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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Blairstown Press; Dec. 12, 1919
Book Of Life Is Closed
Sarah Isabelle Clingman

Highly Respected Blairstown Woman Answers The Summons of The Grim Reaper

Sarah Isabelle Goldman was born May 23, 1835, near Chamberburg, Franklin county, Pennsylvania, where she spent her childhood days. In 1848 the family moved to Carrol county Illinois, but 3 years later returned to the old home.

She was united in marriage to Winchester Clingman and in 1859 they moved to Kansas.

After her husband died she returned to Illinois making her home near Sterling, where the met and married Augustus Dolittle. They lived on a farm near Watkins, Iowa, for about 10 years, after which they made their home in Blairstown where Mr Dolittle passed away.

Since the death of Mr. Thomas Buck in 1904 she has waged the war fare of life alone death ending her long pilgrimage December 5, 1919, at the age of 84 years.

Mrs. Buck was a respected and loved lady and will be missed by her many friends, who share the sorrow of her departure with the one brother, Benjamin Goldman, of Walker, Iowa, and one grandson, Virgil Kimm of Blairstown. The funeral services were held at the home in charge of Rev. A. J. Meierhoff. The body was laid to rest in the Watkins cemetery.

The pail bearers were B. F. Paul, Dr. J. F. Schoen, Chas. Rieke, D. I. Harden. Mrs. G. L. Edwards rendered a beautiful solo.

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Submitted on 14-Feb-2025 by
John Shuck,

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