Peter – Koch Marriage 1919
Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 1/6/2025 at 11:19:23
Source: Cresco Plain Dealer May 23, 1919, P3 C3-4
A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amel Koch on Wednesday evening, May 15th, 1919, when they gave their daughter, Nettie Amelia, in marriage to Ernest Peter or Cresco, Rev. Pless, of the Lutheran church of Cresco, tying the nuptial knot which made these two happy hearts beat as one. The bride was dressed in a beautiful white washable sateen and carried in her hand a bouquet of pink and white roses and sweet peas. The groom was attired in a dark blue serge suit. The wedding march was placed by Mrs. Pless of Cresco.
Only immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present. After the ceremony congratulations were offered when a journey was made to the dining room when a table decorated with a profusion of flowers and groaning under a weight of appetizing viands was awaiting them. The newly weds left the next day for St. Paul and Minneapolis by auto where they expect to visit the sights of Twin Cities for a few days. Afterwards they will come to Cresco to reside when they will be glad to meet their numerous friends and relatives who join in wishes of a long, happy life as they journey side by side.
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