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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Vinton Eagle; Sept. 25, 1896
Mary Call

Mrs. Mary (Abbott) Call was born September 29. 1859, died September 9, 1896. She was married to Wallace E. Call, February 4, 1880. To them were born six children, five girls and one boy, all of whom survive to mourn her death. Mrs. Call left her home a few days previous to her death to spend a few weeks with her brother-in-law's family, Dan‘1 Jacobs. While there she took inflammation of the bowels from which she never recovered. Her funeral took place from the Christian church Monday afternoon. Rev. Johnson of Urbana officiating. A large concourse of people were present. Her remains were interred in South View Cemetery. Mr. Call and children have the sympathy of the entire community in their hour of bereavement

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 14-Feb-2025 by
John Shuck,

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