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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Blairstown Press; March 9, 1923
Good Woman Answers Call
Mary Jurgemeyer

Useful Life Ends at Midnight, Sunday, March 4th

Blairstown has again been called upon to mourn for one of its good mothers, in the passing of Mrs. Louis Jurgemeyer. Mrs. Jurgemeyer had been in delicate health for a number of years and but recently had been ill with the prevailing la grippe, but had apparently recovered and was about her household duties and Wednesday evening attended the service in Grace Lutheran Church. The next day she became ill but was not thought to be so serious. At midnight Sunday the death angel called her home.

Deceased was a splendid wife and mother and a consistent Christian, devoted to her church and home. She had passed through many sorrows and had seen two of her daughters pass beyond. Although she had reared six children she opened her home to her orphan grandson and reared him from the tender age of two years to manhood and at her passing he was still a member of her household.

Mary Heiden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heiden was born August 19, 1858 at Iowa City and was united in holy wedlock with Louis Jurgemeer June 26, 1874. The union was blessed with six children, two sons, Wm. H. of Garner and Lewis H. of Lakota and four daughters, Anna, now Mrs. John Dahnke, Emma, now Mrs. Henry Bobzien of Hartley, Mary, Mrs. Lewis Bozien and Alma, Mrs. Elmer Mayhew, the last two preceding their mother in death. She leaves to mourn her departure, besides her devoted husband, two sons and two daughters, eleven grand children and one great grand child, and also two sisters and three brothers.

The funeral services were held at the home at 1:30 o'clock on Wednesday at the Grace Lutheran Church. The services were in charge of Rev. Hermann, pastor of the church. Interment was made in Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

The following pall bearers were old neighbors and friends: Wm. Neibuhr, Wm. Doerzman, Wm. Schroeder, A. Vogt, Henry Ebert and J. H. Schultz.

A large concourse of sorrowing friends attended the funeral.

Among those from away who were here to attend the funeral were: all the living children, John Heiden of Watertown, South Dakota, a brother and Mrs. Neils Bach of Garner, a niece of the deceased.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 29-Oct-2019 by
John Shuck,

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