, -bravely, with a smile upon her face. She clung to life for the sake of others but her Christian hope robbed death of its fears. During her illness she was always patient and cheerful.
Mrs. Meier was born Sept. 15th, 1859, near Fairview, West Va., whence she removed with her parents, R. N. and Elizabeth Stewart, to Jasper county, Iowa in July 1864, where she has drawn around her by her inspiring and unselfish life a large circle of friends. August 17, 1898 she was most happily married to George H. Meier, operator at the Rock Island depot, a young man held in high regard by all. The handsome new residence, built about a year ago, she was not permitted to enjoy. Besides her husband, she leaves behind two children, Ila Leona, aged nineteen, and Robert J., aged thirteen, to whom a wealth of sympathy is extended.
Mrs. Meier was an efficient and tireless worker in the good causes of benevolence and Christianity. At the time of her death, she was president of the Woman’s Relief Corps, member of the order of Eastern Star, and for many years an honored and active member of the Presbyterian church. Her earnest and zealous labors for Christ remain as an example for others.
The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church, of Colfax, Friday afternoon, June 29th, 1900, conducted by her pastor, Rev. H. Quickenden, assisted by Rev. B. F. W. Cozier, of Prairie City, The pastor spoke from the text “Let her own works praise her in the gates,” and Rev Cozier at the grave in Oak Hill cemetery spoke tenderly his tribute to this good woman. The W.RC. And O.E.S. were present as organizations and dropped their flowers and evergreen into the open grave. The pall bearers were members of the G.A.R. All felt that it was good to know something of this brave, sympathetic cheerful, christian life.
(List of floral contributions not transcribed.)
Those present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Meier, parents of Mr. Meier of Paulina, Iowa; Mrs. Lizzie Patton, Grinnell, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pugh, Barney, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter, and Mr. Hunter’s mother, Newton, Iowa; Mr and Mrs. A. T. Fields, Mitchellville, Iowa.
Mr. Geo. H. Meier and Miss Lelia request us to mention that they wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to all the friends and neighbors for their help and kindness bestowed during their affliction, and for the many beautiful flowers furnished.
Source: The Colfax (IA) Clipper; Friday, July 6, 1900, page 3, col. 5
Jasper Obituaries maintained by Linda Ziemann.
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