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Williams – Mouw Marriage 1919


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 1/14/2025 at 14:31:45

Source: Cresco Plain Dealer June 20, 1919, P8 C1-2

Another June Wedding.

At three o’clock Wednesday afternoon, June 11, a quiet and beautiful wedding service was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mouw of Lime Springs when their third daughter Miss Mabel Mouw was united in marriage to Mr. Gordon Williams, also of Lime Springs.
The ceremony which was conducted by Rev. G. M. Shoemaker, took place in the presence of about twenty-five immediate relatives and friends of the bride and groom, who took their places under a beautiful arch of June roses most artistically arranged.
The bride who was born on the J. J. Williams farm at Bristol and has spent her life thus far in this vicinity, is well known as a most estimable young woman true as steel to all the principles of noble womanhood She was becomingly attired in a chaste and dainty gown of white organdie.
The groom who was born in York, Minn., has lived most of his life thus far on the farm near Lime Springs with the exception of last year when he was in training in the service of his country in which service his ability was noted and slated for promotion had the war continued. He is a young man of fine character, clean in life and highly respected.
After the ceremony all sat down to a bountiful wedding suppper{sic} prepared by expert hands and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
The large number of beautiful and useful gifts will speak in some degree of the estimation in which these young people are held by a large circle of friends who extend congratulations and wish for them a prosperous journey through many years of happy wedded life. After their honeymoon which will be spent with friends in Wisconsin, Mr. and Mrs. Williams will be at home on their farm two miles north of Lime Springs after July 1st.


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