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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Blairstown Press; November 21, 1919
Pioneer Is Summoned
Reuben L. Sayers

Mortal Remains of Reuben L. Sayers Are Laid To Rest in Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

On Tuesday night, November 11 about 10 o'clock occurred the death of Reuben L. Sayers at his home here. After several years of suffering, death came as a merciful relief to his tortured body.

During his many years of residence in this community he had the respect of all and for those whose privilege it was to call him neighbor always found him worthy of the name. While he had lived beyond the allotted time of most men we are never ready to give up one of our loved ones and he will be sadly missed in the home.

The funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon at the home in charge of Rev. O. M. Yaggy and Rev. Burnard.

The pall bearers were John Moeller, Chas. Hevener, Maurice Bruch, D. F. Newton, John Shinn and Chas. Rieke. The remains were laid to rest in the Pleasant Hill cemetery.

Those from out of town who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sayers, Mrs. Gray, Wm. and Reull Sayers, of Marengo, Mr. and Mrs. George Sayers and son of Cedar Rapids.

Reuben L. Sayres was born in Athens county, Ohio, on December 29, 1842. He was the eldest son of Reuel and Sarah Sayres and with them knew the hardships of those pioneer days.

When 12 years of age they moved to Morrow county and from there to Williams county of the same state. Mr. Sayres came to Iowa in 1869 and settled in Leroy township, Benton county.

He married Miss Mary Carpenter while living in Williams county, O., in 1865, and to this union were born eight children, four of whom preceded him in death. Those still living are: Sadie who lives at home, Robert, of Blairstown, George of Cedar Rapids and Frank of St. Louis, Mo.

Mr. Sayers had been in poor health for the past four years, having undergone several very severe operations. Very few could have stood the operations which he passed thru so successfully. For the past months he has been bedfast, the immediate cause of his death being a paralytic storke. He was patient and cheerful during his sickness and was ever considerate of others.

He is survived by his faithful companion, Mrs. Mary Sayers, the above mentioned children, one sister, Mrs. Mary Heddinger, of Eldorado Springs Mo., and five brothers, William Sayers of Marengo, Ephraim Sayers of West Unity, O., Isaiah Sayers of Fayette, O., Tmos Sayers also of Fayette and Warren Sayers of Los Angeles, California.

Card of Thanks.

We wish to express our appreciation for the flora tributes, the kindly service rendered and sympathy shown in our recent bereavement.
Miss Sadie Sayers
Mrs. Mary Sayers
Robert, Geo and Frank Sayers

{Submitter comment: not related - newspaper extract}
Submitted on Sep 2, 2005 by
John Shuck,

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