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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Shellsburg Call;

Wesley Speak

Westley Speak was born in Linn county, Iowa, October 2, 1856, and died in Cedar Rapids, May 12, 1907, age 50 years, 7 months, 10 days. He was the oldest of ten children living at the time of his death, being preceded to the other world by father and one sister. He leaves his mother, five brothers and four sisters to mourn his loss. The body was brought to Shellsburg Tuesday morning and taken to the home of Albert Speak, a brother of the deceased, where at 10 o'clock the funeral services were held, Rev. S. S. Smick of Vinton, in charge. Interment in Shellsburg cemetery.

Submitted on 12-Oct-2011 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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