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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Blairstown Press; April 30, 1920
Remains Are Laid To Rest
Elizabeth Lawrence

Mrs. Elizabeth Lawrence, Former Blairstown Resident, Dies At Clinton

The remains of Mrs. Elizabeth Lawrence who passed away at her daughter’s home in Clinton were brot to this place on Wednesday. The funeral was held on Thursday at 1 o’clock at the home of her nephew, Edward Leonard, Rev. O. M. Yaggy of the Evangelical church, being in charge. Interment was made in the family burying ground at Pleasant Hill cemetery where she was laid to rest beside her parents and husband.

The pall bearers were Henry Lundberg, Benton Waychoff, Charles Rieke, Sam Herl, Jude Roth and John Burch.

Those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Winget, of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Starbuck, of Tama, Mrs. Gertrude Harlan, of Des Moines, Mrs. George Mayhew, of Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Leonard, of Belle Plaine.

The following obituary was read at the services:.

Elizabeth Clark, daughter of Thos. and Sarah Clark, was born at Princeville,,111., September 24, 1847. About the time of the Civil war Thos. Clark moved to Peoria where he served as county sheriff. Later he moved to Ottawa, Ill., and after the close of the war he moved to Blairstown, Ia. Mr. Clark was a contractor and as such superintended the construction of many of the first churches, store buildings and residences in this and the neighboring towns. Thos. Clark will be remembered by many of the old settlers by his teaching of singing and because of his being very active in the church and social life of the community.

Elizabeth Clark was married at Harding, Ill., to George Lawrence a veteran of the Civil War, and after a short residence at that place they moved to Bear Grove in Guthrie co. Iowa.

They removed from Guthrie county to Tama after some time and it was there that Mr. Lawrence died. Mrs. Lawrence then went to Chicago to live. In recent years she made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Carrie Ingersol, at Woodstock, 111.

During her last illness she was with her daughter Mrs. H. Winget at Clinton, Iowa, where she received all the attention by day and night that a devoted loving daughter could bestow.

She departed this life on April 20, aged 72 years, 6 months and 26 days. The children who survive are as follows: Mrs. H. Winget, of Clinton, A. T. Lawrence, Roseburg, Oregon, J. R. Lawrence, Riddle, Oregon, Mrs. E. M. Ingersol, Woodstock, Ill. Her sisters, Mrs. Anna Leonard, cf Upton, Wyoming, Mrs. Susan Fausnaught, of Sioux City, Iowa, and Mrs. Chas. Starbuck, of Tama, Iowa, also remain to mourn her loss with a large circle ¦of relatives and friends.

She was a typical mother in all that the name implies, with heart and hands at all times alert, always thinking, planning, working for those whom the All Father entrusted to her keeping.

There are many missions delegated by the Master to the workers in his vineyard but we feel that there is none so high, so holy, so fraught with such responsibility as that of mother. She to whom is set apart the great duty of moulding the character, the lives of those yet to come, whose influence for good or ill will live on and on, down thru the ages. This little mother has been called by our Heavenly Father. Her life work has been finished and as we reverently fold her busy hands and lay her peacefully away in her last, long rest, we can't? but feel even as this silent clay lies before us her spirit hears the glad welcome, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord."

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 14-Feb-2025 by
John Shuck,

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