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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Death of Mrs. Martyn
Nancy Rebecca Martyn

Death of Mrs. Martyn
Mrs. A. G. Martyn, of Shellsburg, was instantly killed and her daughter, Mrs. W.S. Bergen, seriously injured by a runaway last Thursday. The two ladies were visiting at Mediapolis, this state, and in company with their hostess, Mrs. Weir, were returning from a neighbor's In descending a steep hill the harness (this section is gone I can't read it) to run, Seeing they were unable to check the horse Mrs. Martyn sprang from the buggy calling the others to do so. The horse ran to the ravine and onto the bridge from which it fell dragging the buggy after. In the fall Mrs. Weir was thrown thirty feet and rendered unconscious. Mrs. Bergen became entangled in the wreck at the bottom of the ravine where the dying horse with neck broken, was holding her fast. Mrs. Weir on regaining consciousness went to Mrs. Bergen's assistance. When released they went to where Mrs. Martyn was lying only to find her dead with neck broken.

Rev. Martyn was at his charge at Webster City and did not recieve the news of his wife's death for a day or so after the fatal accident. He met the body at Shellsburg, their home, Saturday and burial occurred at the place sunday, at which a very large body of friends attended. Mrs. Bergen is lying ill at Mediapolis but we understand there is very strong hopes that she will soon recover. Rev A.G. Martyn is well known here at Garrison, having been the Presbyterian minister at the latter place some years ago.

Submitted on 04-Oct-2011 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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