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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Blairstown Press; July 2, 1920
Mrs. Crandall Is Called
Mary Crandall

Pioneer Resident Who Came To Blairstown In The Fall of 1868 Answers Final Summons

The funeral of Mrs. Mary Crandall, who passed away at St. Lukes Hospital in Cedar Rapids was held on Sunday at two o’clock in the M. E. church. The services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. O. S. Burnard. A large concourse of old friends were present to pay their last respects to their old neighbor who while she had strength ministered to them in sickness or bereavement, always being ready with a helping hand. Beautiful selections were sang by the Misses Lydia Groff and Mabel Miner and Messrs. Wm. and Emil Kouba. The pall bearers were old neighbors and friends: Peter Back, William Hannen, John Shim, Hugh Horner, James Davis and Will Simmons. Those from a distance attending the funeral were Mrs Amy Schlue of Witten, S. D., and John L Crandall of Colome, S. D, daughter and son of deceased. Interment was made in Pleasant Hill cemetery.

Mary Elizabeth Preston was born in southwestern Missouri, October 3, 1843, and died at St Lukes Hospital, Cedar Rapids, June 17, 1920, age 76 years 7 months and 17 days.

When she was seven years of age she moved with her parents to Ohio and later to Mercer County, Ill., where she grew to womanhood.

She united with the Christian church while a young girl and remained a firm believer in its teachings and an earnest Christian until her death.

She always enjoyed the church services and took a great interest in its work, especially the Sunday School, of which she was an active member, when she was able to attend.

She was married to Wm H. Crandall, September 24th, 1867, in Mercer County, Illinois, and came to Blairstown in the fall of 1868 and settled on a farm south of town. She moved to Blairstown in 1911 where she made her home until death.

She leaves to mourn her departure her husband, Wm H Crandall, of S. D., four children, Chas. H. and F. B. Crandall of Blairstown, Mrs. Amy E. Shade of Witten, S. D , and John L. Crandall of Colome, S. D. One child, Wilma died in infancy. Also five grandchildren, Ernest M. Gleason, Christena, Nelson, Carl and Harold Crandall and two sisters. Mrs. Helen L. Brown of Truro. Iowa and Mrs. Susan E. Brown of Viola, Iowa.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 14-Feb-2025 by
John Shuck,

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